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10/10 Babies - The sun is showing and the pumpkins are growing

938 replies

Hermya321 · 14/04/2010 11:40

Here we go, pull up a deck chair, catch some rays and help yourselves to a mini eggs ice cream.

Link to the stats list.

OP posts:
AbFabT · 15/04/2010 19:57

nunnie, the other October thread is nearly full so there'd have had to have been another one anyway!

Hello, sam12!
I am glad I am not the only one not to have bought a thing yet either!

nunnie · 15/04/2010 20:02

Ohh glad I didn't add that one to my watch list.

Thank you for the welcome and luck wishes.

Jabbering is something I am good at, some people have told me I should have an award for waffling, bit rude of them I thought, but it is true I like to waffle

Off to put myself on the start list x

abigailsparty · 15/04/2010 20:06

Hi everyone, not posted for about a week and sooo much seems to have happened!
First, if Tiny and BUnder are reading, I'm so sorry to hear what each of you are going through and hope that you have lots of support in RL. Tiny I will be praying like everyone else on here that you in that 1%.

I seem to have regressed in the last week, I've not had the sicky feelings but have been super, super knackered. I've been nodding off on the train, at work, everywhere! 8:30pm is my new bedtime

Too much to try and remember to comment on everything but big hello's to Katy, Flyingdoll and Nunnie and great news about all the great scans- loving the new thread too!

MLS - any news?

I had my GTT (Glucose Tolerance Test) this week and went in today to see the consultants. Everything was fine as I imagined it would be. They seemed a bit confused as to why I was given one as I have no history of diabetes in my family. It seems to be pretty normal practise to offer it, I had it with DD and all was fine then too! Oh well, I can't complain about the care I'm receiving, it's all been very well organised and thorough, the consultants even shook my hand today, it seemed such a human gesture yet quite unexpected for that type of environment IYKWIM. Nice touch I thought!
Best bit about today was one of the midwifes offering to see if I wanted to hear the heartbeat as she was doing my blood pressure - er, yes please! It was so lovely of her and so nice to hear it for the first time, was very chuffed!

I hope everyone else is well, am going to try and make an effort to stay in the loop more - if I can stay awake!

abigailsparty · 15/04/2010 20:08

Yikes, hello to Sam12 too, they're coming over thick and fast! Welcome

Vikks · 15/04/2010 20:08

Welcome Nunnie & Sam12

AbFabT 100% on the girl's name and not a clue about the boy's. I might buy a name book!

nunnie · 15/04/2010 20:14

Thank you for the welcomes. I am the opposite (hope you don't mind me butting in) I am 100% on boys name, haven't a clue for girls, I did have a name book think I sold it. I always had a boys and girls name in mind used the girls now, should always keep a reserve but I didn't.

BackAgain · 15/04/2010 20:22

Hello everyone - can I join you? Had my 12 week scan today and all is good - am 12+3 due 25th October. haven't wanted to post before as had an mc last year and wanted to be sure before introducing myself. Have a DD already who's 2 and 8 months and been struggling with sickness and tiredness for the last 6 weeks. Am hoping it starts to ease from here on in. Looking forward to getting to know you all and sharing, take care Z

NinthWave · 15/04/2010 20:40

I've got a big sack fo shaped terry nappies/wraps/a couple of Tots Bots that I'm planning to resurrect for this baby. DS never really got on with cloth nappies - he was a heavy wetter - hoping for better luck this time!

Hello to all the newcomers by the way, it's lovely to finally be passing the 12-week mark isn't it?

I tink we're going to find out at the 20-week scan (should get a date at my MW appt on the 26th). We've thought of a few names but nothing definite yet...

SeaShellsOnTheSeaShore · 15/04/2010 21:38

Goodness, hello newbies, don't think you are butting in, just settle down, help yourself to chocolate and start nattering!

I'm loving watching d cameron look like an idiot onthe debate - good companies like corus WTF they just put a whole town on to jsa!!

Sorry-I won't sour the thread with politics again

ImaKara · 15/04/2010 21:41

I guess I should say hello on this list - welcomed myself to the October list under pregnancy topic but just read that this one is happening as well.

Had my 12 week scan on Wednesday and was 12+1 so EDD is 26 October. Also had first midwife appt on the same morning - so very busy but all done in one trip which was nice. Showed scan photo to the boyfriend whilst out for dinner and he got a bit misty eyed.

20 week scan is all booked so just have to wait now.

Right well, hello to all and nice to meet you. Looking forward to sharing this journey with you all.


SilverSky · 15/04/2010 22:00

Tiny sending everything your way and thinking of you.

Had our NHS scan and as FMC have already done a report, it ended up being a dating scan only and I am now due 18,10,10.

Sorry its a flying visit - I need sleeep!!!

AbFabT · 15/04/2010 22:01

Loving all the new additions! Welcome, welcome, BackAgain and ImaKara.

Looking forward to hearing what you are all calling your babies when they arrive!

FingonTheValiant · 15/04/2010 22:09

ILoveGH it was the orange one I added to my collection, it was just irresistible. Once I know boy/girl I'm sure I'll end up with a colour appropriate one or two!

Katy I'm set for King's, so with due dates 1 day apart I'll probably see you there!

AbFabT I think I've changed one wet nappy in my life, but never a pooey one. Thankfully dh is from a big family and had done loads, so he'll be on duty to start with.

Hello to ImaKara, BackAgain, nunnie, Sam12 and flyingdoll I think that's everyone.

Nymph glad everyone at work was so nice to you

My rubbish council doesn't do nappy vouchers typical, just when I was really getting an addiction going! I sense the student overdraft will not be paid off anytime soon... either of them

FingonTheValiant · 15/04/2010 22:13

Names wise, every time we think we've decided one of us throws out a new one and we have to start again. To try to solve it once and for all I've bought an English name book and a French one and we're both going to go through them and draw up long lists, swap and veto, and then see what's left. I predict chaos

AbFabT · 15/04/2010 22:18

'Chaos' is a nice name, Fingon!

FingonTheValiant · 15/04/2010 22:25

Pmsl AbFabT I'll add it to the list and see if I can get it past dh

AbFabT · 15/04/2010 22:39

Do it! I am genuinely loving 'Danger' as a middle name.

floozietoozie · 15/04/2010 23:59

Blimey, it's raining new people! Hello hello everyone, I'm onthe phone so can't scroll back far enough to get everyone's names, but lovely to see you all on here.

In two minutes I will be 12 weeks. [hurrah emoticon]!

Dp would probably never have changed a nappy if we used reusables last time, and as I didn't have the chanc to investigate properly before ds arrived ( for the new people, he was two months premature) the only reals I used were five Canadian make ones my sister gave me which I used as the second last nappy of the day, ie before night nappy. We didn't have a tumle drier either (but we WILL have one before this one arrives) which didn't help.

RooBear · 16/04/2010 09:34

morning everyone! so glad its friday, finish early at work! did anyone watch DIY SOS last night? so good, I cried buckets!

Katy86 · 16/04/2010 09:42

ooooh fingon yay ill see you at hospital will have to put a mumsnet badge on so you can recognise me i had my last child there too i really liked it there! xx

FingonTheValiant · 16/04/2010 09:50

Morning all!

Floozie congrats on being 12 weeks!! You should def try reals this time, between a tumble dryer and the super-cuteness of them I'm sure your dh will agree. Plus the one I just got look as easy as dispos, easier in fact as there appears to be no way of accidentally sticking them to your sleeve!!

AbFabT Danger is a superb middle name. But you may end up with a 30 year old son with a complex because he never made it a super hero.... just a concern Do it, do it, do it!!!

Katy I'm so glad to hear you liked it there! It's not my closest hospital, but it has the best reputation so I asked for it, and wasn't sure if I'd done the right thing. I'll be easy to recognise, I'll be waving my blueberry nappies like a war flag

Have a fab day everyone

Katy86 · 16/04/2010 09:57

lol fingon it is really nice there i felt like they looked after me really well. Their maternity unit is only 6 or 7 years old its lovely


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AbFabT · 16/04/2010 10:19

Thanks, Fingon. Son OR daughter! I'm actually thinking it'd go well with our girl's name!

So do we definitely need a tumble drier if we want to use recyclables? I have a heated clothes airer ( oduct/21736) - will that not do?

Nymphadora · 16/04/2010 10:24

I have MW/Consultant this afternoon. Do you think i'll come out disappointed again?

tiredfeet · 16/04/2010 10:24

wow loads of newbies, welcome all

I'm so impressed with all the chat about baby equipment and nappies, I really need start thinking about it I guess, as DH is away a lot over the summer so won't be able to find much time then to take him (and his wallet ) shopping. The excited grandparents are already asking what they can get for us, which is lovely but I feel like I have a lot to learn before I will be able to decide about which pram etc!

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