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September 2019 #11

993 replies

Stroan · 22/07/2019 09:29

We're really racking up the threads!

OP posts:
BridgetJonesDaiquiri · 22/07/2019 20:07

I should also add that the quick turnaround between being diagnosed and being induced was not indicative of me being ill/it affecting DD - it was just because I was considered at term and there was nothing to lose by inducing me a few days earlier. A colleague of mine had PE and a blood clot in her placenta and was in hospital for a fair old while before they induced her — if your PE is under control they may be able to hold off for weeks, not just days, to give your little one longer to bake

April88 · 22/07/2019 20:16

Great thanks @BridgetJonesDaiquiri, I’m 34 +2.

Think the steroid injections freaked me out a bit but guess they’re doing it just in case. I’ve been put on labetelol which is settling it after something beginning with N not bringing it down at all so hopefully it will stay low now. Great to hear you were both ok after.

Megan2018 · 22/07/2019 20:21

@Hsunshine yes finished NCT last week

DustyDoorframes · 22/07/2019 21:05

@April88 I had late onset PE with my first- like you no perceptible symptoms. Mine was discovered at my 40 week apt, I was put on labetalol, which helped immediately, and sent home to do a 24 hour urine collection, then kept in the next day. My BP kept creeping up so they induced at 40+4, as I was full term by then, obviously. It went up again after birth so I stayed on labetalol for 6 weeks after too.
Had my BP not been creeping up still they would not have induced even then. It was a day-by-day decision.
I'm guessing that in your case, if the BP is controlled, they will send you home but want to be checking your BP, bloods and urine and scanning very very regularly. It's quite hard to control the BP totally once you actually have PE. So I'd brace for quite a lot of lurking in hospital. Hopefully not, but worth being prepared. Also probably time to start mat leave as you are likely to be either in, or having loads of checks.
There is some trial and error with the drugs, so they will have given you the steroids ASAP, as of course they can't be sure what will happen and there's no real downside to having the steroids jab, and ideally you'd have two. If the drugs are working for you that is totally brilliant and very reassuring!
In any case- once the PE is diagnosed it is SO MUCH BETTER. As if you have it but don't know that is when things can go really really wrong. Now it's being picked up you are both so so much safer than you were a couple of days ago! Thanks

Dipsy77 · 22/07/2019 21:17

Placemarking Smile

April88 · 22/07/2019 21:28

Thanks so much @DustyDoorframes that’s really reassuring! I’m just off sick with work at the moment as it was all a bit sudden, but I will think about just starting maternity after the scan tomorrow. I’ll get the second steroids tomorrow at 11 so that’s good.

Glad it all worked out ok for you Smile

RonaldWeasley · 22/07/2019 21:38

Ahh @April88 how scary for you, no experience to share I'm afraid but I'm sure the fact that it's been discovered means the docs will be able to make sure you and your bean are nice and safe. Fingers crossed for you that whatever they need to do goes smoothly.

@TheCraicDealer I feel you about feeling so far behind, 9 weeks and 2 days til due date and working as close to that as poss!

Was about 37° here yest and I am sweating out of places I didn't know I could sweat from, so loving the positivity lists on here! Mine is that my PGP seems to have actually improved a bit this week, my nails look great and random body hair seems to have stopped going... not had to whip the old moustache off in months!

Littlehouseinthebigcity · 22/07/2019 21:59

@April88 That sounds scary, no personal experience but one of my best friends had her little boy a few months ago and he was born healthy at 35 weeks so like you say, you're not toooo early! Hope they are able to let you home!

Megan2018 · 22/07/2019 22:32

@April88 no direct experience either, the only person I know was diagnosed at 30wks and had emergency section same day (happy ending though), I’m sure past 34 weeks healthy babies have the same outcomes as full term these days so although early, not too early. But lets hope things stay controlled and you can carry on for a bit.
I’m on Aspirin to reduce PE risk as am over 40 so am on alert for it myself.

kyles101 · 23/07/2019 05:01

Hello pregnancy insomnia, I've missed you.

Florencenotflo · 23/07/2019 06:30

I've been woken at 5:05 three mornings in a row @kyles101 for a wee. Not sure whether to be annoyed because I then can't get back to sleep or happy because for the last three nights it's the only time I've woken to pee! 😂

Are you usually awake during the night too?

kyles101 · 23/07/2019 06:52

@Florencenotflo loving the looking at the positive side there! I don't think I'd mind 5am toooo much although I agree it is too late to get back to sleep - I was awake since 4am though which is definitely too early. My trouble with sleeping is normally at the other end, so I struggle to get to sleep, pregnancy seems to have flipped this around a bit!

Exitstrategist · 23/07/2019 08:01

I would be really happy to only wake up at 5am!

TheCraicDealer · 23/07/2019 08:06

I've been waking for a wee around the 4am point, although last night weirdly I slept through- must've been really wrecked. Waking for a wee is infinitely preferable to waking due to heartburn though, that really is the pits!

IVEgottheDECAF · 23/07/2019 08:11

I was awake on and off from 5, bursting for the loo but not wanting to wake any small dc! I think a two hour wee hold at nearly 34 weeks is pretty impressive!

Fortheloveofscience · 23/07/2019 08:16

2.30’s my magic waking up time. Sometimes I get back to sleep quite quickly, sometimes it’s not until 5/6 and I basically should have just got up. Last night wasn’t terrible though, went for a wee and had some heartburn but back to sleep before 4.

Our ikea nursery furniture is being delivered today Grin.

Puglover88 · 23/07/2019 08:17

@April88 I don’t know anything about PE but I guess the good thing is that the doctors have spotted it and you’re being looked after and monitored. Hopefully they’ll be able to treat it and not induce you for a while but as you said, you’re not super early so that’s good. My friend had her baby at 33 weeks last year and he was only 2Ib 12oz - he’s an absolute tank now!

@TheCraicDealer @RonaldWeasley still 9 weeks to go here as well. Feels like a lifetime at the moment! Been struggling with anxiety this week as well so here’s my list of positives:

  1. I’ve finished work! (That’s a big one!)
  2. I’ve finally found a way to position my hoards of pillows to stop my hip pain.
  3. My friend just gifted me a baby Bjorne bouncer which I really wanted but was not going to pay the extortionate amount of money they cost!
Stroan · 23/07/2019 08:27

@april88 sounds scary, but as others have said, the most important thing is that they know and can watch you like a hawk now. Hope you are ok this morning.

I woke up at 3.30, thought I needed a wee and managed to sit up but couldn't get any further! Decided it wasn't worth the effort!

Growth scan at 8.50. for some reason DH rushed us out of the house and now we are 20 mins early.

OP posts:
DustyDoorframes · 23/07/2019 08:34

Good luck this morning @April88!
Re work- if you have a good deal staying sick might not be a bad plan- then at least you still have your full mat leave. They can't insist you switch to mat leave until 36 weeks, or the baby is born.
And hope it's a good scan @Stroan !
@IVEgottheDECAF pelvic floor of steel!!! I nearly came a cropper just holding a wee between school and home yesterday, I'm well impressed.
@TheCraicDealer @Puglover88 @DennisSkinnersMolotov I'm another late sept- 10 weeks to go for me! We will have to keep each other company when everyone else is over on the postnatal threads...

kyles101 · 23/07/2019 08:43

I can always get back to sleep after a 2am wee thankfully!! Good luck with the furniture building @Fortheloveofscience !! So glad we did that early! Although to be fair, it wasn't that stressful, we're sill married - although I did mention to dh that I wanted the cot putting higher again twice the other day and he just ignored me 

@April88 good luck with the PE. As others have said at least they've spotted it so can hopefully keep everything under close monitoring.

Those are some good positives @Puglover88 Especially jealous of the finishing work one!!

Puglover88 · 23/07/2019 09:08

@Stroan hope your scan goes well. Maybe your DH was treating as a trial run for when it’s the real deal!

@DustyDoorframes yes, good to know there’ll be a few of us left at the end of September!

@kyles101 I’m super jealous that you have your nursery furniture built - ours is currently sitting in the boxes it all came in!

Fortheloveofscience · 23/07/2019 09:19

Good luck this morning stroan.

That is super-organised kyles. The main barrier to us constructing the furniture is that DH still needs to clear a lot of his -junk- stuff out of the spare room. I reckon he’s got another day or so before it’s all going in bin bags in the garden!


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kyles101 · 23/07/2019 09:40

It was pretty organised, but it's only through years of living with my dh and making excuses for us being late for EVERYTHING - he'll be late for his own funeral - I now tell him things start half an hour before they do... which he's cottoned on to so I have to say an hour before now!! And turns out it was well planned because we're crazy busy now until the end of August - hope baby isn't early!!

boodles101 · 23/07/2019 09:56

I had a decent night for once. No heartburn, only one wee trip and managed to find a position to keep the babies out of my ribs. Either that or it was just a fluke.
Feeling a bit anxious this morning. Discovered some more stretch marks on the top of my thighs and my calf. Feel like I'm going to end up being one big stretch mark! I know it's a really silly thing and vain thing to worry about but it did make me sad

IVEgottheDECAF · 23/07/2019 10:18

Boodles you wear those tiger stripes with pride! Your body is growing not one, but TWO humans! 🐅

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