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June 2010? Goodness am I the first!

1000 replies

ScaredOfEverything · 17/09/2009 08:17

Hello everyone...

Had a positive test this morning, suspect due on 3rd June. Gulp! Very surprised as DD is only 9 months and it took me 2 years to conceive the first time around.

Anyone here to join teh long wait?

XX scared

OP posts:
bambino02 · 30/09/2009 14:48


all is good got test results bak and everything is fine. thank goodness, have to go for a scan in two weeks just as a precausion. atleast i can now get on with my pregnancy and have a happy one.

congrads to everyone, and wow how busy lol


bambino02 · 30/09/2009 15:03

i wasnt going to tell anyone either until my daughter blabbed. thats the good thing about 2year olds!!

bambino02 · 30/09/2009 15:06

1st - ELM, age, #2
1st - BiscuitStuffer, a#3
1st - bambino02, 23, #2
1st - Love2dance, age?, #2
2nd - minimoonumbertwo, 33, #2
2nd - MrsGravy, age?, #3
3rd - ScaredOfEverything, age?, #2
3rd - Icanneverthinkofagoodname, age?, #1
3rd - nickytwotimes, age35, #2
3rd - RnB, 31, #3
5th - Nuttysquirrel, 37, #2
6th - AlwaysHopefull, age?, #?
6th - zumm, 37, #1
6th - ClaireDeLoon, 37, #1
8th - dizzymac, age35, #3
8th - SilverBoots, 38, #4

ClaireDeLoon · 30/09/2009 15:19

I just did another test - DP thinks I 'm crazy but after two years of staring at pregnancy tests willing another line to turn up it's so nice to see a proper second line

Icanneverthinkofagoodname · 30/09/2009 15:35

Hi everyone,
Just wanted to add my age, I am 31

bambino02 · 30/09/2009 18:36

i think im the spring chicken!!

zumm · 30/09/2009 18:51

Aww ELM you softy - but true (about baby/dog/choc), and ALSO the weight! That was actually the first thing that made me wonder whether something was up - I just filled out even though doing NOTHING differently, or so I thought...
Have always been small... and am convinced everyone is looking at my massive gut stomach.

zumm · 30/09/2009 18:53

Oops and crazy brain also kicked in, clearly -only just seen the third page of this... Babino yes you are!

AlwaysHopefull · 30/09/2009 19:13

1st - ELM, age, #2
1st - BiscuitStuffer, a#3
1st - bambino02, 23, #2
1st - Love2dance, age?, #2
2nd - minimoonumbertwo, 33, #2
2nd - MrsGravy, age?, #3
3rd - ScaredOfEverything, age?, #2
3rd - Icanneverthinkofagoodname, age31, #1
3rd - nickytwotimes, 35, #2
3rd - RnB, 31, #3
5th - Nuttysquirrel, 37, #2
6th - AlwaysHopefull, 35, #1
6th - zumm, 37, #1
6th - ClaireDeLoon, 37, #1
8th - dizzymac, age35, #3
8th - SilverBoots, 38, #4

Just updating the list.

nickytwotimes · 30/09/2009 19:19

That's sweet, ELM.

I am feeling really good today and am dreading a few weeks time when the symptoms kick in.
I am tired, but not too bad. Taking it a bit easier than usual when the chance presents itself.

Talking of weight, I FINALLY got back to my trimmest weight a few months ago - all down the swanny soon, eh?

MrsGravy · 30/09/2009 19:31

Hello to all the other June mums!

I am 33 so no spring chicken either - although that seems an average age on here which is reassuring.

I've just freaked myself out by doing pregnancy test number 3. Number 2 was yesterday and the line was much darker than test number 1 which was really reassuring. Then I had to go and do a 3rd one and the line is a bit lighter. Not massively but enough to make me worry. Sigh. What did I have to go and do that for??

nickytwotimes · 30/09/2009 19:34

Mrs G, I wouldn't pay any heed tbh. Your pee may have been less concentrated or something. SO long as the line was still there, then chill!

I have a 3rd one in the cupboard that I am desperately trying NOT to use.

Love2dance · 30/09/2009 19:38

Evening all,

I think I must be the oldest here so far...(whispers) 42. AlwaysHopefull I think you're right about oldies having a baby boom. Everywhere I look I see babies. So glad to hear everyone else has an appetite. I'm starving ALL THE TIME.

I'm determined not to tell yet due to risks of MC and age etc. but saw someone thru work today who was on at me last year to have another and who barked at me: "Are you pregnant yet?" I had to lie.... But if I told her then it would be round like wildfire. Roll on week 8.

MrsGravy · 30/09/2009 19:40

Thanks Nicky, I know you're right but the first few weeks are a bit worrying aren't they?

I have 3 more pregnancy tests I'm trying not to use

LittleRobbo · 30/09/2009 19:51

Hey ladies can i join? i reckon i am due around 7th June (DH's birthday!) i already have 2 DSs, 13 and 1! so i will have teenage hormones,terrible two's and newborn to contend with,oh dear what have i done lol!!!
Finally decided 4wks ago to start really trying so its happened very very fast

LittleRobbo · 30/09/2009 19:53

oh sorry forgot my age,i am 34 fastly approaching 35 end of oct

nickytwotimes · 30/09/2009 19:54

Worrying? Terrifying!
I am cacking it.

Little Robbo, my friend has a 14 yr old, 3 yr old and one year old. Lets just say that last week she hired a cleaner. Ach, it'll be fine.

LittleRobbo · 30/09/2009 20:04

nickytwotimes, your friend sounds very sensible,all boys too? the testosterone levels in this house are way too high!even the dog is a bloke!

Tobermory · 30/09/2009 20:41

Hello all - can i join you?

Got a BFP this morning and a due date, according to MN of 8th June.u? Am feeling v excited, v nauseous and also slightly scared despite this being DC 2.....have forgotten so much of what i learned when pg with DD!

LittleRobbo · 30/09/2009 20:45

Hey there tobermory,congrats to you,heres to a smooth 9 months : )

bambino02 · 30/09/2009 21:25

i have already put a slight bit of weight on. im still loosing from the last, a whole 2years ago haha

mumandlovingit · 30/09/2009 21:27

got a bfp monday night, clearblue digital said 1-2 making me 3 or 4 weeks, 2-3 on the test today so now between 4 and 5 weeks.

no idea if thats right as i havent had a period since july but had negative tests until this week.

getting excited but really nervous too. its still so early and so many things could go already really bloated and fat looking, i cant do alot of my trousers up, im trying to keep it quiet but dont know how long that will work.we told my parents last night and my close friend today. i know they will be here for me throughout the good or bad times in the months to come.

keeping my fingers crossed for all of us.


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SilverBoots · 01/10/2009 09:51

Help! I can't keep up!

I did another test at 6am this morning as I still can't quite believe that I'm pregnant & keep having to check that the line is still there!(it is)

Symptoms, anyone?? I've hit a wall of tiredness, even though I'm only 4 weeks. Also have a very acute sense of taste & smell. I threw out a lot of food last week thinking it was 'off'. Just waiting for the morning sickness to kick in, THEN I'll feel pregnant. Oh, and I have the most enormous boobies (that never happened in previous pregnancies).


SB x

SilverBoots · 01/10/2009 10:17


1st - ELM, 29, #2
1st - BiscuitStuffer, #3
1st - bambino02, 23, #2
1st - Love2dance, 42, #2
2nd - minimoonumbertwo, 33, #2
2nd - MrsGravy, 33, #3
3rd - ScaredOfEverything, age?, #2
3rd - Icanneverthinkofagoodname, 31, #1
3rd - nickytwotimes, 35, #2
3rd - RnB, 31, #3
5th - Nuttysquirrel, 37, #2
6th - AlwaysHopefull, 35, #1
6th - zumm, 37, #1
6th - ClaireDeLoon, 37, #1
7th - LittleRobbo, 34, #3
8th - dizzymac, age35, #3
8th - SilverBoots, 38, #4
8th - Tobermory, #2

nickytwotimes · 01/10/2009 11:07

Morning all and congrats to the newcomers!

I am also more nervous than with number one. I was blissfully ignorant last time (better imo) and now I know too much.

Still forget I am pg at times as symptoms come and go. Bit knackered, but that is usual (!) and occassional queasiness and sore boobs. Also quite hungry.

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