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September 2019 #11

993 replies

Stroan · 22/07/2019 09:29

We're really racking up the threads!

OP posts:
db92 · 22/07/2019 13:57

@Stroan the midwife who answered the phone wasn't particularly nice and made comment about me having been in before which made me dread arriving. When I arrived they were nice about it an said the same as you and @Puglover88 . I am glad I went in because I'd not have settled last night otherwise. I'm already having growth scans and have one on Wednesday so I'll mention it then.

kyles101 · 22/07/2019 14:01

Uh, @Stroan and @easterbuns1 really feel for you. I had a bit of uncomfortableness early on and know it got me down, it's not a patch on what you two have got going on so you must be feeling pants.

@db92 mine was exactly the same on Saturday Blush


  1. this is definitely the healthiest I've ever been - no booze, cigarettes (not smoked since I found out and had done for about 14 years!!), sugar or caffeine!! Might move to a nunnery.
  2. DH has give up smoking too!
  3. only 14.5 days left at work
  4. it's nearly over (blatantly stealing that one)

    Right, I'm aware this is a stupid question, please don't judge (how am I going to raise a child Shock) but I've bought some laundry cleanser stuff as I don't want to wash everything as hot as it says you should for baby things / pooey items. Now, it says to put it in the section where you would add fabric softener.... is that add it as well as the softener or instead of? It's this stuff attached if it helps... 🤷‍♀️
September 2019 #11
KnobJockey · 22/07/2019 14:10

Kyles, I do DPs work gear with that (fire retardant tops on a hot summers day, ugh!). I have a pre-wash setting on my washer, so I tend to put that in the 1 part of the drawer, normal stuff in 2, then do a 40 with a pre-wash. Generally comes out fine.

happydays00 · 22/07/2019 14:40

@Stroan yes I feel them all, usually they die down a bit in the early afternoon and then ramp up again in the early evening until I go to sleep.

@boodles101 this is the strange thing: they don't really talk about a plan. Although the ward manager did say today if they get stronger / more painful to go in and get checked. I mostly feel worried that it'll stay as it is and I'll just have to deal with 4 more weeks of them. I don't honestly think I can though so will discuss with the consultant next week and hopefully have a new plan.

I've had an hours sleep and don't think I can get out of bed so just going to stay and nap / watch films instead.

I'm freelance and really, really don't want to stop work just yet as money is so tight. I've set myself a goal of two weeks so really going to try and hold on until then, it's only 7 working days 😬😬

DennisSkinnersMolotov · 22/07/2019 14:46

Just catching up, thanks for the new thread. Sorry to hear so many of you are feeling shit :(

Positives? I'm up for that:

  1. Eating butter and full fat yogurt
  2. No hangovers!
  3. Napping without guilt.
  4. Legs seem to last longer between shaves (every other day as opposed to daily).

Bloody hell it's hot though. We're off to a festival this weekend and I'm honestly wondering if I can park a paddling pool by the stages.
Karigan195 · 22/07/2019 14:52

I had a ton of positives until about Friday. Think it was cake fuelled 😂. Now I’m a donkey on the edge. A hungry donkey with sore fingers from glucose testing 😂😂😂

Still one positive: I get another scan.

Stroan · 22/07/2019 15:21

@karigan195 are you in the lucky GD crew too?!

OP posts:
Karigan195 · 22/07/2019 15:22

Yes indeed. Not overly impressed by it so far!

Karigan195 · 22/07/2019 15:24

The really really unfair thing is that I was still going out into the mountains until 3 weeks ago, baby’s on the 50th percentile and midwife was actually telling me I hadn’t put on enough weight. So totally sulking about it still together with the extra worries about bump being healthy etc.

kyles101 · 22/07/2019 15:28

Thanks @KnobJockey dh's work shirts could probably do with a treatment too!!

@happydays00 bless you. Can't actually imagine it. Is there a reason do they know?

Ah, welcome @Karigan195 if it helps the midwife I spoke to on Saturday said they see so many now as the numbers had been reduced recently. Also said I had a high (5.4) fasting reading that morning and she actually laughed at me. DH said he thought she was going to slap me!

Oh, thought of another positive DH will get to see baby again at 38 week scan - he heard the heartbeat for the first time on Saturday too so that was magical to see his face!!

Megan2018 · 22/07/2019 16:19


Hair rarely needs washing - pre pg it was alternate days, now I can go 4 or 5 easily

I feel really really well - no aches or pains and genuinely feel better than ever. I used to drink like a fish so I put this down to the no booze. I also gave up full fat coke (before the GD) which was my addiction. I swear this has also made a difference. Shame as I still crave it!

I am getting away with murder at work - usually I feel pressured to be always "on it" - now I'm really not and no-one seems to mind. Instead of being outraged at the inference I have lost all my marbles with my expanding belly I am instead massively relieved that the pressure is off.

Stroan · 22/07/2019 16:26

Aww @karigan195 it is frustrating. I remember feeling like my body had let me down last time. But it's just shitty hormones.

On the plus side, you only have 5 weeks and doesn't sound like it's caused any issues so far?

OP posts:
boodles101 · 22/07/2019 16:58

Feeling a bit crampy today. Like a mild period pain. Can't decide if it's something to worry about (will keep an eye on it), whether I'm a bit constipated, or if it's just my underwear getting too tight 😆.

kyles101 · 22/07/2019 17:12

I've had what I've described as period type pains the last week or so too. Assume it's all the stretching - I have some stretch marks appearing now too Shock

IVEgottheDECAF · 22/07/2019 17:17

I think we are probably reaching or have already reached the point where baby starts packing on the weight!

TheCraicDealer · 22/07/2019 17:24

You're all so much closer to the end than me! I still have another 9 and a bit weeks to go, 43 days left of work 😩

DH is on thin ice today. He's just thrown a wobbler because I had the audacity to ask him to bring down some laundry from the bedroom so I could put a wash on as he'd "just come from upstairs"- was unaware there was a toll system in operation on our staircase. Nevermind that I'd sorted, brought down, washed, put in dryer/on airer outside the previous load without any help. We'd previously discussed the fact that I need a bit more help these days and he assured me hed try to be more proactive. He's such a fucknugget sometimes.

TheCraicDealer · 22/07/2019 17:35

Ok he's now come out to the garden and apologised and started weeding the lawn. I suppose I may forgive him.

boodles101 · 22/07/2019 18:20

kyles unfortunately I already have quite a few stretch marks. They aren't too red and angry looking though so I'm holding onto that. I'll probably notice them more after birth!

April88 · 22/07/2019 19:17

Hi everyone

Sorry I rarely post but do try and read daily! Has anyone ever had pre-eclampsia before? I had high blood pressure last week and put on tablets. Came in yesterday with reduced movements and now have pre-eclampsia, been admitted and had my first steroid injection.

2nd one tomorrow and a scan to check on baby and guess they’ll make a plan. Has anyone ever been let out with regular check ups if you’ve had it? They’ve finally got my blood pressure under control this evening after lots of tablets!

Hsunshine · 22/07/2019 19:26

@megan2018 is it you who recently finished NCT?

Tefiti2 · 22/07/2019 19:54

Oh @April88 how scary! Sorry, I don’t have any experience of it, though. How many weeks are you?

happydays00 · 22/07/2019 19:57

@kyles101 apparently it's just the extra fluid irritating my uterus. "Just"

@Karigan195 - sorry to hear that. Those on this thread with GD seem to be able to offer sound advice and support, and tbh, just seem to be bloody smashing it!!! I'm sure you will be too!

@boodles101 - I've also started to get the period pain cramps. The fanny daggers have also really ramped up too!

@April88 sorry to hear that, that sounds quite frightening. I have no experience of pre eclampsia I'm afraid so unable to offer advice, I hope they're able to give you some answers tonight / tomorrow. Were you feeling unwell before? How many weeks are you now?

@TheCraicDealer - glad your DH has apologised. Love the expression "fuck nugget", mine can be a real one of those too at times!


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IVEgottheDECAF · 22/07/2019 20:02

April no experience to share here either sorry, how many weeks are you?

Happydays i am having so many fanny daggers they are pissing me off

April88 · 22/07/2019 20:03

Thanks for replying. No I feel fine which is strange, just routine midwife picked up high blood pressure and protein, I was closely monitored then confirmed in a blood sample yesterday.

I’m 34+2 so although early, not super early and hopefully he can stay in a few more days at least!

BridgetJonesDaiquiri · 22/07/2019 20:03

@April88 I had high blood pressure at the end of my last pregnancy and although I didn’t have PE, I started to get markers for HELLP (a type of PE). I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and put on labetelol at 38 weeks and then in and out of hospital every couple of days until they induced me at 39+1. I ended up having high blood pressure for a few weeks after DD was born, but weaned off all meds by 6 weeks postpartum.

Are you on labetelol or enalapril? I ended up being on both - felt fine, no side effects. No problems with DD and could breastfeed fine. It’s scary but you’re in the right place.

Is this your first (i believe it’s more common with first babies)? How many weeks are you?

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