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TTC for the Over 40s

1000 replies

birthdaycake · 30/08/2007 15:43

The first thread I've ever started.

Me age 41 and TTC since mmc in June. Anyone else out there.

OP posts:
babyjane67 · 07/12/2007 12:08

hi im v new2this so hope it comes out ok!lol im an "older" [email protected] got2v luvly girls already of21&18 from my marriage&am now in r/ship with a wonderful man whos never had kids&we dearly want1of our own.have bin trying4while now&had3mcs last1being in aug but we're not giving up hope&are still trying!good luck2all of us who are!

NoChristmasNickname · 07/12/2007 12:41

aviatrix - am very of your long time without periods. I exclusively bf ds for the first 4-5 months, then he carried on bfing until he was 3.9 - but my periods came back about 6 weeks after the birth! Loads of wasted eggs!

aviatrix · 07/12/2007 13:02

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hedgepig · 09/12/2007 20:33

Aviatrix I think this whole ttc thing becomes clutching a straws after a while. My straw is my mom had a baby @ 40 so genetically I must have a good chance!! I've bought pre-seed this month to give it a try, although i think the spell might work better (must find a green candle)

jennykb · 09/12/2007 20:39

Haven't read through the thread completely, but would like to join it and will read through it from the beginning when I have time. I am 42 and have a dd born when I was 37, against the odds as my dh has very low sperm count. She was conceived naturally after failed IVF. I am now longing for another, but it is even further against the odds now. However, we will keep trying, as it did miraculously work once!

hedgepig · 09/12/2007 21:25

Hi Jennny welcome. I'm hoping the Christmas fairy has lots of baby-dust for us all. I do like these festive smilies ho ho ho

Sandies · 12/12/2007 20:43

Hello to you all. I'm new and really pleased that there are others out there like me.Am 41 and I had a mc in Oct after trying for 6 years. I have become a little obsessive about getting pg again. Only a little. I don't remember it being this hard first time around.....

Sandies · 12/12/2007 20:43

Hello to you all. I'm new and really pleased that there are others out there like me.Am 41 and I had a mc in Oct after trying for 6 years. I have become a little obsessive about getting pg again. Only a little. I don't remember it being this hard first time around.....

hedgepig · 14/12/2007 20:30

Hi Sandies, I didn't have any probs 1st time round either probably lulled me into a false sense of security. Anyway I have had my hormones checked and the are "perfectly normal" so we have bded lots this month so I am hopeful for a change.

Sandies · 14/12/2007 21:05

Hi Hedgepig x I send lots of the (sticky) baby dust. How long have you been TTC?

hedgepig · 14/12/2007 21:29

since last Jan. Stated of very casually but now I am getting a tad on the obsessive side . Bought the "taking charge of your fertility - Toni Welscher" book which has actually reassured me that I am ovulating (confirmed by the blood tests). I just wishs I had bought it 6 months ago. It is well worth a look if you haven't read it.

How long have you been trying for?

Sandies · 14/12/2007 21:35

We didn't use contraception for 6 years - off and on. We had a good attitude and just thought if it happened it happened. Found myself pregnant in September, unbelievably happy. Miscarried in Oct and have been obsessed since.

Sandies · 14/12/2007 21:38

How young are you Hedgepig? Do you have kids?

hedgepig · 14/12/2007 21:44

I'm the same age as you 41, I do like the term young ! Sorry about your mc, I must be so C**p to get excited and then to lose the bean. Unfortunately as you get older it gets more common. I have one DS I conceived at 36 so quickly I wasn't paying any attention to when my periods were to work out his due date.

Sandies · 14/12/2007 21:48

I think we're following each other to the two threads!!! I'm not sure which was worse looking back - the trauma of the D&C or the emotional trauma of losing. I hope to have another chance and get it right this time (it was obviously my fault - the usual mum guilt!)

fruitbowl · 14/12/2007 21:49

Hello! Can I join in? Am "only" (haha) 39 and a half!!

Have one dd nearly 3 and have been TTC for about 18 months. Just discovered pre-seed too and have also just bought one of those ovulation microscopes. Anyone got one? Mine didn't really show any of the ferny patterns at all. Praps I licked it too enthusiastically


Sandies · 14/12/2007 21:54

LOL. Welcome FB x Have no fancy tool, except younger husband xx

hedgepig · 14/12/2007 22:03

Sandies, if you have just mc-ed i think your hormones will take a while to get back to "normal" but a younger husband sounds great. Mine is 45 and tired all the time, so we don't do as much bd-ing as we need to (or is it too?)

Hi fruitbowl - I do not have a microscope but I have a thermometer and keep checking my c.mucus. It is absolutly shocking how i have manged to get to 41 and not sussed out my boobs get sore every month after ovulation!

hedgepig · 14/12/2007 22:06

PS Fruitbowl I got pre-seed this month as well. Although I think I am using it wrong, it is so expensive I have waited till I had sex and then squirted it in, didn't want to waste it in the anticipation that BD-ing may occur but didn't

Sandies · 14/12/2007 22:08

It was two months ago, we waited for the 'normal' period before trying again. My husband thinks it has been Christmas for the past month - bless him We have given ourselves a year to get pg then we will give up with dignity and sanity hopefully. How obsessed are you on a scale of 1 to 10?

hedgepig · 14/12/2007 22:14

before I have my blood tests I was about a 9 but oddly now I am about a 7. I think my obsession was I was soo old and we had left it too long, but I feel a bit more in control now; the charting has helped as well. My DH just thinks it will happen but he he would like another child but is really not bothered either way truth to be told. I'm not sure posting helps to be honest it tends to make me more obsessive. Genrally I just lurk
How about you on a scale of 1 to 10?

fruitbowl · 14/12/2007 22:21

Hello S & H - thanks for replying and sorry I sort of crashed in on your chat. Sorry to hear about your mc Sandies. Especially after you have waited for so long. Fingers crossed for you. In answer to your Q, I tell myself I'm not obsessed as don't want to stress too much but think I'm a closet obsessor!

HedgeP - LOVE the idea of the younger husband as fancy tool!


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Sandies · 14/12/2007 22:23

About a 7. Losing interest but I think that's a defense mechanism. I think age exaccerbates the desperation. I think a BFN this month and next will be an end to it. The fear of another miscarriage seems to be growing, I coped with one but next time might just see me off! Thank the lord I'm a tough old bird but even I have my limits. Night, and will chat again hopefully.

hedgepig · 14/12/2007 22:28

My horlick is just ready so I shall say goodnight too. What a stunning Friday night I used to go out and get drunk!

Rowingboat · 17/12/2007 22:45

Hi again, I'm about a 7 on the scale as well. Sometimes I'm a 20 though!
I'm on day 16 now so it's all down hill from here! Don't think it worked though, just doesn't feel like it. [rolls eyes]
I just had a very early mc, had a faint bfp, which slowly disappeared. I had about three or four days of confusion, alternated with hope and happiness. Funnily enough, I thought I was taking the whole thing really well and couldn't wait to get on with the whole thing again, but as O day drew nearer I started to feel more and more fed-up and despondent.
Apparently, the chances of conceiving are slightly higher after a mc, but that thought didn't really help me. Oh well!
Oh I saw some research about low-dose aspirin helping the pregnancy to 'stick'. The dosage needs to be around 70mg, so I'm giving it a go. I have to be careful though, because I'm still bfing a little bit and I don't want the aspirin to affect my little boy.
Is anyone else using Fertility Friend?
Oh, I have an appointment on Thursday morning to discuss my fsh results - if they have them. There was a mix-up at the labs.
Now I wonder if I will be able to drink at Christmas time? Hmmm?

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