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September 2019 #11

993 replies

Stroan · 22/07/2019 09:29

We're really racking up the threads!

OP posts:
DennisSkinnersMolotov · 23/07/2019 14:37

DS was 6lb 12 - we had to go out and buy tiny baby stuff as newborn hung off his long thin frame. He looked like a skinned rabbit. But he was rigid. All the time (refulx and colic). It'll be odd if I have a floppy one this time.

I think I'm knocking on for an 8lb-er this time.

DennisSkinnersMolotov · 23/07/2019 14:41

A month old and in a newborn vest. God he was gangly.

September 2019 #11
IVEgottheDECAF · 23/07/2019 14:49

Ahh look at his little old man face ❤

Stroan · 23/07/2019 14:53

Better news from the consultant today. Growth scan was fine, baby about 6lbs but still tracking the 95th percentile. She said that she was fully expecting to be admitting me today but actually everything is looking ok/stable. They've booked my ELCS for 39+1 but obviously that can all change at any time.

I don't feel hugely reassured, still a bit on edge with low numbers, terrified of another big GD baby and after mentally prepping for an earlier delivery it feels very far away. But, all I can do is trust the scan.

Came home to a Grimms Rainbow from some friends (yay!) and the Boris news (shit!), and crashed for 2 hours. Supposed to be working, oops.

OP posts:
Karigan195 · 23/07/2019 15:07

That sounds all positive Stroan and what lovely friends you have :)

Screw work 😜

DennisSkinnersMolotov · 23/07/2019 15:08

He was a proper old man, unimpressed with the world for such a long time.

Glad you got some good news Stroan. Will you have the option of moving the ELCS forward if you need to?

DennisSkinnersMolotov · 23/07/2019 15:09

And deffo screw work. I'm supposed to be working but it's too bloody hot so I am fannying about on here. I'm so grateful that I work from home as I am sat in my bra and pants because it is way too hot for clothes today (sorry neighbours).

DustyDoorframes · 23/07/2019 15:16

That's good news Stroan! When is your next appointment? It's all a bit of a rollercoaster when things seem to be changing quite quickly, and then settling down!!!

boodles101 · 23/07/2019 15:18

That's good news stroan glad you have a date booked in and that the consultant is happy with things being stable. Are you going to share the date with us? I'm hoping to get my date booked tomorrow.

Stroan · 23/07/2019 15:18

Ha, tomorrow is my last day and I'm desperately trying to write up my handover. Was supposed to do it verbally yesterday but the person I'm handing over to got dragged into an all day meeting.

To be fair, I'm now working about a foot away from my new air cooling fan and it is absolute bliss.

The ELCS would still be moved if there was any reason too, or if I have any more hypos. I know I SHOULD be seeing it as good news, but it hasn't changed anything, the same uncertainty is still there because my numbers really shouldn't be this low. I suppose that's the case for everyone though, but the date just seems meaningless. I'm not even sure whether to tell my Mum (she's my childcare!) or wait until the next scan in 2 weeks and decide then.

OP posts:
DustyDoorframes · 23/07/2019 15:23

It sounds very unsettling stroan! Two weeks must feel like quite a long time? Although you are testing your bloods four times per day so you are monitoring very closely! Is their a plan for what to do if you go low again? So much uncertainty!

coffeeandgin26 · 23/07/2019 15:28

@April88 I had pre eclampsia with my first and was induced at just over 36 weeks. A lot further on than you are now but it was all
Ok, honestly. Lots of love!

Stroan · 23/07/2019 15:31

@dustydoorframes yeah, any more hypos and I've to call in straight away and they'll review things and make a plan. I know there's nothing about pregnancy that's ever certain, but the constant uncertainty is really messing with my brain!

Anyway! Holiday tomorrow? How exciting! I am really jealous, we're trying to book something for next May before DD starts school and we are restricted to school holiday prices! But as usual, I can't make up my mind!

OP posts:
easterbuns1 · 23/07/2019 16:22

I had consultant today too, baby just under 5lb and all as it should be. To be seen again at 36 weeks then section at 39.

Quite scary how the weeks seem to be flying in now 😬

kyles101 · 23/07/2019 17:26

Is September ladies grow big babies don't we!!

@DennisSkinnersMolotov 👏

kyles101 · 23/07/2019 17:27

*us September ladies, honestly!!

Think it's because I got so excited dh is blowing up a paddling pool for me, I lost my head for a moment!

Moraxella · 23/07/2019 19:05

Thank god it’s freezing and pissing it down here today after a 6 hour thunderstorm. Just had three random guys in the shop congratulate me on being pregnant; no one has noticed before! And one on the Subway who was really nice and told me what to call it (him!). Might do it just for the backstory!

BBell2 · 23/07/2019 19:16

@DennisSkinnersMolotov my girl was just the same weight and long too! She was 6th%ile overdue sonim getting scans for this one and its definately not small! I had a brilliant diet with her, this one gets a heavy chocolate diet.

IVEgottheDECAF · 23/07/2019 19:51

Omg i am so hot i have moved too much and think i might pass out Sad

Florencenotflo · 23/07/2019 20:56

It's very sweaty @IVEgottheDECAF about to go for a cool shower and lie in bed with the fan on full blast!

4.5 days at work left here and I'm struggling so bad! I feel like such a wimp! I ache, it took me so long to get ready this morning and I then left work early because I was feeling so sleepy and hot. I'm so tempted to take Friday as leave.

Having a lot of braxton hicks too which I think is what's making me tired too.

KnobJockey · 24/07/2019 08:19

What a horrible night. Ready for a good night's sleep in the cold now! Baby's too high, can't breathe, can't lay down, can't get comfy anywhere, got those horrible growing type pains in my bones again like the first trimester. At least I'm working from home today.

IVEgottheDECAF · 24/07/2019 08:23

I didnt sleep too badly actually!

Predicted highs of 24 today so a good bit cooler than yesterday! Grey and cloudy atm but already 20 degrees.

Really need to write the lists i said i would write about a week ago! Everything is just always so full on and busy!


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Tefiti2 · 24/07/2019 08:36

Sorry to everyone struggling in the heatwave - you’re all doing amazingly well, especially those still at work or commuting! Very mild where I am in Scotland, thankfully! 34+6 and starting to pack my hospital bag, second time mums what did you wear home last time? I must have blurred that bit out and can’t remember if i was still in maternity jeans or not!

IVEgottheDECAF · 24/07/2019 08:43

I think last time i wore home dark jogging bottoms or leggings


Karigan195 · 24/07/2019 08:44

Pretty sure comfy maternity gear still would be the sensible way to go. Chances are you won’t be in long enough to lose the just had baby and uterus is still shrinking back look.

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