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Due in September 2009: we are now officially blooming!

997 replies

StealthPolarBear · 25/03/2009 18:49

Even if it doesn't seem like it most of the time

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nitnat84 · 31/03/2009 20:42

Hello All,
Hope everyone is well. Well I was wondering if anyone has been in this situation. I am a school teacher and I have been exposed to a little kiddie with Slapcheek (PARVO). Rang doc and he called me in to have a blood test. He will test if I have immunity or not to the virus. Anyone been in this situation. Bit scared to be honest

AprilMeadow · 31/03/2009 22:42

Nitnat - my ds had parvo when i was 7mths pg with dd. They will test just to be on the safe side and may also scan you again to make sure baby is safe and sound. I guess its a little like being exposed to chicken pox, once you know you are immune you can breath a sigh of relief. I know it will be hard, but try not to panic.

Evening all and welcome to ceebie.

Been away for the weekend and am still recovering. 3x4yr olds and a 2yr old with only 3 mums to run around after them. Am 16wks now and have my mw appt tomorrow afternoon.

TPT measurement is 7.5sheets which is down 1/4 sheet from last week - perhaps because i dont need to eat as much as i did.....

Nothing exciting to report apart from i can feel more movements which is nice. 27 days until my 20wk scan and hopefully we will be able to find out the sex.

twinklegreen · 01/04/2009 08:33

nitnat84 There is someone on the October thread who has caught slapped cheek (have a read through for more info). I think that about 60% of adults are immune and most don't know it, lets hope you are! If you're not, you have to actually catch it for it to be a risk, if you catch it there's a small risk MC up to 20 weeks and you will get weekly scans, because the other problem it can cause (hydrops) can be treated if it is caught soon enough.

I know it's worrying (I was exposed three weeks ago) but try to look at it like this... there's a big chance you're immune, if not there's a small chance you could catch it, theres another small chance the baby would catch it, and a small chance of it causing problems to the baby if it does. Fingers crossed for you.

LizLemon · 01/04/2009 11:12

Hi everyone - hope everyone's feeling tip top.

Hello ceebie - I'm another first timer.

lol at cosmetic removal and many pairs of hands to help regain shape.

Had my 16 week check today, which was fine. MW found the hb straight away but the littl'un obviously didn't like it and scooted off somewhere to hide. She tried twice but still couldn't get it, but she said that's normal at this stage because they've got lots of room to play in.

I'm quite shocked that my uterus is up by my belly button but it does explain the 'too many pies' look I'm sporting.

actually Thusnelda it doesn't sound right that you don't have a 16 week appointment. I thought for first timers the standard was to have a visit every month, so I'd check up on it.

StealthPolarBear · 01/04/2009 11:16

Hi everyone
Is everyone aware of the childcare voucher issues (if you're claiming them)? I'm having a bit of a nightmare trying to sort mine out at the moment.

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StealthPolarBear · 01/04/2009 11:20

and can someone else tell me whether I am 16 or 17 weeks?? I am due on the 12th and genuinely can't remember if I'm 16+4 or 17+4

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FairySparkles · 01/04/2009 11:53

Morning girls - just checking in, spend all day wed & thurs at the computer in work and otherwise pretty slack the rest of the week - so find myself having to catch up on nearly a whole weeks worth of posts!!!!

TPT - I'm 7 3/4 at 15+1 - my measurements don't seems to be going up very much but I definately look more pregnant!!

Just thought I'd mention - on the whole 'quest to guess the sex of your baby' issue - when listening to the heartbeat at your midwife app. girls heartbeats sound like galloping horses and boy's sound like trains - apparently this is a pretty acurate method according to my midwife - when I was pregnant with dd hers did indeed sound like galloping horses and when i was in hospital with another woman having a boy hers sounded just like a train!!
Some old wives tales mention the heart rate of the baby as the determining factor but this isn't true, as baby could be having an energetic moment or a chill out one!
So have a listen closely next app. - I sure will be!! My 16 week app. is on monday - can't wait!!! (oh, and I'm with some of you on the whole paranoid "will there even be a heartbeat to listen to" scenario!!!! Why do we turn into total worry freaks when women have been having babies for all eternity!???.....)

erhianj · 01/04/2009 11:54

Stealth - I'm due on the 13th, so I would say you are 16+4 as my MW put me at 16+3 ('or thereabouts' as she said!) yesterday

StealthPolarBear · 01/04/2009 11:57

Thank you! I thought it was more likely to be that than over 17. I think when I was 15+5 or something I told someone I was 16 weeks, then when I turned 16 weeks I couldn't remember if I was turning 16 or 17.
That means I'm in time to cancel my vouchers.

If you're claiming childcare vouchers but plan to cancel them before you go on mat leave (so you're not paying twice for them) then for the NHS you need to do it before 17 weeks. Not sure if that's standard or varies from employer to employer. Anyway, just thought I'd mention it in case anyone is affected.

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Thusnelda · 01/04/2009 12:12

Is there anyone else out there who doesn't get a 16 week appointment?

I'm feeling really upset now, after having called the hospital for a check-up as I have had a nasty fall the other night. I thought it wasn't a big deal for them, and my next appointment is not until the 14th of May!
The (male) midwife said to go to casualty and that it was perfectly normal to have 9 weeks between appointments and that the baby is well cushioned and 3 months between blood-pressure readings is also normal as blood pressure only rises (if it does) well after 20 weeks.

If I had the feeling that my doctor's surgery was remotely interested I might give them a call, but in my experience I would then have to sit and wait for 5 hours or call between 8am and 8:03 to get a same day appointment.
I don't feel tempted to go to casualty either to be honest - if the midwives don't care why should they? And I have worked out myself by now that I don't have a concussion, just an enormous bump on the back of my head.

So it looks like I won't get to listen to the heartbeat for the first time until well after 21 weeks - maybe 25 weeks if they do have monthly appointments at any stage at Queen Charlotte's.

StealthPolarBear · 01/04/2009 12:24

oh no Thusnelda They sounds useless.
Might it be worth contacting PALS at your PCT to ask why you have such long gaps between appointments, and mention that you'd like the basics - BP and urine checks a little more often?
My 16 week check was about 5 mins - BP, urine, heartbeat, quick check that everything was OK - surely they can manage that!
NICE guidance on UK antenatal care
Definitely mentions a 16 week appointment!

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Thusnelda · 01/04/2009 12:37

Thanks, that's very helpful.
My boyfriend is calling my doctor's surgery now for an appointment. Wouldn't you think that the people at the hospital should be able to tell you that much?

Monday it is.

StealthPolarBear · 01/04/2009 12:38

oh excellent! Glad you have got one

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erhianj · 01/04/2009 13:19

Thusnelda - care can be a bit crap at times, when I was really sick and not eating or drinking, even then the Drs/MW were'nt bothered and just said it was pg related (I kind of figured that!) so I made them do urine tests (which I took with me to the surgery) and write out blood forms and take my BP, just for my own peace of mind. Its ridiculous that you have to fight for these things which only take a few mins of their time. It is hard to be stubborn about these things (and I am not the bravest) but since being pg I think I could argue with anyone to get what I want! Really hope they listen to you and you manage to get a 16 week check as well - fingers crossed for you x x

LizLemon · 01/04/2009 14:55

Glad you've got an appointment with someone Thusnelda - that fall sounds nasty.

Stealth's idea of contacting PALS is a good one, and there might be a midwifery supervisor you can speak to as well. It would be a bit difficult to get the recommended 10 visits mentioned in that leaflet if they leave 9 weeks between appointments. It also seems to suggest that a 16 week appointment is for everyone, so you can talk over results of blood tests and scans - I'd print it off and take it with you, and see if you can get seen. Maybe not by the male midwife who sounds a bit too blase for my taste.

Gonnabamumma · 01/04/2009 15:29

Hi Ladies

Thanks for all the responses about my non bump! Have decided to relax and just wait for it to appear (but I want one NOW!!!!
Thusnelda - I haven't got a 16 week appointment either - my first was on the 4 March and my next is the 13 May - is crap! I would also like to speak to someone for a bit of reassurance, as I have not heard the heart beat and am having real trouble peeing (anyone else??) I am going to see my Dr on Monday about the peeing thing. Is scary with your first baby, no one tells you anything and you ask friends and they can't remember! Arghghghggh!


AprilMeadow · 01/04/2009 15:30

Just been for 16wk check and heard a lovely heartbeat. Took about 5 minutes to find it - the MW looked a little panicked! Went off found a different machine and then found it within a few seconds - she sighed with relief

She is also happy to go with the edd from Fetal Medical Centre of 14th Sept rather than the 18th. Dont go back now until 28weeks (1st week June).

StealthPolarBear · 01/04/2009 15:45


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nitnat84 · 01/04/2009 16:46

Thanks aprilmeadow and twinklegreen. Get results tomorrow and fingers crossed all will be ok. Break up for Easter on Friday and going on holiday for 2 weeks so do not want added worry.

FairySparkles · 01/04/2009 16:47

April - galloping horses or train heartbeat?!

Thusnelda - what a bunch of crap you're having to put up with!! Put your foot down like erhianj - sounds like the way to get things done eh!

Anyone else still throwing up?? I'm only 15+1 but it had defo stopped by this time with dd!! Its only in the morning but I'm still feeling really nauseus all day!!! Boo hoo!!

nitnat84 · 01/04/2009 17:05

Fairysparkles I was still being sick in 15th week. Only in the evening though. Half way through week 16 now and still get nausea in the eve and heartburn. Hope you feel better soon
So galloping horses or train heartbeat! Which is meant to be boy or girl?

erhianj · 01/04/2009 17:17

April - horses or trains?!

Fairysparkles - am 16+4, last time I was sick was Saturday, seems to be every few days at the moment, nausea is worse in the evenings and food generally has to be the same thing everyday cos I cant face anything different and would end up not eating - have to say though that on the whole not half as bad as I was,(touches wood),not managing more than 1000 cals a day though - really hope you get better soon

Tigerfeet - if you are lurking hope you are doing ok and are feeling a bit more human xx is good to have a bit of a moan if needed and where else is better?


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AprilMeadow · 01/04/2009 17:37

Not sure to be honest....

erhianj · 01/04/2009 18:27

LOL! Me neither! just relieved after the time it took her to find it, bit to say I lay back with a 'phew' as soon as I heard it and did not think to listen closely . I asked DH and all he did was !!

audreyraines · 01/04/2009 18:33

fairysparkles, poor you - the sickness is the worst. i am 17 weeks and mine just stopped magically exactly 4 days ago, so keeping my fingers crossed for you. the only time i retch or vomit now is changing ds' nappy!
the last 4 days have been bliss, eating and eating and eating!!

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