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Birth clubs

February 2013 - early days but quite excited!

999 replies

cheeseandmushroomtoastie · 28/05/2012 23:53

Thought I'd get the ball rolling as I know there have been some BFPs in the last few days on here.....

Just got a confirmatory BFP on a clear blue. This will be DC2, DC1 will be two in two weeks!

So grab a seat, buckle up and enjoy the vino soft drinks on offer.

Ps is it really bad that I am craving a jug of Pimm's?!

OP posts:
Askja · 30/05/2012 19:10

No sickness yet... Am off on holiday tomorrow so hoping it stays away 'til we get back! I seem to remember it started about week 7 for me last time but maybe this time'll be different.

MrsRT · 30/05/2012 20:25


I'm a first timer and due 2nd February. I'm really excited but keep telling myself not to get excited as I'm really paranoid that things are going to go wrong. Does anyone else feel like this?

I've got the same symptoms as everyone else, I've also noticed I suddenly have an intense sense of smell! x

perfectshadeofgrey · 30/05/2012 20:29

Congrats to all the newcomers!
Please report back on the AF wine. I really want a glass! Probably the fact that I can't have one :o
I can't remember when my sickness started last time but I know that it stopped suddenly when I was about 12 weeks. Really hoping that it pass me by this time :)

cheeseandmushroomtoastie · 30/05/2012 21:12

mrsRT am with you on the heightened sense of smell. Nearly punched a colleague in the face today because of her smelly cheese flavoured snack a jacks Blush

OP posts:
babylann · 30/05/2012 23:19

I've been directed here, and would like to join you all. Got my three BFPs today Grin Gonna get a confirmation digital at the weekend, but 3 BFPs on ebay cheapies is good enough for now in my book!

Had a gut feeling for the past week that this was the month, and then I started getting little feelings and decided to test.

Calendar calculator predicts Feb 15th for me :)

monstergoose · 30/05/2012 23:30

Hi all
I'm 4+2 with my 1st-just got my BFP on a digitial test today after having the faintest blue line 2 days ago! Trying not to get too excited as I had a EMC in Jan, so don't want to get my hopes up to early!

Quick question-I've been told by the midwife that when I go for my 1st appt they'll need to know which hospital I want to give birth in...this seems a bit early to me! Tough choice as the closest one is a bit grotty (well the EPAU was when I had my MC) but the nice one, only slightly further away, is only a birthing centre, so if I was high risk they'd send me to another hospital in that trust which is quite a bit further away. It seems like quite a decision to be making when I'll only be 7wk by the time I have to tell them-what do people think?

babylann · 30/05/2012 23:41

Do you have any factors which might put you at high risk at the moment?

It's a tough decision to make but I guess there's no time like the present to make it, you still have 3 weeks to make that decision :) Couldn't you change at a later date if you became high risk?

And congratulations on your BFP :)

monstergoose · 31/05/2012 00:10

Thanks babylann-congrats to you too-glad to see someone else multi-tests! Nope not high risk at pres-did ask the midwife and she said they'll only know if I am in the last few weeks and that it was a big hassle to swap at that point! I know I'll need to decide sooner or later but wasn't expecting to this early and don't want to jinx anything!
Other slight concern is the weather as we're pretty high up where we are and get snow at the drop of a hat in winter-don't want to have a mammoth journey somewhere if I do become high risk!!

babylann · 31/05/2012 00:29

I know what you mean. I'm scared of the decisions I'll have to make in the next 8 months as well! Like, whether or not to push for another CS, etc. And I've been worrying about these decisions ever since DD was born, 2 years ago!

Not sure what to say to help really. I'll wait and let you see whether anyone else has any constructive advice! I know for ease of mind I'd probably go for the closer hospital, as I'm sure they're probably still fine and I'd rather be closer and at less risk of needing a sudden lengthy transferral if something went wrong.

But I'm in a lucky position, I live really close to my hospital and it's got a very new, very shiny MAU ward so I can't say how I'd feel if it wasn't the case iyswim.

I'm sure you'll come up with something that suits you :) Sorry I can't be more help.

Dexidoo · 31/05/2012 07:42

Tried the Torres wine last night and it wasn't bad- slight hint of apple juice but drinkable and quite wine like all the same.
Not the same as my favourite Chardonnay but it will do!

RemembersButtonMoon · 31/05/2012 07:48

Just wanted to say a big congratulations.

I have recently had my first baby.... for those of you who will be first-time mothers you have SO much to look forward to. The reason I opened this thread is because a close friend of mine who has been trying to conceive for several years just found out she has a little blob due in February 2013 too. Congratulations again!

babylann · 31/05/2012 08:57

Thank you buttonmoon. Get her to join the thread if she's a MNer. And congratulations on your baby :)

LadyBabsFlashesHerFanjo · 31/05/2012 09:22

I had a faint BFP at the weekend, and really strong one today.

I don't know too many acronyms either as wasn't on MN when pg before.

I have dd 18mo and ds 6mo (I know, I'm insane, but it really wasn't planned)

I made dp make some pimms the other day just so I could sniff it Blush

Am due mid Feb ish

perfectshadeofgrey · 31/05/2012 09:29

Hi and congrats all newcomers :)

monstergoose - regarding the hospital. From experience I would pick a hospital that has a maternity unit. My first pregnancy was really easy (apart from a bit of sickness at the beginning) had no problems at all, felt great. Was planning to give birth in the birthing centre. But my DD ended up being late so I was induced in the end and therefore had to stay in the maternity unit. I think that the pregnancy is no indicator of how the birth will go :)
I will again aim for the birthing centre this time but I know that if there's a problem or if I need an epidural I'm only a floor up from the maternity unit :)
I really don't want to scare anyone but a lot can happen during labour and I would prefer being in a hospital that can deal with emergencies.

perfectshadeofgrey · 31/05/2012 09:32

Just made my booking appointment and also first scan :)

LadyBabsFlashesHerFanjo · 31/05/2012 09:33

With my ds I didn't even make it to hospital, had him in a conference venue Blush

I can't remember when I picked hospitals but I'm sure it was quite early

LadyBabsFlashesHerFanjo · 31/05/2012 09:34

Envy of first scan, I can't wait.

I'm so impatient

babylann · 31/05/2012 10:14

I didn't get the option to pick hospitals, at least not that I can remember. I need to go and register at my new GP today and make an appointment (just moved house). Can't wait to get my scan appointment booked!

LadyBabsFlashesHerFanjo · 31/05/2012 10:19

My boss has just walked in my office and asked if I'm pg? Blush

I'm clearly worse at hiding this sickness malarky than I thought, but I handed my notice in the other day (yay) so it doesn't matter

brimfullofasha · 31/05/2012 16:14

Can I ask what is probably a stupid question? When should you first go to the GP to arrange a booking appointment? It feels so early and uncertain at the moment but at the same time I want to make sure I'm all official and booked in for my scan in good time. I can't wait for my scan already!

Ps. MrsRT I'm due on 2nd Feb 2013 too!

perfectshadeofgrey · 31/05/2012 16:52

brimfullofasha - you should have your booking appointment at around 8/9 weeks and your first scan at 12 weeks (unless you need an early scan for some reason). So you can go to your GP any time now really and they will refer you to your chosen hospital. In my hospital you can self refer so I just called the antenatal unit today and made the appointments over the phone. So check with your hospital maybe you don't need to go to your GP at all. He won't do anything anyway, only ask which hospital you want to go to :)

brimfullofasha · 31/05/2012 17:17

Thank you perfectshadeofgrey I'll give my GP a call and see what the procedure is round here Smile


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Bearhugs43 · 01/06/2012 06:45

Sorry to hijack .... But you definitely do not have to set in stone where you want to birth at booking. You may be asked for a preference but it isn't a commitment- you can choose anytime - even in labour.

It makes no difference to the system because you obviously can't be booked into a unit as no-one knows when you will go into labour!

Also there is a lot of info out there that should be properly considered for this v important decision - you can't do that prior to booking.

Have a look at the place of birth study 2012. Safest place for low risk mother to birth second or subsequent baby is home....

cheeseandmushroomtoastie · 01/06/2012 07:50

Morning all - hope we're all well! Still struggling not to tell anyone - especially as we had a 'crisis' meeting at work as a couple of people have handed in their notice [blush}. Not my problem though haha! Just wanted to share with my friends who were leaving, it was the vocal equivalent of sitting on my hands!

Have to started to read 'what to expect when you're expecting' (again!). I like it because you can just read the chapter that is relevant to how far along you are.

Would also recommend the Babycentre app for your phone (free!). Has lots of tips and short details as to whats going on. Disclaimer - I'm not sponsored by either of these products, but its hard to find something that is actually user friendly - just my personal recommendation Grin.

Feeling ok otherwise - not saying too much as don't want to tempt fate either....seeing family and friends this weekend so looking forward to seeing them, probably do some ebaying, watch the jubilee shenanigans on tv, usual lazy weekend! What do you guys have planned?

OP posts:
LadyBabsFlashesHerFanjo · 01/06/2012 08:39

Morning all, I'm the same, I handed my notice in earlier in the week as I feel like I'm really going to struggle with 3 under 3 let alone with adding work, and moving house to my list of things to do, so finding it really hard not to give my real reasons and tell people.

I have to work 6 weeks notice - so 5 more weeks and I'm a SAHM (I don't know whether to be excited or terrified).

Still feeling really sick but have realised (the doctor informed me) that I'm feeling sick all day because of migraines Sad

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