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Due in December 2006 (PART TWO)

548 replies

accessorizequeen · 17/07/2006 15:38

Coz the first thread was getting too long....

OP posts:
Morningnewspaper · 31/07/2006 21:34

Oh thank goodness - I started a sex thread wondering if I was a complete banana but now you mention's not been going terribly well lately AT ALL! Someone suggested I may have thrush as I have a stinging burning sensation on penetration (sorry). I am also wondering if I've gone off it a bit - I do sometimes feel what with the baby and my bladder, there isn't an awful lot more room....!

Morningnewspaper · 31/07/2006 21:35

Oh thank goodness - I started a sex thread wondering if I was a complete banana but now you mention's not been going terribly well lately AT ALL! Someone suggested I may have thrush as I have a stinging burning sensation on penetration (sorry). I am also wondering if I've gone off it a bit - I do sometimes feel what with the baby and my bladder, there isn't an awful lot more room....!

Morningnewspaper · 31/07/2006 21:38

gracious - sorry about that!

Morningnewspaper · 31/07/2006 21:38

gracious - sorry about that!

lucy5 · 31/07/2006 21:39

You're at it again, are you having a hot flush? with all this talk of sex

magnolia1 · 31/07/2006 21:43

MP, you ok there

Sounds like it could be thrush and its quite common in pregnancy but canasten is not allowed so don't get over the counter stuff, go to gp

Welcome Elibean

Everything great here and baby is kicking loads now with my tummy moving on the outside too

Morningnewspaper · 31/07/2006 21:57

oh no - baby has been very quiet yesterday and today - i'm not sure I've felt it move today at all. Should I be worried?

Morningnewspaper · 31/07/2006 21:57

oh no - baby has been very quiet yesterday and today - i'm not sure I've felt it move today at all. Should I be worried?

magnolia1 · 31/07/2006 22:00

No honey, it is still really early so see if you feel anything tomorrow am or in bed tonight. Drink cold orange juice if you have any, sometimes wakes them up a bit Give the midwife a call tomorrow if you are really worried though xxxx

lucy5 · 31/07/2006 22:07

Dont worry mp, i'm 21 weeks and I only feel the occasional flutter.

Morningnewspaper · 31/07/2006 22:13

Thanks lovelies. I've just had a coke to see if it will whizz on the caffeine. I am such a bad mother already . Nothing yet - I will sit quietly and see what happens. It's just that it was moving quite alot last week! I have never had an 'outside tummy movement' though

Morningnewspaper · 31/07/2006 22:15

Where's Calmriver gone? How can we talk about sex without her here??

lucy5 · 31/07/2006 22:17

I think it depends on the size of your original tum. I was podgy anyway and with dd it took a lot longer to see outside movements.

Calmriver · 31/07/2006 22:20

I wouldn't panic, mine has quieter days too.

All those reps were really funny!

My DH is training all the time at the moment and is very excitable!

I too feel like the baby is low a lot of the time and am nervous about sex, but when it's going on it's fine.

Pregnancy is always a time of worry, so it's no wonder we all go off it at times.

Is anyone else doing the 'on top' thing? It's the only way it can happen now. I also get very grumpy with him sometimes,then feel really bad after I've snapped.

Oh well...

Morningnewspaper · 31/07/2006 22:21

Oh but I thought my tum was lithe and nymph like (possibly not). Perhaps I just need to spend more time relaxing with my feet up. Could that be it do you think

Does anyone else have trouble with the screen freezing when trying to post on here??

Calmriver · 31/07/2006 22:21


Morningnewspaper · 31/07/2006 22:22

Thank god - what position did you discover

Calmriver · 31/07/2006 22:22

I can't help feeling that penetration is a lot deeper when I' m on top though. You guys?

Calmriver · 31/07/2006 22:24

Well, I have to sit on top, facing away! It's actually a 'Kama Sutra' position. I got desperate to find a more interesting way other than the good old missionary!

Why do I have a constant smile on my face while I'm typing???

Morningnewspaper · 31/07/2006 22:26

It is but at least you can control it - I quite like on top but DH doing the work (I run out of stamina ) or on our backs at right angles ish with our legs intertwined crossways (does that make any sense at all??). I must get my thrush sorted - we're going away for 2 weeks next week!

Morningnewspaper · 31/07/2006 22:26

It is but at least you can control it - I quite like on top but DH doing the work (I run out of stamina ) or on our backs at right angles ish with our legs intertwined crossways (does that make any sense at all??). I must get my thrush sorted - we're going away for 2 weeks next week!

Calmriver · 31/07/2006 22:31

That makes sense I think. Wi will have to give it a go.Thrush sounds uncomfortable, burning during pen...I have had that a few times.,so painful that you just about bite your tongue.

I almost always burn after 'funky monkey' though!

I have to run soon, so I will be back on tomorrow for some more fun talk. I hope you feel better, xxx


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accessorizequeen · 31/07/2006 22:34

bloomin' heck, look away for a minute...cannot believe the depths to which this thread has sunk etc etc. Um, so no-one feeling fat & tired then? I have ahem...interest in that direction...but can't be arsed as by time chores done & mumsnet surfed it's 11. There'll be enough time for all that when ds2 is, um, oooh about 2 I guess .

OP posts:
Olihan · 31/07/2006 22:40

SEX? SEX? Sorry, have NO idea what you're all on about. My sex drive upped and left the day I got the pink line and is still nowhere to be seen. IF the last two pgs are anything to go by it'll still be in hiding this time next year.

How the hell have I managed to get pregnant 3 times in 3 years?

Morningnewspaper · 31/07/2006 22:48

I am EXHAUSTED!!! Unfortunately its not from fun in the bedroom, it's just plain laziness I think. I'm more tired now than I ever have been! I feel a bit better today now that its a bit cooler though (phew).

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