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August 2015 Part 4

874 replies

Dani240 · 20/06/2015 09:22

New thread for all of us August ladies!

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Frolicacid · 25/06/2015 10:08

Yay for the mortgage offer siani! You must be so relieved.

I hope everyone is ok?
I've not checked in properly for a few days. Mega busy at work. Will read back tonight.

Just seen the midwife and all is good. Bump is back to the middle centile on the growth chart. The new Mlu will be open at out big hospital by the beginning of August, so I should be able to go there.

Have a good Thursday all, nearly the end of another week Smile

Joskar · 25/06/2015 10:31

Off work today with d and v. Feel like hell. But has given me a chance to read all the posts. Never usually have time. Getting close to due day for some. I wonder who'll be first. Eek! Exciting!

I've been really breathless lately. Heart racing and very tight chest. Not when I exert myself so much but just more when I do normal stuff. Anyone else? I'm a bit concerned. I get why I'd be breathless walking up stairs but I'm not sure why my heart would be racing when I'm sitting having my tea. Macaroni cheese isn't that exciting!

happygojo · 25/06/2015 10:31

We hadn't started the nursery when the HV came, I just showed them the box room that was piled (messily) with baby stuff. They don't need the nursery for at least the first 6 months anyway. I think with me they just wanted to make sure you have the room for a baby because I think some areas near me have a lot of overcrowding.

In work today and totally wish I wasn't. It is sooo hot and the guy I share my office with just turned the AC off. I could cry! but obviously he is cold.

My manager.... who is finishing at this office today to go and start her promotion down at one of the other offices (that isn't being closed).... anyway work have tried to organise a lunch out to 'wish her well' but I am just too bitter and hormonal. Plus.... I haven't really got the spare cash for lunch out. They also passed a card round which I found a little insensitive as not everyone is going to get a leaving card when the building closes in a few months/weeks. AIBU? I know it isn't anybody's fault....

Soap at the end of the bed didn't work for my restless legs. I keep waking myself up kicking my legs and then can't get back to sleep

Fanby · 25/06/2015 12:37

Thanks for all the HV tips!! I've tidied the flat, although jokes aside there is booze everywhere as we're having a dinner party tomorrow night haha.

I sure baby will turn mzzzf! Be nice to see baby on another scan though?? Obviously would prefer head down!!!

Glad your appointment went well Frolic-that's exciting about the mlu!! Don't be early lol!!

Oh sorry to hear you're feeling shitty joskar. Hope you're resting. I don't have any heart racing but I do get breathless, weirdly when I'm lying in bed or trying to roll over-I'm wedging myself in as much as poss to stay on my left! Hope you feel better asap, heat doesn't help either does it?! Never happy with the weather, so British....

Happy, firstly go put the AC back on!! He can always go make a coffee or put his coat on!! Secondly no your not being unreasonable at all!! I'm still absolutely gutted that my work did nothing for me. I worked there for 8 years and didn't even get a card when I was made redundant. It pisses me right off as it was a bullshit redundancy. Over the years the amount I must have spent on people's leaving do's, presents, cards etc. They all know I'm pregnant and there was a little bit of me that thought they might send a card POSSIBLY flowers but still nothing! But then again my boss and her husband came to our wedding for the whole day and didn't even bring a card...people can be incredibly insensitive, but whatever you do don't blame your hormones, they are quite simply twats x

Joskar · 25/06/2015 13:48

I've never heard of hvs visiting prebaby. Thought they'd be too busy. Bloody useless articles anyway. Nothing but old wives tales and paranoia ime.

Fanby your work sounds shite. We have a policy at ours so there's a collection if you've been there over 5 years and at 10 you get a meal out and so on. They do it for sick leave too. If you've been off 6 weeks you get flowers. Makes it fair.

Wish I could blame the weather. It's struggling to get over 10 degrees here. We had the fire lit last night!

lulabelle · 25/06/2015 16:40

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Dozygirl · 25/06/2015 18:27

Hope those that are breech manage to get the babies swivelled around.

Bp was back to normal yesterday at midwife appt so that made me happy. Still have cankles but think they'll be there till the end now.

I've generally felt quite comfortable recently until now! Bump is growing higher now whereas it's always been quite low. No bra is comfortable. It's making the top of my bump feel numb which I Googled and quite a few people have the same so I k ow it's just normal. Sleeping well but woke up in agony because I'd slept so well in one position. Can't win can we!

5 shifts to go whoohoo. Had a productive couple of days sorting through all the things I need to handover to other staff taking on my role at work so feeling more comfortable about that.

Long day tomorrow then 5 days off before the last stretch of shifts.

happy you're definitely not being unreasonable. It's a bit weird to celebrate the fact that someone has a job whilst noone else does. Although u can be pleased for that person im sure they wouldn't expect a card etc.

We're trying to do the same joskar with having everyone contribute into a pot of money and then it's used for gifts and used fairly. Otherwise it's always the same people who contribute to gifts and some get nothing.

Fanby · 25/06/2015 18:53

HV was actually really lovely. She didn't even want to look around. We just sat in the lounge and chatted. She seemed very interested in my DH and our relationship so guessing they are enquiring about domestic violence etc, also whether I had support from family etc. Then just used these topic cards to discuss pregnancy and baby – all fairly standard but at the same time felt like a therapy session lol. Really lovely lady though and said all the right things, I.e I don't look my age and look really well haha, anyone can be my friend after saying that!!

Dozy – good work on the BP, keep calm in these last few shifts :) My bump seems higher too, and i've worked this out by when I try to eat from my lap in front of the tele it's not as comfortable;e haha, perhaps and probably more likely is that i'm just even more outward!

lulabelle: keeping my fingers crossed for a spinning baby for you! Hope the SPD gets better in these last few weeks for you.

Joskar: where in the world are you if you don't mind me asking? It's bloomin' hot in the south!
Your work sounds like they have a good system!!

I am so HOT, totally won't be able to sleep tonight as I had a nap at 4o'clock- just too hot! DH is out tonight so going to catch up on some crap tv (and finish the rest of the ice cream) :)

Frolicacid · 25/06/2015 19:25

Just caught up properly!

Poor old dh's grandmother pinkie. You must have panicked when she called at that time. I hope the Spatone helps your blood.

Ouch to shooting Fanjo pains happy. I'm glad i've not had those yet! I am definitely getting more braxton hicks the past week or so. They don't hurt, but are jolly uncomfortable. My boobs have also got very sore again. There must be some hormonal action going on.
You are definitely not being unreasonable about the work thing. It's such a shitty situation - people should be more sensitive. Don't get involved in any card / presents / leaving lunches you don't want to. You probably won't see the people who aren't genuine friends again after next week anyway.

I feel like I'm coping with the warm weather so far OMC. But they're forecasting it to get really hot next week and I'm sure that will not be comfortable. I'm lucky we live by the sea and will be able to get in it after work if it's boiling. My feet have got a bit swollen a few times, but as soon as I'm not standing or feel cooler they go back down.
Sorry you're struggling panpipe. It must be doubley hard with dc's to keep occupied.

I don't think they do pre birth hv visits here fanby. I'm sure it will be fine, they probably just want to introduce themselves and check you don't live in squalor with 20 others in a one bed flat or the like.

It sounds like your baby really likes to be head up mzzf! I think there are exercises you can do to try and turn them. My friend was telling me about the time she spent every spare 10 mins on all fours in the therapy room at work trying to turn her baby. Mine is still head down, but decided to spend all day yesterday lying sideways. It was so uncomfortable. I thought my bump was going to burst at one point.

I hope you're feeling better by this evening jockstar. Have you had any bloods done recently? I had horrible breathlessness, which turned out to be anaemia. I could barely get up our steep stairs. I've been on iron tablets for 2 weeks now and feel a million times better.

Woohoo to good bp and final shifts at work dozy!! I saw my mat cover advertised today - felt a bit strange. They're so slow - I definetley won't be handing over to anyone at this rate.

Has anyone tried the strawberry iced lemonades from maccy d's? They are a bit like slush puppies, super tasty and great for cooling down. I am getting a little obsessed with them and iced caramel latte's to keep me from overheating as I drive from appt to appt!

Frolicacid · 25/06/2015 19:27

X-posts fanby!
Glad the meeting with the hv was good. Also super impressed that you have ice cream left!! Things like that only last a day in this house Smile

Joskar · 25/06/2015 20:11

Still feel like shite. No tea for me and an early bed. Not sure about work tomorrow. Hate taking time off but I can't go in like this. Stupid stomach.

Have been taking iron (and pregnancy vits with iron) since the day I got my bfp. I was very anaemic last time so I thought I'd get a head start. Dr has taken bloods so might need more. It's quite scary though. I'm waking in the night not able to breathe.

Dd was undiagnosed breech so I'm a bit paranoid about that now. I'll be scrubbing the floors every day of mat leave because I'm convinced this one is the wrong way round too. I'm determined to have my vbac!

I see on the weather that it's very hot down south. I live in Speyside in the north of Scotland and have yet to crack out the sun screen this summer. Seems like such a waste having a big garden with a fabulous view when I can't see a damn thing for the mirk and mist! Our nearest neighbours are 2 miles away and last pregnancy I was pretty much naked in the garden the whole summer. No chance this time.

Dozygirl · 25/06/2015 22:11

Wasn't even sunny today in the north but it was so warm! I love the sun usually but right now i wish it was cold.

Totally getting the not being able to sit on sofa and eat tea fanby! I tried sitting on my exercise ball but that was no good either. And I know it's gonna get worse the bigger it gets now!

Crazy they're only just advertising your mat cover frolic. I was stressing over stuff I have to hand over but I know once I walk out that door on my last day I won't care. It'll be someone else's problem to deal with. I'm just leaving at an awkward time because I'm the research nurse on the unit as we as being clinical and there are 2 trials opening up shortly so I'm leaving inexperienced nurses to learn very quickly how to be a research nurse and coordinate 2 trials straight after I'm gone. But I guess noone is indispensable really so I'm sure it'll all work out in the end

I won't care once I have my bouncing baby girl to look after!

Frolic never heard of those things from maccy d's but the sound right up my street. I bough some sorbet from aldi but ate nearly all of it already.

Fanby · 25/06/2015 23:07

Totally need a iced strawberry lemonade! A trip to the golden arches is in order. I don't usually eat macca's but in the early weeks I must have had about 4 or 5 happy meals lol!

Ah Joskar it sounds so beautiful where you live! A lot different from london! I googled it too (stalker alert!), it really is stunning – my DH would like the whiskey! Hope you get a good nights sleep tonight and feel better tomorrow, if you don't – don't go to work!

Glad it's not just me with the uncomfy eating in front of the tele (#firstworldproblems lol) – you have reminded me to buy an exercise ball though!! :D

pinkie87 · 26/06/2015 08:24

I've also struggled eating on the sofa fanby! Should really teach me to go back to eating at the dining table. I'd quite like it to drop a bit as it's getting harder and harder to breathe/get dressed/eat with it being right under my boobs. And my bras are digging into the bump! I'm 31 weeks though so think I have a while to go before it drops.

frolic those iced strawberry lemonades sound lush! I daren't go near a maccyd's though, trying my best to be healthy in the final stretch.

mzzzf really hope you can get baby to turn in time! I'm sure you are trying all you can and have done lots of research but I'd also recommend spinning babies website.

dozy 5 shifts left! That's great! I'm so jealous! Enjoy your 5 days off too. :)

Joskar I'm also jealous you live somewhere much cooler! I'm in West Sussex and it's so muggy, especially at night in bed. DH still wants a duvet on the bed and I can't even tolerate a sheet! Hope you're feeling a little better today too.

happy I just want to echo what everyone else says. I wouldn't go to the meal either if I was in your situation. Apart from money being tight it just seems ridiculous to be waving someone off to a new job when so many others are losing theirs.

We had all our upstairs carpeted yesterday, so now all the work is done I can finally put the cot up and finish the nursery! DH is going out later though and don't think I'll manage it alone. Hmph!

Also the bloody leg cramps at night are driving me mad. Used to be able to resolve it whilst still laying down but they have been worse lately and force me to actually jump out of bed in pain. Can't wait to stop work and just be able to nap in the daytime before baby comes!

panpipe · 26/06/2015 10:24

I'm in Surrey pinkie so not far away!

Joskar have you had your bp checked? Mine is really low during pregnancy so I often have dizzy/breathless spells. Resting (ha!) and making sure I'm drinking plenty usually helps.

Third/fourth what everybody else says re work meal happy - it does seem odd to essentially celebrate that someone has a job when lots of others won't be so lucky.

Our builders are knocking through for the extension next week so we're going to stay at PILs. Then hopefully when we're back I can actually start getting birth pool and stuff ready for baby as I've done absolutely nothing so far!

Dozygirl · 26/06/2015 10:49

Aargh ordered some lovely party bags to make up for my babyshower on Sunday and they've still not arrived. Ordered over a week ago! Spent £10 on them as well so I don't want to have to go out and buy more. Fingers crossed they arrive tomorrow.

I'm definitely never having a babyshower again if I have another baby. My friend has done nothing but go on about how much it has cost her (of which I'd said from the beginning my mum will pay anything that costs money, she was just organising it) and made me feel guilty about it. Anyway my mum has given her money for decorations which were only 20 quid so not exactly a fortune like she was making out. Plus she has 3 kids son through the years I've done lots for her and attended all her babyshowers and showered her with gifts so I have no idea why she keeps bringing up the costs of it.

Sorry just wanted a little moan. It's going to be a lovely day I am sure and Im looking forward to it but definitely won't bother next time.

Works fairly ok today which is good. People are nice and make sure i have the easiest workload where possible so that's nice of them.

Hope the weather is cooling down for some of u. It's raining today up north so it's broken the heat up a little bit. But if the news is correct then it's gonna hot up again next week. Maccy d's ice drinks all round from the sounds of it!

Joskar · 26/06/2015 12:52

It's not just a bit cooler here it's 8 degrees. That's, what, 20 degrees cooler than you folk down the road? Reckon I could stand a bit more sunshine. It's not forecast for next week either. I've never know it be so chilly and wet. Usually it's much nicer. I grew up on the Isle of Lewis though so I should be used to it!

Also although it's a lot colder here nights are still very uncomfortable. We don't have central heating just a Rayburn in the kitchen. We can't turn it off because it heats our water but usually our solar panels kick in in the summer and we can have it low but it's been so horrible the solar isn't doing much and the Rayburn is still up high. Our room is above the kitchen and it's really warm at night. If I have another baby I'm going to aim to be third trimester in winter!

Dozy - that's rotten of your pal. She must be feeling very broke. Maybe she's jealous that you're still at the baby shower stage? I'm sure it'll be lovely when it happens.

Had my bp checked yesterday and oxygen levels too. All fine. Just waiting on blood results. I suppose it means more iron. Oh dear. Poor guts!

sianihedgehog · 26/06/2015 13:08

Scan for me this morning! The good news is that my placenta has moved out of the way, and baby is now head down! The bad news is that baby's abdomen is over the 95th percentile, so I'm back in for a full set of diabetes testing at the first available appointment, and having more scans to keep an eye on it. :/ My work are getting distinctly unimpressed with the number of appointments and classes I have.

Equimum · 26/06/2015 18:21

pinkie and panpipe, I'm also in the same area as you - West Sussex but near Brighton.

Siani, great news that your placenta has moved. Hopefully the abdominal measurement isn't indicative of too much.

Dozy sorry to hear that your friend is taking the shine off your shower. I'm sure you've said, but when is it?

Panpipes, I hope the knock-through all goes to plan and that you can get on with your baby preparations really soon. We're having an internal structural wall removed in October. Strangely, I'm quite worried about it. I think DS, baby and I will all have to go away for a few days then.

I've been really struggling with the heat/ humidity here over the past few days (sorry to rub our good fortune with the weather in, Joskar, and everyone else up North.). Not sure how I'm going to survive next week if the forecasted 31oC is actually reached. DS really need exercising away from home every day and DH will be away on a business trip. I'll need to get lots of ice lollies in I think.

In other news, my hospital bag PJs arrived today. Think I have everything for my bag now (apart from snacks etc.).

Happy weekend ladies

panpipe · 26/06/2015 19:39

Siani that's brilliant to hear that pesky placenta has moved. Try to look at the extra scans etc as extra care that would be better to have and not need than the other way round iyswim.

Dozy that sounds a bit off of your friend but hope you have a lovely time on Sunday. It'll be great to have one last get together with your friends before baby!

Frolicacid · 27/06/2015 07:07

Good morning! I can't believe I'm wide awake at 6:45 on a Saturday! What's happening to me?!

Good news that your oxygen levels and bp are good jockstar. Hopefully some more iron is all you need. I hope you feel better today.
8 degrees is definitely too cold!! I'm in North Wales. We don't get quite as hot as the South, but it's still been pretty warm.

it sounds like you've got a lot on your plate with sorting out the research stuff dozy. I've decided not to worry about my cover. I have been all stressed out thinking about who's going to be there for the young people i work with. But there is nothing I can do. They've known that I'm pregnant since really early on. It will be covered somehow in the interim, it's just crap for my already overworked and overstretched colleagues. 4 weeks to go - yipppeeeee!!!!!
I hope your shower stuff arrived? Try to ignore your friend? She sounds like a bit of a drama lama. Maybe she's s bit stressed with other stuff and projecting? I'm sure you'll have a fab time on Sunday.

Can you get some bra extenders from e-bay pinkie? Only a few pounds, but have been totally life savers for me.
Enjoy sorting out your lovely new nursery.

You're very brave having building work done at this stage panpipe! I hope you get it all sorted quickly so you can get back home and start nesting.

Yay for well positioned placenta and baby siani! I hope the glucose test is ok for you. Ignore your work - yours and the baby's health has to come first.

I hope everyone has a good weekend. I'm really jealous of any of you that made it to maccy d's for the iced lemonade!! I won't be passing for my next fix until Monday. I will definetley be heading to the local ice cream parlour this weekend as I was told yesterday that they do loads of slushie flavours.
I'm also struggling to eat on the sofa! We had a Chineese last night and DH was quite surprised when I sat at the table!

Dozygirl · 27/06/2015 07:41

Panpipes sounds like a big job moving a wall. But a lovely trip away while it's being done would be perfect.

Not that thus should matter but my friend has a lot of money so complaining about spending 20 quid on some decorations is a bit weird. But my mum's paid her for it now so she can stop her whinging lol. Babyshower is on Sunday. I always think I'll like the idea of being center of attention but then when it happens I hate it and get all hot and flustered. And with this warm weather anyway I'm gonna be sweating all over everybody at this rate haha

Siani glad your placenta has moved. Hope the tests go ok. Scan measurements can be inaccurate as well. Shame work are being funny about the appointments though. It's not your fault and u have to go to them so there's nothing they can do.

Happy Saturday everybody, it's looking to be a beautiful day up here

Pinkie I found bra extenders in Debenhams for a fiver. Definitely helped a little bit with the bra situation. I find it much comfier without a bra on but mine are so unruly I can only do that at home.

Well my dp surpassed himself yesterday. While I was working he decided to clean and tidy the whole house and he's done a bloody good job! I was very impressed. I have my auntie and sister coming up to visit today so I was stressing about getting the place clean and tidy ready for their arrival but he's done the majority of it bless him. And prob done a better job than I would do. I've just got the bathroom and dusting to do but I like doing the bathroom for some reason.

4 weeks to go frolic, trust me that will fly by! It's going to be so strange not going to work for such a long time.

Joskar 8 degrees! That is cold. Hope some of the predicted heatwave moves its way up to you.

Frolic north Wales is so beautiful. My friends have just been to a place called abersoch beach or somethung like that and the water was so so blue. It looked gorgeous. Do u surf when not pregnant or just your husband? The water where I lI've is brown. Mainly it's something to do with the way it churns the sand up but it does look grim.

Equimum yey for completing hospital bag. That's exciting. I still need to finish mine. Found some cheap maternity pyjs from asda online so I can put those in when they arrive. And then I can't remember what else I need to get. Little toiletries I think. A trip to home bargains will sort that out though.


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Joskar · 27/06/2015 18:49

18 degrees today and no rain! Boom! Went to the beach. Dd had a blast. She was straight into the sea and splashing about like a boss. Wish my tummy was better but dd, dh and joskar dog all enjoyed the picnic and ice cream so that was good. Great to finally get outdoors and do something fun.

I probably won't get a hospital bag together for a while yet (was two weeks late last time) but a good tip I was given is to put in really nice toiletries because that first shower after is bliss. Also pack flip flops in case the shower isn't nice.

Frolicacid · 27/06/2015 19:46

We're not far from abersoch dozy! We're very lucky - all of the beaches around us are lovely with clean water.
I'm not much of a surfer. I have tried a few times, but much prefer messing about on the beach with frolicdog.

Full marks to your DH for the cleaning! Can you send him up here? Mine is off surfing as usual!

Yay for some nice weather jockstar! It's been lovely and sunny here today, but not too hot. Thanks for the tip about hospital toiletries. I will definetley be packing my flip flops.

I hope everyone is having a lovely Saturday. I'm being very lazy and loving it Smile

panpipe · 27/06/2015 21:54

I third bra extenders! Fantastic invention Grin

I've been soooo hot today. We went to the Armed Forces day and there was just no shade to get out of the sun. Picked up a Cornetto on the way home which was oh so welcome!

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