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Why can't people understand.

230 replies

Bailey0703 · 29/10/2020 22:34

It's NOT about Covid per se . It's about space !!!

If YOUR hospital has 30 critical care beds ... and YOUR granny /mother /child has ANY emergency that requires THAT bed / doctor ... but can't get in it because some stupid fucker thought THEIR need for going out to meet their mates was more important.. how WOULD YOU FEEL ??

Put yourselves in THAT position. What is YOUR priority ?

Money ?
Income ?
Job ?
Social life ?

Don't know about you lot but I would rather be on the street destitute , if any of MY children's lives were on the line Money doesn't come in to it...

I can say that as someone with no savings and £2.20 in the bank atm ..(renting) .. so no secret slush fund to fall back on ...

OP posts:
Jericoo · 30/10/2020 20:57

Anyone above 60, probably?

SheepandCow · 30/10/2020 21:15

I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. I do so hope she gets through and makes a good recovery. Wishing your BIL well too. I hope he's able to access helpful treatment once the NHS Long Covid research and treatment clinics are fully operational.

The scientific expert advising the Scottish government explains things very well. Good on Nicola for listening.

Prof. Devi Sridhar
Such false logic: uncontrolled spread doesn’t mean ‘just some people die.’ It means health services collapsing bc of high COVID hospitalisation rate (so all patients suffer), lasting economic damage from people being scared & changing behaviour, & society going backwards.

And, she retweeted this from a sensible tweeter:

Deepti Gurdasani
People aren't 'prioritising COVID' over other diseases. Health services are overwhelmed with COVID-19 & unable to provide routine care. The only way to prevent this is to control COVID.

SheepandCow · 30/10/2020 21:17

Scientific expert, Prof Sridhar, posted this yesterday.

On a panel with several CEOs yesterday and their message was clear -> it's the virus impacting consumer behaviour & their businesses, not just restrictions. Already clear that controlling the virus with a clear strategy is best route to economic recovery.


Two approaches: either keeping borders largely open like the UK, but adopting harsh domestic restrictions to try to combat community transmission; or having very tight border controls, like Taiwan and New Zealand, but few restrictions on everyday life.

Inkpaperstars · 30/10/2020 21:21

Yes, it's the inflammation in the blood vessels that has really surprised some doctors with this virus. I heard one yesterday saying that the vasculitis that characterizes it is more like a lupus type illness than a respiratory/flu one.

Haenow · 31/10/2020 12:51

I’m sorry to hear about your mum and hope she makes a steady recovery. It’s hard when we see our parents get older. They may be otherwise healthy but the sad fact is, this virus - and other illnesses - are harder on older people. A 70 year old healthy person is much more vulnerable than a 35 year old healthy person.
I am extremely clinically vulnerable but recognise the risks to the economy if we lock down hard again. Unfortunately, it isn’t as simple as some people make out.

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