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June 2010? Goodness am I the first!

1000 replies

ScaredOfEverything · 17/09/2009 08:17

Hello everyone...

Had a positive test this morning, suspect due on 3rd June. Gulp! Very surprised as DD is only 9 months and it took me 2 years to conceive the first time around.

Anyone here to join teh long wait?

XX scared

OP posts:
minimoonumbertwo · 02/10/2009 12:52

Thinking of you SB x

greensnail · 02/10/2009 12:58

Thinking of you SB. I had several bleeds when pg with DD, and everything was fine, so fingers crossed all will turn out ok for you too x

mumandlovingit · 02/10/2009 16:02

i hope everything works out ok silverboots

Fabi76 · 02/10/2009 16:09

Hello all!! and Congratulations! I took a test three days ago and it was positive - just to be sure I took 6 more and the pink line got clearer and clearer! This will be my first pregnancy and I think I'm due on June 11, according to an online calculator. So excited to be here!! haven't been able to concentrate at all in work.

ClaireDeLoon · 02/10/2009 16:35

Thinking of you SB and keeping my fingers crossed.

Welcome and congratulations Fabi

Love2dance · 02/10/2009 17:06

Silverboots. Thinking of you. I hope it turns out to be nothing.

Icanneverthinkofagoodname · 02/10/2009 18:16

I feel exactly the same as you mumandlovingit. Was really freaked by the pulling pains, glad its not just me that keeps checking her knickers. I find myself going to the toilet all the time to check.
Also doing pregnancy tests every morning to reasure myself. My husband thinks I am mental.

Experienced the pregnancy tiredness today. Had a 2 hour sleep this afternoon which I never ever do, usually incapable of sleeping during the day no matter how tired I am. Was excited to have an actual symptom rather than just wind! I too am actually wanting to feel sick so I feel more pregnant. I must be mad.

Silverboots, I really hope you are okay. Thinking about you.

LittleRobbo · 02/10/2009 18:16

Hope you are ok silverboots,take it easy.

Congrats fabi,well done you!

dizzymac · 02/10/2009 18:21

SB, hope all is OK

Hello to everyone and congratulations.
I gave in today and did a digital test, it read 2-3 weeks so I feel reassured- for now.
I've got lots of pulling and also started the hungers today:- cue lots of biscuits.
Found out we had a case of swine flu in school today ( I'm a teacher) so I told the head as it freaked me out a bit. It feels more real now I've told someone. I'm off to tell mum tonight and DH is phoning his parents.

ClaireDeLoon · 02/10/2009 18:38

I told someone today too - my close friend, she's lovely and very understanding. She's the only person we've told so far and have no plans to tell anyone else. It does make it feel more real doesn't it

dizzymac I did the same as you this morning and got 2 - 3 weeks, was very relieved but have decided that is it for testing now. I'm not going to torment myself anymore and just try to enjoy it.

Woofie · 02/10/2009 20:08

Really hope it's nothing SB

Welcome sunshiney and fabi - congratulations both

I'm having practically no symptoms at all yet - hoping they kick in soon for reassurance. I've had the dragging feeling in my tummy on and off, plus occasional shooting pains in the norks, but no sickness or frequent weeing yet. Odd to be willing myself to feel like crap, but still... Tested wed and thu mornings, and the line was definitely darker the second time, but haven't mustered up the nerve to do a digital yet! Maybe over the weekend.

Has anyone been to the docs yet?

LittleRobbo · 02/10/2009 20:16

Woofie no docs yet for me,i'm going to try and wait till around 6-8 weeks,providing everything is ok fingers crossed.

LittleRobbo · 02/10/2009 20:17

My niece went through her entire pg with no symptoms whatsoever!

mumandlovingit · 03/10/2009 07:25

went to the doctors yesterday to get it all confirmed. he took my bllod pressure, checked my urine, did a pregnancy test to make sure and just told me to make an appointment with the midwife.

felt a bit deflated really. he didnt mention folic acid, whether the tablets im supposed to be on for my migraines are ok to take or not which they arent as ive already googled it so im not on them anymore.maybe i was supposed to go directly to the midwife?

got a booking in appointment going to pull a sickie as i havent told work yet and its the middle of the will be an hour they said.

according to a poster in the dcotors they do blood tests before you#re 9 weeks now? they do new one apparently that they didnt do when i had my other children.does anyone know what this is for?

my stomach is really tender and im tired and my boobs are tender a bit but other than that no major symptoms still. im holding out til the morning to do my last test to see if im 5 weeks hoping to get a 3+ on the digital test.its been 1-2 and 2-3 so far.

still in a bit of shock really.12 weeks still seems so far away.i know its not guaranteed everything will go ok after then but its alot more reassuring.

hope silverboots is ok

scrappydappydoo · 03/10/2009 09:51

Hi all, feel ready to join the thread now - think I'm due around June 2nd. This will be no. 3 for us and even though we alway planned for 3 this one has come along a little sooner than expected so I was a bit shocked to get a BFP. Its not the best timing - means I will have newborn, dd1 starting reception and dd2 starting preschool so i'm a little scared as I didn't think I coped very well with the 2 year age gap between dd1 and dd2. but I'm a little happier now I've had a few days to digest the news. So pass the folic acid and lets get on with this

Icanneverthinkofagoodname · 03/10/2009 10:41

I went to the doctors on Thursday and he really didn't do anything at all. Did not even check my urine. Gave me a card about folic acid and a booklet and asked me where I wanted to go to have the baby. Then said hospital would get in contact with me, so really have no idea what happens next. I always forget to ask questions at Doctors. Oh well I will just wait and see.

MrsC09 · 03/10/2009 17:13

Hi everyone! I guess this is the thread for me too! I'm 5 weeks tomorrow, due 7th June It's my first pregnancy and although planned it all happened quicker than I thought so a little bit scared... I've only told hubby and best friend so far as don't want to excite the grandparents-to-be too much just yet.

Only symptom so far is i feel soooooo tired but not sure if that's just from cutting back on caffeine or because I'm going into hibernation for the winter!

Icanneverthinkofagoodname · 03/10/2009 17:22

Congrats MrsC09, its is very scary isn't it. Hard to think of anything else.
Just wondering how far everyone is going in giving up coffee? I gave up entirely for about 10 days but gave in today and had a cup as was exhausted and have friends coming for dinner.

MrsC09 · 03/10/2009 17:29

Hi again, was hoping someone could fill me in on the lingo as new to all this so struggling a bit! What's DD, DC, DH, DP, DS, HV, IYSWIM??? Sorry, feeling a bit thick

mumandlovingit · 03/10/2009 18:11

dd = daughter
dc = child
dh= husband#dp = partner
ds = son
hv = health visitor
iyswim = if you see what i mean

think its dear in front of the works like dear not great with the lingo either.i tend to just write the words! lol

congratulations everyone. ive checked my appointment card and it says my midwife appointment is 13th, not this tuesday so ive got another week to wait now. i should be 6 weeks then though i think. not sure at all about dates as i havent had a period since july but the digital tests say im between 4 and 5 weeks at the moment so im waiting for it to say 3+ so i know im 5. these digital tests are great if they turn out to be right.

went food shopping today and it hurt like hell pushing the trolley round and getting the heavy bags in.will be taking dp in future.he came home from work and told me off for going without him.

apart from that im not feeling too bad today.dont know if thats a good thing or bad.

Woofie · 03/10/2009 18:46

Congratulations and welcome mrsc

Had a lovely siesta after lunch today, while hubby took ds out - can't remember the last time i did that - must be pregnant! I've made an appt to see the doc on tuesday, though don't imagine she'll do much at this early stage.

I've told husband (of course, though he chose the day i did a test to leave his phone at home - grrr), his parents (who are great + supportive - we'd no doubt tell them if anything bad were to happen anyway) + 2 best friends. Planning to tell my mum when she's back from hols, but apart from that keep it quiet til after the 12 wk scan. I hate keeping secrets!

scrappydappydoo · 03/10/2009 18:49

Congrats everyone!! mrsco9 - at the top of the page under mumsnet talk theres an acronyms tab - that should help


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nickytwotimes · 03/10/2009 19:00

Congrats newcomers!
ANd another welcome to MrsC.

I am a bit alarmed that I keep forgetting I am pregnant. My symptoms come and go. When I was pg with ds, it was around 7 wks before I knew I was pg (I was on pill!) and the symptoms were hellish by then! As it is so early, it hasn't kicked in fully yet. Guess I will make the most of it.

Wrt coffee, I am still drinking my usual ont he unscientific basis that it was fine last time. Not giving anything up this time as I don't drink or smoke any more, so no big hardship.

ClaireDeLoon · 03/10/2009 19:07

I have swapped my morning latte to decaf, I had been doing that for a while anyway as my gynae said to try to avoid caffeine whilst ttc. I still have a couple of cups of (non-decaf) tea a day though.

greensnail · 03/10/2009 19:46

I've gone off coffee at the moment so sticking to tea. Last time I got to about 7 weeks and completely went off tea - couldn't even stand the smell of the stuff. I couldn't go near it until DD was born.

Trying to work out what to do with the half-eaten brie in the fridge. DH can't eat cheese so I suppose it will have to go in the bin, although it breaks my heart to throw it away - so yummy.

I also had a lovely nap this afternoon while DD was napping. I'm lucky she still has 2 naps a day so I can get a bit of rest, but i'm not sure when i'll get any housework done.

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