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Countdown to Christmas 2020 - Lockdown: Peaked! (Thread 5)

999 replies

NoWordForFluffy · 28/04/2020 06:51


Morning. Welcome to our new thread.

We maybe have rain today. I really hope we do! I have no ides when we last had it.

I'm baking with the kids today plus potting some plants on. Exciting. No idea where they'll go, mind you!

Only 2 days left of furlough. Yaaay for the financial side and booooo otherwise! 😂

OP posts:
Themostwonderfultimeoftheyear · 03/06/2020 07:37

I have negotiated a full time job to part time after a successful interview before wreck so it's not impossible.

CrazyBaubles · 03/06/2020 07:37

Good luck Wreck

most isn't it odd, you're not very far from me but we've had quite a bit of rain overnight.
It's cooled today but our house was still hot overnight because of how warm it was yesterday. We've been sleeping with a fan on for the last few weeks so it's been ok though.

First day working from home today and it's not going well. I thought i would get a slight head start and set the systems up yesterday ready for this morning. Did that and all was ok. Tried to log in this morning and the systems are gone and all work related sites (intranet etc) are blocked 🙄
Waiting on a call back from IT now but what a waste of getting up early so I could start at 7!!

Themostwonderfultimeoftheyear · 03/06/2020 07:38

Met office are saying over 50% chance of rain all day so fingers crossed we get at least a couple of hours fluffy. If has got very dark out in the last 15 mins or so.

Themostwonderfultimeoftheyear · 03/06/2020 07:39

Oh that is so annoying crazy :( Hope the rest of your day goes smoothly!

pussycatinboots · 03/06/2020 07:44

Crazy that's a PITA. Have a Brew while you wait for IT to sort it.

Themostwonderfultimeoftheyear · 03/06/2020 07:52

The rain has arrived!

WreckTangled · 03/06/2020 07:52

Crazy we've had issues with our VPN's at work because everyone is using them. It's been a nightmare.

Thanks all. I hate interviews I'm so nervous and hot and sweaty Grin also hungry. Am taking a water bottle with me as I know I'll need a drink.

NoWordForFluffy · 03/06/2020 08:12

Crazy, I had a nightmare logging on the other day. Took a right faff before IT sorted me out!

I hope they call you back soon.

Most, yay for rain! Ours has just started again. Not heavy yet, but fingers crossed!

OP posts:
Mrsmadevans · 03/06/2020 08:57

Rained here too 🤗👍
Wreck good luck 👍
Like you Fluffy l have lost a post and now have to go to See to Mum 🤯🤪
I hate losing posts 😬
Have a great day everyone 😀

NerosFiddle · 03/06/2020 09:48


No more rain here since that drop yesterday afternoon.

I don't if I can trust the weather app. As it has a different time for the sunset depending on what you're calling the city.

Best of luck in your interview wreck

Countdown to Christmas 2020 - Lockdown: Peaked! (Thread 5)
Countdown to Christmas 2020 - Lockdown: Peaked! (Thread 5)
Themostwonderfultimeoftheyear · 03/06/2020 09:57

It came to nothing here! Hope we get some more later.

WreckTangled · 03/06/2020 10:20

I'm back. They seemed really nice and I think it went well.

Our rain isn't due yet it's still so muggy.

pussycatinboots · 03/06/2020 10:23

It's ☔☔ steadily here. I even have a couple of puddles Grin

Nero you've found a 1 minute glitch Grin Try this one, I think it gives accurate times for Londonderry and general County times for Derry.

pussycatinboots · 03/06/2020 10:26

Wreck You've done the hard bit, try to put it out of your mind now and don't do what I would pace up and down waiting for the phone to ring/email to arrive have a Brew as it's a bit early for Ginetc.

Mrsmadevans · 03/06/2020 10:58

Yay Wreck everything crossed for you chickadee 🤗👍🙏
Still raining here 🤗👍
Done shopping for Mum off up there now 😀

BiddyPop · 03/06/2020 11:44

Our "rain" here was a mizzly drizzle that wouldn't even make you damp....for all of about 20 minutes so there is nothing in the bottom of the rain butt yet. But still dull and grey so hopefully later. Although the radar does not look hopeful.

Good luck Wreck, sounds good, fingers crossed for you.

CrazyBaubles · 03/06/2020 11:58

Wreck did they say when you will hear back about the job? I'm sure you did very well and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

It's steadily raining here - it's light but it's still going.

I forgot to say yesterday, I put bird baths out on the weekend and had our first visitor yesterday (the bird baths are an old risotto pan and a dog bowl, both slightly buried and with stones etc in so the birds have something to perch on).
My garden seems to have acquired a Robin, we've seen him daily over the last week or so Smile

IT got My system up and running by 8 just to contact me and say certain new users aren't able to use the systems at all between 11-1 as they are installing something I think so I'm using the middle of the day break to clean kitchen, bath and have my lunch. It's easing me back in gently I suppose!

WreckTangled · 03/06/2020 12:05


We've had some rain now but I only know because my post was damp it's not heavy but has cleared the mugginess.

FireflyGirl · 03/06/2020 13:14

It's been drizzling since about 4am, so hopefully it'll soak into the ground!

Fingers crossed for you, Wreck. I've still got my £10 off £30 Boden voucher if you want to try it? I've had other ones work after they were supposed to expire.

We've discovered the cheeky blackbird is nesting in the Hawthorne tree at the back of our garden - daddy blackbird sits there in an evening telling off the pigeons and our cats Grin

Themostwonderfultimeoftheyear · 03/06/2020 13:26

Full on rain here now and DS has decided he wants to play in the garden Confused

NoWordForFluffy · 03/06/2020 13:29

Sounds promising, Wreck. 🤞🤞🤞 for tomorrow.

It stopped raining by about 10-ish here. It's tried to be sunny, but cloud is winning the battle for now.

Firefly, blackbirds hassle me for worms at the allotment. Mostly the male, but sometimes his wife shows up too!

Crazy, sounds about right re the IT systems. There's always something! I'm struggling with our VOIP app at the moment. I keep getting chucked off my calls. Embarrassing.

OP posts:
WreckTangled · 03/06/2020 13:30

Ooo yes please fire! Worth a go Grin


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Themostwonderfultimeoftheyear · 03/06/2020 13:37

So glad it went well wreck although sucks that you won't find out until tomorrow. When I interviewed for jobs I always made sure I let candidates know on the day but I guess it depends on whether the interviews are spread over multiple days.

NerosFiddle · 03/06/2020 13:54

It's looking like it's going to rain all day here but it hasn't so far. I want a massive downpour with thunder and lightning.

Boots the link isn't working Sad. I just thought it was funny they had 2 different sunset times for the same place.

pussycatinboots · 03/06/2020 14:03

Nero ok, tried again Blush
Just change the location - hopefully this will work!

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