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Due in December 2006 (PART TWO)

548 replies

accessorizequeen · 17/07/2006 15:38

Coz the first thread was getting too long....

OP posts:
Calmriver · 24/07/2006 19:39

No, you will know what it is!

It feels like the baby's foot is going to come flying through you!!! No pain, just weird! I had it with DD too, but later on I think. When it happeneed on Sat, I stopped and shut my legs.

I hope you all get it soon, just for the experience!!!

jabberwocky · 24/07/2006 21:26

Never had a kick in the cervix. Ds was frank breech most of my 3rd trimester so his feet were up on each side! This baby has been transverse the last two checks (ultrasound at amnio and then another two weeks later) so lots of sideways movements. Maybe I just grow breech babies

dublindee · 24/07/2006 21:52

Hee-hee the jelly hip is a really good one as well.
You'll be walking along fine and then go to take a step up or down a stairs and your hip will give way TOTALLY.
Then you get stared at for taking the lift up one floor in work cos you're fat and pregnant so it's automatically assumed you're a lazy cow

Ah that's better. Vent over!

Loulou000 · 25/07/2006 11:44

I think myself lucky there's a pregnancy problem I'm not getting (yet)!

I need a moan.

We're still trying to move house to somewhere baby friendly; given up on area of choice as there are just no houses available. Found lovely house in slightly different area next door; and just found out this morning a concrete factory is being built on the next road. At this rate we will still be in our 2nd floor flat on a main road by December.

Plus I haven't seen my midwife for AGES as it was a useless stand-in last time who didn't know ANYTHING, and I have so many questions I don't even know where to start and feel abandoned.

And I haven't sorted out any antenatal classes and can't buy baby furniture as we don't even have a baby room.

Devongirl · 25/07/2006 12:00


Don't panic!!! It's easy for me to say that but you must keep calm. As my midwife told me, a young baby would be happy kept in a drawer with a mattress in it, as long as it's loved, warm and fed.

If you know whereabouts you want to live then do the one thing that you can do at the moment - look into some antenatal classes in that area. I doubt anyone else is actually booked on anything yet either - I am on an NCT waiting list but I haven't heard anything yet. It's easy to think that everyone else is further along and more sorted than you are but I bet they aren't. It will only take an afternoon of shopping to get all the major bits you need, ie the cot, changing table, changing bag etc, and everything else will fall into place. I am not even thinking about shopping for baby until 6 months, otherwise we'll have a houseful of stuff that won't be used for months. Plus the baby will be in a moses basket for 2-3 months anyway, in your bedroom, so just keep calm and look after yourself.

Get a nice maternity yoga DVD and practice some breathing and calming techniques - and remember everything will work out, and the people living in the house of your dreams are probably popping into an estate agent at this moment!


Loulou000 · 25/07/2006 12:13

Thanks for your kind reply Devongirl. I know everything you say is true, it's just everything's getting on top of me today. I'm already on NCT waiting list for both the area I'm in now and the area I want to move to. And trying to get in touch with an ex-NCT teacher who might be running classes nearby too. I just never seem to make any actual progress with getting anything ticked off the list.

Will go out for nice lunch in the sun and try to calm down.

dublindee · 25/07/2006 15:13

Had my scan today........

Baby is fine - but they couldn't see everything they needed to so I'm back for another scan in two weeks - more photo ops!


(we saw his bits )

Devongirl · 25/07/2006 15:37


Sounds like you're more prepared than a lot of people with all your NCT waiting lists! I just always take on board what a counsellor told me years ago, when I needed some help coping with a bereavement. Things all got on top of me and I never achieved anything, and she told me just to pick one simple thing that I knew I could achieve, and forget everything else for that day. Just that feeling of achieving something helps!


DublinDee - did you think it was a boy? What couldn't they see? I am worried about my scan, it's next week and I can't help but worry about it


jabberwocky · 25/07/2006 18:19

Congrats, dublindee!!

choccybickie · 25/07/2006 20:10

Devongirl - my scan is tomorrow and i completely understand you being worried. listened to the heartbeat again today with midwife so I know that parts ok but I juat cant help being completely terrified!! Just need to keep calm which is very hard.

Had some terrible news today my friend was expecting twins but she went into premature labour at 22 weeks, the babies were alive when they were born but have sadly died. I can't even begin to imagine the pain shes going through, it makes me think im so selfish for worrying about my own baby's health when thats happened to her. Im at a total loss as to what to say to her and im not even sure she'l be comfortable around me as she was due only 5 days before me and I may be a constant reminder.

accessorizequeen · 25/07/2006 22:40

Oh, choccy that sounds so awful, your poor friend. To lose both babies that way, I cannot imagine it. 22 weeks is so early but just when you start to relax & think it's all going to be ok. I do'nt think I'd know what to say either, maybe she will find it hard seeing you get bigger. But I guess all you can do is express your sorrow at what's happened and offer support or whatever she needs. Perhaps at a later point, find some mumsnet threads of those who have lost children this way? Sharing that grief seems to help a lot of people.

Loulou, sorry everything's not going so well, the house thing must be driving you crazy. House hunting is bad enough without the pressure of a deadline & wanting to get settled before you're due. Hope you find something soon. Have you looked at local NHS (Parentcraft) classes, I didn't manage to get to NCT but Parentcraft answered some of the questions & got to meet some people whom I'm still friends with! Does your midwife clinic have any drop-in times, most do or you can make an extra appointment to see a midwife. Exactly what they're employed for! I totally agree about ineptness as I've seen a stand-in once & don't have another appt until 29 weeks. I'd be climbing the walls if this was my first. What do you have questions about, could you start a thread & ask some of them that way? Can this group help? Or the Mums on Pregnancy book looks really good, I would have loved something like that first time round. Mums on Babies is excellent, if I could just steal it back from my friend! Like taking mumsnet to bed...hee hee. The others are right, though, it is easy to get it all bought in hours, nothing stopping you from researching it to death in the meantime. You could plan exactly what you want in the nursery & buy the little things like a mobile, grobags, that kind of thing? Are you feeling calmer now after your lunch?

Dublindee, that's fab, a lovely little boy, you must be really chuffed! Were you expecting one? I'm so thinking I'm having a boy (find out Fri, hopefully) and would be v.happy to have a whole tribe of them. They're gorgeous! Thought of some names yet?

OP posts:
Devongirl · 26/07/2006 10:16

Choccybickie, am so sorry for your friend, and you too. That is so sad. Puts all our minor moans into perspective, but also increases the worry. Can you write her a note telling her that you love her and want to be there for her, but understand if she doesn't want to see you at the moment. The worst thing to do IMO is to back right off, like so many people do when someone is bereaved, just because you don't know what to say. There isn't words that cover it but you feel like a leper when everyone just leaves you alone


Morningnewspaper · 26/07/2006 13:28

Hello - can I pop in?? loulou invited me over from another thread. I'm a bit erratic with my MNing as I get hooked and spend too long here - I'm a bit all or nothing! I'm due on the 9/12 and my bump is twitching madly on one side - like a muscle spasm, rather than baby. I too am mad on ice lollies (fabs in particular) and mint cornettos! I felt baby moving from about 17 weeks but very intermittently with days of nothing inbetween. I now feel it every day. I am SO excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Morningnewspaper · 26/07/2006 13:29

I am such a clutz - I am so sorry to hear that Choccy - I don't know what to say - very very very hard. Your poor friend.

beepbeep · 26/07/2006 15:15

choc - so sorry to hear about you're frind, don't really know what to say. I've a friend who's been trying to get pregnant for ages and has lost it early on, i know what you mean about feeling uncomfortable.

loulou - housebuying is a bloomin nightmare isn't it! We should have moved on the 30th june - still haven't and have been pressured into exchanging with the people buying ours to move out on the 24th August with no guarantee that the house we are buying will have it's owners ready to complete and move out - so we could be having to look at moving in with dp's parents or rented - joy of joys! Onto more exciting and less stressful things though we have also got ourselves down on our NCT list - have been for about a month, they fill up really fast here, they have put on an extra course in september but that and the original are already full!

Ickle bub is going a bit mad today, was VERY quiet yesterday and started feeling a little worried as hadn't felt him / her and usually V active, but think it must have been something to do with the heat, today i've had to wander around and move about to try and get it to quieten down as it was getting really distracting! I'm getting real pelts to my stomach now!!

Take care everyone x

Loulou000 · 26/07/2006 15:27

Dublin, congrats on your scan, and good luck to you Devongirl!

Choccy, that is such terrible news. I know I've kind of got used to thinking it's all safe now, and would be devastated if anything went wrong.

Hello and welcome Morning! I have what might be a muscle spasm or might be a baby too. Don't know how to tell!

Good luck with the moving Beepbeep, it is indeed a nightmare. I've decided not to think about anything for a few days, my DP is looking for houses anyway and everything else can just wait until I don't feel so tired. Whenever that will be. I thought I was over this exhaustion but this week is particularly bad again.

On the plus side though I did just get some very nice mat clothes from H&M, hurrah!

Loulou000 · 26/07/2006 15:31

AQ, have just ordered Mums on Pregnancy book, sounds great!

Good luck with your scan.

Calmriver · 26/07/2006 16:15

LouLou, we moved into our place 2 weeks before DD was born! Our flat was sorted out really quickly, I went a bit nuts,I wouldn't advise going crazy, I brought everything on a little sooner.She was born a couple of weeks early, but all was great!

I know about the stress though!

We now have to move 6 months after 'Tiny' is born as we don't have much room in our flat and I refuse to move during pregnancy again.

It seems like a really common thing for woman to move during pregnancy!

Calmriver · 26/07/2006 16:36

Has anyone else been suffering with a blocked up ear???

I had it with my first pregnancy and now it's back. I have lost all hearing in one ear and am desperate to try anything.

I have now got audiclean spray on order after using drops,ear candles and having them syringed!!!

accessorizequeen · 26/07/2006 17:29

Welcome morningp, is this your first?
You sound much calmer loulou! I moved when ds was 5 months and can't say that was much fun, not so much the move but keeping the s*ng house clean for viewings was a real pain. but eventually the whole nightmare is over and you have a lovely new house. I think the tiredness thing does come and go, whenever the baby's low & my hormones are erratic I feel quite exhausted. But this week quite energetic again despite the heat and swollen ankles urgghh. And we all know the only thing for swollen ankles is....iced lollies

OP posts:
Calmriver · 26/07/2006 21:11

Hey guys, scary thought!!!

We only have just over 4 months to go!

dublindee · 26/07/2006 23:49

Back again!
Been mental busy in work the past few days & I had a driving lesson last night so didn't get a chance to log on!

I am chuffed it's a little boy for Matthew to play with - but I was CONVINCED it was a girl as I felt the pregnancy was so different from the last time!
I had no real preference (10 fingers, 10 toes, everything where it should be & working is most important not boy v girl. IMO - every baby is a blessing) & I am glad he's doing ok.

Devongirl - the way he was lying they couldn't see his limbs on one side & it was difficult to get head circumference plus a few other things.
All major organs are ok so I'm not overly worried. TBH I think it helps when you're on the 2nd pregnancy when your first went grand - lulls you into a sense of security.
I remember when I was pg with Matt & we hadn't planned the pregnancy so I was on the pill & not taking folic acid.
When I went for the 20 week scan he was turned the wrong way for them to check his spine fully, so I convinced myself he'd have spina bifida.
Thankfully I was panicking needlessly as when we went for the 2nd scan, & I'd given him a pep talk in the car park, he was turned & they could see everything they needed to!!
It's only natural to worry, but I'm sure you & bump'll be grand.

Choccy - terrible news about your friend, must be heart-breaking.

Accessorize - as you can see had no clue we were baking another boy in my oven, but we're over the moon.
Names so far are:
Christopher (we both like)
Conor (I like, DP doesn't)
Philip (I like, DP undecided)
Noah (I like, DP laughed )
William (DP likes, I do too but DP is already saying Matt & Will. I associate it with Will Young & hate that.
If I could guarantee the full name or shortening it to Liam then fine - but no way, not will, not ever)


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dublindee · 26/07/2006 23:52

Calm River stop it now!
Morningpaper - please don't hate me I meant to say hello but kinda got engrossed in the "battle of wills" pardon the pun

Sorry bout length of other post - just saw it now and went OMG!!

jabberwocky · 27/07/2006 02:05

choccybickie, so very sorry to hear about your friend. What an awful thing to go through.

welcome mp! I too have days where I am on MN lots and then I may skip several days at a time. I guess we're a couple of extremists

dublindee, you sound just like me. I was totally convinced this was a girl as the pregnancy is different in practically every way, but, there you go, another boy. Which is lovely, really. I feel the same re: didn't really mind much about the sex, I was just so relieved when all of our tests came back normal.

Morningnewspaper · 27/07/2006 08:59

Hello again! Yes this is my first and I can't quite believe it! We don't know if it's a boy or girl, we chose to keep the big surprise even though I am DESPERATELY curious! I have a feeling it's a boy from what I saw at my 13 week scan - I know they look exactly the same at that stage - it was more of an angle thing!

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