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Due in September 2009: we are now officially blooming!

997 replies

StealthPolarBear · 25/03/2009 18:49

Even if it doesn't seem like it most of the time

OP posts:
Gonnabamumma · 30/03/2009 17:18

Hi Ladies, hope we are all well today. I was sniggering away at my desk at the shrek post and got busted by my boss .

LJ29 I bought a doppler as I don't have my next scan until 22 weeks which is the 13 May and I have never heard the heart beat - bloody thing has caused me more worry than ever. I couldn't find anything but my rumbling tummy!

I am 15+5 and haven't had a single symptom and am still in my normal trousers, so am half thinking I have imagined the whole pregnancy. I just want to feel like I am really pregnant! Anyone else waiting for a bump? I am 6'1 so question to the other taller ladies on the board, are you showing much? Thanks! GBAM

paranoidmummy · 30/03/2009 17:28

hey everyone, I'm back with a vengeance now I have had full cvs report and all is fine... yay. I can't believe some of you have 20 wk scans in like 2 weeks! That's so exciting! Does anyone else feel this pregnancy is going incredibly quickly???
ps. I think I might hop onto the oct thread and lurk thyere as well as here. My babies are notoriously late! Even if I opt for c section won't do it til 41 wks so I suppose I'm kidding myself on here

erhianj · 30/03/2009 17:38

Snowfalls - I find the dating a bit confusing, when I went for my 12 week scan, I was told I was exactly 13 weeks, and therefore due on the 13th Sept as well, scan was on a Friday so I have been using Fridays as my guide, but by what your MW says, I am 16+2 not +4 as I thought! Am sure baby wont arrive exactly on the 13th (although I was born on a Sunday 13th, so it would be nice!) so a few days either side is neither here nor there! Will be interesting to see what my MW says. Thanks for the pointers, its nice to know what to expect, especially re the urine test, might take a sample with me !

erhianj · 30/03/2009 17:45

Gonnabamumma - I'm 5'9 and I have a small bump, at least I think it is, but it seems to start under my belly button as opposed to under my boobs as all the pictures of pg ladies seem to have!! Looks like I have eaten too much!

erhianj · 30/03/2009 17:47

I use waaay to many exclamation marks

ceebie · 30/03/2009 18:29

Hi September-expectors!!!

Well it?s my first time posting on this thread... I almost posted when I got my BFP but I had a miscarriage last October so I was too anxious about something going wrong again this time. I decided to wait until my 12-week scan ? which I had over 2 weeks ago ? just took me a while to remember to come and join in! I have to confess I have not trawled through the last 3 months of threads to catch up, just started at the beginning of this thread...

I?m due 23rd Sept and I?m a first-timer ? are there many other first-timers on this thread? Seem to be a lot of people who?ve done it all before!!!

blue and cautious I?m not a million miles from you guys ? am in Chester. Only been living here about 8 months ? was in Liverpool before that. Shame you're not even closer - would love to find others at the Countess!

Btw you?ll all have to forgive me if I?m a bit feast then famine about posting ? still on dial-up at home ? it?s not worth the excruciating pain of waiting what seems like a million years for a page to load, so I tend to just sneak some time at work when I can (v. bad!)

StealthPolarBear · 30/03/2009 18:39

Hi everyone
Welcome and congratulations ceebie!
I am blooming - sorry. Well not sick and feel fine and full of energy most of the time. Makes a nice change.

OP posts:
Thusnelda · 30/03/2009 18:50

Hi ceebie, I'm a first-timer too, there are a few, have a look at the stats thread.

I don't even seem to get a 16 week appointment! It's full 9 weeks between scans for me and at least 3 months between blood-pressure readings - is this normal?
I will ask about it on Wednesday, when I have my first antenatal class ("take good care of yourself"). Has anyone else had classes yet? The other ones offered are after 20 weeks I believe.

blue76 · 30/03/2009 19:42

Does anyone need any maternity clothes?? They were given to me - 2 pairs of jeans (size 10) and a few tops (8-10)

StealthPolarBear · 30/03/2009 20:35

yes, but I think I'd need to unpick 2 maternity tops and sew them together to fit me
Very kind of you!

OP posts:
blue76 · 30/03/2009 21:17

Haha stealth that's exactly why I'm giving them away! I'm at least a 14 up top...

Welcome ceebie Nice to know you're local. I'm a 3rd-timer but my youngest is 9.5 so I might as well be a first-timer. Gonna be buying secondary uniform for DD1 as well as newborn clothes...scary stuff...

gonnabamumma one of my colleagues is about your height and she said she didn't start showing until 22 weeks.

I'm 15+1 and dp is already chanting 'Belly's gonna get ya'. Thinks he's funny...heh heh

ladylush · 30/03/2009 23:10

Gonnabamumma - I'm 5ft, 10" and now have a bump but it's only just materialised and this is my 6th pregnancy, though will be my second child. I did notice even with the pgs I lost that my tummy seemed to change very quickly and in one of them I had a bigger bump than I do now. I also think that being tall means you can conceal it a bit more.

Stretch · 30/03/2009 23:19

I still have a belly from DS! He's only 10 months! Will have to post bump pics soon! My bumps in the past are really weird and funny, very low and shaped more like a rugby ball than a football!

erhianj · 31/03/2009 10:24

Welcome ceebie!

Stretch am so glad you have funny shaped bumps as well! Mine also looks like a rugby ball and is very low (being Welsh am glad it does not look like a football though )! I think I will post a pic of bump after my 20 week scan which is in 3 1/2 weeks, maybe by then it will start from the 'traditional' under boobs place!

Have been up for hours, and am now stuck to the sofa watching Homes Under the Hammer! 16 week check at 2pm....
Hope the quiet thread means your all having lie ins!

Snowfalls108 · 31/03/2009 12:19

Welcom ceebie.

So TPT today - 9 sheets - which looking back at the old thread is the same as last week. Boring! It looks bigger.

TigerFeet · 31/03/2009 12:50

Hi ceebie, welcome along

Nothing much to report really, just marking the thread

I keep forgetting about TPT, I'll try to remember when I get home. I have a small bump but it's hard to tell what's baby and what's cake! I am not a small person anyway so I suspect I will be well ahead of most of you already

audreyraines · 31/03/2009 13:07

hi blue, i do need some jeans, but am having real problems finding some that fit well. have borrowed a few pairs but ended up returning them as they keep falling down. think it's because i lost weight in the first trimester, so now i'm thinner but have a bump so is making jean size really tricky. i was thinking to go shopping later this week but really want to do it without ds as jean shopping is a pita at the best of times!

PurpleCrazyHorse · 31/03/2009 13:31

Thinking of you LJ29, can only suggest you try to keep yourself busy and it's good your DH is about too.

Gonnabamamma I'm 16+2 and only looking chubby, still in usual trousers (although can't do up button on tighter fitting pairs!). I'm only 5'3" so not too much space to hide the baby! Definitely sure it was a baby on the scan so it's in there somewhere . However, could be a mixture of baby & cake/choc/crisps/McDs etc etc [eeekk].

I'm getting pretty scared now as you see all the other ante-natal groups spiral around to their due dates. Hmm... imagining the birth centre to be full to the hilt in Sept and I'll be huffing and puffing in the corridor

audreyraines · 31/03/2009 14:17

hmm, just measured TPT and i'm 7 1/2. doesn't make any sense as i think i'm definitely bigger but that is a smaller measurement than last time. maybe different toilet paper brand

cautiousmumtobe · 31/03/2009 14:58

Hi ceebie. I've heard good things about the Countess in the past so hopefully they'll look after you.

LJ29 - I had a 16 week scan today cause of dodgy past history and was really nervous. The anxiety over these things is torture. Was a trainee scanner as well so it took a minute to find the heartbeat. Thought me and DH were going to pass out with anxiety. However, all was well and the little tiddler waved!

Is anyone thinking of having a 3D scan done? I didn't even consider it for DD but they flipped to the 3D screen this morning and it was amazing. DH and I swear tiddler looked like him but how could that be at this stage?? The mw even said that you can't get a good 3D at this point but it looked fantastic. Really tempted to pay for a full 3D at a later stage now. Anyone had one before?

Good luck to anyone else having checks today.

Neddie · 31/03/2009 15:59

Welcome ceebie I don't think it makes much difference to how nervous you are whether you are having first or subsequent pregnancies. I am on number 3 (well 3 and 4 to be technically correct)and I am very nervous. Might be because I am geriatric as well as having twins. I know Marcia Cross had them at 42 but she's a star and probably had them cosmetically removed without breaking into a sweat!
Jealous moi? Nooo not at all.

erhianj · 31/03/2009 17:25

Had my 16 week check today, the doppler thing was a bit static so MW could not find the HB, she tried for 10 mins, then suggested I go for a walk while she experimented on the lady in after me, well, I paced the corridor and went up and down the stairs for 30 mins, totally panicky, then she called me back in, used a different gel and found a nice HB in less than a min!!! Baby seems really low down and must have been feeling shy and trying to hide round the back! Was SO relieved!


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erhianj · 31/03/2009 17:29

Neddie - cosmetically removed! must be why they always look so slim and glam the day after baby arrives!

StealthPolarBear · 31/03/2009 18:08

at HB erh - I bet that was scary for a while
A siilar but not as bad thing happened to me at my MW appt - she asked how I was and I said I had stopped feeling sick and tired and felt fine. SHe then struggled to find a HB and I regretted saying all that But then she found it - lovely and clear!

OP posts:
peachygirl · 31/03/2009 19:34

They are not just cosmetically removed neddie but then looked after by many helping hands (paid of course) so mummy can go to the gym and eat lettuce to get her figure back.

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