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Ttc at 40 something!

389 replies

Mumof4andahalf · 11/02/2020 21:04

Probably the only place I feel comfortable enough to share details of when I had sex and what is going on with my vagina 😳
So as the title says I'm 40 and some extra and desperately ttc since 2017, I've had 2 miscarriages in this time 1 being a Mmc and the other at week 12 which was horrendous. If you want to join for some love, support and a chat please do!
Don't let me be Billy no mates 😢

OP posts:
Chickoletta · 26/03/2020 17:02

Sorry to hear that things are stressful @Mumof4andahalf - if it makes you feel any better, they’re probably worse here! I’m fine and my pregnancy is progressing well as far as I can tell.
We are in the middle of a house move. Not sure that there’s been a worse time in history to move house, but here we are. Removers have cancelled as they are now not allowed to operate any more and we are moving ourselves, whilst also trying to wfh (teacher) and home school the kids. We should have exchanged today, but one of the solicitors further down the line has gone completely AWOL. In the meantime, we have moved half our stuff out and booked an empty holiday let for 6 weeks with no guarantee that we’ll actually get the money tomorrow!! Trying to stay calm for the sake of the baby, but it’s not easy...

Mumof4andahalf · 26/03/2020 17:17

@Chickoletta oh gosh I'm so sorry 😢 that sounds so awful. We're all so unprepared for natural disasters or epidemics in this country it seems so surreal. I really struggled to make my eldest realise how dangerous going out was. Am I right in thinking you're a teacher?

OP posts:
CritterTamer · 26/03/2020 22:07

Hi ladies, mind if I join you? I'm 42 and am incredibly lucky to have beautiful 10mo twins from our last (second) IVF cycle, but despite an obstetric emergency which almost cost all three of us our lives 34 weeks into the pregnancy, almost from a few days after they were born the urge for another has been with me. I had PTSD, and assumed initially that the urge for another was something to do with that, but it's only become stronger, so we decided to go ahead and do a FET as we have two good quality embryos on ice from that IVF cycle. Was booked in to start treatment this week but obviously it's all been cancelled now so an giving it one last shot naturally. I have almost zero hope or expectations as I've never been able to achieve so much as a chemical pregnancy naturally (think I have issues with implantation and the endometrial scratch i had for our second cycle did the trick), and I have a short luteal phase at 10 days pre pregnancy, and 9 days max post pregnancy) breast feeding. Since I have an my drugs for the FET cycle in using the progesterone pessaries to lengthen my LP for the next few cycles to at least give my body a fighting chance! Currently 5/6 dpo.
So many people say it's wrong to be TTC'ing at the moment, but it feels like such a long shot anyway that there just isn't the time to waste. It's been nice reading all the positive stories on this thread though, and would be nice to have some company on the journey.
Sorry for the long post - feels good to get it off my chest a little 😊

Secondsop · 26/03/2020 23:12

Hi ladies, also wanted to just share a positive story as I’m currently 22 weeks pregnant with my 3rd baby and I’m 44. My other 2 were born when I was 37 and 38. This pregnancy was a complete shock as we hadn’t been actively trying and I’ve been ready for something to go wrong but fingers crossed all looks ok so far. I felt absolutely ancient at first but no medical professional has so much as batted an eyelid - I really do think 40+ pregnancies are not seen as particularly unusual now. Wishing you all the very best.

bitheby · 27/03/2020 00:22


Am so completely exhausted I'm struggling to take in information but am also wired and struggling to sleep. Vicious circle. Work in NHS - not frontline but incredibly busy.

So I'm 6DPO on Friday but I didn't have time to track ovulation this cycle so that's only based on my best guess.

I'm 43 so have to keep pressing on. If this cycle doesn't work though then I don't know what I'll do because I'm TTC with a donor and won't be able to see him.

Really need some cycle buddies and to focus only on TTC for a window in the day so I can forget everything else going on around me.

CritterTamer · 27/03/2020 06:15

@bitheby it sounds like you're having a tough time at the moment - be kind to yourself, you're doing an amazing job! Maybe try a mindfulness app such as headspace, and give yourself 15 minutes each day to meditate and focus on yourself - I found it very helpful when going through my IVF cycles.
Looks like we're at a similar point - I'm 7 or possibly 6 dpo today too.

Chickoletta · 28/03/2020 08:28

Welcome and good luck to the new joiners.

Well, we did it - we moved house in an epidemic! I have never been so stressed
or exhausted in my life (had to do it all
completely by ourselves) and hope that the stress doesn’t affect the baby. Now to relax for a bit.

Mumof4andahalf · 03/04/2020 22:21

So yesterday I turned 43...feel
Like this journey is over 😭 my positivity has left

OP posts:
CoronaVera · 03/04/2020 22:47

No. Stay positive. I'm 43. I had a faint line this morning. Still expecting it to have gone by tomorrow. Totally managing my expectations as low as possible to manage my emotions.

While there is a chance there is always hope.

bitheby · 03/04/2020 22:48

Not sock puppeting. Didn't remember that I'd been on this thread under my other name.

Plus I agree with everything CoronaVera says. She sounds like a bright young woman ;)

CritterTamer · 04/04/2020 06:32

42 here and I'm testing tomorrow morning at 15 dpo - been on progesterone pessaries since ovulation to try to lengthen my current 9 day LP (which has worked), but I have absolutely no symptoms, not even anything from the progesterone which is weird, so zero expectations.
Hope that line is stronger today @CoronaVera 🤞

bitheby · 04/04/2020 06:45

Well it's still there...

I'm such a novice at this. Despite being in my 40s this is my first time TTC and my first ever positives.

It's not as dark as I would like but my wee was quite diluted this morning for some reason.

I still can't make myself believe or get excited yet. I want a nice dark line.

AF is due today. I'm about 13 DPO.

CritterTamer · 04/04/2020 07:43

Congrats @bitheby 🤞

Anxiousbuthopeful · 04/04/2020 19:10

Congratulations @bitheby! Keep us posted! And @Mumof4andahalf, I am sorry you are feeling down. For me, AF arrived today, 25 days after last month’s chemical pregnancy. I was expecting a normal or even a longer cycle, not sure why it would be shorter. I am also disappointed because I’d heard fertility is higher immediately after an early miscarriage, so had allowed myself to get my hopes up a bit...

bitheby · 04/04/2020 20:30

I’ve had 3 positives now. Yesterday and today on FRERs and a positive freedom test this afternoon. Got a very vague faint on an internet cheapie too.

So that’s a good start.

Going to do a digital in the morning which will be first day of missed period.

Keeping it all crossed.

TheFoz · 05/04/2020 00:41

Hello all.

Newbie here. 41 and a half trying for number 3. Had a mc in mc August and a mmc at the end of November resulting in an erpc the week before Christmas. AF just finishing up. I got some cheap OPK’s on Amazon so will start them this month. I had no issues getting pregnant with other pregnancies so all this tracking and watching is new to me. I’m going to take control where I can though with a better diet and weight loss. According to bmi charts I have 2 stone to lose! Wishing for bfp’s for everyone this month.

Congratulations @bitheby, nice to hear good news Flowers

Sembinmeier20 · 05/04/2020 07:39

Hi all, 4dpo here and trying to get through the 2ww without trying to Symptom Spot like crazy 😜 How are you all doing?

Chickoletta · 05/04/2020 09:47

Congratulations @bitheby - I think you can stop testing and believe it now!

Welcome @TheFoz.

All well here. I am now 9+2 with number 3 aged 40. We are going to do private NIPT testing next week via post. Will hopefully be able to relax a bit when I’ve got those results back. 12 week scan is booked for 27th April; I’ll have to go alone, as DH will have the children. That will be strange.

Good luck to everyone in the 2ww now.

Chickoletta · 05/04/2020 10:03

@Mumof4andahalf - sorry to hear you’re feeling a bit down. Turning 43 only makes you one day older than you were the day before. Keep faith.

Mumof4andahalf · 06/04/2020 20:03

CD 14 and had spotting? Def not thinking it's implantation but any idea what this could be?' First thought was menopause (my biggest fear) I've never had mid cycle bleed before. Just had a smear test with normal results so nothing to worry about there. Anyone else had this?

OP posts:
Chickoletta · 06/04/2020 20:57

Could it be to do with smear test? Irritation?

CritterTamer · 06/04/2020 21:10

@Mumof4andahalf I've heard that some people get spotting with ovulation - could it be that?

Do you mind if I ask whether any of you lovely ladies have used DHEA? Since my FET has been cancelled and the clinic is saying HFEA isn't likely to allow them to do transfers again until at least August we've decided to have a last go at TTC naturally again. I have progesterone to lengthen my stupidly short LP and they've recommended DHEA, but I stupidly forgot to ask them whether you're supposed to take it continually. When I was on testosterone gel during IVF previously I only took it for 3 weeks up to egg collection so wondered if this was similar - does anyone know?


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CamdenTownie · 07/04/2020 22:25

Hi 👋

Just checking in, I'm on cd 33 which means af is 3 days late but can't bring myself to test because the disappointment is always so hard, and in the past af has always shown up as soon as I've taken a test, I've had a few symptoms, but again I've had these many times In the past, it's tough that pregnancy symptoms are the same as af symptoms.

Good luck to everyone else waiting 🤞

Sembinmeier20 · 08/04/2020 06:07

@CamdenTownie I completely understand that feeling! Fingers tightly crossed that this is your month 🤞

Anxiousbuthopeful · 10/04/2020 11:53

@bitheby*@CamdenTownie - how is it going? And @Mumof4andahalf*, did your spotting go? Any clues what it may have been?

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