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10/10 Babies - The sun is showing and the pumpkins are growing

938 replies

Hermya321 · 14/04/2010 11:40

Here we go, pull up a deck chair, catch some rays and help yourselves to a mini eggs ice cream.

Link to the stats list.

OP posts:
AbFabT · 08/05/2010 22:05

9th, glad the migraines are clearing up, and sorry to hear you've had it so bad.

ILGH, thanks re the Maxi-Cosi. I've read some reviews and think we may have found the winner (the CabrioFix one).
I'm leaning ever more and more towards the Stokke! I even priced it up online today (OUCH!!!) but going to shop around and barter if we do go for it. I would love to have it in simple black, but they don't do black, so of the colours available, probably green, but I've only seen it online, and I'd really want to see it in RL first.

AbFabT · 08/05/2010 22:09

Thanks, moonstorm. I have been browsing that section today! I'll see if anyone else has mentioned it, else I may well post.

fidelma · 08/05/2010 22:19

Sorry I am just going to gate crash your thread.

I was on the October 09 thread.

And I can't believe that I now have a 7 month old who eats real food, sleeps and laughs.

So just wishing you all the best for the next few months.

AbFabT · 08/05/2010 22:37

Oh that's really sweet of you, fidelma. Congratulations on your child! Did you get a boy or a girl?

Elsa123 · 09/05/2010 09:18

Congratulations to all those who've had scans and those that know the sex- how exciting. Nymph- you're not alone, we're not finding out either. Is anyone going to/been to the 20 week scan alone? Its the first day of my DH's new job and he can't make it.

  1. those who have dc - what is you child's favourite (and most annoying) book.

Not Applicable

  1. continued, those who haven't, have you exposed yourself to cbeebies yet (and the horror of big cock little cock?!)

Nope and its sounds dodgy! There is a children's channel with old stuff that we grew up on...

  1. Whats your worse pregnancy symptom at the moment?


  1. Does anyone have a weddings to go to this year the size of a whale (and if you do have you got your outfit sorted, and do you think you will make it past 9pm?)

6 days before due date, best friend, but probably won't go as its a fair old travel.

  1. Do you think the hung parliment situation should be decided by

A quick re-election

  1. Any last minute holidays planned? not yet...

Something in Aug, few days in uk prob
Hermya321 · 09/05/2010 10:04

Ninth Ooo sorry about the migraines, I'm glad it's clearing up though.

I could have kissed the pharmacist yesterday, she gave me some glycerin type stuff to ease the cough. It tastes awful, but it helped my throat.

OP posts:
SilverSky · 09/05/2010 10:06

We are not finding out. Prefer to keep it a surprise. Plus what else would Husband and I argue about if we cant carry on with our baby name "discussions"!

AbFabT · 09/05/2010 10:35

Elsa, that's interesting about the TV channel with programmes from when we were children (mind you, we might not be talking about the same decade - I'm a seventies child!).
I wonder which is better for children - old-style, or modern - i.e. education-wise. I don't intend to plonk my child in front of the TV very much, but do think some is good for them, so I need to start researching which!!!

Bit concerned today. Haven't felt any movement in a few days. Thinking we might go to the hospital for a check-up.
Oh, and it's my first wedding anniversary today.

SilverSky · 09/05/2010 11:26

Ab My SIL is very good at selecting appropriate TV for children and doesnt let them watch anything that they are not old enough to watch, eg: her boy is 10 and if a movie has a 12 rating then he is not allowed to watch it.

Why don't you buzz NHS Direct or your MW if she takes calls on the w/e.

I am feeling sort of movements but not obvious ones so not sure if its just tummy rumblings or the baby. Odd bubble or ripple?! Could be couldn't it.

Having a trauma this weekend, I had a problem which I addressed only involves one other person however I think her chum is now narked at me, when in fact, its me that has the right to be annoyed. Guess it will all get sorted out later if I see her. As husband says - women complicated things too much!

RooBear · 09/05/2010 11:35

happy anniversary abfab ! we aren't finding out nymph. I think I'm a bit late for the questions, but I am going to a wedding at the end of the month. I've got a dress from mamas and papas which is a knee length, linen with sliver embellishment down the middle and a blue shrug with ribbon detail. The only problem is its white. The bride doesn't mind (shes my best mate) and the wedding it outside so its not black tie or anything I just don't want people to think I've commited a faux pa. Sorry for the ramble just wondered what you think?

Hermya321 · 09/05/2010 12:03

I've just noticed that we're starting to reach our upper limit on this thread (we're a chatty bunch) and I was wondering what the new thread title should be?

The only thing I could think of was something along the lines of '10/10 Babies - Pink, blue or surprise, what colour will your pumpkins cape be?' or '10/10 Babies - Rock and Rolly Pumpkins showing us their groovy moves'. I quite like the second one tbh, but thats just me.

Anyone else think of anything?

OP posts:
Hermya321 · 09/05/2010 12:06

Roo It's a May wedding and the silver and blue will offset the white, when I got married people wore white to my wedding. It seriously never crossed my mind that they were trying to upstage me at all. I don't think you're commiting a faux pau, white is a summery colour and that dress sounds lovely!! If it was all white, then you might wonder. But the fact it has silver on it should break it up a bit.

OP posts:
fidelma · 09/05/2010 12:40

ABFAB I had a boy.I have 2 girls and 2 boys. (I was greedy )

SilverSky · 09/05/2010 12:46

Roo that will be just fine. Wouldn't worry as the outfit sounds lovely. Not like you are wearing a tiara and a veil with it!

H I like the second one but instead of "Rolly" think it should be "Rollin'"

Hermya321 · 09/05/2010 12:49

Silver Yeah that sounds good!!

OP posts:
Elsa123 · 09/05/2010 13:04

How far along are you AbFab? I think its quite common to sometimes feel stuff and sometimes not at this time- it depends on how busy/concentrating on it you are.

AbFabT · 09/05/2010 14:34

Thanks, Silver, it's not just the age thing, it's the utter nonsense that seems to be on (or maybe I just don't know what's good!) compared to something that would be educational as well. Sure I'll give them some fun stuff to watch, but there are SO many shows, I think I'll want to be selective.

Hope you get the personal thing sorted out. Who needs the hassle!

I called the midwife team soon after I posted this morning. She just said not to worry, and that was about it!!! But that if I was still worried during the week, to call back or see my GP. I'll sleep on it, and see how I feel tomorrow. Elsa, I'll be 19 weeks tomorrow. I haven't been very busy and have been concentrating and looking out for it loads!

fidelma, congratulations on your four!

Thanks for the anniversary wishes, everyone.

Nymphadora · 09/05/2010 16:34

I have been in Glasgow this weekend ( mainly in cafes) but we went in practically every shop that potentially sold maternity clothes. 3 racks in debenhams including a see through lace thing, 2 racks in h&m , 2 in next & 2 in DPs. These were big branches so AIBU to have a tantrum over wanting buy normal clothes in shops? In John Lewis their maternity section consisted on 1 swimming costume. Which was awful and £30. Tons of baby equipment though dh now appreciates that I will look shit for the next few months.

anyway Jamie Cullum was fab on Friday night even if I wasn't up to dancing around!

Antidote · 09/05/2010 17:58

I'm with you on the mat clothes Nymph.
We braved bluewater on the way home this afternoon (never been before, shan't be going back, v. scary place!).
The only reason for going was they have a branch of blooming marvellous and I wanted to see if the trousers are long enough and what size I am. I am 5'9'' so most trousers are way too short, and leggings are a complete no-no for work.
Seemed OK: the selection is small but a few work suitable things.

Tyson86 · 09/05/2010 18:08

Hi thanks for the congrats, been out today with my mum buying frilly pink things.
Told all the family that she's a girl and very happy.
I had a migraine yesterday in Huntanton and couldnt drive back so dh with a provisional did it all the way back to Northampton and managed thank god but had to help him alot.
Hope everyones ok

Nymphadora · 09/05/2010 18:23

This thing with my BP being all over the place, does anyone know about heart rate? for the slightest bit of exercise (walking down the street for eg) my heart is really thumping. got dh to feel my pulse and he got 120 . It goes back to normal quickly but its a bit worrying.

floozietoozie · 09/05/2010 21:26

Jesus, what a day. I've been in work all day after ds got up at seven and I woke even earlier cos we don't have proper curtains just stupid vertical blinds that do nothing to keep out the light. Have gad splitting headache in work for most of the afternoon, feltvreallu sick again. Then I came home and after dinner tried putting ds to bed earlyish, in bed with milk and stories done by 7.30 cos he seemed tired - little so and so's been playing up and getting out of bed, into ours, back to his, up again back to ours then saying he's hungry. Fed him more, left him in bed with dp who's got a cold and has had him all day, next thing I hear is dp calling me saying he can't do anything with him and can i come. Grrr. Go up to find ds sitting on the edge of his bed now, lie him down and tell him we've had enough... He's currently in bed with music onbut still awake. I was hoping to get to bed myself by 8.30 cos feel so pants and am back in work at 7am but am now wound up to here!!!! Aaarrgghhhh!!! No, I'm still knackered just fearing I won't sleep when I finally get the chance to try in 10 mins. That's assuming ds doesn't get out of bed again.... Thank god he didn't do this last night when we were going out (for once).


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VMumToBe · 09/05/2010 22:25

Blimey Toozie sounds mad! Sorry for being awol, all well and stretching by the day...

Laughing all the wedding chat, last weekend was first one of ten we are going to before the due date. Have bought jojomaman black dress and shall wear it hopefuly for every one of the bloomin ones with different accessories - works out £4 a wear and reckon can use it for work too so that's value for money!!

Was initially worried about the black colour
roo like you with the white but everyone seems to wear anything nowdays and being preg I think we can get away with some leeway!

Yes know 10 is a bit mad, seems that 2010 is just the year that everyone has decided to get up the aisle! Sure they will all be lovely.

Got invited to another today on 16th Oct, 4 days after our due date, not sure to be horried or not that dh said we might be able to make it! Hmmmmm!

Happy anniversary abfab - ours today too - a whole year! xx

AbFabT · 09/05/2010 23:36

floozie, hope your week is better than today!

VMum, ooh, Happy Anniversary to you and your DH too! One year too?

Wow about all the weddings you have lined up this year! Yikes! We had one right at the start of my pregnancy, but no one else we know getting married between now and October (that we know of, yet!).

Hermya321 · 10/05/2010 09:11

Floozie Jeez that doesn't sound fun, I hope things got better for you.

Abfab Happy Anniversery!!!

Nymph I know the body and your heart starts to work extra hard around this time as baby starts to get bigger and requires more blood. But 120 bpm, well to me that sounds a bit high. Maybe it has something to do with your blood pressure? Could you give your midwife or Docs a ring? It could be something that they answer over the phone. You weren't walking up a hill were you though? Because if you were that might have something to do with it, hills are hard work especially for pregnant people.

I'm so tired, was at work all day yesterday and I've had no sleep due to this sodding cold. Oh well, c'est la vie.

How is everyone else today?

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