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Birth clubs

August 2015 Part 4

874 replies

Dani240 · 20/06/2015 09:22

New thread for all of us August ladies!

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Equimum · 26/08/2015 11:48

Wow Galaxy, what a positive story (although I'm sure it didn't feel like it at the time). Sounds like the birthing centre was a but disorganised, so a particular well done for not letting that put you off what you had to do.

At least that should get it all going nice and quickly Frolic. Can't wait to hear that you have had your baby.

Iwish, I am booked for induction tomorrow, but I am asking for it to be delayed by a couple days (even though I am desperate to get this baby out). We were made to book the appointment last week and told it was just protocol, but seeing as it'll be less than 24 hours after the only sweep slot they could offer, I don't feel we'll really have given things a chance to work (and I an really anxious about induction). I had a really strong reaction to induction acupuncture this morning, so I'm also hoping that is a positive sign that things will getting moving soon. Now to persuade the midwife Grin.

I hope everyone is enjoying their newborn cuddles.

Fanby · 26/08/2015 18:54

Evening all!! Had a lovely day! Managed to make it to the restaurant i'd booked for DH birthday (we didn't make it as Molly made an appearance!), she was as good as gold thankfully. In other exciting news we bought a new Dyson lol! That's the amount of my day! Got a couple of friends coming round in an hour, was hoping to eat before hand but DH has gone to bed...
Had another 'great' night last night. Molly's first time not in our bed...she ended up managing to stay in her pram bassinet on our bed and we both woke every 2.5-3hr for feeds so i'm very proud of her – here's hoping for a hat-trick tonight!!


Galaxy2014 Ahh thank you for sharing your birth story!! So glad you made it back to the birth centre in time!! You're an absolute star for working through all that pain!!
Hope the heel test goes ok!! Tip for any one else due to have it – try and bf them whilst they do it – makes it a lot easier for bubba!!

Equimum: I could never speak to DH about MIL! It'd cause WW3 lol!! C'mon Equibaby!! Time to make an appearance!!

Iwishicouldflyfarfaraway: Ahh congratulations!! I hope you're doing ok and managing to rest up in hospital!

Dozygirl: Good job and congratulations on registering Piper, I really do love her name! Our appointment isn't until mid September!!

Equimum · 27/08/2015 08:51

Fanby, it sounds like you and Molly are both doing an amazing job ! I hope she slept well for you again last night and hadn't been lulling you into a false sense of security. Glad you got your meal out. I think it was about six months after DS arrived that we managed that Grin.

How are you doing now Iwish? Are you back home/ know when you might be?

Well, it felt like things we're kicking off here last night. I had quite a few painful tightenings throughout the evening, but then they stopped again. I feel like we 'veg had our last chance now and I'm just going to be forced through the induction process. After the midwife said there was no flexibility, I did get the hospital to delay until tomorrow, but my mum has to come today do that she can look after DS tomorrow. I don't feel comfortable with it, so doubt anything spontaneous will happen now I feel crowded.

I hope the lack of news from Frolic, Joskar and AbsB means you are all too busy enjoying newborn cuddles.

Fanby · 27/08/2015 09:48

Oh equimum I hope you're ok, I'm sure the induction process WILL go smoothly for you. Stay positive, I'm sending you lots of pain free, dilating, water breaking thoughts xxx

We're on our way to Molly's hearing test, managed to leave the house 5mins ahead of schedule!! Smile

Iwishicouldflyfarfaraway · 27/08/2015 14:09

equimum sorry the niggles came to nothing , mine did that at the weekend and then started pretty much full force Monday morning so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that it happens spontaneously tonight / over night for you.

I am just waiting to be discharged as baby's results came back clear Smile

Hope everyone else is busy delivering their babies or enjoying newborn snuggles .

Joskar · 27/08/2015 17:06

No baby here yet. My cervix is at 2cms and very soft. She can feel the head. She has sworn that I'll be having the baby any day. I'm flipping holding her to that! I don't want to have to have another section or go on a drip on Wednesday. I went for a massage yesterday and I've reflexology booked for Tuesday. Shagging like a rabbit. Bouncing on that bloody ball. You name it! Come on baby! Am I going to be last on here?

Equi - thinking on you. The induction will be ok. Mine would have been last time if they hadn't messed up in other ways. Fingers crossed for you that you don't need it but if you do you'll be grand.

Happy days (and nights!) to all the new mamas!

Frolicacid · 27/08/2015 18:02

Just a quickie to let you know baby frolic arrived this morning by emergency cesarean after 20 hours of trying the induction drip. We are both fine and enjoying getting to know each other.
I'll post the whole story when I'm better at balancing baby, phone and cannula's!

I hope you're all ok, mums to be, babies and mums Flowers

Equimum · 27/08/2015 18:32

Congratulations Frolic. So glad you finally have your little one in your arms. Sorry it sounds as though it was a bit of a traumatic experience. I hope you've got everyone running around after you.

Joskar, I'm sorry you are still waiting too. At the rate things are going here, your little one will be starting nursery before mine arrives Grin ! Your midwife's feedback sounds positive, so I'm sure things will start moving for you soon. Sending you lots if positive and dilating thoughts.

DH has just driven over to collect my mum so she can look after DS tomorrow. It really feels like this is it now, and that I will definitely be going for induction. I know it sounds stupid, but I'm really struggling to remember that there is something really positive on the end if this.

Dozygirl · 28/08/2015 06:56

Whoohoo congratulations frolic and baby frolic! Looking forward to hearing all the details.

Equimum is today induction day? Has anything happened post sweep? The positive thing is you get to meet your baby no matter how they end up coming into the world. You'll be fine :)

Any news from.abs yet?

Thinking dilating thoughts for you joskar.

Fanby well done on making it out of the house 5 mins early, that's a great achievement! It's really isn't easy to jist leave the house anymore is it!I was no good at it before baby so goodness knows what I'll be like now.

I had an emotional day yesterday so I'm hoping I feel better today. Midwife today and im sure dd will.have put lots of weight on because I've been topping up with so much formula and expressed milk now which I'm not happy with but never mind.

Frolicacid · 28/08/2015 07:59

Thanks for the congrats!

good luck today equimum. I hope things move quickly for you and jockstar and anyone else waiting.

I'll try to come back later and tell my story. It wasn't half as bad as I would have expected an induction and emcs to be.
Our little boy was only 7.6lbs after all that fuss they made about him being big. He's doing great and is especially loving the boobs. He just wants to feed and use them as cushions and dummies. Very lovely / but we've been at it all night and I'm frazzled!

Happy Friday everyone Smile

mzzzf · 28/08/2015 08:20

Yay frolic!! Congratulations!

And best of luck for you equimum

  • you'll be 'reet! Smile

I've been keeping a low profile and not logged on since the whole hacking issue as I was one of the usernames that got phished Sad and it freaked me out so have just been a reader of late but I have been keeping up to date with you all!
All ok this end, little mzzzf is putting on weight well, up to 9/6 and she'll be 4 weeks old on Sunday - where the hell has 4 weeks gone?!
We're still baby-led and following her pattern for sleep and food but my goodness what j wouldn't give fora few hours of undisturbed sleep!
Good luck today everyone!!!
Can't be that many more babies left to arrive on this thread, can there?!
Equimum · 28/08/2015 10:42

Just a quick pop-in to say that after all my worrying Equibabe arrived of his own accord this morning, at 5.28 weighing just over 9lb8ozs! After having a fairly constant sore tummy all evening, I suddenly started to have some fairly powerful contractions at about 10pm. We called the hospital and they said they could assess me. When we arrived they said I was only 3-4cm and they believed only in early labour. The midwife noticed that contractions were pretty strong and agreed I could stay. After two hours I asked for gas and air and they said they would assume I wouldn't have progressed much, but I was actually 7-8cm. They gave me the gas and things progressed really quickly. By 4 and they were talking about an imminent arrival, but nothing changed and my waters were still intact. They realised DS was definitely back-to-back and made me walk a bit (which was really difficult at that stage). Suddenly felt the head drop and found myself pushing. They had to break my waters when I pushed them out and DSs head came with the next two contractions. I had a slight problem pushing out his body as he his hand by his shoulder, and got a second degree tear at that stage, but nowhere near as bad as the tearing with DS2. Was stitched up by the midwife while DS had his first feed. All exhausted, but hoping to go home after lunch. Can't believe I'm sharing this story when I should currently be just starting on the induction process.

Froluc, I hope you are recovering well.

Iwish, I hope you got home as planned and things are going well.

Joskar, I hope you are already experiencing labour and that everything goes smoothly. I somehow managed to spontaneously remember lots of the Hypnobirthing from last time round, and certainly found the breathing exercises helped a lot. I'll be hanging round to see how you get on/ provide positivity if you need it.

mzzzf · 28/08/2015 11:36

Woohoo!! Congrats equimum you little induction-dodging hero! Grin

mzzzf · 28/08/2015 11:37

Oh and come on Joskar!!!

Joskar · 28/08/2015 15:17

I'm so happy for you, Equi. That's great. A relief after all that waiting. How many days over were you?

Congratulations Frolic! Hope you are both well.

Really thought the sweep yesterday would have pushed me over but no joy. I wouldn't care if it wasn't for my Wednesday deadline. Still there's plenty time yet. Just boring feeling like everything is on hold.

Dozygirl · 28/08/2015 18:50

Yey equimum knew it would happen of its own accord. Great birth story and congrats on your new chunky monkey.

Frolic, Yey for him not being a giant baby.

Joskar sending u labour vibes. Hope things start up soon.

Iwishicouldflyfarfaraway · 28/08/2015 22:20

Big Congratulations frolic hope you are resting up and enjoying baby frolic
equimum wow big congratulations I'm so pleased you managed to avoid induction and things progressed smoothly . We were able to come home yesterday so now settling in to having a newborn again .

Hope everyone else is enjoying their babies & fingers crossed baby Joskar make an appearance soon joskar

Joskar · 28/08/2015 22:27

Are there any folk on the FB group still waiting?

Is it just me?


Equimum · 28/08/2015 23:22

Oh Joskar, having deadline makes it so difficult, doesn't it? Wednesday is still a long way off, though, and you have plenty of time for things to happen on their own. How far over are you now? We were 13 days in th end.

Frolic, it's good to hear that your experience wasn't as traumatic as it sounded, and that your little one wasn't anywhere near as big as they thought.

Iwish, glad you got home. Hope you are adjusting well.

Dozygirl · 28/08/2015 23:59

Joskar 3 more people left to pop on the fb group. Someone's edd is 31 august so they may be left to September now.

Frolicacid · 29/08/2015 03:25

Sorry your name was on the list mzzf. This hacking thing has been a right palaver. Great news that minimzzf is putting on weight nicely. Where on earth has 4 weeks gone indeed? I hope you're settling into your new home and parenthood.

Yippee equimum!! Congratulations. Sounds like you did an amazing job of giving birth. Welcome to the world little equibabe Flowers I hope you got home ok.

There is plenty of time until Wednesday jockstar. Your cervix sounds very positive. I'm crossing everything for you. Keep shagging Smile

Glad you made it home iwish.

It's all going well for me and frolicbaby so far. We're all on track to go home tomorrow. He's currently sleeping like a log whilst I lay here wide awake obsessing over his breathing.

The birth story goes that my waters went 1am on Tuesday morning. I initially woke up and thought I'd wet myself, but soon there was loads of water gushing dramatically everywhere.
I didn't have any pains other than a few periods type niggles. I was checked over after 12 hours and things looked quite favourable, so they sent me home until Wednesday morning to try and go into labour myself.

I bounced and bounced on my ball, ran up and down stairs and bathed in clary sage back home, but nothing got any contractions started. So we came in for induction on Wednesday morning. Because nothing had progressed at all and because of the length of time my waters had gone by this point they decided that the drip would be better and quicker than the pessary. I was happy to go along with this as they said I'd probably have to be monitored in labour even with the pessary by this point due to the water again.
Then I basically spent 20 hours on the drip having really strong contractions but making very little progress. Having an epidural helped things along quite a bit as it helped me relax, but I never got past about 7cm and baby wasn't moving down properly. So at 7:30am yesterday the Dr suggested going for emcs. I was happy with this as I was exhausted by now and doubted that, even if I did make it to 10cm I'd ever have the energy to push him out. Turns out his head was in a really crap position and he's turned his back awkwardly, so I probably would have really struggled.

He was born at 8:30 and the section was fine- really straight forward and nowhere near as scary as I thought it would be. I'm lucky to be able to say that I felt very listened to by the Dr and midwives and totally involved in every decision throughout the process.

I was feeding him within an hour of coming out of theatre and that's going really well so far. My wound is fine and I'm already much more mobile than I expected to be at this stage. And I'm obviously madly in love with frolicbaby, which makes it all so worth it. I'm also feeling major love for dh, who was amazing throughout. I cry every time I watch him with the baby.

Anyway, I hope all of that ramble makes some sort of sense. I'm very sleep deprived, so Please forgive me if not Smile

Frolicacid · 29/08/2015 03:26

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Dozygirl · 29/08/2015 03:37

Awwww gorgeous frolic baby. Congratulations. So glad you felt it was all a positive experience. Isn't the love you feel for that new little person and your dh amazing? It's all just such a wonderful experience. I said last night that I want to relive that moment that I first met my dd and saw my dp holding her next to me. It was just so amazing. Hope u continue having a speedy recovery from the c section.

mzzzf · 29/08/2015 04:43

Welcome to the csection club frolic!! Oh and the late night obsessive breathing checking club!!! He's a cutie Smile

Make sure to look after your wound, I think mine is leaking again maybe because I forget I've had an emcs and overdo things. In my defence though it is amazing how mobile you are you quickly afterwards, so in blaming that!!
Just done the 4am milk top up and she's snoozing on me. My goal for next week is her to lie down off me more!!
Loads of labour/births vibes heading your way joskar!!!

Joskar · 29/08/2015 09:17

I'm only a week overdue but they're not keen to let me go more than +10 and I'm dreading the conflict with them. If only I'd had a vaginal birth last time! So frustrating! Particularly as my cervix is soft and good to go. I genuinely wouldn't mind if it weren't for Wednesday.

Gorgeous picture, Frolic! Well done for all that effort. Glad it's going well.

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