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I licked Trev's clipboard and I liked it

413 replies

PrincessConsueIaBananaHammock · 26/06/2020 14:56

Thread number who knows , because I've lost count. We're adapting to normal 1.0 and lost our status as murderers. The grass is not off limits anymore and we can eat a bag of crisps outside with being accused of "premeditated picnics". Not a pan or pot in sight.

Oh well, there's still the second wave.Grin

OP posts:
ComeOnBabyPopMyBubble · 09/07/2020 19:20

First aid course during covid was definitely interesting and different.Grin

110APiccadilly · 09/07/2020 20:05

Come on Did it mean you didn't do mouth to mouth on the slightly spooky torso? (I always find it much harder than it looks.)

DarkHelmet · 09/07/2020 20:20

My DS can finally reopen his business again next week. Thank fuck for that 😊

ComeOnBabyPopMyBubble · 09/07/2020 21:27

Well we had to out ourselves in the recovery position and bandage ourselves.We had mouth shield for mouth to mouth on the baby and kid dummies, smack same dummies for chocking (no partner make the cheetos fly) and were told we can't give mouth to mouth to adults.
My favourite bit was the defibrillator. Would seriously consider buying one if it wasn't nearly a month's wage.🙈

ComeOnBabyPopMyBubble · 09/07/2020 21:28

@DarkHelmet that must be such a relief for him. Fingers crossed it all goes smoothly and he can get back on track quickly.

110APiccadilly · 09/07/2020 21:39

That's really good Dark Helmet, so pleased for him. I'm happy about gyms and swimming pools (although of course it doesn't apply to Wales, but hopefully it won't take too long before ours open.)

Come on I know they've been saying for a while that you don't have to do mouth to mouth for adults but I'm surprised they'd just tell you not to. Would have thought the relative risks would justify doing it to be honest.

110APiccadilly · 09/07/2020 21:40

Sorry, my phone is auto correcting your username!

DarkHelmet · 09/07/2020 21:54

ComeOn it's such a huge relief, the not knowing when he'd be able to reopen has caused him a lot of grief. He's got all his ducks in a row regarding safeguarding etc so hopefully he'll be making up for lost business in no time.

ComeOnBabyPopMyBubble · 10/07/2020 07:07

I bet it is Dark , all the best to him. No matter how you feel about Covid, loss of income is pretty terrifying too, if not more.

GnomeDePlume · 10/07/2020 07:26

Best wishes for the re-opening Dark

We have our fingers crossed that DD1 will be exchanging contracts today or Monday. The builders at the top of the chain have suddenly decided to get a wiggle on and are now worried about the bottom of the chain (DD1) coming unlinked.

DH is now in tidying and sorting mode for the great house reshuffle.

GnomeDePlume · 10/07/2020 13:30

Just had exciting news from DD2. She and DFiance have booked their wedding for next month. Just them plus witnesses. At the moment they will have to wear masks for the ceremony.

Very excited for them.

ComeOnBabyPopMyBubble · 10/07/2020 13:33

Aww babies , house moves, weddings and businesses starting.

The bananians are well and truly moving on!

Hope she has a great day Gnome!

110APiccadilly · 10/07/2020 13:54

Excellent news Gnome, hope they have a lovely day, even if it will be a bit odd! One of my friends got what I can only describe as panic married the Saturday before lockdown (I think they'd been planning it for Easter). At the time I thought it was a bit of an over reaction, but now I think they clearly had a much better idea of what was coming than I did!

DarkHelmet · 10/07/2020 14:09

Gnome that's fab news, I'm so chuffed for them!

And tanks all for the well wishes on DS' business reopening, he's buzzing. It's been a journey that's for sure!

GnomeDePlume · 10/07/2020 22:03

Got someone coming to install (ie plug in) a new Sky box tomorrow morning. If I can get them shuffled out of the door quickly enough then I am going to a florist in town to see if I can sort a bouquet and flowers for the witnesses.

Willow2017 · 10/07/2020 22:13

Ooh good news all round is nice to see. Congratulations everyone.

GnomeDePlume · 11/07/2020 14:52

Bridal bouquet and flowers for witnesses ordered - hand tied bouquet, colourful with dusky pinks & purples to go with the dress. Witnesses are going to have some of the same in their hair and I am having a few stems to do the groom's buttonhole.

I cant believe it is all going ahead!

DarkHelmet · 11/07/2020 15:24

Oh gnome those sound lovely! Something positive to look forward to 😊

We're about town today picking up bits n bobs and I just had my opticians appointment that was cancelled from March. Hopefully I'll have new specs this time next week.

GnomeDePlume · 12/07/2020 08:13

Right, can I check that I have got the latest advice clear:

  1. Stay WFH but go into work
  2. Go back to buying takeaway breakfasts, coffees etc to support the shops near your place of work but lose weight (bin the purchased food?)
  3. Stay 1m apart but get back onto public transport (have buses and trains been made bigger during lockdown period?)
  4. Be prepared for local lockdowns but dont worry

Is that about right?
ComeOnBabyPopMyBubble · 12/07/2020 12:10

Sounds about right Gnome. You've got this! Grin

GnomeDePlume · 12/07/2020 14:02

Thanks ComeOnBaby I was worried that it had got all straightforward and coherant. Glad to see that the advice is as contradictory as ever!

110APiccadilly · 12/07/2020 14:08

Excellent analysis Gnome, sounds correct to me.

The bridal bouquet sounds lovely.

I managed to get up to see my parents earlier in the week. I'll note that they are intelligent people and yet they're now completely confused by the guidance/rules. (They're not very worried about Covid but obviously don't want to break the law.) Mum kept asking me whether X was allowed yet. Still, lovely to see them (and I came home with some stuff they've had since we were kids that they'd kept for grandchildren).


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ComeOnBabyPopMyBubble · 12/07/2020 14:21

I think you should do the government updates gnome you definitely have their "clear as mud" approach down oat.

GnomeDePlume · 12/07/2020 15:38

@110APiccadilly lovely to see your parents.

My DM is taking her 'rules' from DB who is making them up as he goes along, convinced that their small midlands town is a hotspot of covid infection. In many ways he is more at risk than she is and I think he knows this (late 50s, heavy smoker, high blood pressure) but is using sheltering DM (80s but largely healthy) as his cover story for whatever control he is imposing on her.

DD's wedding is very small, just them plus 2 witnesses. They will be calling on DFiance's family then heading to us for a small family dinner. We will be inviting DM & DB but I suspect that DB will choose to stay away (which is entirely his choice). Wild horses wont keep DM away.

GnomeDePlume · 12/07/2020 15:42

ComeOnBabyPopMyBubble I could shuffle on screen left in my allotment clothes, mumble 'you do you' then shuffle off screen right.

It would save a lot of time and bother.

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