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October Baby Bus - Part 6 - The last bus for the ladies...

522 replies

BB3 · 16/10/2011 16:22

Hello all

New antenatal thread for us until the last of us pops xxx

OP posts:
happymummytobe · 17/10/2011 09:46

scones thank you - I've heard from a few people that taking ages at this stage is ok and good prep for the hard part! Thanks for the encouragement.

happymummytobe · 17/10/2011 09:48

Edward I've seriously been thinking of hanging out in John Lewis today for the same reason Grin

Apparently it's an urban myth, but it'd be interesting to find out!

CheshireDing · 17/10/2011 09:51

Congratulations Pebble :) Lovely name too :)

Sassy how rude of DP Grin

MamaMaiasaura · 17/10/2011 10:19

Pebble Grin congratulations on Elijah xx

Still here, still having ctx. Had big cry this morning as ctx kept waking me thro night and are painful but not at point id want to go in hospital. Dh gone to work and o feel all abit daunted and emotional. Got shakes last night, been to poo lots today Blush. Feel like dh expects me to know when baby will arrive and I don't Sad silly I know but just feel all a bit tired, emotional and scared

MrsP81 · 17/10/2011 10:19

Congratulations Engel and Pebble! Grin

I do love all your names Awen, especially Abigail (that is the name we have chosen for this baby once she arrives Smile). It?s weird though, we used to live next door to a family where the kids were Tom, Sam and Jess! Lovely bunch of people as well so I think you should go with Jessica if it?s a girl. Glad everything is ok, hope things are progressing now.

Hope you?re feeling better bilblio. I have donated blood a few times but got asked not to come back for a while as I always felt faint afterwards. I have a very small build but am tall so don?t think my body can cope very well, but I do plan to try again.

BH?s were just stronger and more noticeable BB3 but last night I was up for a while with what I would describe as period pains and this morning I?ve had a little bit of pink when wiping. Eeeeek, I think things could be starting!

Good news that you can still have the birth you want happy! I would also be proud at being 1-2cm dilated (but I am also naïve first timer!)

Hope things get going for you soon Edward.

sassy34264 · 17/10/2011 10:56

he'd followed me upstairs to put the twins to bed on fri night, so had a very close up, close up! i dont care- i just tell him im still out of his league! Wink

sending big sympthy empathy vibes to everyone fed up. xxx

MrsHende · 17/10/2011 11:09

Morning all! Fingers crossed this is the last ante natal thread...!

Congratulations to all the new arrivals, and good luck to Edward, happy, Awen and MrsP81 and anyone else who's on their way - I hope things move quickly for you all.

I'm so glad to be on maternity leave, the last couple of weeks were a bit of a struggle. I'm sure it's psychological but I finished on Tuesday and you couldn't have paid me a million pounds to go into work on Wednesday I was so shattered! (Well, maybe a million...let's not be hasty!)

My mum and dad came to visit on Thursday and Friday and mum and I shopped for the last bits and pieces while dad was put on kitchen duty and has filled our freezer with bolognese sauce and chicken curry! I'm really overwhelmed by how kind people have been, I don't think this baby will want for anything! I've got a chest of drawers full of clothes that people have handed down to us - all white! With lots of promises for more when we know what colours are appropriate! I think I've timed things quite well, such a lot of my friends have decided that their families are complete and are clearing baby things out of the loft for us!

DH is very excited about the baby arriving, every night since I started mat leave he been saying 'Tomorrow might be the day!'. Personally I think I may be the last one on the bus! I'll be sweeping up between the seats and down the aisle! I'm due on the 29th but don't feel anything like near. I'm still getting huge movements. I had a scan a week ago as my midwife wasn't sure if the baby was breech or not and the scan said it was head down but I had some massive movements yesterday (while in John Lewis - DH was also hoping for vouchers!!) and last night and I don't think this baby has settled one way or the other. It felt as if it was lying across me for a long while in the afternoon. I think I may spend the day on the swiss ball and see if it makes a difference.

I have a probably stupid question! If you have an elective section (which I was pondering before my scan last week) what happens to the mucus plug and your waters? I assume they still leave your body! But when and how?! Confused

Trudyla · 17/10/2011 11:20

Congratulations Engel and Pebble. I love checking out the thread and seeing new birth announcements. And I can't wait to hear the birth stories.

Shock at your D P. I would have cried if someone had said it to me, even though it is sadly true in my case. I even have stretch mark on my thighs. WTAF? However, I am always worried about people behind me on stairs, so I hardly ever go first. Just don't want to tempt anybody into making a comment. And as for stepping on scales... I try to avoid it, but my midwife makes me [hangry]

Edward and happy.. I urge you to go to Mothercare and John Lewis, so we'll finally know whether it's true or not. Have heard the myth oftentimes, M&S are amongst them, too.

I'm still happily pregnant and have no urge to have baby out yet. I'm still panicking at the thought of having two so tiny ones, so the longer I am pregnant, the later I have to deal with my own inadequacy [hhmm]

Other than mentally, I am quite prepared though. Washed all newborn clothes, moses basket is ready, labour bag is ready, instructions for looking after DD are ready. I am so worried though about how it will impact her. So far, no one other than DP or me have put her to bed. I really hope, I will give birth so quickly, that we'll be back for bed time [hhmm]

38+1 today.

Have a good day all.

BabCNesbitt · 17/10/2011 11:33

Happy, that's great news! Ridiculous that they weren't able to confirm that earlier, though, rather than your having to hang out at the hospital for so long - but hurrah on being able to go home, and may your contractions continue to get stronger!

For anyone who remembers me moaning about a month ago about college friend boasting about bouldering and scuba diving in the third trimester - her FB birth announcement also included the phrase 'unmedicated 29-hour labour'. Is this stealth boasting? AIBU to be grinding my teeth about that? Hmm (38+6 today, and not planning on going for any medals for heroic births or mentioning it in any status updates if I do manage to go without interventions... )

Congratulations on all the new babies here - have totally lost track of who's had their babies now, though I'm in awe of Engel's super-short labour! Hope all the new mums are recovering well :)

TallyBear · 17/10/2011 13:06

Congrats Littlepepple and Engels..

Good luck to all those on the way.

Awen love the name choices. I love Zachary too but it's getting so popular it's putting me off a bit. My B&SiL (due a week after us) are considering Issac but don't like Zac. Unfortunately there is little choice over what people shorten names to.

Bilblio hope you're OK to go home now. I would love to donate blood but I'm afraid the one and only time I did it I felt sick and collapsed afterwards and felt awful (literally 'drained') for about two days. Still, dh donates a lot and I figure he does enough for both of us (although he missed last time as he had a cold).

BB3 So glad you can [hgrin] through all the poo/vomit/screaming. Sounds like a gsoh is essential for a new mum!

BabC I remember you mentioning that. Unfortunately there are always some people who are able to put a positive spin on just about anything/everything. Our mw reckoned that it's very unlikely for someone to be in labour that long - she may well have started counting from when her waters broke and if you asked her mw it was probably more like 10-12 hours, but that doesn't sound as impressive on fb! I'm with you on the minimum fb status. We've not put anything at all on fb yet - which seems to confuse some friends who post on our walls asking for updates (swiftly deleted - it's up to me how/when I announce this, no-one else - but some people think nothing happens unless it's on fb).

Thanks for the advice on the clothes washing. I don't know what I was thinking as I use non-bio for our whites anyway. Washed all the newly bought clothes/sheets/blankets in non-bio but don't think I'll re-wash all the rest unless he seems to have a reaction. No-one in our family has sensitive skin so fingers crossed he will be OK.

Do you think tinned pineapple is just as effective or should it be fresh? Blimey - what a silly question?!

Just had a bit of toblerone and baby kicked his appreciation! That's my boy!

Wow - epic post....

BabCNesbitt · 17/10/2011 13:25

I think I read somewhere (can't remember where, though) that it has to be fresh pineapple - something about the necessary enzymes only being in the fresh kind? Though I also read that you'd have to eat about 6 or 7 of them to have any effect, and much as I like pineapple, I'm not sure I could get through that many without wanting never to see another one again in my life!

BabCNesbitt · 17/10/2011 13:26

(Also: I don't even know if they're enzymes or some other thing altogether... Blush This is what happens when you do lots of skimming of MN threads!)

pinkpainter · 17/10/2011 13:31

MrsHende - I had the same thing last week too - a scan as the midwife thought the baby was breech, all fine here too but spent Wednesday quizzing friends about c sections. I think the water is taken out of you during the procedure, I guess the plug comes out naturally - my friends said you still bleed after a c section. just not as much as with a vb. Maybe someone who has been through it can confirm.

BabC - I remember you talking about your friend boasting. 29 labour sounds horrendous, don't think I'd be boasting about that regardless of unmedicated! She was probably absolutely exhausted afterwards and regretting not having any medication!!

MamaMaiasaura · 17/10/2011 13:54

Still getting reg ctx and getting stronger ones. Just paranoid it's not doing anything. Dh at work, not sure when to call him home I'm so Sad and Angry and Blush and all over the place

SconesForTea · 17/10/2011 14:02

Happy Monday everyone! I'm amazingly in a pretty positive mood, after yet another disturbed night courtesy of DD - but to be fair to her, I was awake most of it anyway Hmm Still it would be nice if she got the hang of sleeping before the baby arrives

Congratulations Pebble what a lovely name. Hope to hear your birth story soon Smile

Edward and happy, keep bouncing! Although maybe you should be resting - it sounds like labour will get going soon anyway, and you will need your energy then believe me. My advice is: eat chocolate!

Awen hope yours speeds up... Could be that your emotions are all over the place due to labour getting going...

Hope yours is starting up MrsP...

All these labouring ladies! Absolutely no sign here. I have booked myself in for reflexology to 'get things going' on my due date (Sat). I have absolutely no expectation that it will work; it will be nice just to have an hour to myself and a foot massage, tbh.

sassy Shock at your DP. DH is very well-trained, whenever I ask him how fat I am he lies beautifully Grin

Trudy I'm sure you've said before, but how old is your DD? Mine is 20m so not tiny, but i'm panicking all the same about looking after two. And rather concerned how it'll affect her too even though everyone tells me not to be silly.

Oh and BabC your friend is sooooooooooooooo boasting about her labour! Why on earth would you mention 'unmendicated' and the length unless you're pretty damn proud of yourself and want everyone else to be too?! She sounds annoying.

Tally the pineapple has to be fresh and I think you have to eat about 7 of them!


SconesForTea · 17/10/2011 14:03

X-posted Awen you need support, call your DP x

HandDivedScallopsrgreat · 17/10/2011 14:24

Congratulations Pebble. Elijah is a lovely name. You are clearly on that wonderful high you get after giving birth - it's great!

MrsHende I am due 27/28th so we are definitely two of the later ones! With DS I didn't feel at all like I was going to give birth, even a few hours before I went into labour (I was asleep when the contractions started). Never had any Braxton Hicks or twinges, any backache, sickness, moodiness or waters breaking (or a plug for that matter!). I was just huge! So it came as a bit of a surprise - well I say surprise, he was 10 days late at that stage Hmm.

Mimatchin - oh yes the boredom. Life is just on hold isn't it! So frustrating! I felt that from the moment I went on maternity leave.

Bab - I agree with TallyBear with regards the 29hr labour. If I count from when the contractions started with DS then it was about 24 hrs. However, the first 6 hrs were me lying in bed reading with pains no worse than period pains. Once I got up the contractions started properly but it wasn't for another 3 hrs before I was 2-3cms dilated (which is when they consider labour has really started). So suddenly 15hrs sounds much more reasonable! I admire your outlook on the birth too.

My goals for the end of the week is to pack the bloody hospital bag, get some nursing bras and buy some nice new pyjamas (not white like last time Hmm) and knickers! (Totally recommend buying some cheap new knickers for those first timers - much better than paper knickers or whatever they recommend). DS is at nursery for the next two days so will have a bit of time to do this and I can spend the rest of the day in bed !

happymummytobe · 17/10/2011 14:25

awen thinking of you. Hope things progress soon. I'd agree - probably good to get dh home, or a friend maybe?

tally I've been deleting fb messages from friends too. Just today someone wrote something about it being my due date (which it isn't) and i felt a bit uncomfortable. Maybe I'm being precious...

About to walk into JL. Come on baby boy - let's test this theory out!

PenguinArmy · 17/10/2011 14:26

second scones post re:awen

scones I have to say (so far) baby out is a lot easier than baby in. Insomnia and most of the tiredness instantly gone plus I have another pair of hands. Will worry about post 6 weeks when we get there, but there is respite. (I'm having my mum for two weeks as well when DH goes back).

HandDivedScallopsrgreat · 17/10/2011 14:40

Oh Awen - I think you'll know when to call him (I say confidently!). If they are getting stronger try timing them. Can you carry on through the contractions or are they like stopping you in your tracks and taking the wind out of you? Also - have a bath (I know, I know) but it does make you feel better.

MamaMaiasaura · 17/10/2011 16:42

Dh home and ds1 too. I feel like I have 3 kids Already, chocolate teapot springs to mind at moment. Mw just told me that having to worry and care for dc is likely to be stopping labour from progressing Sad I actually agree as feel so stressed about them and dh going on about work and even talking about paternity leave being taken before baby arrives. No pressure on me then Hmm I'm laying in bed now in tears, hearing my 11 year old being a pain to my 3 year old and ignoring dh over dinner decision. I hate this stage so much. Feel such a fucking failure. Sorry for rant and tears.

TallyBear · 17/10/2011 17:16

Awen it's not you it's the hormones. Always blame the hormones! Think it was Littlepebble who was was feeling all over the place just before she went into labour so maybe this is a sign for you too. And where else but mn would people understand?! Speaking of chocolate (teapots), that sounds like a great idea - why not send someone out for a big bar that you can all share? Chocolate cures everything! Fact!

Handdived.. packed my bag today. Most of it was in a box but just needed putting in the bag. Just got a couple of bits of my clothes to add. I bought some lovely passion killers from Matalan. Bought a size bigger as I'm going for comfort over vanity. Dh was v. impressed!

It's FiL's birthday mid-late Nov and a big family lunch in a pub has been organised. Have no idea if it has a baby changing room and I'm not sure if anyone thought to check before booking. I'm dreading it with a newborn (two actually as SiLs will be there too). Been looking into Peekabooboo breastfeeding covers. Has anyone used one (I think similar to Bebe au lait). Do you think the semi-rigid neckline folds down to become a bib to protect baby from falling food when mum is eating?!

Not sure if I'm over-anticipating how hard this will be or if others are under-anticipating... But then, they're not the ones who will have a nb to look after. Although even dh keeps starting sentences with 'while you're off could you....': I'm sure he thinks I'm having a 7 month holiday.

Not sure I fancy cutting up and eating 6-7 pineapples, so will need to look for another way!


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happymummytobe · 17/10/2011 17:40

tally I have a bebe au lait and have been trying it out. Completely understand why you'd be worried but am sure you'll cope just fine. I'm worried about the same sort of things... If we were having summer babies it'd be easier in a way as we could just nip outside for some privacy to feed. Maybe - or am I just clueless?!

awen So sorry you're feeling crap. You're absolutely not a failure and it's completely understandable to feel tearful when things are so out of your control. Big hug to you.

John Lewis didn't have the desired effect on my baby. Am back on my bouncy ball and guzzling raspberry leaf tea. Have started to get a LOT of texts and calls from people to see if there is any "news." Don't mind really, but if I delay texting back they get all excited, assuming I'm in the throws of labour Wink

happymummytobe · 17/10/2011 17:41

Oh, and tally - I have been trying it out with an imaginary baby. So not a great dry run really Blush

CheshireDing · 17/10/2011 17:49

Good for you Tally there is no way I would feel confident enough to bf in public at the moment. Plus it doesn't help that I keep dripping everywhere!!!

HandDived is that when the mw say labour has started then at 2-3cm? I did always wonder.

BabC I would have thought it too personal to announce on fb how many hours someone had been in labour for, plus do other people really want to know/care but maybe that's just me being prissy Grin

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