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Due in December 2006 (PART TWO)

548 replies

accessorizequeen · 17/07/2006 15:38

Coz the first thread was getting too long....

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jabberwocky · 20/07/2006 15:28

Welcome higginpiggin! This is my second and my bump is definitely different from last time. Sometimes it seems huge and other times hardly noticeable at all. I'm just happy that i'm not putting on as much weight as last time (so far )

Loulou000 · 20/07/2006 16:30

Hello higginpiggin!

I am the fattest of all of us, hurrah!

choccybickie · 20/07/2006 19:06

Hi higginpiggin so pleased someone else is large too! People keep saying to me - not long now !!! Where on the bump does everyone feel movement cos mine ranges from very low down to half way up. Is this normal or could it just be wind, it feels different tho!

accessorizequeen · 20/07/2006 20:27

evenin' all & welcome to higginpiggin, glad you found us, I was just thinking yesterday was this all of us for the duration?!
am going to be very smug because I haven't put on a pound, am quite chuffed really & then got told off by gp today as apparently I should be piling it on now. As I am size 18 anyway, really think I ought not to be putting on at same rate as the rest of you twiglets. Think at this point, it's about a pound a week or is that last trimester? What's happened is, I've shed pounds off my cheekbones & legs & they've transferred to boobs I think given current intake of iced lolles, the pounds will be mounting up soon.
Bump has been ever so active last day or so, kept me up last night wriggling. Heard the heartbeat today for 1st time, which was bliss. I suppose as they're so small, moving round a lot in the sac day & night coz I can feel mini-prods all over too. DP desperatet to feel something, he's v.jealous.
Loulou, I really don't expect you to pretend to like Vera! And a made up surname sounds great, why not!

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lucy5 · 20/07/2006 20:42

Hello, had my scan, told them I didn't want to know the sex and they were fine. Dh heard boy and I heard girl, which i'm pleased about because it means we still don't know. The baby was in a funny position, spine facing front, so we didn't see very much. Dd was really disappointed. Anyway all was well but I have to go back in three weeks for another one and hopefully the little bugger will have turned round.

accessorizequeen · 20/07/2006 20:53

sorry you couldn't see any more lucy, i remember having to drink iced water at mine last time to get ds to move round! anyone else wanting to find out sex, I'll be so disappointed if we can't find out next week. I couldn't care less if girl or boy, just want to know.

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beepbeep · 20/07/2006 22:18

Hi all, had scan today, all went well and still don't know if boy or girl (very tempted to find out but we resisted!) Bub is VERY active and getting tonnes of prods, DP felt a right punch the other night and is really chuffed!

Re. maiden names, I have my mother's maiden name as my middle name and if we have a girl intend to use it as a middle name again - i was really close to my grandparents on that side who both passed away reasonably recently so i want to continue it.

lucy5 · 20/07/2006 22:25

When I had dd in 2000, it was very rare to be told the sex. How long has this been the norm in the UK?

spinamum · 21/07/2006 10:15

welcome higginpiggin!

I can't wait for my scan NOW! But i'll have to as one of the late one on this thread.(10th August)

When i was pg with ds,i wasn't married to my (now) DH and I did have a twinge about him not having my name. Dh and I always intended to get married at some point.i wasn't bothered about marriage myself. He didn't want kids "out of wedlock".(heeeeeheeeeee)that was for his mum's sake not for any great personal reasons.So my motivation to get married was so i could start breeding anyhouse we did produce our lovely son and when i was 8month pg DH proposed to me. Son always was going to have Dh's surname because everyone(DH,his parents,etc) presumed he would and I would have seemed really awkward if he didn't(I'm not saying anyone else is awkward for wanting that-it's just my family/ILs dynamic!And i'd stopped another family tradition name wise with his middle name!) We couldn't double barrel our surnames.(forgot the check list that one on my search for Mr Right!) So i've now got my DH's surname which I'm quite attached to(even if it took me a year to change it and i'm still my other name at work) and DS is Master X too!

I'm a big fan of creating new surnames,but my Dh's family wouldn't have had any of it!(which is understandable on lots of levels)

Sorry i have gone on!And I've implied my ILs are somewhat evil!!! They're lovely, but there not my family and they operate a much"tighter ship" than my pops and I. MIL gets upset if you mention you've been to Sainsbury's and she hadn't realised you'd planned to go!!!(They live 2hrs away so it's not for a bring-her-a-pint-of-milk reason)

lucy5 · 21/07/2006 13:12

Iv'e got my second scan on the 10th Spinamum, hoping baby will be in the right position this time.

I got married when dd was about 6 months old I had been with dp for 13 years and had no intention of marrying or changing my surname but had given dd dh's name as mine was horrible and wanted us all to be the same and somehow it just seemed right.

Loulou000 · 21/07/2006 13:23

I haven't felt any movement anywhere recently. Maybe it was wind after all.

I am not a twiglet either, AQ. I just couldn't stop eating for the first trimester as I felt so sick as soon as I stopped nibbling. Ah well, I'd just better try to slow down the weight gain from now on!

At my dating scan I had to get up and jump up and down to get the baby to move position. Felt very dignified with skirt round ankles and gel all over belly.

Thanks for all your naming stories! Still not sure what to do though. Am putting it off for now.

accessorizequeen · 21/07/2006 13:33

I don't know what is it about this group. Weighed myself this morning and have suddenly put on 3 pounds. I don't think the baby is responsible, somehow, being as it weighs a few ounces...GP quite insistent yesterday that I ought to be putting on weight (this is after she weighed me, why must they do that?) so guess I won't feel too guilty.
Loulou, think the weight gain will only speed up now unfortunately, we should all just enjoy it. 25lbs is about average, isn't it? Sure you've still got plenty of time to think about naming issues, first name far more important anyway!

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Loulou000 · 21/07/2006 14:05

Think the ice lollies might be responsible, AQ ;)

choccybickie · 21/07/2006 18:45

Hey everyone I am frightened to even weigh myself and have kept clear of the scales!! I know without a doubt I have piled the beef on!

choccybickie · 21/07/2006 18:46

PS congrats on the scans! I get mine on wed im def gonna find out what it is i'm too nosy not to!

jabberwocky · 21/07/2006 18:58

So is anyone else noticing round ligament pains? Mine is getting better, but after I lay down for a while to read or something in bed, then try to get up again I feel almost crippled!

accessorizequeen · 21/07/2006 21:06

oh, yes, ligament pains are awful. I'm having to slow down everytime I get up or roll over as it's so painful, def. don't remember this from last time. Dp having heart attach every time I clutch my stomach!
Excellent choccy, thought I was only one desperate to find out - my scan's Friday.
Surely iced lollies not fattening, loulou??

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dublindee · 23/07/2006 11:45

Hi guys!
Been off the puter for a few days - lots happening at home.

Welcome higginpiggin!

Congrats Beepbeep!

I have my scan on Tuesday (now 20 weeks today) and am hopefully finally gonna know if it's a boy or girl bump I've got!

Off to a wedding next weekend and have NO clue what to wear, been window shopping and everything is absolutely revolting that fits. Ho-hum.

I practically died form the heat on Thursday (had high temp of 102) but feeling so much better since we've had a cooler spell.

Hope everyone is keeping well


P.S. Anyone want to trade and give me a new back? Mine is in pieces at the moment!!

jabberwocky · 23/07/2006 13:21

You don't want my back dd! I have ordered a pregnancy pilates if I would just put it in the player...

Loulou000 · 24/07/2006 12:31

What are the ligament pains people are getting?

jabberwocky · 24/07/2006 15:30

Copied this off the web. If you don't have it, count yourself as one of the lucky ones!

Round ligament pain is most common during the second trimester. Women may have a sharp pain in their abdomen or hip area that is either on one side or both. Some women even report pain that extends into the groin area. Round ligament pain is considered a normal part of pregnancy as your body goes through many different changes.

What causes round ligament pain?

The round ligament supports the uterus and stretches during pregnancy. It connects the front portion of the uterus to the groin. These ligaments contract and relax like muscles, but much more slowly. Any movement (including going from a sitting position to standing position quickly, laughing, or coughing) that stretches these ligaments, by making the ligaments contract quickly, can cause a woman to experience pain. Round ligament pain should only last for a few seconds.

accessorizequeen · 24/07/2006 15:31

Feels like stabbing pain in my stomach every time I roll over or get up from crouching - apparently ligaments stretching (feels more like they're breaking!).
haven't had iced lolly in 4 days

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Calmriver · 24/07/2006 16:40

Congrats Beep beep!

Even more excitement!


choccybickie · 24/07/2006 17:45

What does a kick in the cervix feel like? I keep getting this heavy feeling towards my groin that lasts for a few seconds it only happens once or twice a day, could this be it or just my muscles stretching?

accessorizequeen · 24/07/2006 19:22

jabber, you're a star. Really good to know what it is, as I didn't experience it first time round.
i don't think I've been kicked in the cervix, but bump seems to be 'hanging low' quite a lot at the moment & it's v.uncomfortable even to walk. Perhaps that's it, bump is near my cervix?

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