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Due in September 2009: we are now officially blooming!

997 replies

StealthPolarBear · 25/03/2009 18:49

Even if it doesn't seem like it most of the time

OP posts:
FairySparkles · 11/05/2009 09:14

dd's 1st moring in nursery today so i've got till 1 o'clock on my own!! Bliss!Should really do the cleaning but ended up ont'internet already........

TigerFeet · 11/05/2009 09:26

Hi all, it's been so long since I posted that this had fallen of my Threads I'm On

I hope everyone is well. I'm loving the foal updates!

LittleCheese my dd slept through from about 7 or 8 weeks too - do you suppose it's genetic? [hopeful] I can cope with anything if I get enough sleep. Which probably explains why I'm in such a shit state now - I haven't had a good night's sleep in far too long. I remember being so releived not to be pregnant any more once dd was born, I slept better and could move around more comfortably. This pg is definitely going the same way.

I've had to take today off work... can't stop being sick

Roll on September, that's all I can say

LizLemon · 11/05/2009 09:39

Morning! Hope everyone's well

Feel the same about sleep TigerFeet - thought the sleepless nights started afterwards [hoodwinked]. But at least I'm not being sick, although my heartburn is cracking. I'm wondering where this 'blooming' thing I've heard about is...anyway, I've felt so tired this weekend that I've decided to jump on the spatone bandwagon and see if that helps.

yesterday Orson (our name for the wee one) really started moving about. I think I said 'Oh!' every time. It feels so cool and peculiar at the same time, but I really wish I could have my scan over and done with so I could relax. I feel anxious about that, and also that it's all going so fast, and I'm not ready.

Glad to hear of another successful foal Neddie - how was the film?

BabyLady · 11/05/2009 11:36

Morning everyone - hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the sunshine.

My DH got back from Chicago on Friday and brought mountains of baby clothes from Macy's. With the few bits I had before I think we are just about done on the baby shopping front. The sizing is amazing. We have some newborn stuff and the 0-3 looks huge by comparison. Can someone explain whether a vest is a short sleeved and legged all in one baby grow? I get a bit confused by all the different names.

25 weeks this week - hard to believe really. Have put on 6kgs which I think is ok. I have not been very disciplined in my eating but at least sensible anyway. Have got a very sore lower back though so I am going to have to find myself a pregnancy yoga class somewhere in west london.

Great to hear of more good scan news ladies!

ladylush · 11/05/2009 16:08

I've got bad heartburn.

Babylady - vest is either a standard vest (most of them are envelope neck)or one with poppers at the groin). A babygro is an all in one thing with sleeves and legs/feet - again with poppers. I don't think we will need to buy many as we still have loads of ds's.

mummyhill · 11/05/2009 16:10

Vests can be short or long sleeved with 3 poppers in crotch and tend not have legs in them. Baby grows usually have sleeves and legs with lots of fiddly poppers!

DD slept 8 till 6 from about 8 weeks. DS has only just mastered sleeping from 9 till 6 and is three and a half years old! Hopefully this little one will follow in big sisters steps or be somewhere in between. Not sure I can cope with another 3 and a half years of disturbed nights!

mummyhill · 11/05/2009 16:11

oops cross posted with Ladylush!

Gonnabamumma · 11/05/2009 16:42

Hi Ladies

Glad everyone is doing well. I am fighting sleep at my desk, have been here since 6am and am ready for my afternoon nap now - alas have to soilder on through till about 8pm when my meeting breaks, then get to do it all again tomorrow! Joy!

BabyLady I go to a yoga class in West Ealing pm Tuesday nights, it is really lovely and relaxing - not sure where you are based, but will post the details if you are interested.

Have my scan on Wednesday at QC's will be 22 weeks - am excited, scared and nervous. Am hoping baby has it's legs crossed as DH wants to know and I don't - I think it is a boy, he thinks it is a girl - I really don't care and am happy to wait, but he wants to know so badly. Baby has been kicking like crazy and DH has been able to feel it since last Tuesday, think it is finally feeling real to him!

Hope everyone is well and enjoying the sunshine.

StealthPolarBear · 11/05/2009 16:57

hi everyone
not been on for ages
Is everyone OK?
Who's having a girl and who's having a boy?
New thread time?

OP posts:
StealthPolarBear · 11/05/2009 17:06

I had a low lying placenta so was re-scanned at 34 weeks, it had moved. MW said (I think) 1 in 3 pgs start off like that, and 90% of them move out of the way of their own accord.
I had a scan, all fine, lovely to see the baby but couldn't see the sex so we will be getting a surprise Also really enjoying being kicked

OP posts:
cautiousmumtobe · 11/05/2009 17:57

Hi everyone. Haven't been on for ages I'm afraid and there's no way I can catch up with all the posts. Sounds like everyone is doing OK today though - although the heartburn stuff is a bummer. And I'm feeling for the no-sleepers. I'm so knackered after DDs 2nd birthday party on Saturday that I could sleep forever at the moment.

Had 20 week scan and all was fine but am having another scan tomorrow to check blood flow through the placenta due to being 'high risk'. I was hopeful that if that was all clear I would be back down to low risk but it looks like I also have a low lying placenta so may need rescanning for that. Decisions will be made tomorrow anyhow.

Stealthpolarbear - thanks for the stats on the low lying placenta thing. A friend of mine is at 36 weeks with a rescan scheduled for Wednesday to find our if her's has moved - otherwise its off for a c-section which she really doesn't want. I'm definitely hoping to be in the 90%.

StealthPolarBear · 11/05/2009 18:10

Don't quote me! But I remember being surprised that it was fairly common and almost always sorted itself out as your uterus expanded.

OP posts:
ladylush · 11/05/2009 19:15

Great news Stealth

Cautious - I also had low lying placenta with ds but it moved by the time I was 32 weeks.

peachygirl · 11/05/2009 20:19

My friend just had her scan to see if her low lying placenta had moved and it had!!

Things fine with me. A day out with a friend but DD was a bit wingey. I think it could possibly be teeth.

TigerFeet · 11/05/2009 20:26

This baby seems to be a wriggler! I'm constantly being kicked and pushed at. I don't remember dd being this active.

Best of luck with the low lying placentas.

I have another scan on Friday, this will be my fourth. I'll have to travel 60 miles for this one, it's at hte regional centre instead of my normal ANC. We were seen there about a month ago for the DS screening, and told that as far as they can see all is well, but we've been called back for a rescan anyway

audreyraines · 12/05/2009 08:55

i'm on the low lying placenta band wagon too. was a bit freaked out at first, but likelihood is it will move up anyway. hopefully it does for you too cautious.

pebblebeach · 12/05/2009 09:22

StealthPolarBear - can't tell you whether it's a boy or girl... we're having a surprise again with this one . But glad your scan was good, you too Cautious.

I hope all these low lying placentas get moving.

My scan showed I have "a notch" in one of the blood vessels flowing to the uterus but midwife said it's nothing to worry about, it's not the main one apparently and is just the Dr's way of covering themselves. I was very phew! about that - had started scaring myself with google - that thing is a curse sometimes..

Gonnabeamumma & Tigerfeet - fingers crossed for those scans.

Can I join the heartburn brigade too - I have some homeopathic medicine for it, but I'm not sure it's really work (not helped by a very cynical DH). Still I have gaviscon in reserve for when it gets really bad, 6pm ish is the worst time for me, think it's connected with an empty tummy, it's such a pain as that is DD dinner/bath/bedtime so I don't usually get a chance to do anything about it as I am rubbish at thinking ahead, hey ho.

Am jealous of all this lovely sunny weather.... it has been/is going to rain all week here

But on a cheerier note: I am loving the wriggling and kicking too and also I have to say thank you ladies - I have had my dream genii for about a week now and it has really helped, I am sleeping much better now (still with toilet breaks of course)!

Snowfalls108 · 12/05/2009 10:05

Hey Pebblebeach,
I've got a notch too - off the the consultant about it today, so will see what they say. All a bit worrying!

JRocks · 12/05/2009 13:56

Had our scan this morning, all ok

Surprise here too, although when we were asked if we wanted to know the sex I was hugely tempted.

LizLemon · 12/05/2009 17:33

Glad to hear good scan news, and hope notches are nothing to worry about.

Apparently I've gone back to having an afternoon nap - woke up half an hour ago from an unplanned snoozette. I have high hopes that the spatone I started taking today will help a bit - any idea how long it takes to kick in?

I read in one of my books that taking lots of antacids can mean you need to take extra iron, and I've been guzzling Gaviscon lately, so I do hope the tiredness is just that and not that I'm going to be sleepy lady for the next four months

audreyraines · 12/05/2009 18:01

bought some spatone yesterday too, even though i'd been taking floradix. will see if it makes any difference.

ladylush · 12/05/2009 18:23

Congrats on all the scan results

Had mine today and all is fine. Looks like it's going to be a long baby. Femur length is at top of scale. Ds similar so not a surprise. Don't know the sex because we couldn't decide, then sonographer said she wouldn't bet her life on it but would write it on a piece of paper and hand it to us in an envelope. So cue dh and I passing it backwards and forwards to each other over coffee afterwards. In the end, I told him to take the envelope as I didn't want to know. I think I'd be more tempted if she knew for sure. Sorry am rambling........anyway the main thing is baby is doing just fine. It is such a huge relief. I now feel that I can buy something little for the baby. Will have fun in my lunch hour tomorrow

Re notches - not sure what that means. I don't recall anything like that when I had ds. Is it a new thing they test?


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pebblebeach · 12/05/2009 18:59

Snowfalls - I hope your consultant appt went well, I'd be interested to hear how it went.

Congrats on the scan JRocks and ladylush, what a relief, let the buying begin .... I'd have been tempted to know too if it wasn't for DH being determined, I am so weak, but I do want a surprise really.

Thanks LizLemon... and interesting point about gaviscon and iron, I didn't know that, may ask at next appt about iron. The afternoon naps sounds lovely anyway, I wouldn't worry about them.

A notch is (I think) to do with the blood flow through the uterine arteries - the trace should look a bit like a normal heartbeat trace, but with a notch there is an extra blip in it, I think it means that there might be a problem (restriction) with the blood flow, which obviously might cause probs for baby. Anyone feel free to correct me! Mine is just a slight notch on in the left artery which isn't too much to worry about as the placenta is on the right and getting most of it's blood from the right artery.... phew here ends my attempt at scientific explanation

Minshu · 12/05/2009 20:40

Evening - not been on for a few days, so lots to catch up on. Glad to hear the latest scan news and hope that the notches prove to be nothing to worry about.

I'm getting movements quite often now, which I'm loving. DP is looking forward to them getting more obvious.

What did you think of Star Trek, Neddie? I went to see it at the weekend, and cried through the first bit . DP thought it was very funny (me crying, not that scene - he's not totally heartless).

And about names - I'm still trying to sort out my divorce (we've been separated for ages, but not good at getting round to things), so have changed my name back to my maiden name by deed poll. Happy for lo to have DP's surname (hope to get married at some point), and wanted my name to be my "own" rather than XH's on her birth certificate. Glad you came to a decision, blue.

Got bargain trousers from a Next clearance shop near me at the weekend - cropped jeans for £15 and grey linen-mix cargo pants for £4 - yes, £4! And they're long enough for my gangly legs

blue76 · 13/05/2009 07:11

Minshu that's exactly what happened to me - I've been divorced for 4 years now and went back to maiden name 2 years ago. I hated having xh's name - especially as it's regarded as the most common name in Britain! Good point about maiden name on birth cert though - I hadn't thought of that and feel a lot better now!

Baby has been a little monkey past few days...keeps shifting when I'm sitting down, so when I stand I feel like I've got a twisted uterus [only way I can describe it]! Caused me to waddle around work yesterday. It's very active during the day and then sleeps through the's hoping things stay that way for the next 18 years...

Scan tomorrow...yay! Seems like we've been waiting ages.

So tempted to get on the scales...I put on 3-4 stones when pg with dd's, so I'm hoping I don't go that way this time. Anyone who tells you you lose weight breastfeeding is talking out of their derriere...I bf dd1 for 15 months and dd2 17 months. You get soooo hungry whilst doing so, resulting in troughing more that you do at the height of pg. Not that that'll stop me bf this little one - though it won't be for as long as I won't be giving up work this time.

So has dh destroyed that envelope, Ladylush??

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