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Due in September 2009: we are now officially blooming!

997 replies

StealthPolarBear · 25/03/2009 18:49

Even if it doesn't seem like it most of the time

OP posts:
blue76 · 14/05/2009 20:38

I've started a new thread as we only had space left for 2 posts!

peachygirl · 14/05/2009 19:51

Thusnelda would it not be Siglinde? (Twin sister / lover of Siegmund, and mother of Siegfried)

Peachygirl slinks away with her knowlege of The Ring Cycle...

ladylush · 14/05/2009 18:25

Congrats Thusnelda

Good luck Blue I guess you would have had your scan by now.

Still no peeking here. I've got another scan at 34 weeks (due to hypothyroid) so I guess we might find out then. Dh and I saw baby moving last night. My tummy was protruding in places - must have been an arm or leg. It was lovely to see

Thusnelda · 14/05/2009 14:18

Scan went well!

It's a little wriggler but the sonographer was able to measure everything alright in the end and all "appears normal" and the genitals "appear feminine". She said 'I think it's a little girl' but it's not definite of course.

Well, that proves most of the guesses wrong I've had so far but it will please my brother who's the only one with a preference, and it will put an end to the Siegfried discussion!

It's still a bit unreal for me though, I'm still thinking 'it' rather than 'she'. (maybe that's the German coming through, where 'child' is neuter anyway and 'it' or 'es' doesn't sound quite so impersonal)

BabyLady · 14/05/2009 10:04

Hi everyone - not been on for a few days so great to see all the happy scan news coming through. Hopefully the "notches" amount to nothing. Good luck for everyone who is scheduled today.

No idea how you have not peeped at that paper Ladylush. I would have been in there like a flash.

Joined a pregnancy pilates class in Chiswick to help with my back ache, first session was last night. There were only three people in the class so it was a little intimate for my liking to start off with but it does mean getting good attention from the instructor. Just have to remember to keep contracting pelic floor on the breath out. I am rubbish and spend a lot of the time in delayed confusion!! Lady there was 37 weeks and I was quite jealous that she was almost finished!!

LizLemon · 14/05/2009 09:26

good luck for scans today ladies!

My heartburn seems to have calmed down the last couple of days since I started the spatone. Bizarre no?

StealthPolarBear · 14/05/2009 08:43

Hi everyone
I have a friend called Gabriel - he gets called Gabe
Really suffering with indigestion at the moment!

OP posts:
bigbang · 14/05/2009 08:28

Ohh and dp was rubbish and wouldn't discuss names at all. He would not take it seriously. But a few weeks after the scan he suggested ds's name and that was that, so you never know, they might surprise you.

Oh and the name was one I had mentioned in a big long list that he had previously said no too. I think he just wasn't listening or thinking properly until 26/27ish weeks. There is hope!

bigbang · 14/05/2009 08:22


Just wanted to say congrats to all of those with good scan news. How exciting! This is the time when it all becomes real isn't it, bumps appearing, movements and scans. Only 4 months to go and we will have babies in our arms!

Good luck to all those having scans today/soon! Mine is on Monday and I am painfully excited.

Thusnelda · 14/05/2009 07:19

" little or generally unproductive name suggestions " is exactly what I'm getting from my boyfriend! He still wants Siegfried even though that's never going to happen, and finds fault with almost everything I suggest without coming up with anything else himself. Well, it's Scan Day today so maybe we'll be able to concentrate on only one sort afterwards!

blue76 · 14/05/2009 07:13

Hmmm Ladylush you could relieve some of that frustration if you sneak a look in that envelope

blue76 · 14/05/2009 07:08

Fairysparkles lol at 'gay' - if it's a boy it'll get Gabe for short...We also liked Reuben but dp's surname is Carter and the poor child would get 'ooh are you named after the Hurricane?' I love Sebastian and Jude as well but dp had none of that. We want an uncommon we've settled for Gabriel. Amelia is a definite - we've already got Alexandra and Francesca

11 hours til scan. woo hoo!

ladylush · 13/05/2009 22:25

Congrats gonnabamumma

ladylush · 13/05/2009 22:24

Lol If the sonographer had been convinced I think we may have caved in by now.

Fairy - IKWYM about names. H and I can't agree on any. More frustrating now that we have to think of a name for either sex.

FairySparkles · 13/05/2009 21:36

Helloooo all,

OMFG Ladylush - how are you not looking at the paper!!!! I wouldn't have got out the door of the hospital without caving - and to know dh has still got it - you have WAY too much will power girl!!

Congrats on the girl twinkle - and general congrats all round to everyone's positive scan news - the whole notch thing is new to me tho??!Not heard of that before? Sure its not anything to worry about tho otherwise they'd have said so!

Right - I'm off for a well needed early night - getting pretty cheesed off with having to get up for a wee in the night then can't get back to sleep - feeling run down and like I've got a cold coming now!! Poo

Blue- - I LOVE Gabriel for a boy!! I've been hankering for that myself but dp's having none of it!! "Gay" aparently - it's the answer I get for most names he's not keen on - anyone else on the 'dp giving little or generally unproductive name suggestions' or is it just mine who's a pain in the arse!!

Gonnabamumma · 13/05/2009 20:37

Hi ladies

Had my scan today, had to wait ages as they lost my notes - v.frustrating. All was good and baby was wiggling and bopping itself in the head - was so cute. DH really wanted to know what it was and I didn't but we said we would find out - turns out baby had other ideas and had it's legs firmly together. Sonographer said she thought she knew, but not enough to hazard a guess - yay for a suprise!!!

Hope everyone is well - GBAM

blue76 · 13/05/2009 19:08

Oooh the temptation would kill me!

In 24 hrs time hopefully we will know whether we have a Gabriel Patrick or an Amelia Anne...

It's good to hear everyone's scan news. Glad all's good for you ladies.

I ended up in the nurse's office today, trying to shift baby. It had moved to the left and I was in agony! I managed to shift it to the other side. Bump is huge and very very wriggly. Can see my tummy moving when baby's awake.

peachygirl · 13/05/2009 19:01

Thats great twinklegreen.

My friend did something similar to you last time ladylush. She didn't look at the paper until after after her son was born.

ladylush · 13/05/2009 17:45

Congrats Twinkle
Blue - don't think so. I think it's still in his work bag!

twinklegreen · 13/05/2009 15:25

Hi everyone, don't know if anyone remembers me as I haven't posted for ages, have been lurking though. Just had my scan today and found out it's a girl so really pleased! (have one of each already)not telling anyone in RL so feels nice to let someone in on the secret! Anyway, hope everyone elses scans go well, i will continue to lurk for more news

peachygirl · 13/05/2009 12:38

Hi everyone, Hope all the scans are going well still two weeks til mine...sigh.
Baby has been jigging about too. I have been having more twinges this time round and had a massive Braxton Hicks tightening the other night, I had none of them with DD.

JRocks · 13/05/2009 09:26

Good luck with your scan today blue76

I wonder where sabs is? She was having her scan yesterday too.


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blue76 · 13/05/2009 07:11

Minshu that's exactly what happened to me - I've been divorced for 4 years now and went back to maiden name 2 years ago. I hated having xh's name - especially as it's regarded as the most common name in Britain! Good point about maiden name on birth cert though - I hadn't thought of that and feel a lot better now!

Baby has been a little monkey past few days...keeps shifting when I'm sitting down, so when I stand I feel like I've got a twisted uterus [only way I can describe it]! Caused me to waddle around work yesterday. It's very active during the day and then sleeps through the's hoping things stay that way for the next 18 years...

Scan tomorrow...yay! Seems like we've been waiting ages.

So tempted to get on the scales...I put on 3-4 stones when pg with dd's, so I'm hoping I don't go that way this time. Anyone who tells you you lose weight breastfeeding is talking out of their derriere...I bf dd1 for 15 months and dd2 17 months. You get soooo hungry whilst doing so, resulting in troughing more that you do at the height of pg. Not that that'll stop me bf this little one - though it won't be for as long as I won't be giving up work this time.

So has dh destroyed that envelope, Ladylush??

Minshu · 12/05/2009 20:40

Evening - not been on for a few days, so lots to catch up on. Glad to hear the latest scan news and hope that the notches prove to be nothing to worry about.

I'm getting movements quite often now, which I'm loving. DP is looking forward to them getting more obvious.

What did you think of Star Trek, Neddie? I went to see it at the weekend, and cried through the first bit . DP thought it was very funny (me crying, not that scene - he's not totally heartless).

And about names - I'm still trying to sort out my divorce (we've been separated for ages, but not good at getting round to things), so have changed my name back to my maiden name by deed poll. Happy for lo to have DP's surname (hope to get married at some point), and wanted my name to be my "own" rather than XH's on her birth certificate. Glad you came to a decision, blue.

Got bargain trousers from a Next clearance shop near me at the weekend - cropped jeans for £15 and grey linen-mix cargo pants for £4 - yes, £4! And they're long enough for my gangly legs

pebblebeach · 12/05/2009 18:59

Snowfalls - I hope your consultant appt went well, I'd be interested to hear how it went.

Congrats on the scan JRocks and ladylush, what a relief, let the buying begin .... I'd have been tempted to know too if it wasn't for DH being determined, I am so weak, but I do want a surprise really.

Thanks LizLemon... and interesting point about gaviscon and iron, I didn't know that, may ask at next appt about iron. The afternoon naps sounds lovely anyway, I wouldn't worry about them.

A notch is (I think) to do with the blood flow through the uterine arteries - the trace should look a bit like a normal heartbeat trace, but with a notch there is an extra blip in it, I think it means that there might be a problem (restriction) with the blood flow, which obviously might cause probs for baby. Anyone feel free to correct me! Mine is just a slight notch on in the left artery which isn't too much to worry about as the placenta is on the right and getting most of it's blood from the right artery.... phew here ends my attempt at scientific explanation

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