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October Baby Bus - Part 6 - The last bus for the ladies...

522 replies

BB3 · 16/10/2011 16:22

Hello all

New antenatal thread for us until the last of us pops xxx

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BB3 · 09/11/2011 15:44

Yay chocolate xx

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MrsHende · 10/11/2011 09:03

Dum di dum...still here!

Anyone there?

Getting induced this afternoon, I'll switch the lights off when I leave.

chocolatehobnobs · 10/11/2011 09:34

You spoke too soon Mrs H. I'm still here too... False start yesterday for me... Had a few hours of what felt like ctx then went off for for of the day. Scattered pain during the evening. Few more this morning but not much to speak of (quite bad back ache with it though and definitely lost plug and lots of mucous yesterday.
I walked and went to the pool to do star jumps lungesn squats etc but not much progress.
I have a sweep later... Today is the last chance saloon for a chilled birth. Come on baby!
Mrs Hende I will be thinking of you later today hope youkre feeling ok and not too worried. Also crossed fingers for trudy - hope you've had the babe or are pushing ..

BB3 · 10/11/2011 09:47

Hey ladies

How's it going (apart from feeling full and frustrated!). Not long to go now and just think all those babies born tomorrow will have very cool birth dates 11.11.11 you'll never forget their birthdays (remembrance day) and it's extra special for me as it's my wedding anniversary so I'm routing for you all to pop tomorrow xxx Grin

Enjoy the last few moments of calm with chocolate, cake and sofa time x

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Trudyla · 10/11/2011 11:28

Not read yet. Just a quickie.

Frederick was born 7/11/11. After nearly everything that could go wrong, went wrong, he was delivered by emergency c section and we've only just come out of hospital. We're both OK and he is utterly gorgeous, but I'm still getting over the shock of it all.

Will try and catch up soon.

BB3 · 10/11/2011 12:16

Congratulations trudyla sorry it was a bit scary but enjoy the cuddles with baby Frederick x

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LittlePebble · 10/11/2011 15:21

Yay congratulations on baby Frederick sorry birth was difficult but glad you are home safe just rest up and enjoy your beautiful boy Smile

chocolatehobnobs · 10/11/2011 18:37

I'm in labour!!! Was 3 cm, fully effaced etc at 3 pm. Midwife did sweep then contractions have become closer since then. I'm surprised that things have progessed. So if this all keeps going I'll avoid induction tomorrow am. Midwife said I would be back later for analgesia. Coping so far...

Congratulationd Trudy!
Hope I have an anniversary baby for you BB3

CheshireDing · 10/11/2011 23:16

Good luck again Chocolate :)

Congratulations Trudyla on baby Frederick

MrsH looks like you will be the last, can you pop it out for 11.11.11? Grin

BB3 · 11/11/2011 05:31

How goes it chocolate / mrsh? So we have the last babies on the bus?

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BB3 · 11/11/2011 05:32

Do not so!!!

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sassy34264 · 11/11/2011 12:02

congrats to scones and trudy! and anyone else who has had their baby since last time i checked in.

GO chocolate and mrs h.

Crawling · 11/11/2011 13:00

Hey all I have not been on 4 ages as my laptop broke but popping in to update. I gave birth to DC3 on the 10/10. i was given a sweep on the 07/10 and 24 hours later went into labor. I was having irregular contractions for 24 hours and then they heated up and my little girl was born 42 hours after my first contraction at home weighing 7lbs 3oz she was my smallest baby and the longest labor Shock. DC2 has not stopped mauling her Grin I had a very good easy birth with with no complications.

Congrats to all who have given birth and I hope thoose still waiting go soon and that you have a good birth.

dannid · 12/11/2011 05:01

Just popping back to post my birth story...hope everyone is well...if there is anyone left I will see you on the post-natal thread soon....Buddy was born 5th Nov 2011 at 3.15pm weighing 8lb 2oz. Here is my birth story:

Had sweep on the Wednesday and midwife told me I was 3cms dilated and that my waters were bulging. I had been having mild contractions every ten mins or so and she was so convinced that arrival of baby was imminent that she wouldn't even book me in for an induction!

I continued to have mild contractions every ten minutes until fri with no change. On Friday DH and I took DS out for a nice long walk and when I got back I lost my mucus plug and what I thought was my waters. They seemed to be a brown colour so I contacted the day assessment unit who asked me to come in and get checked. Once I was seen by the midwife though she informed me that I was in fact only 1cm dilated, it wasn't my waters that had gone and that she didn't think baby would be arriving any time soon. Returned home feeling really fed up!!

On Saturday I had a really lazy morning and eventually dragged myself off to have a bath and get dressed at about half 12. At 1.15 when I got out of the bath and started to get dressed i suddenly started having really strong contractions and they were coming every two and 1/2 mins. I timed them until 1.30 and then called DH upstairs as I was starting to get concerned that this could really be it and that they weren't gonna stop. DH contacted my mum and asked her to come straight round to look after DS.

At 2pm contractions were really strong and coming every 2 mins...DH persuaded me that we should get going to the hospital.... so off we went, although for some reason I still kept thinking it was all gonna stop.

Got to the hospital at 2.30 and was taken straight to the same room that I gave birth to DS1 in. Midwife took a few details between contractions and carried out an internal. She said that my waters were still in tact but would probably go shortly and asked if I wanted to consider any pain relief. I agreed to some gas and air which helped a bit with the pain but mostly made me really giggley!! DH pointed out that if I wanted an epidural I was best to get it sooner rather than later as it took 5 1/2 hrs to get one with DS1 so I requested that the midwife start the process. With that my waters went everywhere, even in the poor midwifes shoes!!! Midwife noticed that there was merconium in my waters but I suddenly had strong urges to push. Had two contractions and 4 mins after my waters broke little Buddy made his grand entrance at 3.15pm, just 45 mins after I arrived at the hospital. DH announced that it was a boy and cut the cord. I suffered a second degree tear but think this was purely due to the speed which B fact was so quick that they hadn't even admitted me to the hospital!

DH and I were a bit shell-shocked by it all happening so quickly as with DS1 I was in established labour for over 12 were full expecting it to be a long slog again.

All in all it went really well but was a completely different experience to my birth with DS1. Buddy is absolutely gorgeous and we have been thoroughly enjoying our first week together. Xxx

CountryMama · 12/11/2011 09:42

I hope everyone has reached the finishing line. Well done.

MrsHende · 13/11/2011 22:01

We did it!

Looks like choc and I were starting labour at almost the same time, I hope hers has gone well.

Elizabeth Amy was born at 10.59pm on 10/11/11 by emergency c-section.

Lizzie is lovely and I'll be back with details when I know which way is up!

chocolatehobnobs · 13/11/2011 22:27

Hello. Well I'm a mummy! Just missed 11/11. Went into labour properly on thursday afternoon then it all stopped. Hospital wanted me in anyway for induction but no labour ward bed so just on antenatal ward for most of friday. Had epidural for induction then crash section 07 40 for fetal distress and meconium. Baby in NICU yesterday but all well now.
Another boy for the bus. Thomas Benjamin 7 lb 7. He is beautiful.

LittlePebble · 13/11/2011 23:02

Oh congratulations chocolate and mrsh how perfect a boy and a girl as the last babies to get onto the bus Grin.
Looking forward to seeing you both on pn thread don't forget to turn off the lights Wink xx

BB3 · 14/11/2011 08:31

Yaaaaaaay! Well done mrsh and chocolate and congratulations on your little babies!! Well done on closing what had been a lovely baby bus ladies xxx

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MrsP81 · 14/11/2011 09:05

Congratulations everybody! Looking forward to seeing you all on PN thread. xxx

CheshireDing · 14/11/2011 15:52

Congratulations ladies :)

Everyone has been lovely and really helped me through my first pregnancy, so for that I thank you all.

I hope if I do have another baby and hope on another bus everyone is as lovely as you are, sniff, sob, see you on PN thread.

butterflygirl1515 · 30/03/2015 10:27


I joined the 2nd Oct baby bus bus sadly have to leave as had a miscarriage last week.

I hope that I will be able to join a future baby bus soon.

Best wishes to everyone on here.


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