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October Baby Bus - Part 6 - The last bus for the ladies...

522 replies

BB3 · 16/10/2011 16:22

Hello all

New antenatal thread for us until the last of us pops xxx

OP posts:
BabCNesbitt · 19/10/2011 15:29

Good luck, sassy! :)

Awen, what did the hospital say when you spoke to them?

BB3 · 19/10/2011 15:29

Woohoo - go sassy go! Maybe you'll kick start some other babies too!

tally rubbish for bad night can you get any rest today?

pink go with your gut if you're not really feeling it you have a good excuse but if you're tempted to have a night out chances are you'll have a great time x

Hope everyone is ok - I'm desperately trying to get sorted before dh leaves at 3am tomorrow. Girls had hip scan today to rule out problems resulting from them being breech - all fine. Was hoping to take
Ds out this afternoon but we now have torrential rain! Oh well x

OP posts:
BB3 · 19/10/2011 15:30

hand sorry not tally (hello tally)

Yes Awen what did hospital say?

OP posts:
HandDivedScallopsrgreat · 19/10/2011 16:05

Yes I've had a rest today thanks BB3. DS has been at nursery so it's been nice and quiet!

MamaMaiasaura · 19/10/2011 16:39

Good luck sassy Smile

Hospital said I could go up to dau for sweep today or wait till see mw tomoz. At time ctx had settled a bit and so I decided to leave it till tomoz. Since I've had them every 10 mins lasting 45 secs or more. All good I hope, tho feeling really stressed again as tho dh meant to have stopped work at 4 he didn't and I've got stroppy 11 year old and demanding 3 year old. Got kids dinner 5, bath etc for bedtime for youngest. Then eldest drags out bedtime till 9. By then my body will say stuff this, I'm knackered and so it continues. Argghh. When will I actually have time to birth this baby?

pinkpainter · 19/10/2011 17:15

Awen - :( - Hope your DH can help once he does get home, then you can get on with having your baby. Do you have any friends/relatives around you can ask for help, especially in the evenings if your baby doesn't come tonight? Hope you can sort out some good support soon.

MamaMaiasaura · 19/10/2011 17:20

Thanks pink. He's working from home which made it more annoying Wink I am trying to repeat to myself that I can leave older ds with relatives to settle and destress (typed this with ctx starting!) every 7 min for last 3

Jane4321 · 19/10/2011 17:43

happy sympathy with you, and all others waiting...
awen things sound very tough for you right now, hope things calm down and you're able to get some rest before it all gets started properly...

I'm 40+1 and really frustrated...I feel angry actually, but with no-one to be angry with! Angry. It seriously feels as if I'm never going to have this baby :(
Got MW tomorrow. Don't know if she'll offer sweep, or if I'd have it if it was offered.

Oh, BF question:

If baby is feeding say every 2 hours at the start, and BF counsellor told me that baby crying is sometimes last sign that she is hungry, and sometimes babies don't cry at all when hungry, or don't wake, do you have to set an alarm in the night to feed?! Is that a really silly question? Blush

Mimatchin · 19/10/2011 18:00

Hi everyone,

Good luck Sassy

Happy all my sympathy

Awen Good luck hope you'll be able to relax and focus on giving birth

Jane4321 40+1 is tough I hated it last week.

40+9 today great...

I hate it even more therefore induction tomorrow morning.... I've been monitored this morning baby is fine healthy with regular movement. I have absolutely no signs of labour just the heaviness of my huge belly and going often to toilets. I am also kind of tired, I do not know if it is tiredness or mental exhaustion. This pregnancy will never last it is just mad..I would have never expected that.... I still did not feel what is a contraction, no show, no water...looks like my cervix is sealed forever...

Today I am very grumpy and fed up

Jane4321 · 19/10/2011 18:12

Mimatchin :( You poor thing...big you have induction tomorrow? Hope all goes well! You must be excited?

Mimatchin · 19/10/2011 19:10

Jane4321 Thanks for understanding...

I am excited in a way yes I hope I'll be able to sleep all night tonight to be ready for tomorrow, crossing my fingers that all goes quickly and as smoothly as possible Hmm

Engelsmeisje · 19/10/2011 19:24

Haven?t had a chance to catch up on the thread since Max was born on Saturday ? thought I?d start with my birth story and then start reading. This is my first proper internet session since he got here!

Thanks for adding me to the Birth stats BB3 ? where do you get the time?!

My Birth story.

Things went so quickly, I never expected it?d be so fast!
Turns out that was I thought might be a show on Friday afternoon was probably my waters breaking, but Max was blocking them from gushing out. Which explains why I was woken up with what I thought was another show and him kicking me at 2.30am on Saturday morning.

Contractions started just before 9am on Saturday. DH very helpfully said that contractions could go on for ages so we both just carried on doing our Saturday chores. After a few contractions, they started coming every 10 minutes at 10am, and then every 4-5 minutes. At 12.30 we called the midwife though they were still quite short and when she got here I was already 4-5cm so I went to the birth centre. Was there for less than 2 hours before Max was born at 15.42 after an hour of pushing.

Ended up having a cut to help Max out. Had an injection when the midwife made her incision but apart from that no pain relief. Actually giving birth was not as painful as being stitched up afterwards! Lost quite a bit of blood, almost fainted in the shower, but not enough to keep us in hospital so we were home within 3 hours (they don?t hang around over here!).

We had a maternity nurse over for an hour to go through some first night stuff with us and then all of a sudden it was just the 3 of us! Can?t believe it was only 7 hours from the first contraction to his birth. Moral of the story ? don?t listen to people who tell you that your first baby is always late (3 days early!) and really long! We're all different!

MrsP81 · 19/10/2011 20:29

Hey ladies. A quick update to announce the arrival of Abigail Charlotte yesterday at 3.15pm weighing 8lb. We are totally smitten. Smile Will do a birth story soon.

PenguinArmy · 19/10/2011 20:33

Congrats MrsP81 and well done on such a lovely birth Engel Not that some of us are Envy

Just a reminder of post-natal thread

BB3 · 19/10/2011 21:18

Congratulations mrsp and welcome to the works Abigail Charlotte xxx hope you're both doing well xxx

OP posts:
BB3 · 19/10/2011 21:18

Or welcome to the world! Blush

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happymummytobe · 19/10/2011 22:51

Any advice welcome - contractions lasting just under a minute are coming every 2 or so minutes. Painful but not overwhelming. Is this labour? Dh just taken dsd to her Mum's house just in case... Any ideas?


MamaMaiasaura · 19/10/2011 23:08

I would call l&d ward, they'll prob want to check you and sounds very promising Smile

I'm trying to go to bed as still getting mine about every 7 mins but from experience this stage can last a long time. I'm coping with pain and see mw tomoz so going to see how I go. If I am in lots of pain overnight I'll prob go in hosp sooner. Could all stop tho.

39+4 (+5 in an hour Wink).

MamaMaiasaura · 19/10/2011 23:10

Congratulations Engel and MrsP GrinGrinGrin and a bit Envy Wink


MamaMaiasaura · 19/10/2011 23:12

Jane - re bfing, with both ds's I always offered breast first, if they didn't want it I went thro list, wet, wind, cuddles, tired, ill etc. Trust baby and yourself as no 2 babies are same x

LittlePebble · 20/10/2011 00:04

Good luck Sassy
Awen hope it all gets moving for you soon.
Will try and write birth story out later tonight to keep me occupied while feeding x

happymummytobe · 20/10/2011 01:20

awen Am rooting for you! Torn between hoping you're fast asleep and hoping your contractions have got closer!

I'm in the bath. It's helping. Next plan is to make a cake (is this madness?!) and then watch Downton Abbey on catch up. Tried to sleep but was woken by every contraction and that was torture. Want this to be as quick as possible so figure I should just try to keep moving. Dh asleep with my blessing Smile

All ok so far. Wish I knew how long to wait before I go in. Less than 4cm and they'll turn me away. And it's a good 20 min drive even at night...


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emmazed · 20/10/2011 06:34

Hi everyone, haven't managed to check everyones news yet, but I am sure there will be lots to congratulate.
My news is Joseph Roy was born on monday after 3 days of labour. My platelets stayed high enough so I was able to be in the birth centre which was amazing. Had an water birth with no drugs so v proud of myself! He was 8.9lbs and no tearing!

He is better (and louder) than I could ever had imagined. Absolutely loving it although almost no sleep for days. He is so lovely!

Will catch up with all yours news now.. To the ladies still waiting, you will get there then the long wait will all be forgotten

MamaMaiasaura · 20/10/2011 06:46

Emma - congratulations Grin great birth (tho long labour). Hope you aren't too tired and lovely name Joseph x

Happy - how are you doing? Hope you are in hospital and everythings going well.

All calmed down again from early hours here again Hmm cheeky baby. I'm hoping all this messing around will result in quick 2nd and 3rd stage. Midwife today so will see what she says. Well the 18th came and went somy feeling about that day was wrong.

Littlepebble - looking forward to your birth story

Bb3 - how's preschool stuff going now? Meant to message u on fb but I'm crap. All much better here, he was helper yesterday and was very proud of himself Smile

emmazed · 20/10/2011 06:52

Just read a few posts and don't want you to think I was boasting... They dont let you use drugs in the pool and I was worried I wouldnt manage it, that is all. Re the labour length, don't you count from the start of contractions? I am totally clueless with this. So sorry if my post came across the wrong way, I am just happy to be through it all after lots of worry

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