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September 2019 #11

993 replies

Stroan · 22/07/2019 09:29

We're really racking up the threads!

OP posts:
boodles101 · 23/07/2019 10:21

decaf I know, I'm sure they won't bother me when babies are here. It's just a shock to see them all!

IVEgottheDECAF · 23/07/2019 10:29

I bet it is! Ive always been fairly lucky, my only bad area of stretch marks is my boobs so can be covered easily even with swimwear if i choose the right cut!

DennisSkinnersMolotov · 23/07/2019 11:19

@April88 how scary, glad they are keeping a close eye on you.

@DustyDoorframes I'm due 18th so hopefully I'll be around to keep you company for a while yrt.

I'm beginning to get jealous of you all going off on ML. We can likely only afford for me to be off for 6m this time (I took a year with DS1) so I'm trying to stay working for as long as possible so I have the time to spend with baby once he's here.

I'm struggling today, dog had a dodgy tummy in the night so was up 3 times to let him out. Then DH starts sending my Rightmove links because he hates where we live but it's just too much to think about with this huge change on the horizon and I'm sat at my desk crying like a fool. Why doesn't he get it? Argh - men!

DennisSkinnersMolotov · 23/07/2019 11:23

Christ now he has sent me a message apologising for stressing me, generally being lovely and nice and I'm crying even more. I need to give my head a shake today!

happydays00 · 23/07/2019 11:28

@Stroan how did it go?

@boodles101 completely natural to feel sad about your body changing and the stretch marks. Remember they may well fade / disappear again when babies are here. How did you get them out of your ribs to sleep?? Do tell as I'm trying every night to shift this stubborn little nugget!!!!!

@DennisSkinnersMolotov sorry to hear you're struggling. I just think men cannot imagine the sheer magnitude of what we are doing / growing / changing right now. Can you try and talk to him?

happydays00 · 23/07/2019 11:30

@DennisSkinnersMolotov I missed your update. Don't worry about crying - hormones are very real!!! I cry most days. Mostly my DH just ignores it now 😂

IVEgottheDECAF · 23/07/2019 11:39

Any ideas on cleaning my moses basket? All fabrics are temovable so can be machine washed but i means the actual basket. Its a Noah Pod if that helps at all

boodles101 · 23/07/2019 11:42

happydays it sounds so simple but I just made sure my legs were straight all night. I have been laying on my side with my knees up and bent, but keeping them out straight seemed to give them a bit more room. Could have just been a fluke as I said, or maybe I was just that exhausted that I slept through any discomfort!

DennisSkinnersMolotov · 23/07/2019 11:45

Thanks @happydays00. He's usually so lovely, he's just sometimes a bit impulsive and doesn't think of the practicalities. He's definitiely a bit of a dreamer and I hate feeling like a mood hoover when I remind him of how the real world works.

@decaf can you soak the actual basket in warm soapy water in the bath then pop it out in the sun? Or use a scrubbing brush and soapy water to give it a good clean?

IVEgottheDECAF · 23/07/2019 11:53

Im a bit unsure what to use for the soapy bit as silly as that sounds! Obviously i want it clean and hygienic (been in the loft although bagged up) but its the dark walnut version and i dont want to scrub the colour off?

Karigan195 · 23/07/2019 12:02

I’ve been trying out little violets natural mineral bleach! Seems a godsend so far. Can use in laundry or water down into a cleaning spray. One little pot is going a seriously long way and am amazed at its cleaning power so far.

I always check for risk of colour fading etc but so far it’s not failed me!

DennisSkinnersMolotov · 23/07/2019 12:06

Could you try some well diluted bio soap powder or laundry detergent? Patch test first? The colour should be a stain and pretty set to make it baby safe but I'd test a bit under the mattress first to be sure.

DustyDoorframes · 23/07/2019 12:08

Yes- if the colour comes off with soapy water then it would come off on the baby?? I'd use water with washing up liquid in and rinse and put out into the proper sunshine we are getting to dry.

Thinking of you with your appointments this morning @April88 and @Stroan

IVEgottheDECAF · 23/07/2019 12:20

Ty will give it a go in the bath after and get it in the sun!

TheCraicDealer · 23/07/2019 12:49

I can't believe this baby will be born with Boris Johnston as PM. It's almost funny!

kyles101 · 23/07/2019 12:52

Bo Jo as pm and Trump as president!! Crazy times!!

DustyDoorframes · 23/07/2019 13:07

Well, that's if he lasts until you pop craic! Apparently the civil service are prepping for 3PMs before Xmas (or maybe that's wishful thinking on their part, having chatted with their colleagues who were working at city hall when he was mayor of London- he was a total nightmare to work for...)

DennisSkinnersMolotov · 23/07/2019 13:17

WTF am I doing bringing a child into this shitstorm? Johnson (I refuse to call him BOJO or Boris as it just feeds his cultivated buffoon persona) is absolutely the most dangerous kind of politician - a self-serving, racist, bigoted, misogynist. Christ... this heat is the world burning isn't it?

TheCraicDealer · 23/07/2019 13:28

Ok so basically we have 40 days in which to stage a coup and sort this out.

kyles101 · 23/07/2019 13:37

I reckon we can fit that in Wink

Ha, it's always been rather derogatory in my head - Bo Jo, like he's not of importance enough to merit a full name, Johnson sounds like someone you would actually take seriously 🤔 I will have to give this thought as I don't want to be giving him credence. Maybe "the current pm" with the inflexion, although is that getting into he who shall not be named territory. Oh it's too much for a Tuesday afternoon!

IVEgottheDECAF · 23/07/2019 14:01

Moses and baby swing fabrics are in the wash! First baby related wash!

DennisSkinnersMolotov · 23/07/2019 14:06

I'm going to settle on 'that cunt in number 10' Kyles - covers a myriad.

Is exciting Decaf! I've just put the second load of DS's old babygro's on the line. He was so tiny.


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IVEgottheDECAF · 23/07/2019 14:09

I would kind of like a relatively small baby just to see how it is, and use all the things like a carrycot longer. Not dangerous tiny but even a 7lb one now would seem diddy! Fully expecting this one to be around the 9lb mark

DustyDoorframes · 23/07/2019 14:22

decaf they are easier when they are bigger I reckon! (As another producer of biggies...) woot woot re laundry!
My quest to go on holiday with no dirty laundry in the basket (bar the stuff we take off tonight I guess...) is nearly complete- 7 loads in two days.
Not a scrap is baby stuff though. That's all for After We Get Back.
AND I think we have a mat cover for the tricky bit of my job. Phew!!!

IVEgottheDECAF · 23/07/2019 14:26

I let the moses and swing stuff jump the queue! Bottom of basket is a million miles away!

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