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October Baby Bus - Part 6 - The last bus for the ladies...

522 replies

BB3 · 16/10/2011 16:22

Hello all

New antenatal thread for us until the last of us pops xxx

OP posts:
MrsHende · 05/11/2011 13:51

I was sure you would have your baby today danid, how annoying for you!

Any signs yet scones, choc or trudy? And how fed up are you being asked if there are any signs?!?!

Thinking positively, when is the latest we'll all be cuddling our babies by? My hospital induces at 40+12 so, surely the latest I'll go is 40+14? Hopefully then I'll definitely have the baby by this time next week...hopefully!

choc I'm trying hard not to think too much about being induced and just blindly hoping that it'll happen naturally. To be honest, I'm trying hard not to think about labour at all and blindly hoping that it will be over in a flash Blush! Terrified!

CheshireDing · 05/11/2011 14:18

Ooh just had a thought (well remembered this more like), hypno teacher and mw said to us that it helps to put Evening Primrose Oil up your lady bits to start labour. Apparently they have started using it at our local hospital and it has been 80% successful.

Sorry I cannot remember whether it has already been mentioned previously and if not sorry I only remembered now.

What about some clary sage in an aromatherapy warming thing too?

MamaMaiasaura · 05/11/2011 15:58

I used evening primrose oil on thursday night after stretch and sweep and had a steamy session with dh on the Friday morning. I think it helped as woke with cx 2am on sat. Doesn't feel like 2 weeks ago now. Quite Sad that prob won't have anymore Sad

Trudyla · 05/11/2011 18:38

Still here, still no baby.

Midwife suggested to take half a teaspoon of castor oil, so I'm gonna hit that tonight.

I'm the bloody size of a house, I really don't want to even think about dtd. I couldn't think of anyone looking more unattractive than me right now, with new stretch marks appearing by the second and hardly being able to move.

So castor oil and spicy food for me, rather than anything saucy.

sassy Thanks for letting me know about the reaction of your children. DD already doesn't want to kiss me and thinks it's hilarious to run away when I want one Grin , so I can't expect any kisses. I suppose, just the different reaction of your twins shows, that they are all different and I'll just have to wait and see how she is with him. I keep saying that there is a baby in my belly and she does stroke the belly and sometimes pinches it but I'm not sure she knows what it means.

So, 4 of us left then. Come on, we can do it. I'm trying not to think about induction either!


dannid · 05/11/2011 20:58

Quick post just to announce the safe arrival of baby Buddy at 3.15pm 8lb 2oz. Took us a bit by surprise in the end with a mad dash to the hospital arriving there just 45 mins before Buddy decided to make his big entrance!!! Grin he is soooo gorgeous!!!!

Trudyla · 05/11/2011 21:36

Congratulations dannid and welcome to the world Buddy.

LittlePebble · 05/11/2011 22:36

Ah congratulations Dannid xx

CheshireDing · 06/11/2011 02:57

Congratulations Dannid he just suddenly turned up Grin

and then there were 3.....

BB3 · 06/11/2011 04:44

Congratulations Dannid and welcome to the world baby buddy xx

OP posts:
Trudyla · 06/11/2011 11:58

Still no baby.

How are you others doing? Any signs? Good luck and have a nice Sunday all.

chocolatehobnobs · 06/11/2011 12:38

Hi Trudyla, no sign here either. Nice to have good company on the back seat of the bus waiting for the last stop... Wondering how mrs H is getting on ...

Scones will surely have had her baby by now.

Congratulations Dannid. I'm glad it all went well for you and that you have baby Buddy safely in your arms. Looking forward to birth story.

Another attempted sweep tomorrow.. 41 today

MrsHende · 06/11/2011 13:41

Nothing to report here either except a spot of sciatica! So I'm hobbling around like an old lady.

I'm so over being pregnant!!!!!!!

SconesForTea · 06/11/2011 21:59

Hi everyone, I haven't had time to catch up but wanted to announce Juniper Ariel, born 7am on Friday 4th at home in the pool weighing 8lb 8oz Grin The house has been like Clapham Junction ever since and this is the first chance I've had to open my laptop. Hope to see you all on the PN thread when things calm down here and I manage some MN time!

chocolatehobnobs · 07/11/2011 04:14

Awesome news for you scones. So glad things went well how amazing that you got your home birth and pool.

Cheshire- thanks for the advice re EPo and clary sage. I'm going to get some tomorrow. So I'm here again 4 am can't sleep. No sign of baby.

Thinking of you mrs h and trudy. Another day of walk, swim, sex, pineapple, curry and sweep ahead plus the clary sage bath and epo now :)

41+1 today

MrsHende · 08/11/2011 08:05

Any movement overnight girls?

I've got a midwife appointment today so fingers crossed she can maybe get things going!

chocolatehobnobs · 08/11/2011 11:32

Hi Mrs Hende. I was starting to feel quite lonely on the bus - thought maybe you and Trudyla both ha your babies. Hope it goes well with the midwife today - I saw mine yesterday and unfortunately there had been no change to my cervix over the weekend and she felt I was still a few days off. I think i may have had a small show this morning, blood and a little mucus so maybe changes are finally happening. I've had 2 clary sage baths now. It gave me quite strong Braxton Hicks afterwards :)

I'm still desperately crossing my fingers that something will happen before induction day. Feeling generally well though and hope you guys are too. Good luck!

41+2 today

LittlePebble · 08/11/2011 13:44
SconesForTea · 08/11/2011 15:06

Come on bumps of chocolate, MrsH and Trudyla! Come and join the October/actuallyNovember babies Smile

BabCNesbitt · 08/11/2011 18:12

Congratulations, Scones and dannid! And fingers crossed for the ladies still on the bus :)

CheshireDing · 09/11/2011 03:34

Congratulations Scone, FABULOUS name, I love it :) So pleased you got home water birth. Someone has bought our pool on ebay so off to post a very large box tomorrow!

Good luck you 3 of the back seats Grin

chocolatehobnobs · 09/11/2011 04:00

Just woken up - think I may be having contractions. Regular every 8 mins or so. Quite excited. It's my mum's birthday on the 10th so would be a great present.

LittlePebble · 09/11/2011 05:51

Yay chocolate hope it's all happening for you! Good day to have your baby birth date will be 10.11.11 xx


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LittlePebble · 09/11/2011 05:51

Oops no it won't not until tomorrow! Blush

MrsHende · 09/11/2011 10:04

Brilliant news chocolate!!! Envy Wink

How about trudy? Any news for us?!

I fear I may be the one to switch out the lights here...still nothing to report. Had a sweep yesterday and sex today, now off for a walk.

Keep waving those pom poms!

CheshireDing · 09/11/2011 11:17

Good luck Chocolate :)

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