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I licked Trev's clipboard and I liked it

413 replies

PrincessConsueIaBananaHammock · 26/06/2020 14:56

Thread number who knows , because I've lost count. We're adapting to normal 1.0 and lost our status as murderers. The grass is not off limits anymore and we can eat a bag of crisps outside with being accused of "premeditated picnics". Not a pan or pot in sight.

Oh well, there's still the second wave.Grin

OP posts:
Larinda99 · 28/10/2020 21:42

Is this Trev? Kick him to the curb! Protects your dcs! Class As are illegal for a reason, they’re HIGHLY addictive! He’ll be at it again, just a question of time!

Larinda99 · 28/10/2020 22:17

^protect your dcs

Larinda99 · 29/10/2020 10:38

Protect the dcs

Loriloti998 · 29/10/2020 20:57

I agree! What a shitty, irresponsible and selfish thing to do as a parent! I would never trust him again and because of that there is no relationship!

ComeOnBabyHauntMyBubble · 29/10/2020 21:52


ComeOnBabyHauntMyBubble · 29/10/2020 21:55

How are things going now for everyone? Is anyone still around?
Lost the thread for ages.

Loriloti998 · 29/10/2020 22:34

[quote Loriloti998]**@PrincessConsueIaBananaHammock@Larinda99
I agree! What a shitty, irresponsible and selfish thing to do as a parent! I would never trust him again and because of that there is no relationship![/quote]
I meant I could never trust him again and they are highly addictive. It’s never just a one off!

tootiredtothinkofanewname · 30/10/2020 10:12

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Loriloti998 · 30/10/2020 16:23

Doesn’t sound like you have left him judging by another thread I’ve been on!

How’s everyone else?

Shakingdice · 05/11/2020 17:53

Seriously no one starts a drug habit during lockdown. This has been going on for far longer than that.
how did he suddenly connect with a dealer in lockdown?
Lots of people wouldn't know where to start if they randomly wanted a bit of cocaine, unless they already knew a dealer, plus in some places it was harder to come by in lockdown. He needs help. He’s an addict and that’s only a downward spiral.

Gloriagardia · 05/11/2020 20:14


Katamaka · 06/11/2020 22:16

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Katamakana · 24/05/2021 22:21

How is everyone?

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