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June 2010? Goodness am I the first!

1000 replies

ScaredOfEverything · 17/09/2009 08:17

Hello everyone...

Had a positive test this morning, suspect due on 3rd June. Gulp! Very surprised as DD is only 9 months and it took me 2 years to conceive the first time around.

Anyone here to join teh long wait?

XX scared

OP posts:
BiscuitStuffer · 03/10/2009 20:28

Is anyone else feeling grumpy???
I've also twigged that I seem to be craving spicy food. I'll be 6 weeks on Tuesday but it sounds like it all really kicks off at 7 weeks ish. I can't wait .

How is everyone else doing this evening?

LittleRobbo · 03/10/2009 20:34

Dear me i hope i dont go off coffee because i work at Costa! imagine not being able to stand the smell of work hahaha! i switched to decaf tea last time and honestly couldnt tell the difference.

Woofie · 03/10/2009 20:44

Oh dear little robbo - could be interesting! I haven't gone off coffee, in fact still really craving it first thing in the morning, but I'm trying to cut back... Don't really know what the most recent advice on caffeine is. Everything seems a bit more militant these days - it was OK to have the odd glass of wine after the first trimester when I was pg with my son 4 years ago, but apparently not now... Hey ho.

Greensnail - brie: mmmmhh.

greensnail · 03/10/2009 20:58

My doctor's advice re alcohol "well you're supposed to avoid it, but you're doing better than me if you manage that one!"

I can't face wine either - the fact that I hadn't fancied a glass for a week was one of the things that made me think I was pg.

That could be a problem LittleRobbo! Now I'm feeling sick thinking about the smell of Costa

LittleRobbo · 03/10/2009 21:11

I personally think a little 'tiny' bit of what you fancy wont harm,re caffeine and the odd glass of wine.

The smell of ciggies is really making me wretch at the mo eurgh.

greensnail the thought of work is making me feel sick too!

SilverBoots · 04/10/2009 09:15

Updated list:
1st - ELM, 29, #2
1st - BiscuitStuffer, #3
1st - bambino02, 23, #2
1st - Love2dance, 42, #2
2nd - scrappydappydoo, #3
2nd - minimoonumbertwo, 33, #2
2nd - MrsGravy, 33, #3
3rd - ScaredOfEverything, age 33, #2
3rd - Icanneverthinkofagoodname, 31, #1
3rd - nickytwotimes, 35, #2
3rd - RnB, 31, #3
5th - Nuttysquirrel, 37, #2
6th - AlwaysHopefull, 35, #1
6th - zumm, 37, #1
6th - ClaireDeLoon, 37, #1
7th - LittleRobbo, 34, #3
7th - MrsC09, #1
8th - dizzymac, age35, #3
8th - Tobermory, #2
9th - Woofie, 33, #2
11th - Fabi76, #1

I have removed myself from the list as the bleeding has got heavier & my gut feeling is that it's not meant to be this month.

Wishing you all happy, healthy pregnancies!

SB x

ClaireDeLoon · 04/10/2009 09:22

I'm very sorry SilverBoots take care

greensnail · 04/10/2009 09:25

So sorry SilverBoots Take care of yourself.

Just adding myself to the list

1st - ELM, 29, #2
1st - BiscuitStuffer, #3
1st - bambino02, 23, #2
1st - Love2dance, 42, #2
2nd - scrappydappydoo, #3
2nd - minimoonumbertwo, 33, #2
2nd - MrsGravy, 33, #3
3rd - ScaredOfEverything, age 33, #2
3rd - Icanneverthinkofagoodname, 31, #1
3rd - nickytwotimes, 35, #2
3rd - RnB, 31, #3
5th - Nuttysquirrel, 37, #2
5th - greensnail, 27, #2
6th - AlwaysHopefull, 35, #1
6th - zumm, 37, #1
6th - ClaireDeLoon, 37, #1
7th - LittleRobbo, 34, #3
7th - MrsC09, #1
8th - dizzymac, age35, #3
8th - Tobermory, #2
9th - Woofie, 33, #2
11th - Fabi76, #1

Not certain of my dates, but the 5th is my best guess at the moment

scrappydappydoo · 04/10/2009 09:38

So sorry Silverboots Hope you're ok..

Love2dance · 04/10/2009 09:40

Really sorry SB. If it had to happen, at least it's early on....

Still not feeling at all pg myself except hungry and grumpy like you Biscuitstuffer.

Not looking forward to next few weeks as have stressful time at work coming up for next 4 weeks including daily 120 mile round trip commute.

Keep well everyone.

Woofie · 04/10/2009 12:36

Really sorry silver boots Hope you'll be back on the antenatal threads v v soon.

Nausea's kicked in this morning - gack!

MrsC09 · 04/10/2009 14:42

Thanks mumandlovingit & scrappydappydoo! It's all starting to make sense

I've felt like throwing up all day. Was hoping that the symptoms wouldn't kick in until wk 7 as all the books seem to state... Really worried about being sick at work! How do you get around throwing up in the cubicles without people suspecting that you're pregnant?!?

bambino02 · 04/10/2009 16:10


my boobs are seriously sore today, had a car booty this morning and i am shattered, nice way to make a little 128pounds though. think i may have to treat myself...... any suggestions

Not chocolate!! haha

i look like iv gained a stone already, my dh is in for a big shock when he gets back onshore haha


sunshiney · 04/10/2009 16:22

Is anyone else not having symptoms, apart from tiredness? I'm sure with my dd I was feeling sick by now! (I have far so good!)

RnB · 04/10/2009 16:35

Really sorry SB. Hope you're bearing up x

RnB · 04/10/2009 16:36

Really sorry SB. Hope you're bearing up x

dizzymac · 04/10/2009 18:17

Sorry to hear that Silverboots. Look after yourself.

nickytwotimes · 04/10/2009 18:55

Sorry, SB.
Hope you are on another ante natal thread again soon.

Sunshiney, my symptoms come and go and are much milder than with ds. That may well change soon though, but I am not too bad atm. Fwiw, I reckon I am a lot more resiliant than I was in my pre-dc days, so maybe just not as bothered by things? DOn't know really. SO long as you have had the BFP, enjoy the lack of vomity-ness!

LittleRobbo · 04/10/2009 19:26

So sorry for you SB.

I have just got home from 10 hour shift and i feel awful,just one 45 min break thats it! I think i am going to have a word,i just dont feel like that particular shift is going to be good for me. sorry for the moan ladies,i'll be fine after a good sleep,but right now,i am thinking chocolate and huge mug of tea feel very emotional today

ClaireDeLoon · 04/10/2009 19:30

sunshiney I haven't really had symptoms - no tiredness just weeing a lot. A few times I think I might have felt slightly nauseous but that could well be nerves.

greensnail · 04/10/2009 20:11

Oh no, that sounds rubbish LittleRobbo. Don't know how I'm going to cope when I'm back at work - will be doing 11 hr night shifts. Did you cope with the coffee smell though? Thought of you today as we went into Costa - I made DH sit outside as I couldn't stand the heat and smell in there

sunshiney · 04/10/2009 20:14

thanks for the responses! i am about six weeks i think, so as someone on here mentioned, perhaps they will kick off in a week or so.

but also possible as nicky says since i have had a pregnancy before, i am a bit used to hormone overload, so we'll see.

ps) silverboots, hope you are ok. all the best.


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madamefreckle · 04/10/2009 22:49

Hello all! I'm tentatively climbing on board. Due 4th June (already have ds - nearly 3) ...but have had a bit of bleeding over past few days so just crossing fingers... and legs.

Scared - It'll be a lot of running around to begin with but SO lovely to have two so close in age when they're a bit older. Me and my sis are 18 months apart and it's fab.


madamefreckle · 04/10/2009 22:57

Hope i'm not being too optimistic adding myself to the list.

1st - ELM, 29, #2
1st - BiscuitStuffer, #3
1st - bambino02, 23, #2
1st - Love2dance, 42, #2
2nd - scrappydappydoo, #3
2nd - minimoonumbertwo, 33, #2
2nd - MrsGravy, 33, #3
3rd - ScaredOfEverything, age 33, #2
3rd - Icanneverthinkofagoodname, 31, #1
3rd - nickytwotimes, 35, #2
4th - madamefreckle, 33, #2
3rd - RnB, 31, #3
5th - Nuttysquirrel, 37, #2
5th - greensnail, 27, #2
6th - AlwaysHopefull, 35, #1
6th - zumm, 37, #1
6th - ClaireDeLoon, 37, #1
7th - LittleRobbo, 34, #3
7th - MrsC09, #1
8th - dizzymac, age35, #3
8th - Tobermory, #2
9th - Woofie, 33, #2
11th - Fabi76, #1

mumandlovingit · 05/10/2009 07:12

can someone please add me to the list, im not sure how to do it.3rd child age 28 4th pregnancy and im nearly 5 weeks i think going by the digital tests.

my boobs are sore as anything but im finding it hard to find maternity bras/sports bras to fit.ive got a 30 inch back but an f cup.anyone know where i can get some? ive ordered a couple of sports bras from my catalogue but i cant find actual maternity bras anywhere smaller than a 34 inch back.

knackered and still not sleeping sickness yet but belly aches, alot of trapped wind and!

praying this little one holds on and everything goes well.

oh well, off to get reasy for work again, hoe im going to keep hiding my bloaty belly i dont know.i didnt look this big at 3/4 months before let alone 4-5 weeks.

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