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October Baby Bus - Part 6 - The last bus for the ladies...

522 replies

BB3 · 16/10/2011 16:22

Hello all

New antenatal thread for us until the last of us pops xxx

OP posts:
MamaMaiasaura · 18/10/2011 16:11

Sassy - I hear you on the moodiness. Sorry not replying very well at mo. Very hard on mobile as with my current frame of mind. Still getting painful ctx. Come on baby.

Sassy - re names there are a few I love but can't have which are traditional:- Charlotte, Sarah Louise, Elizabeth, Catherine, Rebecca, Alexandra, Emma/Emily hope these help Smile x

happymummytobe · 18/10/2011 16:14

sassy I love Awen's suggestions - also Hannah?

Home and in bed. VERY sore.

MamaMaiasaura · 18/10/2011 16:36

Happy fingers crossed for you xx

Quick question my upper thighs have been aching too. Is this part of it or because I tool ds to toddler swimming? Also I had a warm feeling twice at pool (like warm wee Blush) but had already been to loo and also not had incontinence. Called dau and mw I spoke to said it was unlikely to be waters and prob wee. I'm not convinced but will see how things go. I feel so wobbly and like I don't want to bother anyone but unsure at same time

TallyBear · 18/10/2011 17:02

Sassy just looked up some biblical names, what about: Bethany, Chloe, Elizabeth, Eve, Jemima, Joanna, Kezia, Naomi, Rachel, Rebekah, Ruth or Tabitha.

I think names are so much easier for girls. I would definitely be having an Annabel (Annie for short) if bump was a girl. Oh well. We narrowed the choice down to five ages ago but still none of them really excite me: Nathaniel (but don't want it to be shorted to Nat), Sebastian, Joseph, Zachary (getting a bit popular for my liking) or Samuel. There are others that I really like but dh has vetoed them.

Happy/Awen really hope things get moving for you soon.

We've got an indian and a bit of nookie planned for the weekend if there is no sign by then [hwink].

Friend came over today and brought a box of Thorntons moments [hgrin]. Might not be any left by the time dh gets home from work...

39+2 come on baby....

PenguinArmy · 18/10/2011 17:25

What about Nate? Nathaniel with either Nate or Nathan was our second choice.

seasaltbaby · 18/10/2011 17:35

thanks BB3 I hope you are right!

sassy sorry you are feeling moody still. names are so difficult I think, for me girls more than boys as well. what about Abigail too as good biblical name? We've got Matilda, Molly & Daisy on our short list for girls but TBH I'm not 100% sure about any of them. we've also got Zachary on our boys list, didn't realise it was getting popular.....

good luck awen surely your time has come soon!

TallyBear · 18/10/2011 18:05

PA I like it shortened to Nate, but not sure if people will call him that. I think it's the American shortening.

sassy34264 · 18/10/2011 18:16

i had hannah, eve, elizabeth on my original name thread......but no one will put the h on it from around here, eve is a bit too popular and dp likes elizabeth but im not keen. i keep trying to compromise with a shorten version ie, libby or eliza, but he says no.

im Sarah and my dd1 is chloe. annabel is my 1st choice but its too twee with isobel! i love nathaniel but hate nat too and nathan would be ok with nate though. naomi was on my original list, until i realised it rhymes with surname.

dont really like any of the others- sorry. im as bad as him!

awen so sorry you are still having ctx- i would be even more annoyed than i am already! sending labour vibes.

omg tally you are going to be repeating my last weekend- we had curry, nookie and thorntons! mil bought them me for my birthday.

EdwardorEricCantDecide · 18/10/2011 18:30


Went to her house this afternoon (in a grump after MW app) and she suggested we go a walk round shops, she bought us new bedding, new pjs for me in hospital, vests for LO and jumpers and pjs for DS. Then said she'll wash and iron bedclothes and change them while im in hospital so they're nice and fresh to come out to.
Cheered me up a bit Grin

Well still no sign of impending labour, I'm thinking it will be the weekend as I was 5 days late with DS.

40+1 today.

BabCNesbitt · 18/10/2011 18:44

BB3, I love the image of you smashing the bathroom tile with your phone! Grin Hope you enjoyed your car trip this morning. :)

sassy, re names, I spent a good while going through this list - there are quite a few classic/Victorian-style names on there. (For a while I had my heart set on Clementine, but I suspect we'd be setting up both her and ourselves for a lifetime of correcting pronunciation and jokes about 'Oh My Darling'/citrus fruit.)

Awen and happy, hope things are finally getting going for you both!

pinkpainter, no cramps down my thighs, but I did have cramps over my hips last night, bizarrely. Good excuse to get DH to massage me, though. :)

I sympathise with the public BF anxiety. I'm not going to my graduation ceremony on the 9th, because I didn't think I'd be ready to be out in public for quite that long by that point, but we've just been given a date for my US immigrant visa interview - 15 November in central London - so I'm just hoping that I don't wind up giving the consular officer an eyeful (possibly literally!) Shock

BTW, has anyone else had to take antibiotics at this stage? MW called today to tell me that I have a UTI and so I've now got amoxicillin to take for 5 days. I assume it's safe, but I do feel a little ick at the idea of taking anything other than paracetamol.

Mimatchin · 18/10/2011 19:56

Hi veryone,

Thread is going fast hard to remember everything after long read

BB3 I avoided sweep today again as MW just scares me but I have an appointment for induction on Thursday morning as I am 40+9 and I am just so exhausted with this pregnancy. I feel sad as I would like her to come by herself so much but I just can t stand it anymore and I am scared.

Edward in fact you are very lucky having your MIL it is nice to have family around looking after you. Today I feel a bit isolated as mine lives abroad, more than ever as baby is coming but fortunately I've made some nice friends here.

Sassy definitely this naming thing is a headache I sympatize.

BabC I am also not in breastfeeding in public I bought a breastfeeding apron which should do the trick

Chesshire I also forgot what it is not being pregnant and look forward to go back to normal.

It is strange as my baby will come soon I feel like I am going to miss her inside my belly Sad

bilblio · 18/10/2011 19:57

Hi all. We got out of hospital Sunday afternoon, my blood results were better but I'm still very anaemic so I can do things in 10 minute bursts then I'm out of breath and trembly. DH is feeding me beans, broccolli, spinach & fresh orange. All the things that cause colic! My stitches are quite sore too but I spoke to teh GP this morning and I now have lactulose, to combat the iron tablets, and a healthy box of ibuprofen.

Monday I was trying to sort out the house, find nappies etc, and clothes that fit. All the newborn things I washed and put in the drawers will fit for about another week Shock And most are pink. :)
Thankfully we have bags of bigger neutral hand-me-downs for him they just need sorting out.

My milk came in properly yesterday and Seth decided he liked milk last night. He fed every hour from 5pm until 10am... except for 5am. By that point he was in bed with us and he slept. We spent most of today in bed and my boobs do now at least feel comfortable again, but I'm shattered. We've tried to keep him awake this afternoon, but he's had other plans. :) I'm off to bed soon to sleep while I can.

BabC I had antibiotics and steroids, 2 weeks ago (I think) so at 36/37 weeks. They've certainly done him no harm, except maybe make him bigger than I expected... he could have been big anyway though.

sassy We'd only agreed on a girls name, we'll not get to use it now, so if you like Anya it's yours. :)

Cheshire With DD we were told she was allowed out to Tescos, but I wasn't, too many germs & air conditioning. I'm not fit to go to Tescos, but we did go across to school on Monday. DD was distraught at not being able to take Seth in the morning, so I went in the afternoon (when all the kids had gone.) Seth was in the sling so people couldn't get too close and it was just the teachers who met him.

Right bed time. I'll do the birth story as soon as I have half an hour without a child attached. :)

sassy34264 · 18/10/2011 20:02

bab not looked at the list but will do in a min- quite excited to, put victorian in front of anything and im there! i LOVE LOVE LOVE anything victorian.....its almost orgasmic to me! which is wierd as i have no favourite anything- food, drink, film, song etc. iyswim.

anyway i digress! i had 3 uti's with the twins. never had one im my life or since and im a very reluctant medicine taker- even patacetamol. so i had 3 lots of anti bio's. no problems as far as i can tell. its really dangerous not to take them early on as they can cause prem labour but obvious in your case thats not relevant. it is very painful though if it gets a strong hold. i know what your thinking- can i get away with having baby first and then take them afterwards? cos thats what i woyld prob think at this late stage. im not sure, but you could ask a doc and find out.

MamaMaiasaura · 18/10/2011 22:48

Ok, I'm physically knackered now. Ctx every 10 min more painful but not "there" yet. Been going on for days.

sassy34264 · 18/10/2011 23:00

bilblio are you veggie? if not, red meat is a good source of iron. if you are, so are dried fruits. thanks for giving me your girls name- very sweet. i use to love it years ago, but then i had the misfortune to meet someone with that name about 8 years ago. she was a very flirty, stab you in the back, have an affair with your fella type. i remember once seeing her with our mutual friend in a pub on a night out. they had a bucking bronco set up for some reason and she got on and took her top off!!! why? i wouldnt mind, she was slim, pretty and blonde but about an A cup! meow....... Grin

awen oh sweetheart. i'd be tempted to ring the labour ward crying and laying it on thick about how you cant cope anymore and you' d be too exhausted to start pushing if you had to now anyway. not sure if thats what you want or not? hope it happens for you soon though.x

cassnstar · 19/10/2011 10:39

I'm 39 weeks tomorrow, would like a home birth, if not birthing centre. But have had Impaired Glucose Tolerance come up on a GTT at end of September so since then I have been on a low GI diet and testing blood for sugars every day. I control it if I have an atkins breakfast funnily enough, as that is my 'danger time'. Seem to have lost weight in the process which is eerie! Yesterday felt very nesty, wanted whole house to be perfect, (it was by the time I'd finished with it) then got very hormonal and teary for the rest of the day. Had BH contractions all day long instead of just in the evening. Every day now I have an afternoon nap now which is unheard of for me! Must be winding up now I think!! This is my third baby but there's 12 years between this and my youngest so maybe my body needs a good practice first!!! I see a consultant this pm to find out whether I have sorted the GI enough to get the birth I want.... fingers crossedxx

sassy34264 · 19/10/2011 13:07

ohh its quiet on here today- hope things are happening for everyone. esp you awen x

im trying not to get too excited but ive had 3 ctx with slight pain in last half an hour. if willing a baby could start it, id be well established! please please be it!!!!!!! im just not that lucky. going to feed twins and keep an eye on the time.

39 today

MamaMaiasaura · 19/10/2011 13:36

Sassy - nope still here. Hope use ctx get more for you. Still getting them here, key active all morning to try and help. On ball now. Got midwife tomoz for stretch and sweep. Hope baby realises it needs tostop teasing now. Getting nice longer ones right now lasting about 45 secs every 10 mins. This is furthest I've got in preg. Had chat with hosp today as very tearful. Was gettig anxious I'd be too knackered to labour well and end ip with emerg section and post partum haemorrhage like with ds1.

HandDivedScallopsrgreat · 19/10/2011 13:47

Hi all. I'm 38+6 today too cassnstar, so me you and sassy are very close together - are we taking bets??? Wink

Not had a great night and not having a great day either. Went to see midwife this morning. Baby is 2/5 engaged and boy can I feel it. Had abdominal pains all night - not labour related, more bowel related Hmm. Baby is kicking really painfully and I am just uncomfortable.

Trying to tidy up but have ended up making even more of a mess getting newborn clothes/toys down from the loft (well tbf DH did the getting down - which is just as well as it was full of wasps. Me and wasps don't get on!). This baby is going to be sleeping on a box at this rate!

Awen - hope you are OK!

cassnstar - good luck with your birth plan. I was like you a few weeks ago - wanting a home birth but worried about GDD. Thankfully I didn't have GDD and changed my mind about home birth (for other reasons). My midwife was very supportive though.

TallyBear · 19/10/2011 14:12

Sassy I hate it when people ruin names like that! There are some names that i can't even consider for that reason (well, not so much the topless broncho!)

We seem to have reached a bit of a lull in the arrivals. Come on babies.....


sassy34264 · 19/10/2011 14:24

dp on way, mum on way- going to labour ward! hurting more now and last one was longer than the other 30 sec ones. not timed for last half hour cos having wash, getting dressed and running around getting twins ready. they wont let me stay home cos of 2 previous c sec. told me to come straight in. hopefully the next post will be news of my arrival. Smile

pinkpainter · 19/10/2011 14:27

Agree Tally - we could do with a few more babies arriving!! Keep checking to see if there are any new ones....

39+6 - been invited to a party tonight, just a gift type party, it's half an hour drive away though mainly across single track lanes (I live in the middle of the countryside!). Wondering whether to risk it or not - it would be nice to get out but feeling tired today (just had a little lunch time nap), the baby might not arrive for another couple of weeks if I go really overdue but equally don't want it to start to arrive during the party!

Sassy and Awen - Good luck!!

Cass - Hope you get the home birth you are planning!

I've been offered a sweep on Tuesday if I get that far - will be clearing out Tescos of their pineapples and having as much sex as possible before then though :)


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pinkpainter · 19/10/2011 14:29

Ooooh Sassy - x posts - how exciting!!!!!!! :)

HandDivedScallopsrgreat · 19/10/2011 15:17

Good luck sassy!

happymummytobe · 19/10/2011 15:20

sassy How exciting! Best of luck!

Nothing from me. Spent the day being quiet and am getting contractions but nothing regular or too painful. Seriously fed up now.

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