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I licked Trev's clipboard and I liked it

413 replies

PrincessConsueIaBananaHammock · 26/06/2020 14:56

Thread number who knows , because I've lost count. We're adapting to normal 1.0 and lost our status as murderers. The grass is not off limits anymore and we can eat a bag of crisps outside with being accused of "premeditated picnics". Not a pan or pot in sight.

Oh well, there's still the second wave.Grin

OP posts:
GnomeDePlume · 26/08/2020 13:14

I think we are more the 'you do you' thread

DarkHelmet · 26/08/2020 13:23


I think we are more the 'you do you' thread

This. And honestly it's been a godsend.
ComeOnBabyPopMyBubble · 26/08/2020 14:02

We've put down the guns and soldiers and picked up the knitting needles.Grin

GnomeDePlume · 26/08/2020 22:28

ComeOn oh sorry! I didnt realise I was supposed to hand my soldier back! I was thinking he could be repurposed into a farm hand for the allotment.

ComeOnBabyPopMyBubble · 26/08/2020 22:31

Didn't he rot from all the STD's yet? Suppose you could use him as fertiliser Grin

GnomeDePlume · 27/08/2020 08:31

I was thinking an ornamental farmhand like wotsit from Poldark

Mind, I'm old enough to remember the 1970s version - no rippling muscles back then.

DarkHelmet · 28/08/2020 14:14

I never got a soldier, nor did I get Zac Efron which I'm still a bit miffed about!

An ornamental farm hand 😂

Willow2017 · 28/08/2020 17:13

Ornamental farm hand sounds good (if it was Aiden Turner he wouldn't stay ornamental for long😉)

But i digress, where is my Tony????????

DarkHelmet · 28/08/2020 17:47

Oof willow,** Aiden Turner 🥰

tootiredtothinkofanewname · 28/08/2020 17:56

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

ComeOnBabyPopMyBubble · 28/08/2020 18:54

tootired he escaped. The shed was too small to contain him.Grin

Sorry troops, the men are well and truly gone. They Took the first train,plane,boat or hover board out once lockdown eased.

We're on out own and left to our own uhm.. devices.Grin

Willow2017 · 29/08/2020 07:06

We're on out own and left to our own uhm.. devices.grin


GnomeDePlume · 02/09/2020 18:24

I am here for safety. Got pulled down into a rabbit hole of covid is a scam/covid is the end of days. I think some people just like the scrap!

ComeOnBabyPopMyBubble · 03/09/2020 07:47

There's never a middle way with these people!
First day back for DD today, let's hope no one coughs.Grin

DarkHelmet · 03/09/2020 10:40

Hope your DD has a fab first day back, come on!

Exh is a devout conspiracy theorist, gnome, he would have a field day on some of the threads on here. But he doesn't debate reasonably. I once got the silent treatment for a week because I argued with his theory that the moon is hollow.

ComeOnBabyPopMyBubble · 03/09/2020 10:44

Dark how did you last with him for so long?

She should be fine ,she loves school,her new teacher and her friends. However,the staggered start times are obviously pointless as everyone was chatting and the kids just went in whenever. I actually made the effort to be in our allocated start time, we were the last ones there Hmm

DarkHelmet · 03/09/2020 17:46

Come on I've honestly not a clue. I think to start with it was kinda cool that he was a bit quirky and out there, but it somehow turned from interesting debates into lengthy lectures and sulking when I wouldn't believe his theories.

I really hope your DD had a fab first day back!

ComeOnBabyPopMyBubble · 03/09/2020 20:38

She loved it so that was a big relief. Long may it continue and nobody better cough!

Managed to hurt my ankle in trainers today,so my plan of trying heels(even chunky ones) for a change is on the back burner.

Obviously too clumsy.Grin

DarkHelmet · 03/09/2020 21:36

Ah that's fab news about your DD! But not so great about your ankle.

ComeOnBabyPopMyBubble · 10/09/2020 20:38

Stumbled upon the most Covid thread ever!

OP expects Mumsnet to report any/all posters that say they plan to break the rules aka COMMIT A CRIME!! to the police.

Dunno whether to laugh or cry.

DarkHelmet · 10/09/2020 23:17

Come on I think I know the one. I'm really glad I didn't comment on it now 😂

ComeOnBabyPopMyBubble · 11/09/2020 07:27

First week back nearly over. Can't believe how tired I am. I'm getting oldGrin


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DarkHelmet · 11/09/2020 15:23

Have you both enjoyed it though? DDs bestie started high school on Monday and she can't come over to visit now because we're not part of her bubble. At least they have 3 or 4 different digital ways of keeping in touch!!

ComeOnBabyPopMyBubble · 11/09/2020 16:47

DD loves it! She got a certificate already.

I've been running around like a headless chicken mostly. I really enjoy being with the kids and already failed and gave/received some hugs. Some of the rules though, while they make sense are a complete pain in terms of timings and fitting everything in.

It'll all get sorted eventually and we'll hit our stride.

Larinda99 · 28/10/2020 18:27



Only just catching up. Name changed. The new name gives you an idea of how I'm feeling. After everything with DH I have now found out that he has been spending our savings on class A narcotics. Yay! We had started counselling and were going to try and work it out but now it's all fucked. Gonna lose the house after we've dragged the DCs across the south of England for a fresh start last year. Can't afford it on my own. I'm going to have to go back full time except my school can't afford me full time so I need to job hunt. And this is before explaining it all to the DCs.

But at least I'm still murdering. Murdered my own parents this weekend. Had to get away so stayed in their spare room (with ensuite) and had food and drink delivered to the bedroom door to avoid contact as dads shielding.

Lockdown = babies or breakups

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