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Where's my thread gone?

292 replies

CovidJabToday · 19/01/2021 10:31

I posted last night about how the vaccine centre I went to yesterday was not well ventilated, tea and coffee given in the waiting area after etc... Sharing of pens.

The thread was going ok, no rudeness or arguments on the thread, just people giving sensible comment. Some with similar experiences, some with better experiences.

Then this morning a thread pops up about 'beware the anti vaxers', dissing my thread and calling it fake.

Now my thread has gone???

Why are we only allowed to give one side of the story on Mumsnet? This is shocking. My post wasnt offensive or anything. All true. How are posters meant tom prove they r genuine?

OP posts:
goldielockdown2 · 19/01/2021 12:19

I'm glad this thread is standing because it's informative and useful. Nothing wrong in OP's message whatsoever.

CovidJabToday · 19/01/2021 12:20

Thanks all for your supportive posts.

OP posts:
MilesJuppIsMyBitch · 19/01/2021 12:20


MilesJupp - I'm so sorry if you were frightened and sorry for your difficult circumstances.

I was worried though for vulnerable people, when I experienced the vaccine centre yesterday, so I guess my assumption was that if people are vulnerable they'd rather be prepared that some centres might not be using best practice, and that they could this be prepared to take their own pen, water and wear a good quality mask. I'll share my experience with elderly mum soon, not to scare her, but to help her stay safe when she visits a centre for her vaccine soon. She's done so well to shield all this time, I'd hate for her good work to be undone by visiting an unsafe vaccine centre.

Thank you.

I can see you meant well, but for people like me this is just one more awful judgement call to make.
Hatstrategicallydipped · 19/01/2021 12:22

I disagree with the moderation decision that the thread was scaremongering or fake news. It might have been a dramatic title, but that's neither here nor there. People need to shed light on poor practice and not just blindly follow the herd because 'Hush!, we don't dare criticise the NHS/vaccines'. Thread should be reinstated.

I can tell you a pretty real and current experience of an NHS hospital at the moment and the absolute absence of any COVID prevention measures (no soap in any patient toilets), no hand-gels (except in staff office), no social distancing, toilet cleaning only once per day (and arguably not even that frequently), shoddy cleaning in dining area - tables half-heartedly wiped down after meals. It was unbelievable quite frankly. A heck of a lot more could be said about said hospital with regards to their treatment of patients in general, but from experience, I know that we're never allowed to criticise the NHS on here so I'll keep it to myself.

wildraisins · 19/01/2021 12:26

It might be because they don't want anything on here that will be off-putting to people considering not having the vaccine.

I think it's actually very responsible of mumsnet to carefully monitor these threads and take down any rumours, true or not, which are likely to put people off. We need as many people to have this vaccine as possible.

museumum · 19/01/2021 12:27

Our blood donation centre has single use pens sanitised between users and offer a disposable cup of cold diluting juice instead of mug of tea/coffee. You also now sit in your donating chair for your juice which is brought to you so you stay socially distanced.
I would imagine if these precautions are used for healthy blood donors they should also be used for vulnerable vaccine receivers.

2bazookas · 19/01/2021 12:27

FYI it is not unknown on social media, for trolls posing as UK medical staff, to promote a negative smear agenda about vaccine safety and UK health services. Their intention is to spread lies and misinformation about social health care from the NHS.


truthisalie · 19/01/2021 12:28

OP, I believe you. We get brainwashed and gaslighted.

thecustomerisalwaysright · 19/01/2021 12:28


Our blood donation centre has single use pens sanitised between users and offer a disposable cup of cold diluting juice instead of mug of tea/coffee. You also now sit in your donating chair for your juice which is brought to you so you stay socially distanced.
I would imagine if these precautions are used for healthy blood donors they should also be used for vulnerable vaccine receivers.

agree sounds safer
InterfectoremVulpes · 19/01/2021 12:28


There was a discussion on one of the stats threads the other day about refreshments being offered after vaccinations.

The thought was that if these centres are being manned by volunteers, etc. then they are probably just following similar processes to what they do when they man other things - offer everyone a cup of tea and a biscuit

Are you suggesting covid jab volunteers have not been trained in the required standards of public safety ? Shame on you


No, im quite clearly relaying a discussion had on another thread a few days ago about refreshments being served by volunteers after people have had their vaccinations.

2bazookas · 19/01/2021 12:29


It might be because they don't want anything on here that will be off-putting to people considering not having the vaccine.

I think it's actually very responsible of mumsnet to carefully monitor these threads and take down any rumours, true or not, which are likely to put people off. We need as many people to have this vaccine as possible.

I agree.

Thankyou to MN moderators.
MarshaBradyo · 19/01/2021 12:29

The title wasn’t correct as doesn’t apply to all, but vaccination centres should take care to reduce risk

Hopefully anyone who thinks it can improve will look into it

thecustomerisalwaysright · 19/01/2021 12:32

I am extremely pro-vaccine.

But I have made too many sacrifices this year to keep myself and my family safe to have that undermined in any way by having my vaccination in an unventilated indoor space. I just want my vaccine and I'd rather it was as safe as possible, preferably drive-through or in an outdoor space, e.g. open-sided marque. That is my opinion and it is the opposite of antvax.

truthisalie · 19/01/2021 12:32

Individually wrapped biscuits don't protect you from contamination. You need to open them, take a biscuit etc.

Doublefaced · 19/01/2021 12:33

What kind of healthcare worker are you OP? Are you registered with a professional body?

truthisalie · 19/01/2021 12:35

So if someone creates a thread to discuss deaths after having a vaccine then the thread would be deleted as well? Can't we not discuss anything these days?

Gwenhwyfar · 19/01/2021 12:36

"If it was an issue then you should be dealing with the centre itself, not spreading stuff like this on social media."

And what if the centre ignores her?
What if she wants to know if other centres are the same?
If it's true, you shouldn't be trying to silence her.

RhubarbTea · 19/01/2021 12:36


So now *@mumsnet* get to decide what is fake news? Absolute bullshit. What a disgrace.

This. Wow! Really concerning. Are we in 1939 Germany, Mumsnet?
thecustomerisalwaysright · 19/01/2021 12:36


So if someone creates a thread to discuss deaths after having a vaccine then the thread would be deleted as well? Can't we not discuss anything these days?

A more alarmist thread about Norway investigating the vaccine and deaths was allowed to remain open.
MilesJuppIsMyBitch · 19/01/2021 12:36


I am extremely pro-vaccine.

But I have made too many sacrifices this year to keep myself and my family safe to have that undermined in any way by having my vaccination in an unventilated indoor space. I just want my vaccine and I'd rather it was as safe as possible, preferably drive-through or in an outdoor space, e.g. open-sided marque. That is my opinion and it is the opposite of antvax.

I feel exactly the same. All that heartache and sacrifice, just to fall at the last hurdle? Just no.
truthisalie · 19/01/2021 12:38

A more alarmist thread about Norway investigating the vaccine and deaths was allowed to remain open

Good as we should be able to read different opinions not only one sided.

GwendolineMarysLaces · 19/01/2021 12:43


So if someone creates a thread to discuss deaths after having a vaccine then the thread would be deleted as well? Can't we not discuss anything these days?

That sort of thing often rapidly descends into 'fake news' though because laypeople who think that they are 'doing their research' are doing nothing of the kind.

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scotlandg · 19/01/2021 12:45

I'm been shielding the whole time and for mine we did have to wait in a narrow corridor. I did feel afraid. Who can I raise this best with? Aside from that the rest was very good.

Gwenhwyfar · 19/01/2021 12:45

"Just because something is run by medical staff doesn't necessarily mean it's that covid secure (if there is indeed such a thing outside intensive care units)."

In Belgium nurses with proven Covid were working in the test centres. If they didn't have symptoms they were told to come to work.

GwendolineMarysLaces · 19/01/2021 12:47


They deleted an older gentleman’s recounting of his experience last week too. It was written in an interesting style but the gist was the same, not enough care is being taken to protect people from infection at the vaccination centres.

It’s a local problem. It’s clear that some places are putting more effort into social distancing than others.

What, the one who claimed that someone tried to kick him in the bollocks? Yeah, that was really plausible Hmm
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