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Ttc at 40 something!

389 replies

Mumof4andahalf · 11/02/2020 21:04

Probably the only place I feel comfortable enough to share details of when I had sex and what is going on with my vagina 😳
So as the title says I'm 40 and some extra and desperately ttc since 2017, I've had 2 miscarriages in this time 1 being a Mmc and the other at week 12 which was horrendous. If you want to join for some love, support and a chat please do!
Don't let me be Billy no mates 😢

OP posts:
Mumof4andahalf · 10/04/2020 12:02

@CamdenTownie fingers crossed that you get that positive

OP posts:
Mumof4andahalf · 10/04/2020 12:03

@Anxiousbuthopeful it lasted a col of hours so may well of been ovulation spotting, never had it before though

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raisydenton · 10/04/2020 14:13

Can I hope on this thread please. I'm 40 ttc #1 for 3 years and mc I 2017 and 2019

Only just worked out I ovulate late and have short luteal phase so been timing it all wrong and explains the 2 MC. All bloods ok and should have had a HSG but cancelled because of covid19.

I am now 1dpo so on tww.

Finding it Tough being 40 and it's dragged on so long.

StraightOuttaCamden · 10/04/2020 15:25

Thanks guys - I haven't tested, because I would rather wait and hope a little longer than be disappointed with the result - crazy I know. Although I've just stated feeling a little bit crappy so I'lol probably know sooner rather than later anyway.

Good luck to everyone else at various points of the journey. 🤞

Sembinmeier20 · 10/04/2020 16:53

Hi all , I am 8DPO and going stir crazy!! Tested yesterday (stupid) odviously got a BFN hoping I am not out 😢

Mumof4andahalf · 12/04/2020 21:21

@StraightOuttaCamden any news?

OP posts:
babyben610 · 13/04/2020 03:55

Hi all! Not necessarily ttc, but this felt like the right fit for my concern. AF has been wonky lately (only spotted on two separate days last month-other months I am my normal heavy flow). Had sex April 4th and have had symptoms all week! Sore breasts, nausea, dizzy, exhaustion.

We’re terrified due to my age and other risk factors, but would happily welcome a new baby. I took a cheap test this afternoon and got a negative and it was crushing as I was certain with these strong symptoms that it would be positive.

Anyone else test too early (8 days post sex and what felt like ovulation but not sure) and get a negative, but turned out pregnant?

Thank you and congratulations to all the positives!!

babyben610 · 13/04/2020 03:56

Sounds like we are in a similar situation. It’s so emotional. 😢

Mumof4andahalf · 13/04/2020 07:19

@babyben610 yes I tested on the day af was due with an internet cheapie and got a very onvious
negative, retested 4 days later and the line was extremely faint so used a frer, the line showed dark and strong immediately x

OP posts:
babyben610 · 13/04/2020 13:14

Mumof4andahalf, Thank you for your response and congrats 🥰

Mumof4andahalf · 13/04/2020 14:26

@babyben610 sorry I should of said, this was last year and it ended in a mmc x

OP posts:
StraightOuttaCamden · 13/04/2020 19:31

@Mumof4andahalf - not my month! I wasn't too disappointed as I feel I'd prepared my self for AF to arrive and if did.

lucieloos · 13/04/2020 22:42

Hi there, would love to join you. I'm 40 (41 in a couple of months). Have 2 dc which were conceived via ivf. Had another attempt just before all the c19 kicked off but sadly didn't work out. Have a low amh but still ovulating every month. DH did have a few sperm issues when trying for our first although that is looking a lot better now so we've decided to try naturally as nothing else we can do. Not expecting anything to come of it at all.

Just a few questions...
How often are you trying to dtd? If you're using opks when is the best time to dtd?

How long is your LP? I think mine is only about 10 days which prob isn't enough. For those that are using progesterone to lengthen when do you start and stop it?

babyben610 · 14/04/2020 03:04

@Mumof4andahalf I’m so sorry!

Anxiousbuthopeful · 14/04/2020 09:14

Hi @lucieloos! Trying to do the deed a couple of times a week generally, and every day mid-cycle (days 11-14). How about everyone else?

lucieloos · 14/04/2020 12:53

We are so busy with 2 young toddlers I tend to mainly try and time it around the opk but I'm thinking this might not have the best possible outcome?

Chickoletta · 18/04/2020 09:59

Hi everybody - I hope you’re all doing ok.
Sad news from me I’m afraid. Found out on Weds that I’ve had a MMC. It was twins but they stopped developing at around 8 weeks - I should be 11 weeks now. Obviously, we are devastated but I have been so well looked after by the EPU team. I’ve read lots about how the medical fraternity don’t really care in these situations and that could not be further from my experience. The wonderful midwives have assured me that I have every chance of a successful pregnancy soon if we choose to try again.

StraightOuttaCamden · 18/04/2020 12:33

Really sorry to hear that @Chickoletta, I hope you are ok Thanks

Anxiousbuthopeful · 18/04/2020 15:27

On no @Chickoletta. I am so sorry to hear that. Such sad news.

Mumof4andahalf · 18/04/2020 15:57

@Chickoletta I'm so sorry to hear this 💕

OP posts:
Chickoletta · 18/04/2020 16:21

Thank you. It’s been a tough week. Last Sat night DH scanned me at home (he’s a vet and has a swanky ultrasound scanner) and we knew then really, as we couldn’t see anything ‘baby’ like. We did this with our other two pregnancies and it was just magical but this was devastating. And stupid. It was 10pm on the Sat of a bank holiday weekend so we had no support at all when we most needed it. I was referred for a scan on Weds but had already done a lot of my grieving by then.
I was told that I’d have to be rescanned on 27th - the law apparently, in case I’ve got my dates wrong. Then they would start to manage the miscarriage. Seemed like such a long time to wait.
As it turns out, I’ve started to cramp and bleed today so it looks like things are going to happen naturally. I’m a bit scared but pleased that it should all be over sooner than I feared.

TheFoz · 19/04/2020 00:39

I’m so sorry for your loss @Chickoletta. I hope things will go naturally for you and you won’t need any medical intervention. Love and hugs to both you and your DH. Flowers


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Anxiousbuthopeful · 19/04/2020 09:46

Hello all! Am 1DPO so starting the TWW. How is everyone today? @chickoletta sending you a hug.

Chickoletta · 27/04/2020 17:39

Thank you everyone for your kind words and thoughts. I’m ok. Went for my second scan today to check that everything had resolved naturally and it has, so that’s good.

There was a sad irony to the fact that it fell on the day that would have been my 12 week scan, when we should have been telling the world we were having twins but I’m trying not to dwell on that.

We have decided that we’ll try again as soon as possible. Today’s midwife seemed to suggest that I needn’t even wait for a proper period before trying, but I think I will.

Scared at the thought that, as we’re supposed to be more fertile after miscarriage, it will be twins again. Not that I don’t want twins, just that it makes things more risky.

Does anyone know whether I would be able to have early scans on the NHS next time around as I’ve had a MMC? I certainly don’t think I could (or should) wait until 12 weeks.

Anyway, sorry for the epic post. How is everybody else getting on? Anyone testing soon?

Anxiousbuthopeful · 27/04/2020 18:49

Hi! So pleased to hear from you and happy to hear you are ok and set to try again. I think you should be able to get an earlier scan next time around, but am sure there are more knowledgeable people than me on this thread. I am testing end of this week. Given my chemical pregnancy in March I am also hoping that it makes us more fertile afterwards.

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