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Duchesse's childbirth thread...she hopes

299 replies

duchesse · 23/08/2009 04:58

After about an hour of painless contractions every 3 mins, waters just went. Had forgotten quite how bloody much of it there is. I sit back and await labour...

OP posts:
Confuzzeled · 24/08/2009 12:13

I'm checking this thread every hour, I can't stop. I hope things start soon.

duchesse · 24/08/2009 12:38

Still nothing to report I'm afraid. I slept for a couple of hours (have hardly slept at night for two days). I think he/she is just being an awkward little bugger!

OP posts:
3cutedarlings · 24/08/2009 12:52

Fingers crossed things will soon jump into action , great that you have managed to rest a little.


Waves to Boobz

Boobz · 24/08/2009 13:12

Oh how gorgeous 3cute!

3cutedarlings · 24/08/2009 13:46

Hope the monitoring goes ok duchesse


at the size of little P me thinks you will soon have a little diva to contend!

duchesse · 24/08/2009 13:50

Thanks ladies! Am just about to leave, will report back later.

OP posts:
LadyStealthPolarBear · 24/08/2009 13:52

keeping a watch on this thread...

craftynclothy · 24/08/2009 14:01

Good luck Duchesse!

PlumBumMum · 24/08/2009 14:10

Good luck Duchesse

OnlyWantsOneDoesntLikeDM · 24/08/2009 14:40

Thinking of you - hope you are contracting away before you get in the car and get to stay at home

tink08 · 24/08/2009 16:14

thinking of you Duchesse

OracleInaCoracle · 24/08/2009 16:22

sending lots of contracting/pushy vibes!

3cutedarlings · 24/08/2009 18:13

any news

Boobz · 24/08/2009 18:29

Oh I do hope she came home again!

OracleInaCoracle · 24/08/2009 18:40

me too!

turtle23 · 24/08/2009 20:33

still no news...that's got to be good, right?

duchesse · 24/08/2009 21:01

Back again I'm afraid. Baby seems fine on heart trace & plenty of movement but obstetrician was fount of woes and threatened all manner of dire outcomes, most of which were death of the baby.

Have agreed to more monitoring tomorrow afternoon and to go for induction on Thursday morning as a last resort. Still losing loads of fluid- it seems to be replenishing itself. Can't say I'm not worried now.

OP posts:
PlumBumMum · 24/08/2009 21:21

OHH Duchesse I thought that was going to be a birth announcement, poor you,
Hate to say it but please try to rest, I'm sure your wrecked, hopefully things will kick off again in the middle of the night and no need for induction on Thursday!

violethill · 24/08/2009 21:22

If heart trace and movements are fine then I don't think you should worry. Also if they're holding off til tomorrow afternoon then there's nothing urgent, believe me - they wouldn't let you go if there was.

It's a bugger though isn't it. Doesn't seem to want to shift.

OracleInaCoracle · 24/08/2009 21:46

pants and buggeration. trace and heart is good new but at your obs. i agree, rest as much as possible, are the contractions coming along at all?

duchesse · 24/08/2009 22:29

It's not their fault -they don't mean to worry people, it's just that they only ever see horrible things. I just wish they were better at presenting their point of view.

OP posts:
duchesse · 24/08/2009 22:29

Have been getting a few contractions in the last hour or so by the way. Should I hope?

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Hangingbellyofbabylon · 24/08/2009 23:08

Totally agree with the others, they would have been much more insistent about you not leaving hospital if they had been really concerned. Hang in there, I hope things move now for you. I can feel your utter frustration - whatever happens, don't forget the end is in sight and you'll be holding your little bubba in your arms.

FuckOffDailyMail · 24/08/2009 23:21

How are things progressing now Duchesse?

sausagerolemodel · 25/08/2009 00:12

I can't say it will work, but when I was having cx my MW advised me to have them sitting on the loo, so that gravity could help the intensity. It hurt like buggery, but it did seem to get things moving faster....good luck and fingers crossed this baby makes an appearance soon!

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