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February 2013 - early days but quite excited!

999 replies

cheeseandmushroomtoastie · 28/05/2012 23:53

Thought I'd get the ball rolling as I know there have been some BFPs in the last few days on here.....

Just got a confirmatory BFP on a clear blue. This will be DC2, DC1 will be two in two weeks!

So grab a seat, buckle up and enjoy the vino soft drinks on offer.

Ps is it really bad that I am craving a jug of Pimm's?!

OP posts:
Tinker29 · 01/06/2012 09:55

Wow there are lots more of us since I last checked this thread, hello everyone!

I'm so looking forward to Jubillee weekend and a few days off, will post more later, for now I need to focus on getting through my annual review without puking!

LadyBabsFlashesHerFanjo · 01/06/2012 10:31

Good luck tinker Grin

tummytickler · 01/06/2012 11:19

ooh tinker29 that is quite reassuring to have a bit of sickness! Good luck with the annual review!

All I have is sore boobs that come and go, and utter exhaustion. I am almost looking forward to a bit of sickness to I can feel a bit more pregnant! And reassured that everything is ok!

Kirsty240287 · 01/06/2012 11:59

Hi guys, I'm 6wks with number 2, and dying to tell someone!! lol My 1st is 4 now so it's been a while since I was last pregnant and I can't remember wot it was like lol All I know is with this one, I have to sleep by 4pm, and then I'm in bed at 10pm every night and the morning sickness has started, which is earlier then I remember with the 1st! And I defo have a heightened sense of smell! Everything I smell that doesn't agree with me makes me feel sick :-( and with all the nice weather I could have murdered a wine or 3 bottles but used the 'i'm on antibiotics' not sure how long I can keep that one up for tho! I'm going away with my 1st and my mum for a few days, so any ideas/excuses y I cant drink would be much appreciated! Oh and I'm due 23rd Jan 2013 ish

P.S All the alcohol free wine I bought the 1st time round was awful!

NewMember · 01/06/2012 12:23

I have just completed my 1st cycle of ICSI & PGD. DH and I were so excited to get our BFP result, we have been on this jorney now for 4 years. Here is my blog if you want to know more -

I am 5 weeks pregnant, my due date is 2nd Feb. I am in limbo at the moment becasue I am bleeding quite heavily, only when I go to the toilet and pass urine. There is hardly any blood on panty liner, it only seems to be in toilet. The blood is red and also some clots are there. I have mild cramping in my tummy but not terrible pains.

My 1st HCG result was 189 and my 2nd was 269. I have called the hospital and asked for another blood test, I go back up on Monday.

I am in limbo and the moment and just praying my little one continues to fight x x

Congrats to all the other Feb ladies :) What an amazing feeling when you see that result pop up x

perfectshadeofgrey · 01/06/2012 13:35

NewMember - I'm really hoping that all will be well. Thinking of you. xx

Today I'm feeling really well, no tiredness, no sickness. I almost want to feel a bit sick to know that the pregnancy is progressing well. As annoying as sickness is it is also reassuring...

Hope you are doing well and getting ready for a nice long weekend.

NewMember · 01/06/2012 13:49

Thank you!

My nipples are huge - that gives me hope :) Lol x

MrsRT · 01/06/2012 15:31

I'm feeling really well today too, and like you I'm also hoping to feel nauseous soon (something I thought I'd never say!). It's silly as when I feel well, I want to feel droggy! Roll on being 12 weeks so we don't have to panic and worry so much!

MrsRT · 01/06/2012 15:37

New member - I know of quite a few people who have bled very early in pregnancy and now have very healthy children. As hard as it is try not to panic and think positive. I'd try and get checked today so you don't have to torture yourself all weekend. xx

babylann · 01/06/2012 15:38

Well I must be about 4 weeks and desperately nauseous today, as soon as I eat or drink I feel it building up inside me. Not excited about the curry we were planning for dinner tonight!

Hope you're all okay, especially you Newmember. X

Happea · 03/06/2012 19:16

Hello, I found out that I'm pregnant on Wednesday, it will be my first and the due date is somewhere around the 2nd Feb - I am not 100% sure because my cycle recently became shorter, from 27 days to 24 days (early menopause???!!) so I was a bit at a loss as to what to put into the calculator!

My boyfriend and I had been using condoms so I was a bit surprised to say the least! I am very very happy and my boyfriend is very very scared. But I think everything is going to be ok :) When I went for the test they did a scan to try and work out how old it was - two to three weeks apparently - now I am dying to have the next one so I know it's all going ok so far!

No nausea yet but I am sleeping a lot, getting headaches and also have the heightened sense of smell. I've also eaten a couple of things that tasted really really odd and when I asked someone else if they thought it tasted strange they said no. Just me then! :)

Happea · 03/06/2012 19:17

The next scan that is- not the next baby - one will do for now, haha!

Sirenetta · 04/06/2012 01:30

Thanks for all these posts. Found out pregnant yesterday after peeing on stick at home - figure am week 5 - Maybe Feb 1 due date? First time. First thing that happened was I dropped the plastic cap of the test down the sink so my husband was scrambling around with tools during the 2 minutes you're supposed to wait!

I live in the states and am suddenly really homesick after reading all the advice about how to conquer sickness (haribo, ginger nuts etc). Will have to seek out the US equivalents. No sickness yet but stressed about it because I have an hour commute to work by car - even worse, I just ride in other ppl's cars because I don't have my own. Also stressed about crazy interventionist US approach to birth and suddenly long for the NHS.

We're going to try and keep it a secret for a bit so being on here helps a lot. Thanks!

Flowerydems · 04/06/2012 08:41

Hi! Can I join too?

I've just found out I'm 5 weeks with dc2, ds is only 6 months so feeling a bit nervous about this one. Hasn't helped that I managed to catch stomach flu and have been bedded pretty much the whole weekend sprinting to the loo :(
Only got my bfp on Saturday though as the doctor was going to give me some antibiotics but I thought I'd better check, he said there's no way I could be pregnant so I'm really glad I didn't listen and take the pills.


babylann · 04/06/2012 10:47

Welcome new people. :)

Anyone else having ' pregnancy dreams' already, aka dreams which don't make any bloody sense but are extremely vivid and memorable?

Think simon cowell coming for tea, then you remember you are late for your job at the circus as a clown, but stop off at Boots on the way to buy some ham which you then stick to your eyebrows because that's fashion nowadays, and then a boat crashes into your house and you help everyone recover by setting up a choir where you learn a Peter Andre song.

That kind of thing.

Tinker29 · 04/06/2012 12:02

Lol that would be one random dream babylann!! I kind of have the opposite problem. I'm 5 weeks and 4 days and all of last week I had very sore and swollen breasts and felt nauseous, but in the past 2 days or so all of my symptoms have disappeared, my boobs aren't sore and I'm not tired. I'm terrified something is wrong now and I keep thinking of the things I did before we found out I was pregnant - I had too much to drink one night, got sunburn, eating all the wrong things etc. Has this happened to anyone else?

Flowerydems · 04/06/2012 13:01

Babylann- I'm totally the same!! Think that's what tipped me off this time round! Freakiest one has been dh leaving me to be a lighthouse keeper in a storm then making me go back to work t some weird art gallery who didn't believe I was pregnant, then my sister decided I had to move house to this shed in a back garden...

Tinker29- the exact same think happened to me with ds, lost all symptoms after like 5/6 weeks. Dh got really annoyed cause I think I spent about 70 quid on pregnancy tests in 2 weeks then did one a week til my scan, feel silly about that now

cheeseandmushroomtoastie · 04/06/2012 21:01

Tinker and flower - I am the same! Have no symptoms at all apart from a bit of tiredness which isn't unusual with a two year old.... Am still drinking tea when last pregnancy I went off it straight away..... Going to give it another week before testing again Blush

OP posts:
babylann · 04/06/2012 21:42

It hasn't happened to me this time yet Tinker, but I have only known for less than a week. I do remember it happening with DD though, suddenly being symptomless. It didn't worry me for some reason, I thought I was lucky! I was basically symptomless until she started kicking, and even then only started getting "urgh" symptoms in trimester 3.

I still wouldn't worry too much though. Symptoms come and go. First trimester is so scary, wanting to tell everyone and be excited about it, but knowing it's "early days".

Is sunburn bad for pregnancy? I never knew that. I didn't have a bad case of it, just went a bit red after too long out in the sun, but it went brown again the next day.

I'm getting what feels like ovary pain quite regularly in the evenings. Only mild, though. Luckily I have a big pack of cheap ebay tests and have taken at least 9 or 10 of them since my first BFP just to check I'm "still pregnant".

perfectshadeofgrey · 05/06/2012 09:24

Hello everyone. How are you all feeling. I still have no symptoms apart from tiredness. But like cheese said that's not unusual with a toddler :)
I was reading the other day that if you have only mild pregnancy sickness with your first DC then it's likely that you will have none with subsequent pregnancies. So maybe that will be my case :o (It also said that you if you had severe sickness with your first one you are likely to have it bad again the next time round). But who knows. Remains to be seen :)
Have a nice day.

perfectshadeofgrey · 05/06/2012 09:30

Just thought I would share this.
I love parma ham. So at the weekend I bought some and made a lovely sandwitch. When I had finished it I though 'hmm I wonder if parma ham is safe in pregnancy'. Well it is not. I really have forgotten everything since my first pregnancy!

babylann · 05/06/2012 11:30

That kind of thing also slipped my mind! Because of the morning sickness, I've not been able to tolerate the idea of a lot of foods, so I decided to wander around the supermarket until I saw something which didn't make me feel yucky... I ended up spending a while eyeing up the nuts section, particularly those roasted peanuts and cashews. And then I had a faint memory of my midwife from when I was pregnant with DD 2+ years ago saying something about peanuts not being advised in pregnancy. Ended up not buying them anyway, just in case.


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DanyTargaryen · 05/06/2012 11:47

Hi all! Got my BFP last thursday then confirmed it on a CBD. I reckon I am due around the 4th Feb. Have felt queasy but not sick (didn't really have morning sickness with dd- only sick a couple of times) and boobs keep aching on and off but so far so good!


Debs1978 · 05/06/2012 17:39

Hi, got a BFP this morning maybe 4 weeks along with 2nd and suddenly feeling queasy - maybe its psychological Wink am v excited but worried how DD will react (she's 27 months now)

Dexidoo · 05/06/2012 18:27

Hi ladies

Sad news from me. Severe cramping and then bleeding this morning. Seen at EPAU and 'empty uterus' on scan. Not good for 6 weeks.

HCG is ok at over 800 but progesterone low suggesting pregnancy is failing. Bloods to be repeated on Thursday but know it is over by what I am losing.

Good luck to you all. Fingers crossed for next time x

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