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February 2013 - early days but quite excited!

999 replies

cheeseandmushroomtoastie · 28/05/2012 23:53

Thought I'd get the ball rolling as I know there have been some BFPs in the last few days on here.....

Just got a confirmatory BFP on a clear blue. This will be DC2, DC1 will be two in two weeks!

So grab a seat, buckle up and enjoy the vino soft drinks on offer.

Ps is it really bad that I am craving a jug of Pimm's?!

OP posts:
WhosPickleisThatOnion · 06/06/2012 12:24

Just did one more test to be sure it wasn't dodgy it was the same so that's good. That's about a tenner I've pissed on already !

reastie · 06/06/2012 12:48

No worries baby and toomuch . May pop back at some point to say hello Grin

perfectshadeofgrey · 06/06/2012 13:38

Hello everyone. I'm feeling really tired today. Not sure if it's got anything to do with the pregnancy or the fact that our DD woke us up at 5am. zzzzz....

WhosPickleisThatOnion · 06/06/2012 17:08

I've spotted you ladybabs you'll have to keep your name for a while then!

BackPackBackPack · 06/06/2012 20:11

Hi can I join?

I'm roughly 5 weeks so should be due near 4th feb.

brimfullofasha · 06/06/2012 22:34

Sorry to hear your sad news Dexidoo.

I've been spotting since my BFP nearly 2 weeks ago. Going to the GP on Friday and hoping they'll send me for an early scan. Such a mix of emotions at the moment. DH is being pragmatic and refusing to get excited yet which is probably the 'right' thing to do but is irritating me.

Tuzz · 07/06/2012 10:17

Did a test this morning, had a niggling feeling I was and I am - shocked, surprised but overall happy. My partner is away so haven't told him. We weren't trying to get pregnant, but obviously not doing much to make sure we didn't. It'll be such a shock for him, feel a bit nervous about telling him.

monstergoose · 07/06/2012 13:35

I know the feeling, my dh is also refusing to get excited at this stage as it's 'too early still'! Still no proper symptoms yet apart from being tired and ginormous boobs, dh pleased about that! Also trying not to have the extra piece of cake/biscuits, def to early to be eating for 2!

Pinkie29 · 07/06/2012 14:02


Got my a faint positive on June 4th and cb digital says 2 - 3 weeks, edd February 14th!! I think I'm still in shock and very nervous about every little twinge and tweak down there (first timer!)
WhosPickleisThatOnion · 07/06/2012 14:25

Hi pinkie

This is my second, and I had a lot of cramping with my first. I spent hours worrying about it, and did loads of research and its perfectly normal. Your uterus is starting to grow, and so its only natural you will get twinges and cramps.

I've seen you on the No Google thread I think? I'll take over from kicking keeping you sane! We are very close, I think my EDD is around Feb 19th!

My first pregnancy I was worried about going on a bus over bumps!!

I got a digi saying 1-2 weeks this morning so I am happy now.

Monster thats all I have at the moment, not even due AF till Monday so staying cautiously happy!

Hi Tuzz when is your DH back? I texted mine a photo of the line yesterday. I told my best friend before him (and mumsnet!!)

WhosPickleisThatOnion · 07/06/2012 14:29

brimful hope your ok, you must be very worried. I know nothing will stop you worrying but I think quite a high percentage (I was shocked when I looked it up) do get some bleeding. Happened to 2 of my friends who went on to have healthy pregnancies.

The Dr should refer you to the Early Pregnancy Unit, not sure how far along you are?

I think they can pick up a heartbeat from 6/7 weeks.

Let us know what the Dr says and I have FX for you.

Pinkie29 · 07/06/2012 14:33

Thanks pickles Smile I'm expecting a call from the midwife today so will go through everything with her, I seem to have a lot of lower back pain too, the cramps at the fri t have calmed down now... Of course now I'm worrying about that!

WhosPickleisThatOnion · 07/06/2012 14:36

Lower back pain and twinges are par for the course I think, my back was always sore. Your uterus is growing and it puts extra pressure on.

Have a chat with the midwife and she can put your mind at ease!

I feel a bit better as this is my 2nd, but I was full on bat shit the first time around. I booked in a private early scan and everything (but I cancelled it when I realised that it was so early they would have to use a Vag-Cam!)

Then my friend took me to task and I calmed down.

Pinkie29 · 07/06/2012 14:53

Private scan... Don't give me ideas haha! I'm sure it's just nerves and up until today I've been convinced af was on the way as the pains were very similar? Uterus stretching makes sense about the back pain tho!

HulaBoola · 07/06/2012 14:58

I've just stumbled across mumsnet and this post for the first time and am thrilled to find it. This is my first pregnancy and I'm due 1st Feb. Have absolutely no idea what's ahead of me but extremely excited. Have told GP and booked in for 1st appoint with midwife on 6th July - is that too late? Some of you seem to be going earlier, should I be? Like Tinker 29 I have no idea what happens at this appoint. Do they get the jelly stuff out and scan your tummy? That would be exciting :)
Feeling nauseous at 10am ish every morning but no sickness yet. Mints are my saviour.
Lovely to hear all your news. Best of luck to everyone. Oh and it's nearly killing me not telling people..... x

D30rvg · 07/06/2012 15:00


Can I join? I have had a positive pregnancy test this morning (actually 3 just to make sure). This is my first pregnancy after trying for nearly 3 years. It has come as a complete shock as we are currently under the hospital for fertility treatment as we were told that neither of us had any chance of conceiving naturally, however, the treatment hasn't begun yet! I have made an appointment to see the Dr tomorrow just to make doubley sure.

I am finding it so difficult not to tell people as I just want to shout from the roof tops, however, I am worried about telling people and then m-c occurring. The in-laws popped by today though and the temptation was massive but I managed to bite my lip.

I've read through the other posts but there are a number of abbreviations that I didn't understand. Could anyone enlighten me? Also, does anyone have any recommendations for pregnancy books that may be useful to purchase?

I'm still shaking!!!!!

perfectshadeofgrey · 07/06/2012 15:04

Hello new people!
I'm feeling sooooo tired today. Just want to go to sleep... (again, not sure who is at fault - a toddler or the pregnancy)
hula - your first appointment will be with the midwife (no scan at this stage, sorry). She'll just ask you a lot of questions and start filling your notes. The first appointment isn't actually that exciting imo. You should have your scan at around 12 weeks. That's when you really realise that you have a tiny person growing inside you and seeing that on the screen is amazing :)

WhosPickleisThatOnion · 07/06/2012 15:05

Pains are EXACTLY the same. I went on a Hen do when I was about 6/7 weeks and I was checking myself every 10 mins to make sure AF wasn't starting!

HI Hula & D30

Unless anything has changed the Midwife came to my house and filled in a form and booked the scan in. Nothing exciting happens until then!

perfectshadeofgrey · 07/06/2012 15:08

massive congrats D30rvg
you must be so excited!

here is a useful link on mn abbreviation

HulaBoola · 07/06/2012 15:17

Thanks perfectshadeofgrey, I can now manage my expectations.
Huge congrats D30rvg, I found 6mths of trying extremely frustrating, could not image 3 years. Well done you.
Dexidoo, I'm so, so sorry.
Right, back to work, I can see this site is going to be extremely distracting!!

WhosPickleisThatOnion · 07/06/2012 15:17

D30 A good one is What to Expect when your Expecting.

If you need any explaining thats not on the list ask us and we will try, there are loads of abbreviations on here!

D30rvg · 07/06/2012 15:18

Thank you perfectshadesofgrey I am absolutely over the moon but have to keep telling myself that it is only early stages.

Feel I have a lot of swotting up to do though!


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D30rvg · 07/06/2012 15:19

Thanks whospickleisthatonion

Tuzz · 07/06/2012 15:24

He's back on sunday. I didn't even suspect until yesterday, was expecting a period so this will come like a bolt for him.

WhosPickleisThatOnion · 07/06/2012 15:26

He will have a shock then! Is this your first? Its nice when you don't plan in a way because TTC actively sends you mad! (or me anyway) much nicer to have a lovely surprise.

brimful take a look at the thread about bleeding on here might give you a bit of reassurance...

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