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Birth clubs

June 2010? Goodness am I the first!

1000 replies

ScaredOfEverything · 17/09/2009 08:17

Hello everyone...

Had a positive test this morning, suspect due on 3rd June. Gulp! Very surprised as DD is only 9 months and it took me 2 years to conceive the first time around.

Anyone here to join teh long wait?

XX scared

OP posts:
minimoonumbertwo · 01/10/2009 13:05

Oh yeah - MASSIVE tits!! I'm sure that's what's going to give it away first...that or maybe me eating slab of chocolate cake for breakfast?!

bambino02 · 01/10/2009 13:41

haha what do you do when they are alreay hudge!!!

i forogt all the things that go with babies. sore backs, sore boobs, sore tums, sore everything, 9 months of bliss haha. then you get in 6months 'wow u are glowing' and you want to strangle them haha

ScaredOfEverything · 01/10/2009 14:08

Hello everyone! am so glad not to be all alone anymore. Have updated my details.

At 6 weeks am already exhausted. Wondering if my diabetes has come back early. Taht would be a pain.

My DD is only just 9 months - is anyone else going for two in a short space of time? COme tell me Im not mental....


1st - ELM, 29, #2
1st - BiscuitStuffer, #3
1st - bambino02, 23, #2
1st - Love2dance, 42, #2
2nd - minimoonumbertwo, 33, #2
2nd - MrsGravy, 33, #3
3rd - ScaredOfEverything, age 33, #2
3rd - Icanneverthinkofagoodname, 31, #1
3rd - nickytwotimes, 35, #2
3rd - RnB, 31, #3
5th - Nuttysquirrel, 37, #2
6th - AlwaysHopefull, 35, #1
6th - zumm, 37, #1
6th - ClaireDeLoon, 37, #1
7th - LittleRobbo, 34, #3
8th - dizzymac, age35, #3
8th - SilverBoots, 38, #4
8th - Tobermory, #2

OP posts:
greensnail · 01/10/2009 14:18

Hi all, can I join you all? I've just had my BFP. Feeling a bit shocked, DD is only 9 months too!

Have been absolutely starving the past few days - not surprising as I'm bfing and pg, so suppose its ok to be eating for 3!

Now, how am i going to tell DH?

Icanneverthinkofagoodname · 01/10/2009 14:56

I Have done about 10 tests already (maybe more actually) Bought them in bulk from ebay so at least they aren't costing me much. Its hard to believe I am pregnant, it seems so strange so I have to keep checking. Going to see Doctor today so that should make it more real.
Told my sister straight away and parents last night. Think I will wait till 8 weeks to tell everyone else though. Its great to be able to talk about it here tho

bambino02 · 01/10/2009 15:39

greensnail and scaredofeverything

you are both mental!!


i am the same i was the same with my first and i am the same with this one too. ny husband is gong crazy as i never got mine from ebay so u can imagine the cost

forgive me but im not up to date with the abrevations

bambino02 · 01/10/2009 15:41

im also terrible for spelling errors

Woofie · 01/10/2009 16:45

Hello everyone,

Please can I join your lovely club? Got my BFP yestersday after 6mo trying (#1 was a one-hit wonder, and wasn't fully prepared for the wait this time round!) Am delighted but still in shock, and desperately hoping it's going to be a tenacious one... June's a great month for a birthday - congratulations everyone!

1st - ELM, 29, #2
1st - BiscuitStuffer, #3
1st - bambino02, 23, #2
1st - Love2dance, 42, #2
2nd - minimoonumbertwo, 33, #2
2nd - MrsGravy, 33, #3
3rd - ScaredOfEverything, age 33, #2
3rd - Icanneverthinkofagoodname, 31, #1
3rd - nickytwotimes, 35, #2
3rd - RnB, 31, #3
5th - Nuttysquirrel, 37, #2
6th - AlwaysHopefull, 35, #1
6th - zumm, 37, #1
6th - ClaireDeLoon, 37, #1
7th - LittleRobbo, 34, #3
8th - dizzymac, age35, #3
8th - SilverBoots, 38, #4
8th - Tobermory, #2
9th - Woofie, 33, #2

bambino02 · 01/10/2009 17:02

cograds woofie, my daughter is also june. two babys in june.... expensive month

ELM · 01/10/2009 17:27

congrats everyone, Hi mumandlovingit - good to see you!

Do I win a prize for being the 1st one to get a water infection.. had to dash to the drs today as weeing all the time and back discomfort, so have been prescribed antibiotics

Symptons: STARVING all the time!

BiscuitStuffer · 01/10/2009 17:34

Congratulations everybody so far!
For those worried about small age gaps, there are 18 months between my 2 and when no.3 is born, I will have 3 under 3.5! I love the close age gap and found it very easy for all sorts of reasons that i wasn't expecting.

Don't forget that babies just stay where you put them for ages! Also the older one is fascinated with the baby and all the focus is taken off you and shared around - the dynamics change in a really lovely way.

ClaireDeLoon · 01/10/2009 17:39

Congrats to all our recent joiners

ELM I hope it clears up soon

I can't believe you're all saying you're hungry as I've got no appetite my only symptoms are sore norks and weeing all the time. I did wonder if I felt a little nauseous this morning (and was quite excited! crazy I know).

dizzymac · 01/10/2009 17:45

Claire, I have hardly any appetite either and when I do eat the indigestion is crippling me. I've started on mint tea and that is working. Other than that I've had some aching, but that's similar to my last 2. I'm waiting for the horrid smell thing to kick in, then I'll be convinced I'm pg.

ClaireDeLoon · 01/10/2009 17:47

What's the smell thing? DP and I went out for cake to celebrate on Tuesday ('twas yum) and walking through central London I was complaining about the smells - say when we walked past a mcdonalds.

ELM · 01/10/2009 17:56

Or what about the metallic taste thing? - haven't had that yet either.

(Oh the lovely symptoms we have to look forward to!)

ClaireDeLoon · 01/10/2009 17:58

No metallic taste thing for me either ELM. I do have a strange achey tummy - not period pain more like I just did a load of sit ups (as if ) and my muscles are achey.

sunshiney · 01/10/2009 18:54

Can I join the bus! due 4 June with my second! I haven't had any symptoms yet, apart from feeling a bit bloated.

dizzymac · 01/10/2009 19:18

With both DDs I could not bear the smell of toast. It really turned my stomach. So far the only aversion has been to the toilet cleaner.

LittleRobbo · 01/10/2009 19:32

Hi ladies,hope everyone is feeling ok. i am really rough today got a terrible cold but cant take anything so just gotta suffer! also keep having really strange vivid dreams,some really scary,horrible men coming after me aaargh!although have had that most of my waking life to be fair!

Tobermory · 01/10/2009 20:25

Ive had far more nausea than I did at all last time, was convinced I was about to be sick in the middle of the supermarket today!
clairedeloon , i have had that exact strange achey tummy you describe.

Have only one person at work because I had to foe health/safety but desperate to blab to everyone!!

mumandlovingit · 01/10/2009 21:59

no sickness yet but occassional feeling queezy.really tender stomach and pulling/achey pains in lower stomach.worrying me a bit. i keep checking my knickers everytime i go to the toilet.

nipples are darker too so hoping all the pregnancy symptoms will continue so i can be reassured its progressing well. i worry when i dont feel sick or anything else.

havent told work yet, i want to wait until im a bit further as i left there to have the children and only went back two years ago, there's a couple of people leaving work soon and things are tesnse so id rather wait till things are a bit more settled before i drop the bombshell.

im so excited, i just cant wait until im over the 12 week stage and things are more settled

congratulations to you all

ClaireDeLoon · 02/10/2009 09:53

Morning all

Suffering like LittleRobbo this morning - have a cold.

With regard to telling work I was going to leave it as late as possible - I was even thinking telling after Christmas when 16 weeks or so would be best. I don't know will play it by ear, definitely not before 12 weeks unless something comes up that necessitates it.


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greensnail · 02/10/2009 10:09

Hi all,

After feeling a bit rubbish last night I feel fine again this morning - if a bit windy Had terrible wind for the first 3 months last time too.

Am still on mat leave from last time at the moment, but think i will tell my boss before I go back. Hope she takes it ok. Am back at work in mid november so still have a bit of time. I will be working permanant nights when i go back, so i hope i'll be ok. Got taken off nights last pregnancy as I had a few bleeds early on. Hope things will be more straightforward this time.

SilverBoots · 02/10/2009 12:26

Hello & congrats to new joiners!

Started spotting last night, so I am going to slink off quietly for a while...

SB x

RnB · 02/10/2009 12:50

Oh SB. I hope everythings ok x

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