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Where's my thread gone?

292 replies

CovidJabToday · 19/01/2021 10:31

I posted last night about how the vaccine centre I went to yesterday was not well ventilated, tea and coffee given in the waiting area after etc... Sharing of pens.

The thread was going ok, no rudeness or arguments on the thread, just people giving sensible comment. Some with similar experiences, some with better experiences.

Then this morning a thread pops up about 'beware the anti vaxers', dissing my thread and calling it fake.

Now my thread has gone???

Why are we only allowed to give one side of the story on Mumsnet? This is shocking. My post wasnt offensive or anything. All true. How are posters meant tom prove they r genuine?

OP posts:
HopeMumsnet · 19/01/2021 11:07

Hi there,
Just to clarify our thinking on that thread. It was reported several times by posters who pointed out that the title was scaremongering and inflammatory (and when we looked, we did agree that it was) and as such was unlikely to have been posted by anyone who worked in the NHS. So it had to go.
The 'Fake News' referred to the subject line, which was "Vaccine Centres Are Hot Houses To Spread Covid" (which of course they are not) rather than the version of events as set out in the opening post.
We are, it goes without saying, sorry if we made the wrong call but unfortunately we can't give the benefit of the doubt to recent members in the way that we might if we can see a longer posting history.
We hope you understand where we are coming from now.

CovidJabToday · 19/01/2021 11:09

Private Hall - I'm not sure it's unprofessional. It's an anonymous forum. A discussion forum. Surely the coronavirus topic area on Mumsnet is exactly the right kind of place for discussions like this?

OP posts:
PrivateHall · 19/01/2021 11:10


I have been worried by the images of vaccination centres on the BBC news, too many people in one space. Very vulnerable people too. Protection is only partial from the first dose and takes three weeks or more from that first dose to establish, so risking Covid spread by having elderly people in a room together seems insane. Why are they not having people wait in their cars and come in one at a time, into a space with windows open, masks worn at all times etc ?
Tea making facilities are incredibly stupid.

Time is of the essence here. Having everyone wait in a car then call them to come in would seriously reduce the numbers of vaccinations that could be given daily. We are vaccinating 600 people a day at the site I have done shifts in, this could not be achieved with your method. The quickest way to vaccinate people is using a conveyor belt method. This can be done safely though, I described our set up on the deleted thread. It is excellent and we have heard nothing but positive comments about the centre.

We definitely don't offer refreshments though!
CovidJabToday · 19/01/2021 11:10

Thanks for your post Mumsnet. Sorry if the title was not appropriate.

OP posts:
YetAnotherSpartacus · 19/01/2021 11:10

I thought it was an informative thread OP.

PrivateHall · 19/01/2021 11:11


Private Hall - I'm not sure it's unprofessional. It's an anonymous forum. A discussion forum. Surely the coronavirus topic area on Mumsnet is exactly the right kind of place for discussions like this?

Of course it is unprofessional. This is not how anyone with any sense goes about 'whistle blowing'. I am tempted to side with MN here, you do not come across as being an NHS employee at all.
Sparklingbrook · 19/01/2021 11:11

I think MNHQ have explained the problem. Sounds fair enough to me. Maybe a different wording would have meant it could stay.

Seeline · 19/01/2021 11:11

I am sorry it was deleted.

Whether it was true or not (and I personally didn't doubt it), it raise a few issues that I found very useful and will be remembering when I take my 83 year old Mum for her first jab in 3 weeks time.
-take own pen
-make sure I have hand gel and use it regularly
-take a bottle of water and a snack in case she needs it.

I have to say my MIL had hers yesterday - she said she was in and out so fast she couldn't believe it. The doctor wouldn't even let her stay for 15 minutes after - there was nowhere to wait for that!

TrickyD · 19/01/2021 11:12


It was Bedford hospital. I am being honest. There was a bowl.of tea bags in the room you had to wait in after the vaccination, and you could help yourself and make tea from the hot urn thing.

If other posters went there yesterday, perhaps you could back me up?

You lucky so and so., I live in Bedford, am 76, underlying conditions Diabetes2, High Blood pressure Asthma and a Pacemaker and I STILL have not been offered the vaccine. Or tea.
If I ever get there I will back you up.
YetAnotherSpartacus · 19/01/2021 11:12

Titles have been changed before (instead of full-scale deletions).

PrivateHall · 19/01/2021 11:13


It’s important people have a choice. For me sitting in a space having tea and biscuits with no masks just doesn’t feel safe to me same as Costa wasn’t either. If you have low BP and really need it then maybe the medical need outweighs the risks for you. I’d rather choose a centre that didn’t make
Me sit next to someone with mask off after a year in isolation. Maybe I’m being to careful but that’s my choice.

Did you ask if there was somewhere else you could sit? I am absolutely certain staff would have accommodated you if you had asked. If the trust has a social media account, you might be able to message them that way to feedback your experience, I find that is a good way to contact them.
CovidJabToday · 19/01/2021 11:14

Private hall, I wasn't using Mumsnet to whistle blow. Did you read the thread? Anyway, apologies if you feel I was unprofessional. I was just sharing my experience of the vaccination centre I went to.

Thanks to everyone who engaged in useful discussion on the original thread. It was interesting to hear others had had similar experiences, and encouraging to hear some people had had better experiences.

OP posts:
Timeontimeoff · 19/01/2021 11:14

Has anyone actually contacted Bedord hospital then or have you @CovidJabToday to raise concerns about the non safe conditions for giving the vaccine to frail and elderly?

That would be the best thing if they are not social distancing or contributing to the spread of covid in the way they are doing things.....

JM10 · 19/01/2021 11:15

I commented on your last post saying the centres I had been to were very different to that, but I did believe your experience. I don't know why Mumsnet would shut this down as fake news without proof of it.

I also didn't think it was antivax.

One of the two centres a have been to serves refreshments after, one doesn't.

Timeontimeoff · 19/01/2021 11:15

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Message deleted by MNHQ. Here's a link to our Talk Guidelines.

rowlandsden · 19/01/2021 11:15

I don't get it either. I seem to notice more and more threads being taken down when there were no insults, threats or falseness to it. Are people not allowed to have opinions anymore or observations that doesn't fit with yours?

PrivateHall · 19/01/2021 11:16


Private hall, I wasn't using Mumsnet to whistle blow. Did you read the thread? Anyway, apologies if you feel I was unprofessional. I was just sharing my experience of the vaccination centre I went to.

Thanks to everyone who engaged in useful discussion on the original thread. It was interesting to hear others had had similar experiences, and encouraging to hear some people had had better experiences.

Of course, and as I have already said on this thread, I wrote a lengthy reply on the other thread detailing how the vaccination centre in my trust operates.
Timeontimeoff · 19/01/2021 11:16

I think the title of the previous thread was a major problem - suggesting that vaccine centres were contributing to covid spread..... the ones operating elsewhere appear to be following very strict guidelines - if Bedford hospital isn't doing that they someone needs to raise with them directly

Mrgrinch · 19/01/2021 11:18

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Message deleted by MNHQ for repeating deleted message. Here's a link to our Talk Guidelines.

namechange34 · 19/01/2021 11:19

SW London - cakes and tea being given out after the vaccine here. So I don't believe that to be fake.

Eaumyword · 19/01/2021 11:19

I found the thread useful in that I could remind my parents when they are called, to bring their own pen and not drop their guard with masks off and refreshments - easy to do with the euphoria and relief of getting the jab.
I can see how it would be a well meant, kindly gesture, but obviously inappropriate in this vaccination circumstance.
My understanding is even if you have had the vaccine, you may still be able to contract/transmit it, hence measures still needed to protect yourself and others.

Viviennemary · 19/01/2021 11:20

I agree that it isn't anti Vax to complain about refreshments being served. I am very pro the Covid vaccine but it does seem contrary to advice to let people hang about drinking tea.


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GabsAlot · 19/01/2021 11:20

my df who really wants the vaccine now says he wont go to a mass vac centre or anything with loads of people in it as its too dangerous

i do get it but worried hes going to defer it now-you are right though op it should be looked at everyone touching the tea stuff etc

MilesJuppIsMyBitch · 19/01/2021 11:21

When I read your last thread title my stomach lurched.

I'm ECV, my whole family are shielding with me, & reading your first post made me frightened.

For that reason alone, I'm glad MNHQ deleted your post. It was click-bait-y & thoughtless, at best.

thecustomerisalwaysright · 19/01/2021 11:24

I think the OP is right to question the giving of tea and biscuits, which now seems to be taking place at multiple places.

We are not currently allowed to have tea and biscuits with someone outside our household, so why would this be allowed at a vaccination centre. Plus if you have had your vaccination, you should be going home as soon as allowed, not lingering with a beverage.

My opinion is we need drive-through vaccination sites and sites with open-sided marquees, especially now we are moving onto younger people with more mobility and more likely not to have been shielding and self-isolating since last March and more likely to have been at work etc. The risk of contracting Covid while getting vaccinated will therefore increase and needs to be mitigated with better ventilation (preferably open-air) or in your own car where possible.

As vaccinations move from Pfizer to AZ Oxford increasingly, the risk of anaphylaxis decreases dramatically to the extent that the GP hub in my town is not even making the over-80s remain for the 10 mins of observation any more.

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