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September 2019 #11

993 replies

Stroan · 22/07/2019 09:29

We're really racking up the threads!

OP posts:
boodles101 · 09/08/2019 20:13

florencenotflo I'm generally pretty positive anyway, but I can tell you this pregnancy is really testing that at the moment!

easterbuns1 · 09/08/2019 20:49

@IVEgottheDECAF I got omeprazole from gp and I thought it was working, but I think baby had just moved for those few days I had sown relief as it's not helping now!

Stroan · 09/08/2019 21:37

I've just done a post-baby online food shop. Who knew it was possible to get so excited about jam and breakfast cereal?

OP posts:
challengeyourreality · 09/08/2019 21:59

@Stroan, that is a coincidence as I just said to DH tonight that we need to get post-birth shopping in and specifically mini jams and cereals. I understand it may be for different reasons though as yours is quite possibly to celebrate no more GD and mine is so my kids can have a party/holiday breakfast feeling.
@Megan2018 that's a great photo, I don't even get offered photos at scans anymore! Last time her head was so far in my pelvis that no face shots were possible though.

I've been talking the strangest pleasure in something and it must be some sort of craving/pregnancy compulsion and I wanted to share it. My toothpaste is slightly crunchy when I start brushing and I just love the feeling of it crunching between my teeth. Absolutely no desire to swallow it but so much joy from the crunching!
Food craving wise I am loving fruit, anything juicy and ripe and any fresh meat cooking in the pan - I have to restrain myself from eating it all before I've served it. And potatoes baked in the oven with sea salt and butter. Heavenly.

My body has really rested well this week, I have been able to do a lot more (lots of nesting) and no more pain. It may be coincidence but I think my body is grateful that I stopped the pregnancy yoga classes. It just didn't feel right and I always felt the teacher pushed us to far.

I try to read all the updates every evening before bed but can't always find a way in hence my monologues every few days/week.

challengeyourreality · 09/08/2019 22:00

I've also been thinking I should maybe join the facebook group but I try to only go on once a week so it may be useless - is everyone on there?

Florencenotflo · 09/08/2019 22:02

@challengeyourreality I'm addicted to the ripe and ready to eat peaches and nectarines from Sainsbury'! Especially because they're so cold! I'd buy the normal ones but by the time they ripen I've gone off the idea! But these are delicious. I'm just eating 2 now!

challengeyourreality · 09/08/2019 22:06

@Florencenotflo yes, loving a nectarine, especially as they have been heavily discounted in my nearest supermarket for a few weeks in a row. So sweet and satisfying

Megan2018 · 09/08/2019 22:48

@challengeyourreality I don’t normally get photos either, but this scan was with the head of fetal medicine as part of a research study (although was a standard growth scan too), photo was a bonus Smile I’ve got another in 2 weeks as part of the study.

Puglover88 · 09/08/2019 23:10

Yes to the nectarines! I’m getting through about 2 a day!

Moraxella · 10/08/2019 00:17

I’ve got really bad cervix pain - get what feels like some kind of contraction then the baby’s head must be pushed down and hit the top of my cervix and it feels like a super painful smear test. And really bad low back pain. Anyone else have similar? 😩

BBell2 · 10/08/2019 05:37

@challengeyourreality theres about 60 on the Facebook group so got to be a fair whack. If you PM me I can make friend then add you.

happydays00 · 10/08/2019 06:13

@Moraxella yes I have had this on and off for about a week now. Because of my polyhydramnios I get contractions every day and since baby has dropped I sometimes get this cervix pain. It is horrible!!!! My contractions are really ramping up and last night I had 3 which bought tears to my eyes. I get concerned it's the start of labour and luckily they fizzle out when I get to bed!!

@Stroan how exciting!! What is going to be your first post birth meal?!

@challengeyourreality I am also loving the ready to eat nectarines and have become quite obsessed with melons 😬 I ate 3 last week...

@boodles101 - how are things going? Have the babies moved into a slightly more comfortable position for you? I hope they have!

It's (hopefully) our last weekend as a family of 3 this weekend. I feel like we should be doing something semi significant to mark the occasion but it's extremely doubtful!

happydays00 · 10/08/2019 06:17

Oh, and a general question to those that have previously had an ELCS: I had my pre op yesterday and she mentioned I have to be nil by mouth from midnight. Now, this didn't come as a huge surprise, however fasting until 11:00 for the GTT made me feel horrendous. What if I don't have my section until 15:00 that day?!

I realise it is a slightly trivial question considering that is (currently) my biggest concern about the c section but I have low blood pressure and when I don't eat it drops to ridiculous levels (ie 80/40) and I really feel quite ill with it 😬 how did people manage?

Moraxella · 10/08/2019 06:37

@happydays They try and prioritise GD patients on the lists to go earlier. Often hey are just morning lists so 2/3 elcs done by about 1:30 all being well. Obviously caveat for diff hospitals but I’ve only v occasionally seen someone be delayed until afternoon because of emergencies or earlier prolonged surgery etc

Stroan · 10/08/2019 06:55

@happydays00 I'm ridiculously excited about the post birth tea and toast! Planning to get pizza for my first meal at home though, there's a really good pizza place near us and I've craved it so much!

Same for us - we are taking DD trampolining this morning and then to a tearoom that does a kids afternoon tea. She's randomly been asking to go! Nothing particularly special but as much as I can manage just now. I feel really emotional about it, I've had 3.5 years of putting her first every single day and it seems so overwhelming that she won't be my only priority soon. Also, never left her overnight so I might be a total mess in hospital.

OP posts:
boodles101 · 10/08/2019 07:11

happydays unfortunately not, there's no room for them to give me any relief now, they just take up the entire space. I'm aching all over now and finding it difficult to lay down for longer than 15 mins. So I really haven't slept much at all the last few weeks. Really feel I'll get more sleep when they are here!
Agree with what moraxella said, they should prioritise you due to the GD so hopefully you'll be first in the list.

KnobJockey · 10/08/2019 07:56

Boodles, it seems absolutely mad to me that how uncomfortable I am with one in there, you've got double that, and that the c sections will be starting next week (thankfully!) But you're not top of the list! That is mad.

Happydays00, definitely one to ask their midwife, and mention your blood pressure lots to everyone you encounter at the hospital!

Megan2018 · 10/08/2019 07:59

So instead of fanny daggers I appear to be blessed with arse daggers today! Owwww. So painful!
Lying down and turning over has officially started to hurt too (35+2), I am now in the officially uncomfortable stage.

happydays00 · 10/08/2019 08:07

Oh @boodles101 I hope you can get some rest, somehow before the babies come. Is it this week they give you a date? Sorry if I keep asking you the same question!

@Moraxella sorry, I don't have GD, just had to have the GTT to see if that was causing the polyhydramnios and that's the longest I'd gone without food when pregnant.

@stroan - sounds a lovely day that you have planned. Not surprised you feel emotional but it's just the start of a new chapter and I am sure she will love her new sibling. I'm so excited to see how my DD grows and reacts to her baby brother (less excited about the inevitable tantrums / negative acting up though but tra la la)

Have all the others with GD started planning their "first" meal too? I can't imagine how excited you all are. Gosh, I think I'm becoming a bit obsessed with food 😳

IVEgottheDECAF · 10/08/2019 08:13

Those of you with toddlers, once baby is here your current dc will seem like a GIANT! Honestly everything about them will seem huge.

I feel like crap. 'D'P is not being very D unless D = Dickhead.

KnobJockey · 10/08/2019 08:23

Growth scan yesterday told us that there's some accelerated growth going on, from the 79th centile to the 90th in 3 weeks, and put the baby at just over 6lb- very scary to me as my DD was born weighing 6lb3.5 at 37 weeks, I'm 34+4 today!

We also discovered baby is breech. This probably explains why I've been finding it so hard to breathe- its head is literally tucked in my ribs, with its feet in its face. Think it may also have turned back to back this morning, as my belly button is an innie again! Need to get bouncing on my ball, problem is most exercises or walking leave me hurting with the PGP.

boodles101 · 10/08/2019 08:52

happydays I've been given the date of the 30th which is 20 whole days away 😔 I've got a scan on Monday and then see consultant again on Wednesday. I'm going to demand to see the nice consultant, and beg him to move it forward a week. I will break down and cry if they say no. My iron is low and I'm actually losing weight now, not sure if that's cos the twins aren't growing or if they are taking all my reserves.


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easterbuns1 · 10/08/2019 08:57

@happydays00 both of mine were planned sections and I was first on theatre list both time, one born at 9.45 and one 9.50. They tend to put planned ones first on list unless there's loss of major emergencies so I wouldn't worry too much.

DustyDoorframes · 10/08/2019 09:10

@boodles101 losing weight doesn't sound great! You are going to need those reserves once the twins are here! Fingers crossed that helps make your case for getting them out SOON.

@Stroan that sounds like a lovely weekend plan!
DD (3) looked me straight in the eye the other day and said "Mum, it's not your baby it's OUR baby" which I'm taking as a good sign for her adjusting anyway. Totally agree with Decaf that the older one/s suddenly look absolutely huge!
@happydays00 The nil by mouth factor hadn't occurred to me once when people have been discussing planning c sections! I'd be as nervous as you about that, but hopefully it will just be an odd couple of hours to get through and will be forgotten once the babe is in your arms.

My bump is so low and heavy and big, I can't imagine I'll make it to the end of September. My first two came pretty much on time (DC2 came on her due date!). But I already feel like I did in the last couple of weeks of the other two pregnancies- and I'm growing out of all the clothes that saw me through to the end before (I think because the bump is just so low!). I really can't be doing with getting a whole new wardrobe at this stage!!!!

IVEgottheDECAF · 10/08/2019 09:17

Im really low and heavy too dusty Due on the 5th and mine have all been born within 2 weeks before due date so from 22nd onwards!

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