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June 2010? Goodness am I the first!

1000 replies

ScaredOfEverything · 17/09/2009 08:17

Hello everyone...

Had a positive test this morning, suspect due on 3rd June. Gulp! Very surprised as DD is only 9 months and it took me 2 years to conceive the first time around.

Anyone here to join teh long wait?

XX scared

OP posts:
ClaireDeLoon · 29/09/2009 10:24

1st - BiscuitStuffer, a#3
1st - bambino02, age?, #2
2nd - minimoonumbertwo, age?, #2
2nd - MrsGravy, age?, #3
3rd - ScaredOfEverything, age?, #2
3rd - Icanneverthinkofagoodname, age?, #1
3rd - nickytwotimes, age?, #2
6th - AlwaysHopefull, age?, #?
6th - zumm, 37, #1
6th - ClaireDeLoon, 37, #1
8th - dizzymac, age?, #3

There! A list! I put space for ages in as that is what they seem to do on other threads but don't worry if you don't want to share.

Hope I got everyones details correct.

zumm · 29/09/2009 10:30

he he - lists! Love it. Can't actually think of doing anything else right now anyway... So, any other old crones on here?

SilverBoots · 29/09/2009 10:34


Got a BFP this morning!!! Due date 8th June, I think.

SB x

SilverBoots · 29/09/2009 10:37


1st - BiscuitStuffer, a#3
1st - bambino02, age?, #2
2nd - minimoonumbertwo, age?, #2
2nd - MrsGravy, age?, #3
3rd - ScaredOfEverything, age?, #2
3rd - Icanneverthinkofagoodname, age?, #1
3rd - nickytwotimes, age?, #2
6th - AlwaysHopefull, age?, #?
6th - zumm, 37, #1
6th - ClaireDeLoon, 37, #1
8th - dizzymac, age?, #3
8th - SilverBoots, 38, #4

It appears that I am the oldest crone

SB x

ClaireDeLoon · 29/09/2009 10:43

Many congratulations SilverBoots!! I wouldn't worry - we aren't far behind you

ClaireDeLoon · 29/09/2009 10:46

When is everyone thinking of going to the doctors? I was going to ring to try to get an advance appointment for next Weds when will be 5 and a half weeks.

RnB · 29/09/2009 11:04

May I join you ladies?! Just got a BFP! Due 3rd June and am very excited This is number 3 for me. I already have ds1, 8 and ds2,7. I had a misscarriage 2.5 yrs ago so I am a bit nervous...

RnB · 29/09/2009 11:05

1st - BiscuitStuffer, a#3
1st - bambino02, age?, #2
2nd - minimoonumbertwo, age?, #2
2nd - MrsGravy, age?, #3
3rd - ScaredOfEverything, age?, #2
3rd - Icanneverthinkofagoodname, age?, #1
3rd - nickytwotimes, age?, #2
3rd - RnB, 31, #3
6th - AlwaysHopefull, age?, #?
6th - zumm, 37, #1
6th - ClaireDeLoon, 37, #1
8th - dizzymac, age?, #3
8th - SilverBoots, 38, #4

zumm · 29/09/2009 11:34

Claire am totally green about all this - SilverBoots (congrats!) since you're onto No 4, you need to help with wisdom etc.

However, as for docs, I have already booked a first appmt - this is just to meet the GP - who will then book you for a scan or some such.

Not sure when midwives come into it all - silver?

zumm · 29/09/2009 11:36

PS appmt is for the 14th of Oct. Just in case etc.

ClaireDeLoon · 29/09/2009 11:45

Congratulations RnB!

zumm I just tried to get an appt for nice GP for a week today but the appointments released early for that day have all gone. Will try again tomorrow for an appointment on Weds 7th.

I'd like to see them sooner rather than later to see if I can get a cheeky early scan, at 8 weeks instead of waiting until 13. Hence wanting the nice GP!

ELM · 29/09/2009 12:41

Hi Ladies - congratulations everyone!
I had a BFP on Saturday - not sure whether I am due late May or early June.Can I hang out herre til I find out?
have DS1 born Dec 2006 (6 weeks prem afte all sorts of problems)

I've got a stinking cold, and am knackered- but very

Claire: Hi, Congratulations! Just googled bicornuate uterus, it must be so much extra worry for you. Think positive,and speaking from past experience, MNing your worries helps!

ELM · 29/09/2009 12:48

Oh, and I'm 29
(hadn't read the second page of posts..
pregnancy brain is already kicking in)

Have Drs appointment on Friday

minimoonumbertwo · 29/09/2009 13:34

Loving the list!!! ELM I am adding you anyway!

1st - ELM, age, #2
1st - BiscuitStuffer, a#3
1st - bambino02, age?, #2
2nd - minimoonumbertwo, 33, #2
2nd - MrsGravy, age?, #3
3rd - ScaredOfEverything, age?, #2
3rd - Icanneverthinkofagoodname, age?, #1
3rd - nickytwotimes, age?, #2
3rd - RnB, 31, #3
6th - AlwaysHopefull, age?, #?
6th - zumm, 37, #1
6th - ClaireDeLoon, 37, #1
8th - dizzymac, age?, #3
8th - SilverBoots, 38, #4

so many congratulations to everyone, so exciting for 1st timers and am v impressed by amount of 3rd & 4th's !!! Silver, seriously, 4 kids are you crazy?! Well done though!!

feeling a bit better today although have doubled my daily calorie intake, bit worrying...i read somewhere that you only actually need an extra 200 calories a day when your preggers - ridiculous - at least an extra 1000 i say! anything to keep the sickness at bay...

have got 'booking in' appt at dr's on Friday x

dizzymac · 29/09/2009 14:53

Wow!! My internet's been down most of the day. I go away for a few hours and there's hundreds of us.
Congratulations to you all and Claire..I am impressed with your list.
I'm 35 by the way ( another oldie).
I'm feeling a bit lightheaded today and have completely gone off tea. ( That's what alerted me. I was the same with my DDs.)

Love2dance · 29/09/2009 15:49

Heeeeyyyyy Ladies!

Congratulations to all. EDD 1st June (GP says end May but calculations from ovulation date take me to June so here I am).

Feeling terribly guilty as I'm working at home today and keep straying to look at pregnancy stuff (even tho' I've already got a DS born Jan 07, so nearly 2y 9m).

No sore boobs yet. I'm trying to be philosophical until past 8 weeks or so. Still can't believe it though...

Anyone out there going for VBAC?

SilverBoots · 29/09/2009 15:51

I'm sure my booking in appts were always with a midwife... It may vary depending on where you live.

I'm really not much use on the wisdom front...

My oldest 2 are teenagers (first marriage) & my youngest (with DH) is nearly 6 now. So things may have changed since the olden days .

SB x

nickytwotimes · 29/09/2009 20:34

1st - ELM, age, #2
1st - BiscuitStuffer, a#3
1st - bambino02, age?, #2
1st - Love2dance, age?, #2
2nd - minimoonumbertwo, 33, #2
2nd - MrsGravy, age?, #3
3rd - ScaredOfEverything, age?, #2
3rd - Icanneverthinkofagoodname, age?, #1
3rd - nickytwotimes, age35, #2
3rd - RnB, 31, #3
6th - AlwaysHopefull, age?, #?
6th - zumm, 37, #1
6th - ClaireDeLoon, 37, #1
8th - dizzymac, age35, #3
8th - SilverBoots, 38, #4

Evening all.
I've taken the liberty of adding my age and dizzy's. Also, added you Love2dance.

Hope everyone is well tonight.

I am bypassing the GP altogether and going straight to our fab midwife. Might give her a phone tomorrow to make an apppointment for a few weeks, so I can enjoy travelling by bus just as mornig sickness kicks in!

Any thought on swine flu vaccine yet, anyone?

AlwaysHopefull · 29/09/2009 21:00

I'm 35 too! Does mn have a minimum age limit, or are ladies of a certain age enjoying a baby boom all of their own?

This will be #2 for me. DD is almost 2 now and very lovely. Have been a bit sad today thinking she'll not have all my attention in a few months. Is it possible to love two children just the same?

The jubilation has subsided now and DH and I are crossing everything to get through the next few weeks OK. I don't remember being this scared last time!

Congratulations to all - it's so lovely to have people to confide in. DH won't let me tell until I'm well into 6 weeks, so I might pop with excitement before then!!

nuttysquirrel · 29/09/2009 22:30

Hello everyone, sticking my head in although early days still, I'm 37, 1 DS aged 2, it took two and half years to concieve him, this one appears to have taken errr 1 month.........we are both obviously still in shock........
Due 5th June ish, but debating whether to add a sneaky week as went 21 days over before being induced last time......will cross that bridge when I come to it

1st - ELM, age, #2
1st - BiscuitStuffer, a#3
1st - bambino02, age?, #2
1st - Love2dance, age?, #2
2nd - minimoonumbertwo, 33, #2
2nd - MrsGravy, age?, #3
3rd - ScaredOfEverything, age?, #2
3rd - Icanneverthinkofagoodname, age?, #1
3rd - nickytwotimes, age35, #2
3rd - RnB, 31, #3
5th - Nuttysquirrel, 37, #2
6th - AlwaysHopefull, age?, #?
6th - zumm, 37, #1
6th - ClaireDeLoon, 37, #1
8th - dizzymac, age35, #3
8th - SilverBoots, 38, #4

RnB · 30/09/2009 09:26

Just off to see the GP to be booked n with the midwife and get my folic acid etc

nickytwotimes · 30/09/2009 11:02

Hi all.
Yes, there are quite a lot of us oldies more mature ones. And a lot of second, third or even fourths too.
I am also wondering how I will manage to love another one like I do ds. Sorry, coming over a bit sloppy here.
Need to phone mw about booking appointment, but am weirdly nervous for some reason.


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ClaireDeLoon · 30/09/2009 11:15

Morning all

Booked an appointment with my GP for a week today. I feel very nervous about all this today.

I'm also needing to go to the loo a ridiculous amount.

ELM · 30/09/2009 12:46

I'm needing to go to the loo every five seconds as well.
And I'm putting on weight already.

Do you get folic acid from the doctor RnB? Don't think I was offered it last time.

Nickytwotimes: A friend put it to me like this..
The love you have for your DC1 just appeared, you didn't have to stop loving your family/spouse/dog/chocolate (in whatever order ) to create it. She says that is what happens when DC2/DC3/DC4 is born, more love just appears.

minimoonumbertwo · 30/09/2009 13:57

i am JUST SO HUNGRY!!! Gimme carbs carbs carbs - i don't remember this happening so quickly last time?! ELM sorry but am secretly glad to hear you have put on weight going to be a whale.

Claire - hope all okay - every day is a day closer to the magic 12 week mark

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