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When's the best time to get pregnant? Use our interactive ovulation calculator to work out when you're most fertile and most likely to conceive.


TTC awhile now

212 replies

BFP2020 · 31/12/2019 13:37

Hey, I've started a more broad thread this month rather than a bus so we can keep it going rather than starting new ones every month.

Here are my stats
TTC no 2 (2 years to have no 1 but we weren't actively trying and I knew nothing about my cycle and DTD not so often)
Cycle 12
AF/BFP 12th Jan
Age 30

Feel free to tag some more @tamalala @Sunflower2019 @ceebee21

OP posts:
Hola84 · 05/01/2020 14:24

@BTP2020 I've tried to upload the pic, hopefully it will come through in a minute x

Hola84 · 05/01/2020 14:27

@BFP2020, ah it's not working again, but yeah the line is looking strong! Nothing like the faint ones I have been getting over past few days x

swirls3468 · 05/01/2020 15:59

Hi everyone!
Joining this thread-
Ttc first baby
Cycle day 27 usually have 31 day cycles but have been a little irregular since coming off the pill.
This is cycle 4 of trying so next cycle beginning 9th will be 5th.

Really broody and want a baby so so much.
I am 23, boyfriend 33.

Anyone have any tips and tricks of detecting ovulation? I haven't got a clue if I do even ovulate... I presume I am if I'm having periods.
I'm not doing the opks etc cus I feel like it will make me more obsessed.


ChampooPapi · 05/01/2020 16:04

@Ellsbells112 fuck yes!🌈

@BFP2020 oh I will! It's only 3 day break then it'll be back to the continuous baby dancing. I will absolutely be NOT doing this next month if it doesn't work out so I will resume normal 'service'. I.e posts about stuff that isn't about sex basically.

Jesus I'm boring myself now. This ttc life 🤷‍♀️

BFP2020 · 06/01/2020 11:07

Welcome @swirls3468

My backache is starting so I guess I'm out already 🤦🏻‍♀️

How's everyone else? Anyone nearly due to test?

OP posts:
swirls3468 · 06/01/2020 13:01

@BFP2020 I'm due on 9th, already got the dreaded period pain so presume it's coming. How long have you been ttc?

BFP2020 · 06/01/2020 13:11

@swirls3468 TTC no 2 I'm on cycle 12 doctors suspects possible ENDO though so have been referred but will prob have to go private at this stage to get an app. I'm only 7DPO and pains started last month it was straight after O day so was getting my hopes up and all 🙈. It's so disheartening every month. Took me 2 years to conceive no 1 but didn't have all the pains I have now it's completely different this time around!!

Does anyone on here know if I have healthcare and go private about possible ENDO will the Laparoscopy be covered living in Ireland 🇮🇪???

OP posts:
Hola84 · 06/01/2020 18:38

@swirls3684, hey! cycle 7 now and first time using the OPKs as I was getting frustrated, especially as our first baby was conceived after the first try. I was always counting the dates and following the period apps, but the OPKs showed my OV day was later than I thought, which some ladies here suggested. I was certainly obsessed at some point looking for this second line, but glad I did, as I know 100% we DTD on the OV day xx

Hola84 · 06/01/2020 18:39

@swirls3468 sorry misspelled your name x

swirls3468 · 06/01/2020 19:06

@Hola84 that's interesting! I haven't been using the sticks or anything yet because unsure when to use them and some people say you have to do it a lot throughout the day which I won't have time with work. Xxx

swirls3468 · 06/01/2020 19:10

@BFP2020 It is disheartening it all feels a bit draining!! I'm in no mega rush to get pregnant but i would be very happy if I was.
I thought I might have endo but drs seemed to have just dismissed me. I have really bad period pains and always get diarrhoea when I'm on my period and get bloated etc. I've had a scan for PCOS and they said the endometrium looks ok but I thought you needed key hole surgery to detect it?
I just sense somethings up because everyone I speak to seems to get pregnant within a few months. But because I'm having periods the drs don't really consider it an issue.
It's good to speak to people going through similar journeys xx
How olds your first ?

BFP2020 · 06/01/2020 20:23

@swirls3468 if your use the more expensive clearblue 4 day OPKs for 2 months you test with FMU once a day x if you decide to use them I can talk you through it no prob!

I had an ultrasound external and internal for the pains I get 3 days Really bad Ovultion pain and pressure and then can have a week or 2 weeks or cramping and backache it stops me from being able to think straight in work. They found a small cyst on my right ovary but said they are not worried about it. But to tell if you have ENDO you need a laparoscopy really. I can go either way before my period I either have diarrhea or I'm constipated 🙈

OP posts:
BFP2020 · 06/01/2020 20:24

@Hola84 make sure you DTD tonight too because the positive OPK normally means you O 12-24 hours after x

OP posts:
swirls3468 · 06/01/2020 20:39

@BFP2020 yes please if you talk me through the ovulation sticks. I would like to do it next cycle just need to guidance to actually get it right lol. What does everyone do professionally?
Thing is I work shifts so gonna be hard to track some days. Also my cycles have been slightly different lengths will that effect it??

Hola84 · 06/01/2020 20:44

@BFP2020,big thanks for the reminder! I was not going too actually, but will now XX

swirls3468 · 06/01/2020 20:45

@BFP2020 I had those ultrasound tests too. They said one ovary looked polycystjc but because my bloods were normal I haven't got the actual condition.
So are you going down the laroscopy route? Will they have to refer you to gynae ? X

BFP2020 · 06/01/2020 20:58

@swirls3468 I ovulate between CD15-17 and my cycles are 28-30 days long so they vary too. I did OPKs for 9 months I did the more expensive ones and the cheapies and both gave me the same readings. How long have your last 4 cycles been?

I've a gynaecologist app next wed the 15th so the process will begin and hopefully I won't be waiting long for a laparoscopy I will make sure to tell him/her exactly how painful my months have been!

@Hola84 no prob I honestly love helping since I've learned so much over the last 12 months about my cycle x

OP posts:
swirls3468 · 06/01/2020 21:22

@BFP2020 so two have been 31 days , one was 22 (wtf) and then another 37. My last two have been 31 and was on the pill before so think it might be adjusting to normal hormone levels?
So when would I test and what times?
Sorry what does FMU stand for and DTD? I'm not quite down with the lingo xx

BFP2020 · 06/01/2020 21:49

@swirls3468 I forgot to answer my little girl is 4 since Nov and a diva 🤣🤣

So the first month buy the Clearblue 4 days (purple pack) it's cheaper to get a 20pack on Amazon start testing on CD 10 and test with FMU(first morning urine) once a day you will get a blank circle for the first few days then a flashing smiley (fertile days) then a static smiley which is peak fertility normally when you see that DTD that day and the day after are the most important! You normally O 12-24 hours after the static smiley!! 😁 if you're cycle is 31 days you are prob not Ovulating until CD17 or 18 x

OP posts:
BFP2020 · 06/01/2020 21:50

@swirls3468 oh and DTD is doing the deed 🙈

OP posts:
swirls3468 · 06/01/2020 23:05

@BFP2020 thanks so much for explaining! I'll order some off amazon tomorrow!!
You're a gem xx

BFP2020 · 06/01/2020 23:21

@swirls3468 don't until AF arrives you never know this could be your month 😘

I had cramps and backache today now I feel like I do when I ovulate a good bit of pressure all towards side I ovulated and build up of wind 🙈🙈 here's hoping it's a fertilised egg trying to get past my ENDO 🙈🙈 implant please 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

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Kiki87 · 07/01/2020 00:09

@BFP2020 I live in UK and I got it through my private health care, they can't do it for fertility reasons but for endo investigations/drainage removal ect. So if you get your Dr to write an open referral they can (but don't bet on that, defo worth checking your policy)

Tamalama · 07/01/2020 07:56

CD13 today, I had quite bad ov pains on Saturday morning so I bought some cheap ov tests from home bargains. I've been using them twice a day since Saturday and the line is definitely getting dark. It's pretty dark this morning, just slightly less than the control line. According to my apps I'm due to ov today so I'm going to test again when I get home. I have got some cramping so hopefully it's on its way 🤞so far we've dtd CD6, 10 &11. Hopefully dtd tonight and tomorrow and that will be ok.

BFP2020 · 07/01/2020 13:15

@Kiki87 I actually have a Public app next wed so at least I'm getting the process started. My doctor informed me of the fact that i'm going for possible ENDO and not fertility issues so not to mention that.

I rang my healthcare and they make a decision on if they think its a pre existing condition I only have the policy since last May and got the Implant out last Jan and that's when my issues started so I don't think they will cover my Lap either.

@Tamalama Whoo hoo your nearly there. I'm 8 DPO (I'm guessing) and since yesterday have had some backache and cramping def not as bad as usual bit weird felt like Ovulation pain last night so dunno whats going on full of wind too. Due Sunday hoping my pains ease and they end up being Implantation cramping but i doubt it. Boobs a bit tingly but not sore yet like they normally are but I'm sure they will get more sore as the days go on. Sad trying so hard to be positive!!!!

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