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Countdown to Christmas 2020 - Lockdown: Peaked! (Thread 5)

999 replies

NoWordForFluffy · 28/04/2020 06:51


Morning. Welcome to our new thread.

We maybe have rain today. I really hope we do! I have no ides when we last had it.

I'm baking with the kids today plus potting some plants on. Exciting. No idea where they'll go, mind you!

Only 2 days left of furlough. Yaaay for the financial side and booooo otherwise! 😂

OP posts:
70isaLimitNotaTarget · 03/06/2020 19:53

Xmas Grin Xmas Grin Xmas Grin
Thread Full Not Accepting New Posts ??

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 03/06/2020 19:52

Just another post.......... or two

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 03/06/2020 19:52

Lovely tree Fluffy very Xmas Envy

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 03/06/2020 19:51

Do you need to fill this thread?

pussycatinboots · 03/06/2020 19:28

c'mon Crazy do your thing Grin

NoWordForFluffy · 03/06/2020 19:27
OP posts:
NoWordForFluffy · 03/06/2020 19:19

Crazy, it's from Next. My friend sent me the link to show the bargain so I snapped it up. The last one so she couldn't get one! Xmas Grin Xmas Blush

Boots, it has an extra 2ft height. Their tree is too small for all the crap decorations they put on it!

Mrs, I'm just pondering now! 🤔🤔

OP posts:
FireflyGirl · 03/06/2020 19:18

Ooh, that's pretty Fluffy! Shame it's sold out, as I've been wanting a new one!

The Wales announcement seems to have come out of nowhere!! DS's school start a phased return from next Monday, with his year (reception) back first. I'm furloughed for this month as well, though, so we've decided to keep him home and just continue as we have been.

I notified school, and they've said they will be continuing to provide online work, so they have obviously been anticipating this situation.

pussycatinboots · 03/06/2020 19:09

fluffy oops, missed the 🎄 I take it this is a bigger one than the kids have now?...more opportunity for extra decorations Xmas Wink

Themostwonderfultimeoftheyear · 03/06/2020 19:05

I will be happy to go back too *crazy, my concern is whether I will have childcare for DS though.

WreckTangled · 03/06/2020 19:04

Mrs I wouldn't say it was lovely. It was muggy then the rain cooled it a bit, but my house was still hot, unfortunately some twat lit a bonfire again so I had to close all the windows. It's 24° inside now.

The weather makes me want a roast dinner and to watch Christmas films Grin

CrazyBaubles · 03/06/2020 19:01

Lovely tree Fluffy - where did you get it from and why were you looking at trees Xmas Grin 🎄

most / Wreck I was upstairs working when the announcement was on. DH was grinning like mad when I came down, he's absolutely ready to get back although he's guessing they'll have around a 3rd of the school attending as people refuse to send their dc back.

Getting ready to walk the dog soon. Will need a (thin) coat for the first time in weeks and weeks!

Mrsmadevans · 03/06/2020 18:59

Heck it's nearly the end of the thread!
Fluffy Lovely tree Envy Envy Smile have you thought of any new thread titles yet because as you know or you may not know lol , you are our unelected, official leader at least in my eyes you are Grin
Wreck l am really surprised it's been lovely with you it's freezing here! Grin
Boot l want the sun back, it's been so dank and drab here today !
Crazy so please your day back in work has gone well Smile
You have just reminded me. l have left the windows upstairs flung right open l will have to go and shut them we will be freezing going to bed tonight Grin

NoWordForFluffy · 03/06/2020 18:48

Our house has been 21° all day, so not cold. The grey cloud makes me feel cold, however!

OP posts:
WreckTangled · 03/06/2020 18:37

I'm surprised by Wales too.

Thanks so much firefly Grin

It's not that cold here. I've been wearing a summer dress all day. In my pjs now though

pussycatinboots · 03/06/2020 18:30

Mrs yes, it's beautifully cold - I'm very happy, DH less so Grin

Themostwonderfultimeoftheyear · 03/06/2020 18:27

Lovely tree fluffy!

Wales have announced a bit of a shocker today that none of us were expecting at my school. We had no idea that all years would be going back. I now need information from DS' nursery.

NoWordForFluffy · 03/06/2020 18:21

I forgot to say...I bought another Christmas tree last night. We don't need another tree but this one was £35 down from about £135, so I just bought it. This photo is rubbish, but it's gone from the site as it's sold out, so I had to Google and this is the only picture!

It's 6ft pre-lit. The kids can have it as theirs and we will get rid of their old one. I'm sure someone will want it!

Crazy, my phone drives me bonkers. I had to take a witness statement today and it took about 5 calls. 🙄

Countdown to Christmas 2020 - Lockdown: Peaked! (Thread 5)
OP posts:
CrazyBaubles · 03/06/2020 17:46

It has gone really cold hasn't it MrsMad? I was on autopilot this morning and opened all the windows wide and the back door. Realised at lunchtime that the house was freezing 🥶

It's still drizzling and ddog is most put out as he's not able to sunbathe.

First day WFH has gone quite well. IT switched off emails with an out of office message for anyone unable to work around a week after lockdown so I 'only' had 180 and could delete a lot of them.
Work queue was a mess though but I got rid of some and organised the rest. Real work will start tomorrow 😩
Oh and fluffy similar to you my phone doesn't work - it either refuses to dial out or just randomly cuts off. I think IT have missed me 😂

Lol at the fighting over the box Neros 😂 I'm sure they'll pay attention to the toy at some point!

Mrsmadevans · 03/06/2020 17:19

Grin @NerosFiddle just typical!
Still raining here Fluffy Hmm you can have it if you want it Smile
Most Crazy l can't believe how cold it has gone here Hmm lovely news on the Robin and the other visitors to the bird baths Smile
Fire just lovely for you to have a blackbirds nest Smile
Boot is it cold with you there, it's rained all day here and l don't like it Grin

FireflyGirl · 03/06/2020 16:37

*Wreck" I've pm'd you. Fingers crossed it'll work.

Been drizzly all day here, so giving the plants a much-needed drink. Saves me a job on the allotment, and means I'll be happier to put my plants out!

pussycatinboots · 03/06/2020 16:09

Grin Classic! You need to order just a box next time Grin


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NerosFiddle · 03/06/2020 15:30

Boots and the app has Londonderry a minute ahead 🤷‍♀️.

We bought dc toys from the Disney store when their sale was on. It arrived today and the are currently fighting over who is playing with the box.

pussycatinboots · 03/06/2020 14:04

bugger, meant to say it doesn't like Derry, but that is 3 mins behind Londonderry Hmm

pussycatinboots · 03/06/2020 14:03

Nero ok, tried again Blush
Just change the location - hopefully this will work!

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