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October Baby Bus - Part 6 - The last bus for the ladies...

522 replies

BB3 · 16/10/2011 16:22

Hello all

New antenatal thread for us until the last of us pops xxx

OP posts:
happymummytobe · 20/10/2011 06:55

Hi all, was 3cm so hospital sent me home. Waters broke just before we left - huge gush! Now thinking of epidural - just so painful and so tired. Tiredness main reason. Back in bath now - v soothing but craving sleep. Any advice? Just can't see myself struggling on with no sleep for another however many hours and then having to push!

LittlePebble · 20/10/2011 07:06

Hi happymummytobe
Yay for three cms and waters. As soon as you get back in (which I imagine will be soon) they'll be able to discuss various options with you for pain relief. My ctx got much stronger after waters broke so it may speed up now. I really didn't want an epidural and was gutted to have one, but it did mean that I was able to push DS out after being awake for 26 hrs so I'm pleased I had it now, so talk to them about you're worries when you get there and they should be able to help. Hope all goes well not long till you meet your LO! Grin xx

LittlePebble · 20/10/2011 07:10

Emmazed ha ha dont worry! I would be very proud if that was my birth (in fact that was the birth I had planned - you stole it damn you! Envy)
Congratulations on the birth of Joseph x

MamaMaiasaura · 20/10/2011 07:30

Emma - didn't sound at all boastful and think you did amazingly.

Happy - if you are finding pain too much get back I hospital and they will help, even if just gas and air. After my waters broke the intensity really stepped up. Yay won't be long for you now Smile

CheshireDing · 20/10/2011 08:11

Congratulations MrsP and Emma

Come on Baby Happy

Terrible night last night, tried to feed how HV suggested and everyone ended up awake and crying all night !

EdwardorEricCantDecide · 20/10/2011 08:28

happy when I was in labour with DS I had diamorphine injection (my hospital don't offer pethidine) it took the edge off the pain and allowed me to get a little sleep between ctx. It wore off before I needed to push and meant I didn't need epidural. So that's always an option.

Emma congrats on you're great birth, well done and on your beautiful baby boy.

As for me still getting BH every evening but still nothing long lasting or particularly painful. Going to send DS to MIL today and do all my ironing and a batch cook for the freezer. :-) then everything is ready for me to sit on my ass concentrate on baby and BFing when she eventually decides to turn up.

BB3 · 20/10/2011 10:04

Congratulations Emma well done on the birth. boast away, you did a great job xxx

Go happy I second Awen if you are too uncomfortable go back to hospital as you may be progressing faster than you think. And don't worry a dot about wanting pain relief - everybody reacts to the pain of labour differently - Im fine with pain, (im actually one of those freaky people who quite likes it in a weird way - needles, tattoos, body piercings - i used to have lots of the latter but all gone now), but the pain of induced labour with ds knocked me for six and I begged them for a cs pain relief but unfortunately it wouldn't take so I had to do it without the benefit but whilst still being hooked up to the bloody machines! Anyway see how you go but if you need it take it, it's there to help you.

sassy am hoping your lack of posting means baby is making his or her appearance!

Awen you must be going crazy by now hope mw can help you along a bit x

OP posts:
BB3 · 20/10/2011 10:06

Cheshire have posted on other thread re feeding

Edward hope you get everything organised and can rest a bit too today x

OP posts:
bilblio · 20/10/2011 10:46

Hi all, so many new babies that I can't keep up. Congratulations MrsP Emma Engel and any others I've missed.

awen Mimatchin Hope we have some good news soon.

Happy My contractions ramped up, with both pain and speed when waters broke this time, so get back to the hospital if the pain gets too much, and hopefully it won't be long! Good luck!

Jane regarding BFing. I was worried as Seth fed when he was first born, then 5 hours later at 9am, then at about 2pm & 5pm, but then as much as I encouraged him he wouldn't feed until 3am. MW said so long as they have 3 good feeds in the first 24 hours that's fine. After then they usually say about every 4 hours, unless babies are very small, then they may need more and you may need to wake them. It's not often that a baby won't cry if hungry. Seth is feeding loads in the evening (encouraged by me) but the going longer periods at night. Hurrah! :o

I started typing up my birth story last night so may get it posted today. Particularly as Seth only woke at midnight and 4:30 last night. The night before was quite good too so I'm feeling vaguely human.

It's DH's birthday today so I planned on letting him have a lie in. I'm very pleased that I managed to get me, DD and Seth all ready in time for school. Or would have but DH woke in time to make butties and look after Seth. It's far too cold out there this morning for little babies. Even ones with a selection of daft hats. I'll post some pictures in a mo. :)

seasaltbaby · 20/10/2011 11:04

Big congrats to MrsP & Emmazed more babies, yay!! hope all going well so far...and thanks for the positive birth story engel its good to hear that it can go well!

good luck awen sassy & for your induction today mismatchin hopefully more good news soon....

I'm now 39+3 and the waiting game is beginning to get me down too. I'm having a lot of BH in evenings and various twinges, plus feeling so heavy & low now, but no idea if things are imminent or not. from some of your experiences I may still have way to go! trying to keep myself busy & take each day as it comes but cant help hoping every day 'this could be the day'! maybe by weekend please baby!!

BabCNesbitt · 20/10/2011 11:42

Congratulations MrsP and Emmazed! Emma, the only reason I thought my mate was boasting on FB was because she's been boasting about various aspects of pregnancy all the way through - you didn't sound like that at all!

No idea if I'm having BH - would it be obvious what they are, or is that a stupid question? Sometimes it feels like the wee yin is just having a good stretch - could that be them?

EdwardorEricCantDecide · 20/10/2011 12:13

I can't always fee BH unless I touch tummy, sometimes my hand can be resting on it and I feel it tense up and go really hard but don't feel any pain, so wouldn't notice if I hadn't been touching, the ones where I feel them quite painful tend to be quite late and if I've overdone it a bit that day.

Am watching britains child beggars while doing ironing it's so upsetting for the poor children, they are so young!

40+3 today ready when u are baby!

MamaMaiasaura · 20/10/2011 12:45

Had mw she did stretch and sweep. Said I'm 2cm dilated but cervix still 2cm long Sad. She called hospital as there doesn't seem to be a clear plan of action. Going in at 2.20 to see registrar. Getting lots of back pain and mw felt baby had moved so back along right instead of left but not sure. I have a hunch it's OP due to back pain and slow progress.

Feel bad moaning as only 39+5 but never gone this far so I feel overdue iykwim. Also baby well down in pelvis but because so big and I'm quite small I'm looking big. Measuring 44in and feels like all baby. (bb3 did u see fb pic of my bump other day? It's even bigger :O now)

pinkpainter · 20/10/2011 12:58

Big congratulations to the mums of the new babies!! Emmazed - Your birth sounds lovely - well done, you deserve to be proud of yourself!

SeaSalt - You sound exactly like me!! Lots of BH and twinges and hoping every day that today is the day....

BabC - In terms of your question about what BH feels like, I thought they were just the baby pushing hard outwards to start with but now I am sure they are proper BH as my whole stomach goes hard and it's difficult to walk whilst they are happening. They don't hurt, just feel uncomfortable. Hope that helps! With my first baby I don't remember having them at all, or maybe I wasn't sure what I was looking out for.

Bought a big pineapple this morning and have eaten half of it already! Hope it works!!

40 Today!!

HandDivedScallopsrgreat · 20/10/2011 13:11

Awen you have all my sympathies. TBH you sound like you are going through a bit of hell at the moment! I am 39 wks now but if I had a week like you I think I would be crawling up the walls. It has been a real rollercoaster hasn't it. I hope you get some kind of plan today.

Congratulations MrsP, Emmazed and Engels.

TallyBear · 20/10/2011 14:27

Congratulations MrsP and Emmazed.

Awen Really hoping this is it for you now. Good luck with registrar.

BabC I'm also never sure if having BH or not. I really thought I would know but sometimes I have to really stop and concentrate on whether it is BH or lo moving. My tummy is so tight anyway as he is really packed in there that I'm never sure. They certainly don't hurt. My friend did say BH go across the middle of the bump, labour pains across the bottom. As they tend to be right by my belly button (which is slowly disappearing) I think they must be BH.

Met our first NCT baby today. None of us could believe how tiny he was. The rest of us sat there going 'I can't believe we're going to have one of those soon'! When does it actually sink in? We decided almost 2 years ago to start trying so you think I'd be ready by now!

Been watching Lansinoh cream for ages on ebay but most of them go for more than on Amazon, by the time you've added postage. Madness. I guess it's easy to get carried away. Ordered it from Amazon in the end. Keeping an eye on tens machines now.

Trudyla · 20/10/2011 14:45

Wow, this thread moves so fast. Congratulations to all the new mummies. How lovely to have your babies.

Wonder how sassy is doing. Hope it's all smooth go for her.

emmazed Don't worry about what you said. When I gave birth to DD I felt very proud. Not because I think any less of anybody who used epi or drugs or cs (and in between I did beg for an epi but nobody was listening) but because I felt such a sense of achievement. I always felt that I'm not very good at anything, yet I managed to give birth, the biggest job in the world. I felt very proud, but could only sadly say so to my DP cos I've also felt that people would say, well you're not gonna get a medal, even though that was nothing like I meant it. Arrrgh, rambling. Just wanted to express, please don't feel bad for feeling proud of yourself and saying so!

Feeling less panicky today. DP made me go to bed early last night (I hate that and always try and stay up as late as possible, thinking that sleep is totally overrated) and then "made me" have a lie in as well. I have to say there might be something in his theory that I panic more, the less sleep I have had [hhmm]

I actually feel almost ready for labour and I feel ready to have two children under 15 months. That's big progress. Still not keen on giving birth at night though.

So doctor, midwife, osteopath and everybody random who sees me says that I'm not gonna be long now. I think however, that the more people say that, the more this little bubba is gonna stay in. With DD, everybody said she'd be late and she came at 38+2. So there. I produce babies that like to prove people wrong (can't think of the proper word). Anyway, I am a bit uncomfortable and have started to feel like I have SPD, makes walking very painful. But overall I am happy for him to stay a bit longer, if he wants to...

Have a good afternoon all and all of you desperate for your babies to come: Good labour vibes from me!!

38+4 today (does that make me the last one due on this thread?)

Trudyla · 20/10/2011 14:47

Does anyone else have a baby with constant hickups? My whole belly is shaking several times a day. I remember DD being the same and she continued outside...

dannid · 20/10/2011 15:15

Trudyla My bump also gets them several times a day...and DS did'd it last night on my phone as I find it just totally amazing!!

Am 38 +5 today and getting more and more fed up. For some reason tho I have a feeling that it will be a little while yet before this little one arrives Sad Have spent today bouncing on my yoga ball, eating pineapple and drinking raspberry leaf tea in the hope it may encourage LO out!!! Wink

MamaMaiasaura · 20/10/2011 16:22

Back from registrar ad a complete pointless was of time Angry. She said she can't advice me of any plan of care as she needs to talk it through with consultant and that they often have differing care ideas. She also Told me off for saying I had long latent phase with ds1 and ds2 saying "we don't use that term". ?!?! she reluctantly checked babies position but wasn't sure way position it was in. Also contradicted mw who recorded heard 3/5 in 2/5 palpable (basically well in). She said 3/5 palp and I asked her about it and she said 2/5 3/5 makes no difference. Also completely blanked my ds2 (who adorably had his dr dressing up outfit on). Dh took Sam put of room and we now wish he'd stayed as he's very cross. Just dont understand purpose of seeing her. She did say if her choice shed induce me now, but that isn't a decision she can make. Tbh I don't want an induction today or tomorrow. I just want a plan of action so I know where I am. She also said my bloods were high (only 7 after meals and between 4.5 and 5 in morning). So I know they aren't. She also said I have GD, I do not, I have impaired blood sugar down to PCOS. She didn't like me disagreeing with her. I am so pissed off as complete waste of time. Sorry ladies I keep moaning. Sad xxx

PenguinArmy · 20/10/2011 16:39

awen don't feel bad, you must be emotionally and physically drained. Registrar's are funny creature. Mine when asked could I speak to someone else replied 'Why, I'm the Dr'. When is your next MW?

seasaltbaby · 20/10/2011 16:53

Gosh awen she sounds awful-I'm feeling so sorry for you right now-sending lots of sympathy. really hope things get moving for you asap xx

well now I'm not so sure about my BH! The feelings I get are more across the bottom of my bump and not middle, plus they do feel slightly uncomfortable. My bump is so hard and tight all the time, I'm not sure it could be more so! I guess I would describe them as tightenings that last just for few seconds. they tend to be much worse in evenings and go away if I move about (i.e dont slouch on sofa!)


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PenguinArmy · 20/10/2011 16:54

I think ones that die down with activity or bath are not proper contractions.

MamaMaiasaura · 20/10/2011 17:00

Penguin - not got any appointments with anyone at present hence feeling lost. Meant to add the dr said why does position of baby make a difference? And I said both boys were OP which made for longer more painful labours. She said position of baby makes to difference to their care plans Hmm

Seal - I agree with penguin, if they go when you walk or change position they are likely to be BH. Hope you get real ones soon and a speedy labour.

Considering epo inserted down there tonite but don't want to put baby at any risk x

TallyBear · 20/10/2011 17:08

Seasalt sorry, I hope I didn't confuse you. That may not be right. Check this out though....they probably are BH.

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