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Where's my thread gone?

292 replies

CovidJabToday · 19/01/2021 10:31

I posted last night about how the vaccine centre I went to yesterday was not well ventilated, tea and coffee given in the waiting area after etc... Sharing of pens.

The thread was going ok, no rudeness or arguments on the thread, just people giving sensible comment. Some with similar experiences, some with better experiences.

Then this morning a thread pops up about 'beware the anti vaxers', dissing my thread and calling it fake.

Now my thread has gone???

Why are we only allowed to give one side of the story on Mumsnet? This is shocking. My post wasnt offensive or anything. All true. How are posters meant tom prove they r genuine?

OP posts:
TrickyD · 25/01/2021 11:25

I disagree with those accusing the OP of lying about working for the NHS.

As I mentioned upthread. Like the OP I live in Bedford.

On Friday I had to ring the hospital on an unrelated matter, but nevertheless got put through to the vaccination centre. Had a jovial chat about the wrong extension, but asked if there was any chance of my being put on their list (76 with lots of underlying conditions) as I could come at very short notice.

Nice receptionist went off to check, and came back saying ‘No, sorry we are only treating NHS staff’.

NewspaperTaxis · 23/01/2021 16:31

It's quite funny because some trolls can actually be pointing out something quite true... the two aren't mutually exclusive.

On a James Bond forum someone posted that in Casino Royale it's crazy that Bond is leaning over a drowned person grieving when a massive Venetian building has collapsed into the water and there's no press or police or ambulances around... quite true but it was posted in such a way to get things going... sort of posts, shoots and leaves... It's like a well-timed heckle in a stand-up routine.

InterfectoremVulpes · 23/01/2021 12:41


The thought was that if these centres are being manned by volunteers, etc. then they are probably just following similar processes to what they do when they man other things - offer everyone a cup of tea and a biscuit

*@InterfectoremVulpes* you do realise that the volunteers are (as you state) manning the centres - they don’t actually draw up the protocols for running them? So it’s not like the volunteers have just decided to serve refreshments off their own bat.

Half the problem with this site is the number of posters who are so eager to jump in with there smart arse retorts that they don't even bother to read what has actually been said. Either that or they prefer to deliberately distort and misinterpret just so they can jump in with a smart arse comment.
time4anothername · 23/01/2021 12:25


Few people in the ranks in the NHS have power to change anything, they take great risks if they do speak out

I hardly think suggesting they don’t serve hot drinks at vaccination centres is such heavy duty whistleblowing that it’s going to lose OP their career Hmm

And I think an inflammatory title from a first time poster is worth investigating, but the deletion message was not helpful.

well then honestly you have no idea. In many areas of the public sector you get labelled as a trouble maker if you challenge top management on anything. Not instantly career ending necessarily in such a case but very possibly card marked.

Anyway, good news is that having seen a few more centres on the news in the past couple of days, I've seen some much better conditions
MrsFezziwig · 21/01/2021 12:13

Few people in the ranks in the NHS have power to change anything, they take great risks if they do speak out

I hardly think suggesting they don’t serve hot drinks at vaccination centres is such heavy duty whistleblowing that it’s going to lose OP their career Hmm

And I think an inflammatory title from a first time poster is worth investigating, but the deletion message was not helpful.

OhYouBadBadKitten · 21/01/2021 11:43

Thank you @mnhq for erring on the side of caution with this.

HelloMissus · 21/01/2021 11:19

time I don’t think poster tried any other avenue.
She was apparently too poorly after her injection to try other measures Hmm.

Not to poorly to join MN tho.

time4anothername · 21/01/2021 11:09


Responsible NHS worker sees something that concerns them. What do they do?

Why quickly join Mumsnet and post about it of course.

actually they may not have much else they can do. Few people in the ranks in the NHS have power to change anything, they take great risks if they do speak out. Someone who is motivated by helping others may realise the best they can do is warn everyone to go masked up, sanitizer etc and not accept tea/coffee offers.

Do not be blind about the fact that speaking out in the NHS leads to the messenger being shot more often than a positive change taking place
HelloMissus · 21/01/2021 11:04

Truely same as the poor souls in ICU with Covid who quickly join Facebook, take a sad selfie and start posting very articulately about how they ran a marathon last week.

Truelymadlydeeplysomeonesmum · 21/01/2021 11:00


Responsible NHS worker sees something that concerns them. What do they do?

Why quickly join Mumsnet and post about it of course.

HelloMissus · 21/01/2021 10:53

Responsible NHS worker sees something that concerns them. What do they do?

Why quickly join Mumsnet and post about it of course.

MilesJuppIsMyBitch · 21/01/2021 10:20


The post title made me very wary. I can't believe someone who works for the NHS would put such an irresponsible, alarmist title.

Pimlicojo · 21/01/2021 09:15

The post title made me very wary. I can't believe someone who works for the NHS would put such an irresponsible, alarmist title.

BIWI · 21/01/2021 09:03


The fact that Mumsnet is censoring - makes me come here less and less these days.

They've deleted all sorts recently - with no other purpose than to close down debate that fails to meet their agenda.

I read your post OP. It was very interesting. Harmless. Provoked thought and conversation. I have no idea why MNHQ would have deleted it. Other than that perhaps they have been paid by the government to do so.

It certainly wasn't a harmless post, and that's exactly the point.

And it's risible beyond belief that you think anyone would be being paid by the government to delete posts that have a potentially harmful outcome

I'm glad you're coming here less and less. Maybe there are others sites where you can peddle your conspiracy theories?
BIWI · 21/01/2021 09:01


A lot of censorship going on these days. Pretty soon we won’t be able to voice any opinion that doesn’t fit with the mainstream narrative.

Oh please! Don't be ridiculous.

How come it's censorship when we're all here on a thread discussing it?!

If you want to peddle nonsense that 'doesn't fit the mainstream narrative' go and find a conspiracy theorists site to post on.
BIWI · 21/01/2021 09:00

this country is one of the leading countries in the world with the highest vaccine rates and lowest amount of cases and deaths!

We might be leading in terms of the numbers of vaccines, but we certainly do not have the lowest number of cases or deaths!

see here

Userzzz · 21/01/2021 02:42

A lot of censorship going on these days. Pretty soon we won’t be able to voice any opinion that doesn’t fit with the mainstream narrative.

donewithitalltodayandxmas · 21/01/2021 02:38

Surely regarding pen you sanitise before using and after ?thats what I have been doing when we needed to sign into places.
I have sanitiser and wipes in my bag at all times now and have for ages.
Tea/ coffee the taking of off masks to drink is concerning , if inside.
But if you take your own water you will have to remove mask to drink as well

Truelymadlydeeplysomeonesmum · 21/01/2021 02:36

The above is a post from mumsnet

Truelymadlydeeplysomeonesmum · 21/01/2021 02:35


Hi there,
Just to clarify our thinking on that thread. It was reported several times by posters who pointed out that the title was scaremongering and inflammatory (and when we looked, we did agree that it was) and as such was unlikely to have been posted by anyone who worked in the NHS. So it had to go.
The 'Fake News' referred to the subject line, which was "Vaccine Centres Are Hot Houses To Spread Covid" (which of course they are not) rather than the version of events as set out in the opening post.
We are, it goes without saying, sorry if we made the wrong call but unfortunately we can't give the benefit of the doubt to recent members in the way that we might if we can see a longer posting history.
We hope you understand where we are coming from now.

SpaghettiSpoons · 21/01/2021 01:57


*Shutting down opinion unless it’s genuine fake news is dangerous it just adds fuel to the fire.

There’s no rational debate on MN anymore if your thoughts/ideas/options don’t fit with the majority it often ends up in bullying.*

Yes, I'm really shocked (and a bit annoyed) that Mumsnet took my post down. It feels like we are only allowed to post positive experiences. But I didn't have a positive experience so it would be 'fake' and not genuine to say I did.

I agree with this 100%

There was another thread recently about wearing masks in the shops (one of many, I know!!). I wasn't rude or argumentative, simply stated the rules and facts of the country we live in and how our government are dealing with it. Jesus, I got laid into something chronic on here, people complained and MN deleted the post. It was pathetic!

Ironically though, this country is one of the leading countries in the world with the highest vaccine rates and lowest amount of cases and deaths!

So whether these keyboard warriors, MN or even the government like it or not, instead of bitching and whining, perhaps they should watch and learn instead.

I just reminded myself that this forum is nothing more than light entertainment, something I dip into whenever I'm bored or can't sleep, like right now!
MrsFezziwig · 21/01/2021 01:27

Does anyone know if those being vaccinated at a GPS still have to wait for 15/20 minutes afterwards in case of a reaction?

The article linked upthread I think says that a shorter waiting time of 2 minutes may be long enough (can’t remember if that’s just for the Oxford vaccine though). If that’s the case then I’m sure centres will be streamlining their procedures soon as obviously their aim will be to increase turnover as much as possible, and presumably if they could reduce the time spent inside that would in turn reduce the risk of transmission.

I think they would be better just keeping refreshments available in case of need rather than handing them out to all and sundry.


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OakSun · 21/01/2021 01:17

I don’t get why the post was deleted as fake news. It is a concern. This virus is airborne. Hangs around in the air for 3 hours. That’s a lot of people’s breath to walk through.
Disclaimer I absolutely believe in covid, it’s dangers and will be getting my vaccination when called. I just won’t sit in a waiting room with no open windows with other people not 2m apart. And won’t be drinking the coffee!

MrsFezziwig · 21/01/2021 01:12

The thought was that if these centres are being manned by volunteers, etc. then they are probably just following similar processes to what they do when they man other things - offer everyone a cup of tea and a biscuit

@InterfectoremVulpes you do realise that the volunteers are (as you state) manning the centres - they don’t actually draw up the protocols for running them? So it’s not like the volunteers have just decided to serve refreshments off their own bat.

Truelymadlydeeplysomeonesmum · 21/01/2021 00:41


The fact that Mumsnet is censoring - makes me come here less and less these days.

They've deleted all sorts recently - with no other purpose than to close down debate that fails to meet their agenda.

I read your post OP. It was very interesting. Harmless. Provoked thought and conversation. I have no idea why MNHQ would have deleted it. Other than that perhaps they have been paid by the government to do so.

That is right the government are actually paying everyone that disagrees with you too.

Personally my pay from them is rubbish but I do get to holiday where Elvis is now living.
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