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Ttc at 40 something!

389 replies

Mumof4andahalf · 11/02/2020 21:04

Probably the only place I feel comfortable enough to share details of when I had sex and what is going on with my vagina 😳
So as the title says I'm 40 and some extra and desperately ttc since 2017, I've had 2 miscarriages in this time 1 being a Mmc and the other at week 12 which was horrendous. If you want to join for some love, support and a chat please do!
Don't let me be Billy no mates 😢

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claire7930 · 18/02/2020 15:46

I'm going to buy some tests on the way home tonight even though I shouldn't really be testing for at least a week...! :D

SilkCottonTree · 18/02/2020 16:10

Hello, I'm joining in too! I'm 42 and we have been TTC no.2 since September 2017 :( I had an ectopic pregnancy in July 2018 (which 'luckily' resolved itself without the need for drugs or surgery), and in June last year I had a mmc which later tests showed was due to T21. We've given ourselves until the end of this year to keep actively trying.

I am taking COQ10, high strength folic acid, DHA, zita west Pregnancy Plan vitamins, and baby aspirin (which I was advised to do by the consultant I saw after my last miscarriage). I've also taken up yoga, and drastically reduced sugar and carbs. Good luck to us all :)

Chickoletta · 18/02/2020 17:53

I don’t normally test at all unless I’m a couple of days late. Would rather wait for AF to show up. My next period is due around 28th though and it’s DH’s 40th on 26th so I may get a first response test and do it, just in case I can wrap it up as a birthday present... Not holding out much hope though.

Mumof4andahalf · 18/02/2020 18:41

I try not too @Chickoletta but if AF doesn't show on due date I'm testing 🤣 I'm due the same time as you so we're both in that awful TWW

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mommybear1 · 18/02/2020 21:10

Thanks @timeforanamechangeagain1 I have the book and I am taking the recommended supplements I suppose I was asking in case there was anything I was missing. I had lots of tests with ivf and there was nothing picked up which is why we were put down as unexplained. I am currently 9dpo and desperately trying not to poas Grin.

Timeforanamechangeagain1 · 19/02/2020 10:14

@mommybear1 I think the list of things you can potentially take is endless. I take multi vit, coq10, additional folate, vitamin e, vitamin d, NAC, omega 3s. I don't take baby aspirin, ALA, melatonin, DHEA, vitex, maca, serrepaptase, and I am sure there are other things (and admittedly some of those are prescription only and I doubt anyone would prescribe them to me). I think there is probably a point where you could be taking too much so I am trying to focus on things are for egg quality (because of my age) and support a healthy lining (because of the two MC and the d&c) and beyond that I hope for the best as all the tests have come back clear

PMB123 · 19/02/2020 21:00

44 is definitely older than 34 when I had my last kid :(
This post is certainly opening my eyes to different supplements and things I should be considering. I was looking through some other posts, and heard mention of TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone), and that it's level should be under 2.5 when TTC. I had not heard about this. I went back and checked bloodwork I had done in 2017 (TSH 2.91) and 2019 (TSH 3.57). I'm wondering if this could have contributed to my recent MC? Has anyone looked into this or had their levels tested and or adjusted?

Chickoletta · 21/02/2020 22:04

How’s everybody doing? Anyone else in the 2ww with @Mumof4andahalf and me? I have no symptoms at all at 9dpo but know that it doesn’t mean anything. I was feeling nauseous and falling asleep at 7pm in our first cycle of trying but it turned out to just be general end of term exhaustion (teacher)!

Sembinmeier20 · 22/02/2020 07:09

Hi, can I join? I turned 40 last summer and have a DD aged 9. After 7 miscarriages before and 4 after we decided it was too painful to keep trying so decided to stick at one. We both recently admitted that we are ready to try again but we were really disheartened till we stumbled on this thread! So here I am, 40 and on the first month of ttc, trying to be positive but it took us 5 years to get our DD. Fingers crossed it works for us all 🤞

Mumof4andahalf · 22/02/2020 18:50

@Sembinmeier20 welcome to the thread, it so hard to try again after a loss I tell myself at least I fell pregnant but it doesn't really help does it x

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Mumof4andahalf · 22/02/2020 18:51

@Chickoletta there's no tired like end of term tired is there? I'm an HLTA x

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Chickoletta · 24/02/2020 17:30

Can you all see what I see here...?

AF due on Friday. This is a FRER.

Ttc at 40 something!
Mumof4andahalf · 24/02/2020 18:04

@Chickoletta OMG yes!!!!! Congratulations!!!!

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Chickoletta · 24/02/2020 18:11

Thank you. Got to try to keep my feet on the ground now and hope all goes well. So glad to have you ladies to share with as I want to tell the world and can’t. X

Mumof4andahalf · 24/02/2020 20:03

@Chickoletta I'm seriously symptom spotting right now, AF due today and I'm always bang on time but nothing yet 🤞🏻I've felt rough today but that could be a virus I suppose...I promised myself I won't test until Thursday

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SilkCottonTree · 24/02/2020 20:09

@Chickoletta ooh that's so exciting - congratulations 🥳

Chickoletta · 24/02/2020 20:54

Thank you so much.
@Mumof4andahalf - When it comes to ‘symptoms’, I’ve not had many really. Have felt sick over the last few days. Not carsick kind of nauseous, eaten too much and feel like I might throw up kind of sick! As I said before though, I’ve had other months when I’ve felt sick for various reasons, so tried not to think too much of it. Today I’ve had low down cramps pains and diarrhoea (TMI?) which I took as signs that AF was on her way, but it seems not. Keeping everything crossed for you and that mine is a sticky one...

bb077 · 24/02/2020 22:49

hey all, I'm 42 have 2 children 21 was 14 . I had a MMC (missed miscarriage) 31/01/20 went for my 12 week scan and was told that there was no heartbeat, my husband and I were devastated. I opted for the tablets and later that day ended up in A&E and rushed off for an emergency SMM. my bleeding after the surgery luted about a week and a half I'm unsure as to when my period is due when I will ovulate again. the experience was so traumatic Im in two minds as to if I even want to go through this again sad

claire7930 · 25/02/2020 11:29

Great news @Chickoletta, keeping everything crossed for you! I'm trying to hold off testing until Friday, helped by the fact that my alarm didn't go off this morning so I wasn't tempted to test when I got up as there was no time!

So sorry to hear that @bb077, can totally understand your mixed emotions xx

PMB123 · 25/02/2020 16:36

Hi @bb077
I had a miscarriage at 42 as well. I was devastated, and surprised by how emotional it was. Decided to leave it at that, and didn't think of trying again.
Well, here I am now at 44, trying again. Yup, that desire to have a 3rd kid was still there all along, and we decided now or never.
Letting you know this, because I wish I didn't wait 2 years to try again, as now my chances are probably lower- I'm older, my other kids are older, etc, etc... I did get preg last month, but sadly, ended in a very early miscarriage /chemical this time... Waiting on ovulation now, to try yet again.
This is just my experience.
I'm so sorry you had to go through this, it does get better with time, and the sadness fades...but for me, the want for a 3rd kid was still there.

NicLondon1 · 25/02/2020 16:43

Hi @Mumof4andahalf
I am pregnant at 41 so don't give up! I would recommend, however, that you try to get fertility testing done or recurrent miscarriage tests.... normally you'd have to have 3 miscarriages but my doctor got me referred after only 2, due to my age.... they check thyroid and various antibodies and as a result I've have various medications throughout this pregnancy (they found thyroid antibodies and blood clotting issues). Good luck!

bb077 · 25/02/2020 17:01

@claire7930 thank you x
@PMB123 I also have 2 others 21 and 14 so the baby I lost was unexpected but so loved ....I'm just going to try and get my body and mind to a place where I'm accepting of what is to be . Got my hubby on those mens prenatal tablets with me and I'm now back at yoga and trying to eat well which is hard when I get in one of my moods. My yoga teacher said acupuncture is used a lot by those trying to conceive so I'm gonna give that a try and I just bought one of those clear view monitor things so if I do decide it's what I want to do I'm ready!

Just need my AF back ! Never thought I would say that !


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PMB123 · 25/02/2020 17:09

@bb077 Same- trying to eat a little healthier, on the vitamins and I've just started on pilates at home. That's my other vain worry about getting preg again, especially when older- the weight gain. I always seem to blow up, and I'm afraid of what that will mean to my aged body! I'm just hoping for the best. I'd love to hold a little again! Good luck to you!!

Anxiousbuthopeful · 25/02/2020 18:50

Hi. I am also 41, turning 42 in July. Have been trying for a few months for a first (and only!) baby. Very low AMH but everything else looks ok. Not sure what my chances are but trying to keep some sort of balance.

Mumof4andahalf · 25/02/2020 19:46

@NicLondon1 I'm approaching 43 and had it in my head when we started ttc if it hasn't happened by 43 it won't, i was really hopeful to start with but now every month I feel my chances are lessening

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