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Duchesse's childbirth thread...she hopes

299 replies

duchesse · 23/08/2009 04:58

After about an hour of painless contractions every 3 mins, waters just went. Had forgotten quite how bloody much of it there is. I sit back and await labour...

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LuluMaman · 23/08/2009 20:41

well if they've not stopped , even if less frequent, that is good !
the stretch and sweep won;t have done anything, unless you were ready to do something, IFYSWIM!

duchesse · 23/08/2009 21:04

As far as I remember child 2's birth started this slowly. Waters broke at 7am, and I don't think I was in established labour until past midnight. With the other two the contractions started quite soon after waters breaking (within 3 hours).

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3cutedarlings · 23/08/2009 21:42

Try and rest now duchesse (easier said, i know) xxxx

duchesse · 24/08/2009 03:20

Why the f**k haven't I gone into labour yet??? All I've had over the last 24 hours is a few half arsed contractions and a load more water coming away. The baby seems to be in the right position, but my hormones are as flat as a pan cake. I've tried everything now. Nipple stim produces one mild contraction and then nothing.

Really effing pissed off that it looks likely this one's going to have be in hospital on synthetic hormones.

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duchesse · 24/08/2009 06:57

Right, I probably have a couple of hours until the midwife comes. She's almost certainly going to start encouraging me to accept intervention.

The last thing in the world I wanted was to be hooked up to drips and monitors to birth this baby. Is there anything I can request first that will not lead to that? What is it sensible in your opinion to decline?

I am thinking of going in for monitoring if she insists and then coming home again if all well. What do you think?

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duchesse · 24/08/2009 07:13


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Confuzzeled · 24/08/2009 07:29

Morning Duchesse,

I don't know what to suggest, I think you need to do what you feel is right.

Either way baby will be here by the end of today.

3cutedarlings · 24/08/2009 07:34

Morning duchesse,

You dont have to accept any interventions what so ever, However i do think the sensible thing to do would be to go in be for monitoring ans take it from there.

Personally in your situation i would be asking to stay at home and monitor temp for signs of infection, i would at least want another 24 hours to see how things went. Not 100% but IIRC the amount of time the like to leave you before interventions varies from area to area.

Hopefully someone in the know will be along shortly.

Try and keep positive! xxx

OnlyWantsOneDoesntLikeDM · 24/08/2009 07:53

Morning lovey, firstly - all is calm, you and babes are well, relax - the MW can only advise you - not make you. You should listen to what she says, and do what feels right.

My sister's waters broke and after 24 hrs she went in for monitoring, and was home again that morning. She then went into spontanious labour at 8pm that night and had a beautiful DD weighing 9lb 8 with no drugs

so it will be ok - if she can, you can (she's a big wimp)

Be strong...Good Luck for a lovely birth x x

3cutedarlings · 24/08/2009 08:40


OracleInaCoracle · 24/08/2009 09:02

oh crap, how is it going m'love?

duchesse · 24/08/2009 09:20

Still here, still nuffink happening.

Only, that's very reassuring about your sis. Glad they "let" her go home.

This baby is moving just fine. I'm waiting for the midwife to come and have a listen to the heartbeat. Otherwise, I'm planning on opting for monitoring and expectant management and avoiding the hospital as much as possible to minimise the chance of picking up infection- far more likely in hosp than at home imo... Also not going anybody apart from the midwife a bit later stick their hands up my fanjo.

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OracleInaCoracle · 24/08/2009 09:23

lol, at least you are both fine. whats your PCT like?

OnlyWantsOneDoesntLikeDM · 24/08/2009 09:39

Staying at home and keeping mobile is a fab idea -

duchesse · 24/08/2009 10:00

They want me to go in for monitoring at 2:30 this afternoon, which gives me a few hours...

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duchesse · 24/08/2009 10:01

They're also going to scan to check for position, to make sure the little bugger hasn't flipped to breech...

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oopsacoconut · 24/08/2009 10:17

Keeping fingers crossed that things get moving soon. Keep upright and moving and keep eating and drinking to keep your strength up for when it all happens.

Fingers crossed when I come back later you will have your LO in your arms.

OracleInaCoracle · 24/08/2009 10:20

oh duchesse, how frustrating. BUT... you've been through so much to get to this point, this is the last hurdle. got to go to work, but thinking of you - good luck!!!!

Boobz · 24/08/2009 10:22

Oh Duchesse, I take you're wanting a homebirth? My heart goes out to you - I really hope your baby starts to get things going soon as I'd hate for you to have to do the hospital thing if you're mad keen at having her at home.

I had a very long latent labour (first contraction Weds afternoon, baby arrived Sunday morning) but I did manage to stay at home and give birth just on G+A (even though I was bloody knackered!) I know it's different because your waters have gone, but stick to your plans for just a bit of monitoring if you feel the baby is happy.

Will keep checking in on you! Hope something happens soon.

P.S. The breast pump thing worked for me - 3cute can vouch for that!


duchesse · 24/08/2009 10:24

Yup Boobz, a HB is what I had in mind. MW thinks the docs may ask me to consider delivering in hospital. I shall say I consider it near the end of my monitoring period (assuming I manage to negotiate them up to a few days' monitoring). I could always discharge myself against their wishes...

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ScarletBandit · 24/08/2009 10:45

Duchesse, I really hope things get going for you today before you even have to get as far as hospital for any monitoring. Good luck!

geordieminx · 24/08/2009 10:49

Good Luck Duchesse!!


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elkiedee · 24/08/2009 11:09

Good luck duchesse

CaptainDippy · 24/08/2009 11:38

Go Duchesse Go!! xx

Boobz · 24/08/2009 12:06

Any news?

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