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June 2013 Thread 3 - the one where we stop throwing up!

999 replies

DontmindifIdo · 03/01/2013 21:47

new June thread - we've been chatting too much!

OP posts:
suzyrut · 07/02/2013 09:45

Morning ladies,

Completely sympathise on count down to mat leave, worked out I've got 12 weeks left and I'm swaying between excitement and terror at what I'll come back to.

Sent long email to my boss last week as there are major changes in structure happening at my work and he suggested that as he was moving wouldn't I rather report into one of his reports (head of the PMO) who I already know, rather than his replacement (who is new to the company) for the last few months before I go on mat leave. I explained he was effectively suggesting demoting me/my role no matter how well intentioned his plan was. Most worrying is when I come back full time from mat leave rather than the responsibility to find me a role being with the CTO it would end up by default being something in Project Management which I stopped doing years ago! Boss has been at an offsite agreeing ways of working in the new structure this week and won't be back in until tomorrow so I should find out during my 1-2-1 tomorrow whether he's had a rething. Stealth discrimination just about sums up the whole thing!

Personal choice but for me if previous pregnancies have taught me anything it is NOT to weigh myself as it's only going the one way and there's naff all I can do about it!


redwellybluewelly · 07/02/2013 09:58

I didn't put on much weight in my 1st pg until the end of the 2nd trimester. I also went very overdue - I don't know what I weighed in the end as I refused to look at the scales.

This time I have found it very very different re weight gain and have put on just under a stone at 22+4. I am (amazingly) still wearing my usual jeans but in the bigger size but I have this weekend set aside to sort out the nice (don;t want to stretch) from the can replace later clothes. I've also washed my maternity clothes from last time. I have bought 2 pairs of jeans and a bump support, a couple of tops and a jumper which are all maternity wear. I had hoped to avoid expense until the warmer weather but sitting at a desk and being at work I need to look vaguely presentable.

My challenge is to drink more water. I am convinced that is contributing to me feeling so ill. Last night I had a later bowl of cereal before bed and slept beautifully from 12-6.30 when DD woke up. Feel fine today.

DH and I talked over the birth of this babay last night and we have agreed that DC2 will be booked in for an ELCS a few dates before my EDD. We can arrange childcare for our DD (not easy due to medical needs), we can have the house ready and tidy with food in the fridge, and we can arrange a shift system of people to help me on the ward as well as DH booking time off. Takes away the 'magic' but maybe this is just what was meant to be

Sarah2506 · 07/02/2013 09:59

I discovered a 100g bar of choc in my work pedestal the other day and nearly passed out with excitement. So I'm piling it on compared to you two! Deffo to 30 week scan!

Sunbeam18 · 07/02/2013 10:30

Redwelly sounds like a great plan, and peace of mind knowing how things will go in advance. Sounds like the right way forward.

Everyone, I hear you re work stresses. I had a chat with my boss about cover this week and it sounds like there won't be one and my work will be split up between remaining team members. He also 'suggested' I achieve my commissioning target for 2013 before I leave in May, thus doing 12 months work in 4.5 months!!! Erm, no!

Had a bad morning as had argument with DP about my cat when the baby is born. He thinks he is troublesome and that I should give him to a friend. I love him and refuse. I got very upset and tearful and then tripped coming down the stairs and broke a cereal bowl and howled. Anyone else got cats and having issues?


curlyclaz13 · 07/02/2013 11:24

Two cats here and neither of us can imagine not having them we sadly had to have one put down a few weeks ago and there were tears aplenty and the others kept us sane !
Re weight I was a fatty to start but lost about 7lb in a few weeks at the begining and had put 2lb back on at 22 weeks.
OH kindly pointed out he can see my belly button for the first time ever this week.

Withalittlesparkle · 07/02/2013 12:26

Re cats - am the proud 'mother' of twin boy kitties and there is no way we're getting rid of either!!! We're planning on restricting access to certain rooms but then they're only allowed in most rooms of we're there to supervise!! Same rules will apply when baby arrives!!

Re weight I have no idea what I weighed before, women with PCOS are adviced not to get tooooo hung up on actual weight rather how it's being carried etc due to increased water Retention!! I feel the size of a house though but I don't care as long as baby is health! I'm 100% planning on returning to slimming world style eating once baby has arrived

learnermummy · 07/02/2013 12:32

I'm with suzy, refusing to weigh myself this time - just too depressing. What will be will be. Wish I could find a surprise bar of choccie though....

On the work front my boss is a bit disorganised and I'm worried he won't get cover for me and it will be a total disaster when I return! Can't help smiling when I see deadlines on the diary for when I'll be off though!

Withalittlesparkle · 07/02/2013 12:37

Ah yes, I'd like to find a mystery chocolate too!! I do have 60p in my desk though which is the exact price of a choccie from the canteen! If pop down after the lunch rush I may score a reduced flapjack!!

pinkapples · 07/02/2013 12:42

Ill join the weight combo by saying I was a bit overweight to start and was hoping to just use the extra weight to hold the baby therefore not gaining anymore Grin however that has not happened and so far I'm 22+2 and have gained 8lbs

Also love choccie and wish I could find some hiding somewhere however I'm not that lucky so not likely unless I shop for it

30 week scan all booked my end and its nice as it gives something to look forward to which is nice as after that the only thing to look forward to is the birth itself (and of course gorgeous baby that emerges) but more thinking about birth these days Confused

suzyrut · 07/02/2013 13:35

pinkapples are there any particular kinds of scans that they do at 30 weeks? We'd pretty much dismissed the 4d scan idea but it does seem an awfully long time till I see her again otherwise.

redwelly sounds like a plan on the ELCS I know it's supposed to be part of the excitement but as the kind of person that likes to plan I'd really like to know when I'll be having this one so I can organise everything.

SunnyL · 07/02/2013 13:44

On the cat front we're having ongoing discussions about ours. He can be a very aggressive cat - he particularly likes attacking men and has drawn blood numerous times. I'm sure at least one of the people he's attacked should have got stitches.

Reading all the literature it seems like it may go one of two ways he'll either 1) ignore the baby and pretend its not there or 2) will attack the baby. He is already a rescue cat and it would be nigh on impossible to re-home him due to his aggression. Therefore I'm left with the option of wait and see. Sadly if he attacks the baby we're going to have to take a trip to the vets.

Sarah2506 · 07/02/2013 13:47

I was quite calm about my ELCS until I watched one born last night! Grrr. Probably should avoid that programme. Ladies can I suggest you buy some choc cie bars and scatter them through the house. Due to baby brain and general memory loss you will forget leading to a lovely surprise when you keep finding them!

Sarah2506 · 07/02/2013 13:48

Ps now the 8kg weight gain seems less of a mystery...

redwellybluewelly · 07/02/2013 13:49

I just had a colleague tell me I was "very stupid" to have another baby

Have had to go have a hormonal weep in the corner

DH has just emailed to say he has booked his 4 weeks off and I have just started to fit dates into the diary as to when I will be doing the last pieces of research and when reports need submitting etc.

suzy I am quite nervous about the surgery and about post op care as well as getting mobile again afterwards, at least I know to ask for help this time, last time we tried to do it all on our own during and after NICU. Fools.

AmIGoingMad · 07/02/2013 13:51

Redwelly glad that you've come to a decision you're happy with. I think it make sense after the worries you've been having about last time. I'm going to see what the consultant says after I FINALLY have my scan and take things from there.

As for weight gain- I didn't look last time and I'm the same this time! I'm showing earlier this time around but think I've put on slightly less elsewhere than last time- probably as I was already bigger to begin with and am also running around after DS this time- certainly nowhere near the same amount of feet up time!

Have washed all my mat clothes from last time and am in them earlier which probably is a gd thing as I had a winter baby last time so will need to buy summery maternity clothes this time but really didn't want to have to spend out on winter ones too- although my work wardrobe isn't exactly the smartest right now!

I too am in live with chocolate! Day off today so have just stocked up on some dairy milk- yummy! DS is asleep so I might even get to eat some to myself!Grin

AmIGoingMad · 07/02/2013 13:53

X post redwelly! How dare they say that?! People really do think they can say whatever they like I to pregnant women!

redwellybluewelly · 07/02/2013 13:58

Chocolate makes me sick

But biscuits don't - wanders off to the shop.

SunnyL · 07/02/2013 14:00

Ah sorry Redwelly. Some people can be nasty.

A colleague of mine did ask me why I didn't get another puppy rather than a baby. She didn't really see the point in a baby but really likes my dog. It didn't really bother me cos she's a funnyosity anyway.

AmIGoingMad · 07/02/2013 15:07

Just had my most painful sneeze ever!!! Sat on sofa doing some work (on my day off grrr) while DS sleeps by the side of me and oh my God that hurt!!!

pinkapples · 07/02/2013 15:36

I don't know who it was that asked about scans but I booked my 30 week one with first encounters they have them all over the country (uk) and they have different ones with different weeks like mine was a 3D gender reassurance scan which you can have between 16 and 32 weeks they have 2D ones and 4D ones the one I got is a 3D one with a 4D freeview for 5 mins then you can get extras like DVD/picture cd etc I think for the 95 pound I get a 15 min scan and 5 min 4d freeview 5 photos picture cd and a gift bag Grin then we can order other stuff if we want definitely worth looking at

suzyrut · 07/02/2013 16:00

redwelly hope I didn't come across as too flippant. Planning and organising support sounds like a good way of at least being able to reduce the anxieties that could be caused by the "practicalities" of your birth, freeing up some much needed (and I hate this phrase) headspace for dealing with everything else. Is there anything anyone else can do to help deal with the other anxieties?

Also sorry that your colleague was so insensitive, what is it about pregancy that makes people feel they have free regin to judge and worse to comment? I can't envisage another scenario when someone would question your serious life choices so easily e.g. "yes you're mad for marrying X", "buying in that area was a stupid move" etc. Grrrr .

Sunbeam your boss is a genius, clearly it's easy enough done in 4.5 months so from now on always take the rest of the year off!

Sarah love your suggestion, reminded me of Viz top tips!

redwellybluewelly · 07/02/2013 18:04

suzy no not at all, have had a really shitty day as well as having a great deal of work to do tomorrow and having two meetings as well back to back. Haven't completed the work for either meeting yet so have about five hours to do that beforehand.

Had to leave a bit early as I felt awful and its an hour round trip from leaving my desk to picking up dd to getting home via a pharmacy to get a prescription. Dh has got home and rescued me and is giving dd her tea.


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MrsBri · 07/02/2013 18:08

Redwelly, how utterly rude, thoughtless and stupid of that colleague. Hope you told them to piss off and mind their own business?

I'm glad you've made your decision regarding the birth too. I bet it is such a relief to know and be able to plan.

Sadly no surprise chocolate for me anywhere :-( I'm so bloody hungry at the moment too. And trying to be good!

Sarah, regarding weight, according to the scales at my booking in I'd put on 6kg in 5 weeks! I'm not sure how accurate that was, but I've stayed away from scales since. I feel heavier, and DH was kind enough to say I was when I sat on his knee! I reckon my breasts account for at least a kg though :-)

I feel like my upper arms and thighs are bigger, weirdly. My bump is all front at the moment. See if the rest of me expands from now on!

forgetmenots · 07/02/2013 19:10

I was a bit overweight when I fell pregnant but I haven't put on much at all - except bump. People keep asking me if I've lost weight until I turn sideways! I can't quite fathom it because I haven't been sick and eating like a pig Blush

I'd recommend babybond scans, had an early one there and the people were lovely. I have to go back in a couple of weeks to get a couple of measurements they couldn't get last time so I think I will make that do!

forgetmenots · 07/02/2013 19:11

And redwelly that was abysmal, how awful.

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