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Due in December 2006 (PART TWO)

548 replies

accessorizequeen · 17/07/2006 15:38

Coz the first thread was getting too long....

OP posts:
Carameli · 27/07/2006 12:41

hi all, just popping in again for a second. Hi morningnewspaper, I am also mad about mint cornettos at the moment.

Choccybikie: so sorry to hear about your friend, that really must be so hard

loulou: I sympathise with you so much about house hunting. We have sold our place but cannot find anywhere we want to buy. It has been such a frustrating summer with this. Our first chain broke down (buyers buyer pulled out) so we lost out on two really nice houses. Now we have buyers who want to complete really soon, which is fab but we cannot find anywhere.
Also having an argument with mortgage companyabout the possibility we may have to rent for 6mnths(only just moved to them and had been told the current offer was totally portable, now told might have to pay huge redemption fee if we don't buy immediately)

off house hunting again this afternoon, what joy

Loulou000 · 27/07/2006 13:35

Poor you Carameli. It's not fun having the house stress on top of the growing a baby stress! That's a really tricky situation with the penalty fee thing. Can't think of any way out of that one!

Mint cornettos - that makes three of us...

lucy5 · 27/07/2006 13:46

Well im back up the hospital this afternoon as my bp is through the roof again. I've managed to talk them out of admitting me. I wish I were in England at least then I would half a chance of knowing what was going on.

choccybickie · 27/07/2006 18:34

Welcome Morning!! Congrats on ya baby, this is my first too!

Thank you everyone for your kind words i really appreciate it!

I had my scan yesterday and it was really amazing, everything is fine which is such a load off my mind! Im pleased to say im having a little boy and i feel much more excited about my pregnancy - its been a long time happening! The baby's dad and I are also getting on much better and he's supporting me much more than before. So I'm happy for now I hope it lasts - watch this space!! xxx

Calmriver · 27/07/2006 20:31

Dublindee- stop what????

accessorizequeen · 27/07/2006 22:22

Suspect she means stop panicking us all about 4 months to go arrrggggh

OP posts:
accessorizequeen · 27/07/2006 22:25

OOh, another dec 06 boy, choccie, congrats! And I know I'm having one too even though I don't (possibly) find out til tomorrow.

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dublindee · 27/07/2006 22:58

You read my mind oh royal one! Calmriver I don't need to know that I have loads still to do to prepare for arrival of "son-who-shall-be-named-anything-but-Will". I am happy being an oblivious wee ostrich sticking my head in the sand thanks!!

Calmriver · 28/07/2006 08:33

I thought that was what you meant, but last night I started having a panic about my ear spray and I thought you had heard something terrible about it! It's a sea water spray and I have over-used it a bit, suddenly last night my lips were all salty and I got a bit concerned that I was over-salting my baby!

I find out at 22 weeks scan a week on Monday! Going to find out this time!.xxxx

dublindee · 28/07/2006 08:35

Ahhhhh, that explains all the question marks!

Morningnewspaper · 28/07/2006 12:07

Oooh Accessorizequeen, you must let us know if you're right about having a boy!!!

Devongirl · 28/07/2006 14:08

Your royal fashionable highness, how do you know it's a boy?? Scientific means/psychic/feeling? I think I am too but I don't know why! Perhaps we ought to all have a guess at this stage and record what we thought, and see how many of us are right!

Morningnewspaper · 28/07/2006 14:30

That's a great idea - I too am convinced it's a boy - we won't find out until it's born though.

accessorizequeen · 28/07/2006 14:40

Oooh, I'm liking the royal thing, don't feel v.fashionable today though as nothing fitting. My reasons for boy guessing are soooo scientific (not). I have 3 friends who've had boys (same age as mine) then girls inc friend who is due in dec too. So by rules of coincidence I can't possibly be having a girl! Of course last time convinced utterly (due to midwife's comments) that was having girl & quite disappointed at the scan when it was a boy. ono lasted a day.
My mum, dp's mum & dp all meant to be arriving to accompany me to scan yet no-one here & I'm panicking. First time I've got nervous & even ds is asleep!!!

OP posts:
Loulou000 · 28/07/2006 16:15

Best of luck with the scan AQ!

For what it's worth I've become convinced I'm having a boy too. Will let you know in a couple of weeks...

jabberwocky · 29/07/2006 10:49

It's 4:50 am here and I've been up since 3:00 b/c of pregnancy rhinitis Anyone else having this?

cupcakes · 29/07/2006 11:11

I am shattered today - not because of rhinitis but just regular insomnia. Really frustrating as I normally sleep really well. It took me at least two hours to drop off last night and I feel like pants today. Hopefully dh is taking ds and dd and the dog out this pm so I can rest.

jabberwocky · 29/07/2006 11:18

We have to drive over 6 hours today and I haven't even packed yet Even though I'm awake I don't want to be rummaging around upstairs waking up dh and/or ds. I'm hoping I can sleep a bit in the car so that I can take over a couple of hours at the end for dh.

magnolia1 · 29/07/2006 11:47

AQ how was the scan??

Everything here is fine, my birthday today and I feel like a bag of shit Have a cold AGAIN!!!! Kids fighting, house a mess and Dh has decided today is the day to sort the garden and go to the dump

Bump is getting huge and baby moving a lot now I saw my tummy move for the 1st time yesterday

For those getting no sleep and the rhinitis I have spoke to my gp about frequent colds and not being able to breathe I have tried everyhthing but nothing helped and he has said octravine from the chemist is ok to use sparingly so I use it when I get up and when I go to bed and its great

Devongirl · 29/07/2006 13:45

Hi all,

Jabberwocky, I am suffering really badly with rhinitis, it's like hayfever x 1000 and seems to be going on forever. I wake up between 4 and 6 a total snotty mess and sneeze for about an hour, then it calms down for the rest of the day. It's very weird, but I am reluctant to take anything. Midwife says the sneezing won't affect baby, so I'll just put up with it I think.

Hooray it's so much cooler here! I never thought I'd be so glad to see rain!


accessorizequeen · 29/07/2006 14:02

Hi everyone, meant to post last night but too tired & a bit emotional. Baby is fine, and as I anticipated another boy! So is anyone having a girl on this thread? I was, ashamedly, a little disappointed at not having a girl as we've agreed this is our last child. And the scan itself was a bit horrible, woman was patronising and prodded me a lot, ordering me to move positions and I had to go back in to ask whether the baby was actually ok as she hadn't said - she was patronising about that too. I couldn't see v.well because of the position she put me in and the picture is just a blur. So spent much of last evening crying, completely stupidly as of course I'm delighted and relieved that there is nothing wrong and I think my little boy is wonderful so why wouldn't I want another one?! Felt better last night after I came up with the way to decorate the nursery, and will look through all the baby clothes this weekend to get more excited about it. Spent 90 mins on internet trying to find a name we liked but absolutely nothing. Boys' names so much harder, we all have quite unusual names so want baby to have one too.
Sympathise with those of you struggling a bit, it's hard enough in this weather being pg without rhinitis and constant colds. I'm struggling with insomnia too, but have been since Jan so don't think it's the baby!
Hope I haven't put anyone off scan, except to encourage you to be more assertive than I was, I should have demanded a better position and a better picture much less a bit more respect! Bump hurt quite a bit last night from all the prodding and he wouldn't stop wriggling.

OP posts:
jabberwocky · 29/07/2006 14:29

Sorry your tech was so rude AQ, but congrats on the normal scan! It does look like a little boys club around here, doesn't it?

DG, I feel the same. I haven't taken anything, but am considering a benadryl to sleep tonight as I have classes for work all day tomorrow. It's so odd. With ds I didn't even have my normal allergies, and like you said this is hayfever x 1000!!!!


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accessorizequeen · 29/07/2006 15:43

jabber, how was the driving? urgggh to all of these cold-like symptoms in high summer, I had cold for whole of first trimester, just awful & so p*ed off I couldn't take anything, took umbrage at pharmacists' attitude 'well, if you will get pregnant' when they're all men!
Magnolia, happy birthday!
feeling better this arvo, just feel cheated of my last chance to see baby before he's born but I could always pay for 3d scan!

OP posts:
cupcakes · 29/07/2006 15:46

aq - congratulations .
magnolia - happy birthday!

magnolia1 · 29/07/2006 16:28

AQ, I am having scan on 14th August and I have 4 girls so Dh wants a boy but I am sure its another girl. Not quite sure if I will be dissapointed or not.
Congrats on a healthy scan though

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