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August 2015 Part 4

874 replies

Dani240 · 20/06/2015 09:22

New thread for all of us August ladies!

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Joskar · 01/07/2015 22:55

Och you're still very much in civilisation then! It's not cold there. Wet. Very wet. But not cold. Sil lives in Dunoon and mil lives on Bute so we're often travelling down to those parts. Very pretty place. No doubt you'll find having a child will help you settle in much easier.

happygojo · 02/07/2015 07:58

I have called in sick today (3rd time in the pregnancy overall) and I feel guilty. I am not 'ill' but I haven't had a decent sleep in days (heat, stress, restless legs, indeterminate discomfort) and now I feel a bit sucky. I am only doing 'rainy day' jobs at work so nothing urgent and I got ZERO work emails yesterday. It's almost like I am already redundant. My OH told me to stay home.... I'm just so tired. Only have 3 more days to do next week, even then I think I have a half day of leave to use!

Hope Everyone is ok and not melting!

pinkie87 · 02/07/2015 08:18

dozy good point about the post natal groups! I hope we will all join the August one again (if that's how they work) so we can all stay in touch!

panpipe if you search for a lady called Alex Barlow on facebook (profile photo is currently her and her little boy with a birthday cake, and it's got the rainbow filter on the photo) and message her I think she can add you. There are maybe some other admins too now but not sure who they are!

fanby how you managed to hit Oxford Street yesterday is beyond me! I could barely move from the sofa! Props to you!

happy don't feel guilty at all. You need to rest. And if there's nothing much happening anyway, then even less reason to care!

lily that's so annoying about your moving date, I really hope you can bring it forward. I agree it doesn't take 8 weeks to decorate, surely they will sympathise what with baby being due at that time.

I am SO amazed that i survived yesterday! 34 degrees is just TOO much. The drive to and from work was the worst without air con, but survived (sweatily) somehow! Then spent most of the evening naked hugging a 2litre frozen bottle of water, which I also took to bed with me! Topped off with having the whooping cough vaccine and only being able to lay on one side did not make for the comfiest night. Thank god it's cooler today!

Also have my first antenatal tonight, quite looking forward to it now! :)

OMC1 · 02/07/2015 08:45

Shantotto Take it easy now you're off; as everyone keeps telling me, make the most of it! I break up next Thursday - can't wait!

Siani Oh no! Hope you're not too bruised from all the tests!

Fanby Someone said to me that it's my last full month of being pregnant - oh my god! Made it VERY real!

mzzzf Is that the new strawberry lemonade? I NEED to try that! Hope your scan goes well today!

Lily What a nightmare - I hope you manage to get a better date sorted!

Happy Don't feel guilty! I have had to have a few days off, and felt guilty too but on reflection you have to put yourself and baby first, and your employers and colleagues should understand that, especially considering what you've been put through recently.

Pinkie Ooh, I hope you enjoy your antenatal; make sure you let us know how it goes!

Guyropes · 02/07/2015 10:53

Hello everyone!

Sorry I've been absent from this board for so long! I really struggled to keep track of it, and been off and on a bit with mn.

So nice to read all your posts now though!


Sorry to hear you're having trouble with your birth plan. If it helps, I had to go to delivery suite having planned a home birth, and I think the attitude of the midwives was different towards me, as they knew I wasn't getting what I wanted. They didn't push interventions, although I had briefed my birth partner to question any intervention, which probably helped too.

Hope things sort themselves out for you. I am waiting for the Dr to give me the all clear for home birth this time. Appointment is next week.

In the meantime I am going on. The hospital tour so I can see what the facilities are like should I end up transferring.

Pinkie... . don't know how you're managing that commute! I'm driving with the seat reclined as it hurts the top of my bump. I love my perfect fit underwired bras usually, but ditched them a while ago. I've got soft bras which were cheap, don't fit well, but are comfy.

Redundancies .

I sympathize so much. It's horrid. I've just been picking up bits and pieces of work, but am worried about long term.... Hope you've got maternity pay sorted out.

ice creAm

Is the only thing......

sianihedgehog · 02/07/2015 14:48

Lily nope, no fan, nothing. the windows open, which is usually fine, but it was completely still as well. Sorry to hear about your moving date, that seems insanely long! We've just had the fixtures and fittings list for our new house, which is great for reassuring us that it's all moving along, but still have no idea of our actual moving date.

Saw the midwife today and got all the blood results. No GD

sianihedgehog · 02/07/2015 14:49

Oops, that posted too soon! No GD, anaemia is improving, and nothing looks odd. Baby is probably just a little fatty, and I've got the all clear to try for a home birth. :)

Guyropes · 02/07/2015 19:01

Siani, that's great news from the mw! Exciting to have all clear for home birth too.

mzzzf · 02/07/2015 20:34

Aloha ladies!
How much nicer and cooler has it been today?! I even enjoyed dog walking in the drizzle Smile

So I had my positioning scan and TA DAH she's now head down and engaged - scary monsters time!!! I know being engaged means nothing as to when labour might start but the fact she's ready to go is giving meaning the to phrase 'any day now'!!! Grin

Dozygirl · 02/07/2015 20:49

equimum how much is it to rent a car seat? I've never heard of the before.

A few of you seem to have big moves going on in your lives right around due date times. I don't envy you at all. House moving is one of the most stressful things to happen a long with having a new baby so to deal with both is very brave of u all. Although I suppose for some u don't have a choice. I wish u all the best of luck and hope that they are are smooth transitions for u all.

Feet ridiculously swollen again after being stuck in a stifling hot office. I keep thinking they can't possibly get any worse and then they surprise me by going even bigger than ever. Used to it now though lol. It rained today and I've never been so grateful of rain and a drop in temperature before! Jist need it to cool work down a bit and then I'll be sorted for my last three nightshifts this weekend. Can't believe I'm so close to finishing now. It's going to feel so weird.

Hope it's cooled down a lot the bit for u all as well depending where u are.

Siani good luck with the home birth.

Pinkie no air con! Thats another thing I'm very grateful for! Never wanted to drive around so much before until now coz it's the coolest place to be.

Happy take the time off. U deserve it. No point being in work and ur not gonna penalised now for having sick days so make the most of it and look after yourself and baby.

Went to a hypnobirthing class last night. Some girl has set up a new business locally so thought I'd try it out. Wasn't really what I expected. Thought it would be about how to use hypnotherapy while giving birth but it was just lying on the floor on a yoga mat while she read through a script in a soft voice and talked about grass and trees and sunlight shining on your baby etc etc. All u could think about was how uncomfortable u was led on this yoga mat and how in couldn't wait to sit up and stretch about. Plus it was really hot in the place which didn't help. She had said to bring a pillow which I forgot but still not sure it would have been comfy. I could tell someone had fallen asleep from the way they were breathing heehee. Someone said it had made them sleepy afterwards when she asked how we felt and she said it shouldn't make u fall asleep, just relaxed. But I know if I'd have been relaxed then I would definitely have fallen asleep because I have done in yoga classes when they do similar relaxation at the end.

Anyway, I'm not really sure it's for me. I get too distracted and start thinking of other things that aren't relaxing things. I would like something to help me relax while giving birth but not sure if u have to pay for private lessons to get that and I don't really fancy paying out for it.

Lilydreams · 02/07/2015 21:57

Happy- hope you got some sleep today and feel better! I hardly slept last night- went to yoga after work and was nearly asleep at the relaxation bit!!

Those who mentioned the post natal group yes I hope everyone still joins those too- how about no matter when we give birth- jul/ aug/ sep we all agree to join aug as that's what we've all been together in antenatally? I don't do Facebook either due to nature of my job and you guys have been life savers- think I'll need you even more when LO is here- middle of the night moans and frantic new mum posts!!

Siani- can't believe you don't even have a fan but yay for the no GD and house things moving along!

Mzzf- exciting news!! It's nice to know there in the right position isn't it!

Dozy- that hypnobirthing class doesn't sound great- I have to admit the visualisation stuff my yoga teacher does does resonate with me but I think that's because she does it at the end of class when I'm already relaxed and open to it!

Baby's been having a right wriggle today feels like he's trying to tunnel out 'down below' whilst at the same time kicking a specific spot at top of bump which how feels like it's should be black and blue- proper bruised feeling!

Dozygirl · 02/07/2015 22:07

Yeah I liked it in yoga class because she just talked through relaxing each muscle one by one but the hypnotherapy was a bit too way out there for me. Plus the being uncomfortable part. I suppose i gave it a go.

Yes let's all join august postnatal group no matter what. The facebook group is great though and it's completely secret and u don't have to actually be friends with anyone to join it but I understand some people need to be more careful than others :)

Joskar · 02/07/2015 22:16


Last day of term so now no work til 2016. Hurrah!

Mega thunderstorm last night with us. We live on top of a hill, no neighbours and the valley all laid out before us with Ben Rinnes and the Convals dead ahead. Lightening was spectacular. The rain was like golf balls off the roof and dh got his feet wet because I won't close the window. Still too damn hot mind you!

Whoop for babies going in the right direction and birth plans being respected.

Dd is going to nursery tomorrow and I am going to sit on my bahookie and do absolutely nothing. Smile

Frolicacid · 02/07/2015 22:41

Evening all!!
I've not read back properly sorry, but from what I have read, I hope Ronald McDonald is going to be sending me a fee for promoting his frozen lemonade!! Glad you all enjoyed them.

I've been feeling a bit shit today and yesterday. I can't put my finger on why exactly, but I feel tearful, uncomfortable and sick. It's cooled down a lot here so I don't think it's the heat. My boobs are killing too, so I'm assuming it's a big batch of hormones. All I want to do is hide under the duvet and cry.

How is everyone's bump doing? Loads of people at work today commented that mine has dropped since yesterday. So many said it that I'm panicking a bit about baby coming early. I can definitely feel more room between boobs and bump today. And I'm having quite regular braxton hicks.
33 weeks tomorrow and it's way too early. I have a family history of premature birth, which according to the midwife means nothing. But now can't stop analysing every twinge and movement Confused. Another few weeks of this is going to do my head in.

Sorry for the me, me, me post. I hope you're all ok. Please someone come along and tell me to pull myself together?

Dozygirl · 02/07/2015 23:46

You're allowed to have some off days frolic. Try not to worry about the history of preterm births. Baby might have changed position which has caused the bump droppage and maybe the twinges too. I've not experienced any braxton hicks myself so I don't know what they feel like. I just get a sore bump more like muscle ache when I've done too much. Just rest up and look after yourself. Ring midwife if worried tomorrow.

Joskar yey for last day of work lucky thing. We had thunderstorms last night too. Amazing to see the lightening so clearly. Love thunderstorms especially because I knew it would break the humidity up.

I hope it stays cool all weekend for my nightshifts. Ive not had to do nights for awhile because I was ill last time so I'm not really sure how I'll cope yet. Just the sleeping in the day part thats worrying me. But only 3 to get through then I'm done.

Equimum · 03/07/2015 07:56

Frolic, sorry to hearing so rough. Try not to worry too much about the change in bump position. May not be the same thing, but my baby was laying really low earlier in the week and I had a flattish area between it and my bust. Now, baby is pushing right into my ribs. If you are really worried, though, do give your midwife or local assessing unit a call. They'll be more than happy to speak to you/ see you.

Joskar yay for finishing work. I hope you can get some rest while your little one is at nursery.

Dozy NCT charge about £26 for a Maxicosi Cabriofix/ about £34 for the Peebles. The bases are then between about £35-45 depending on choice. Prices are for six months so you'd probably need to renew. It's probably not cost effective for anyone planning to reuse them, but we thought it would enable us to get the isofix without spending a fortune for just one baby.

Also Dozy, I really feel for you working nights. If it all gets too much, do take your own advice (to frolic) and take a night or two off sick. I know it's not easy, but there's no point getting over exhausted at this stage.

Mzzzf great news about position, and Siani, yay for no GD/ improving anaemia. How exciting to be cleared for a HB. Are you planning on having a pool?

DH announced last night that he needs to take a four night, international business trip at the very end of July/ start of August Angry. I know I'm not due until 15th, but I'm still not happy. Our support plan for labour is already a but flaky, with nobody having said they can definitely have DS.

pinkie87 · 03/07/2015 08:29

siani good news on the blood results! Glad your anaemia is improving. :) hope it means you manage to get the birth that you want.

mzzzf yey! So happy for you that baby is in the right position now. I know what you mean about being engaged, it always makes me think of some mechanical term, like a rocket ready to launch, could go at any time (I realise how ridiculous I sound, honestly!).

dozy I've always wanted to do a hypnobirthing class but can't afford it, so just using the book and cd. I wonder if they are all like that? Or if that's just her method. Anyway, sorry it was a disappointment!

joskar you've finished work! I'm totally jealous! Have a lovely day of doing nothing!

frolic sorry that you're having a bit of a pants time. I had that a week or so ago. It's tough when you feel crap and can't really put a finger on why. Try not to worry about bump dropping, I think it normally does that around 33-34 weeks anyway? Hope you start to feel a bit better!

Well, went to the NCT class last night. I was a little apprehensive as NCT can come across as a bit preachy but I actually really enjoyed it. 2 of the women actually go to my yoga class so that was nice. Everyone was really friendly and we had a good laugh. Dividing into men and women groups and listing the positives and negatives of pregnancy was definitely an eye opener. Very amusing to hear the men's ones (e.g. having a free chauffeur!). Felt the socialising side was a bit pushed but I guess that's the point. One lady was sort of volunteered to organise some meet ups or something. Covered the stages of labour too, which I also found really useful! Went on til 10 though (bedtime usually!) so bit sleepy today.

Happy Friday everyone! Hope you all have a lovely weekend too.

Fanby · 03/07/2015 10:56

Oh ffs, went all the way into town and forgot to get a macdonalds lemonade lol! One day I am going to try one of these bad boys!!
Bump seems to be right under my right boob today and breathing is tough, as long as she's turning head down I don't mind, she's still laying so low most of the time, lazy whatsit ;).
Definitely up for August postnatal group! I'm totally intrigued to know what some on you do for work re: facebooky ban etc. I have a friend that I met backpacking a decade ago and randomly we're from the same home town and no one has any idea what he does as he's not allowed to say – we all think he's some kind of astronaut lol!

Equimum: Ahh, sorry to hear about DH work plans, does he REALLY have to go? :S Bit of a bugger! We have the same EDD and i'm trying to think how i'd feel about that. Do you have any friends or family nearby that can have DS in case of emergency?
On another now how good are those chilled aisles in the supermarket!!
Yes, I have fortunately, the health visitor and midwife gave me a list of drop in places and there seems to be one locally every day which is lovely and so nice to know bf support is on hand.

Lilydreams: Sorry to hear that your house move has been delayed. A hell of a long time for decorations! You seem relatively calm about the whole thing which is good!
I'm jealous that you nearly fell asleep at the end of yoga, that's when my bump likes to wake up and start kicking!

happygojo – I can't believe you're feeling guilty about phoning in sick especially with what you're going through! Plus with this heat i'm surprised (and proud) of any of you who are making it into work in these conditions!!

Dozygirl: how are the feet today :(? I bet you cannot wait until this weekend is over!!! 3 more shifts!!! :D Then it's time for you to put those swollen feet up!!
Good for you for trying the hypnobirthing! I love the idea of it, but I really don't think I have the mentality for it tbh. I know lots of people swear by it. I find it hard enough at the end of yoga when they do the 'golden thread' breathing exercises, I just zone out and start thinking about what I want for lunch and dinner...

mzzzf – omg head down and engaged!!!! This is amazing! Essshkk!! Not long to go :D :D :D

sianihedgehog – woohoo glad your GD came back clear and you're all good for the home birth, that is great news!!

pinkie87 – glad your anntenatal went well and you had a good group!! I wish mine were a little more sociable lol. I think we've had 4 classes now, and either next Monday or the class where it's just for the woman I might broach swapping numbers as no one has done it yet. How's your arm after the whooping cough?

Joskar: woohoo!! Congrats on your last day!! I'm very jealous of your storm – send some down our way please :)

Frolicacid – oh frolic, sorry to hear you're feeling emosh :( I had a good cry yesterday and it made me feel better – maybe do as you said and get under that duvet (if you can stand the heat) and go for broke. It's always good to get it out. Or I love a good cry in the shower...are you feeling any happier today? Do you have anything nice planned for the weekend?


sianihedgehog · 03/07/2015 11:15

Important and exciting office news: SOMEONE IS BRINGING ME A FAN!! Hooray! I brought ice packs to work today, if it gets that hot again I intend to sit with an ice pack on my head and one on each foot - I'll look like a twat, but a comfortable twat!

Frolicacid · 03/07/2015 11:34

Bugger!! Just lost a massive post!! I hate it when that happens! Sorry not to reply properly to you all.

Thanks for all your lovely words and advice. I'm feeling a bit more jolly today. Maybe I just needed a good nights sleep. Bump is still low, but moving well and I've not had any niggles or braxton hicks today, so feeling less worried.

Happy Friday everyone! This is my last working Friday - yippee!!! I hope everyone is getting on ok - great that we are all nearing the end of work now.

Fanby · 03/07/2015 11:50

Oh you go girl siani - enjoy the fan!!

Ah glad you're feeling better frolic, a good sleep is a perfect cure! I'd still have a good cry anyway Wink...

Kids next door have a new paddling pool, they've gone on a picnic and its full and ready to go-perfectly acceptable for me to try it first right??!

Lilydreams · 03/07/2015 12:50

Fanby- I expect you to be sat in that pool right now!! It's torturous that we have a 10 ft one in the attic as I speak that we hoped would be up in the new house's garden by now- it won't fit in our current terraced house yard! Would be so lovely too!! As for the house stuff- I'm much more chilled than I would usually be- pregnancy seems to have had a calming effect on me- I am a total control freak!! However am losing my chill by the minute- have rang numerous times again today and still no answer, I'm either going to end up ringing head office or marching down to the site office and losing my shit!! Job wise it's not that I can't say more I choose not to share- as much as you ladies are all lovely and supportive you never know and I'm a bit paranoid! More cautious than a lot of my colleagues certainly and one of the reasons I did my degree so I can change careers in a couple years as I don't like the person it makes me! I am on Facebook but with the highest security settings, strict vetting of who I have as friends and don't mention work on there at all. Makes my job sound far more secretive and exciting than it is- it's not MI5 or anything!! Haha! As I said I'm just paranoid!!

Frolic- glad your feeling better today- think we all have those days and a self indulgent post is the best remedy- get it all out!!

Siani- yay for the fan and the ice packs, I imagine it will feel like pure heaven and who cares if you look silly- I got caught wandering round the office the other day bare foot by one of the bigger bosses and he just said 'I don't blame you!' (P.s. To Fanby- just to totally confuse you about the job intrigue- I don't usually work in an office but have to whilst pg! Lol)

Gotta take one of the dogs the vet later for his pre snip checkup- I feel so guilty he keeps looking at me with this 'butter wouldn't melt' eyes! He's nearly 7 and we had his sister done at about 1 but have been putting his off as I arranged and took her and told DH it was his responsibility to take him which he said was mean etc (typical man)- anyway he ocasionally scent marks in the house which drives me mental and there's more risk to him not being done the older he gets and want him done before new house and baby so I admitted defeat and made appointment! Told DH he's taking him in though and I'll stay outside with the other one as he doesn't like the vets and I'm obviously not restraining him in my current condition!!! That said last time we went he did behave so fingers crossed but good an excuse as any to avoid those guilt tripping eyes!

Stay cool guys it's another hot one!! Although last night was much cooler here- only woke up once to go loo at midnight then slept through till 5.30- impressed!!


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mzzzf · 03/07/2015 13:30

Oooh I wish I had a sneaky beaky job but I don't. As I've mentioned before I'm a physio but really my FB issues are due to DH and his job. I am on there but with the high/strict security settings, only have friends on there that I see in RL etc etc. It does sound paranoid, and I'm sure a mums net group is not likely to contain any scary folk but we have to operate with the better safe than sorry thing.

I got up and out early this morning to take the dogs out for a very brief trot around the meadow before then sun has turned its volume up! It's deffo hotter again down here so I'm taking refuge in the house.

For the last 3 days I have felt like crying on waking up due to the pain of laying down and trying to sleep. I'm creeping towards my limit of coping with uncomfortable/crap sleeping. I do however, seem to be able to doze on the sofa, half sitting up for a good 90mins mid morning. I don't know if this is because I'm knackered already or comfy, or a bit of both! Either way though I keep telling myself that I've not got long of this left - it's becoming a bit of a mantra at the moment!!!

Joskar - yes to being free of work! Come and join the daytime telly club. Although with a dc already you're unlikely to be as lazy as me!

Frolic - my bump apparently dropped down a week or two ago, I didn't notice it at the time but DH did. I have a semi waist back again (if you can call it that?!) but my bump look comedically bad!!! I look almost normal shape from the front but side on is ridiculous, bump is pointing out but low. Schexy!! But it's a good sign that it's dropped, you're likely to have got little one in the right position early doors.

As for the emotion - Oooh yes! I'm so there. I'm almost tempted to write to the makers of the lloyds bank and nationwide advert makers, crying over banking adverts is soul destroying!!! But I can't help myself Grin Also feeling emotional as I know my life is going to change FOREVER and there's a bit of me sad that it won't just be me and DH. I realise that probably sounds a bit silly because I'm so looking forward to having a family but there you go.

Dozy - night shifts! At least the graveyard shifts will be cooler, but during the day you might have to sleep in a bath of cool water!

Equimum - I feel you're worry about having DH away. He was due to go away a week before my due date but thankfully he's managed to get out of it. We don't have local support where we are, best friend is 2hrs away and my mum is 90mins away, so not too bad but enough to not be comfortable with it all. Does he really have to go? Or is there anyway you can get a mate to come and live with you for the time he's away, as that was my back up plan.

I'm a bit jealous of all your nct classes. If we weren't moving away we deffo would have gone to the classes to make local mummy friends, I really hope you guys find some good eggs!

Speaking to my MW after the scan yesterday as I was honest in saying that I don't have a birth plan and should have probably gone to classes to make one and she came back with saying that birth plans are all a bit pointless and the best plan is to 'relax and go with the flow'. So ladies, all of us that are winging it are on the right track!! YAY!

mzzzf · 03/07/2015 13:31

Oh and Lily - puppy dog eyes!!! The little buggers know exactly what they are doing to us. Be strong it's for his own good!!

Fanby · 03/07/2015 14:42

Oh, I don't blame you both on the paranoia/choose not to share on FB etc! I use it more to stalk other people etc. My sister puts her WHOLE life on it which personally isn't for me but everyone is different! Oh god i'm totally going to be that person posting pictures of baby every minute now aren't I?! Haha!

Lilydreams - haha! I was good! I'm not in it, however I am waiting until they're home and might offer to keep an eye on the kids so I can dip my feet in haha! I cannot believe you have a 10ft pool, that sounds amazing!!
I can't believe they're not picking up the phone, literally nothing annoys me more!!
I used to keep a pair of slippers at work ;) I spent more hours there than at home so I may as well have been comfy!
Good luck for the vets! What breed of dogs do you have? (sorry if you've said in a previous post!) I am desperate for a pet but I think baby will keep us busy enough for now :)

Mzzzf – i'm keeping cool indoors at the moment too, it does seem proper hot again today! I think you should have a good cry too! Better out than in!! Repeating the mantra does sound good as well :)! I feel like i've reached my limit too and you're a few weeks ahead on me! I just try to keep telling myself it'll all be worth it in the end.
I know what you mean about it's not just you and DH soon, again i've had the same thoughts. I've tried talking to DH about it but he doesn't really get it, I think he's just so excited!

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