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I licked Trev's clipboard and I liked it

413 replies

PrincessConsueIaBananaHammock · 26/06/2020 14:56

Thread number who knows , because I've lost count. We're adapting to normal 1.0 and lost our status as murderers. The grass is not off limits anymore and we can eat a bag of crisps outside with being accused of "premeditated picnics". Not a pan or pot in sight.

Oh well, there's still the second wave.Grin

OP posts:
ComeOnBabyPopMyBubble · 29/06/2020 16:46

Oh Picadilly that's so shit. Last thing you need on top of hormones,worry and the actual pregnancy too. Hopefully you manage to get in touch with someone that is reasonable enough to realise that a phone conversation is perfectly safe and be able to sort it out.

Lots of chocolate sent your way. 🍫

GnomeDePlume · 30/06/2020 06:41

That is rubbish Picadilly. I hope you can get some support soon.

This morning's entertainment is going to be trying to help DD to find an emergency dentist. One of her wisdom teeth has decided that now is the time to emerge at a stupid angle. Fortunately because of various family maladies we have some serious pain relief to give her.

110APiccadilly · 30/06/2020 11:18

Thanks Gnome and Come On.

Hope you can find a dentist for your DD, Gnome. I still can't believe dentistry of all things is still hard to access. We'll be going back to having all your teeth out as a 21st birthday present if it carries on much longer! (Showing off knowledge I acquired on a visit to Beamish there. Oh, I miss normal life, a reckless group of three families visiting an attraction with no social distancing in sight.)

DarkHelmet · 30/06/2020 13:40

Gnome your poor DD, my DS has had some real issues with his wisdom tooth erupting during lockdown and no access to the dentist. His jaw has seized up now so he's on pretty hefty painkillers from the GP.

ComeOnBabyPopMyBubble · 30/06/2020 19:26

Oh no Gnome tooth ache sucks, but wisdom tooth is the worst. At least you have painkillers. Hopefully it'll get sorted soon.

Found out about next year and I'm quite happy and excited.

tootiredtothinkofanewname · 30/06/2020 22:07

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

110APiccadilly · 01/07/2020 05:28

I'm so sorry Tootired. That's just an evil, evil thing for him to have done. Times like this I wish we had the American alimony system so he'd have to keep paying for the house or go to prison (I may have misunderstood the American system, but I'd be quite happy with the one I'm describing.)

GnomeDePlume · 01/07/2020 06:02

That is awful Tootired and I can understand the new name. It sounds exhausting. So much done to try to make things work and it's all for nothing.

Thanks all for the kind words re DD.

DD wasnt able to see a dentist but mine asked her to photograph inside her mouth (job for DF) and phoned back with recommended action. If the infection doesnt abate then will prescribe ABs. Where there's a will there's a way!

DD & DF back to uni town this weekend where she can get sorted with a local dentist.

110APiccadilly I think you are right about us ending back with false teeth from age 21. TBH the real things do seem to be more trouble than they are worth. DH and I spent a merry evening coming up with Dragon's Den ideas for false teeth for different occasions:

Soup Teeth with a spout
Party Teeth which glow and sparkle
Steak Teeth with serated edges
Rubber teeth for 'special' occasions
Spinach eating teeth with no gaps

There's money in them there dentures!

Going over to see DM tonight as we cant make it on her birthday at the weekend. I have checked that this is okay and wont inconvenience DB .

ComeOnBabyPopMyBubble · 01/07/2020 06:54

tootired I'm so sorry , that is awful. Do you have support where you are? That is a lot of shit to handle on your own . We're here for you.Thanks Hugs

DarkHelmet · 01/07/2020 10:44

Tootired that's awful, I'm so sorry! We're all here if you feel the need to get things off your chest. What a bloody horrible situation 😕

Willow2017 · 01/07/2020 13:22

Thats bloody awful. So sorry he has been such a bastard. What the hell did he think would happen doing that shit?
Rant on here and take every bit of help you can in RL.

Pinkginhelps · 02/07/2020 09:32

Hello all you rebels. It's good to see everyone is still here and being supportive and slightly murderous. I finished Jury service which was draining and I'm now looking forward to going out out for the first time on Saturday! I'm so excited......I'm very sorry about your sorry excuse for a husband Tootired. No words......

DarkHelmet · 02/07/2020 11:30

Hi all! I'm in good spirits today because my lovely DS is here. He's currently playing call of duty with his little sister while we matter like a couple of old biddies and drink copious amounts of coffee. It's bloody brilliant!

Exh has been causing some right problems. The sooner I can move us far enough away that dropping in unannounced will be a thing of the past, the better!!

DarkHelmet · 02/07/2020 11:47

*natter, obviously 🙄

ComeOnBabyPopMyBubble · 02/07/2020 15:37

@DarkHelmet how long until that is possible?

Do you have to open the door to him?

DarkHelmet · 02/07/2020 17:54

I'm still getting my ducks in a row, viewing houses/travel is still messed up by Covid so it might be a couple more months. As soon as restrictions lift to a better level though we can get going.

I'd like us to be at least a half hour drive away from him, that way he can't just 'pop in'. Which is how he's done most of his 'parenting' since we separated. When I left he moved into a house 5 minutes up the road so he has to drive past mine on his way home. Initially I thought it was nice that he wanted to be so local for DC, but over time it's become far more insidious.

He was at my door late last night saying his relationship with the new gf is over and it's all my fault. Err.. I have as little contact with him as possible, blocked him on everything but email to which I respond briefly and neutrally. So how, HOW is he managing to convince himself (and god knows how many others) that this is my fault?? I didn't open the door to him, just said go away or I'll have you removed.

Seriously The sooner I can move out of the area, the better.

I have had a lovely day with DS here though, so good to feel normal! He's raring to get back to work but because his business is classed as being in the beauty sector we don't know when that will be.

GnomeDePlume · 02/07/2020 21:40

There is a feel of change in the air. Even here!

DD2 & her DF are leaving us tomorrow to head back to uni town.

DD1's house purchase is moving a step forward. She may be moving out in the middle of August.

ComeOnBabyPopMyBubble · 03/07/2020 20:17

Ignorant people like you are the reason we may be stuck with wave after wave of this virus until we find a vaccine

If there's a second wave, you know who to blame.GrinBlush

GnomeDePlume · 03/07/2020 20:24

I get the feeling some people want us locked up until doomsday

Operation Empty Nest has started. Youngest DD has now left with DF for uni town. Is this 'unbubbling'? Or have we popped the bubble?

ComeOnBabyPopMyBubble · 03/07/2020 20:36

No idea Gnome ,but you're definitely popping ,breathing and bubbling everywhere. Oh the horror!!

110APiccadilly · 03/07/2020 23:06

Some people are just scared witless. (I don't include the shielding in this.) The government I think under estimated the effectiveness of their own messaging.

Hope all goes well with emptying the nest!

ComeOnBabyPopMyBubble · 03/07/2020 23:17

How does it feel with having less people in the house Gnome?


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GnomeDePlume · 04/07/2020 09:56

It feels less busy. DDog cried when they left and looked miserable for a while but seems better now.

We are on our way to uni town today with a car full of DD's stuff. Meeting DDs future in-laws. So many bubbles it's practically a froth!

GnomeDePlume · 05/07/2020 09:49

Met DD's future in-laws yesterday. All went fine.

On the way back we stopped at an M&S food hall. I'm used to Asda, it all seemed far too civilised. SD down to 1m so no queue (I don't get out much so notice this sort of thing)

ComeOnBabyPopMyBubble · 05/07/2020 11:23

We seem to have hit the hero complex 2.0.

The narrative is the same ... I'm a hero/saviour/jesus reincarnated and everyone else is a selfish,breathing murderer.

The act of heroism has changed though. It's all about the mask wearing now.

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